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Status Updates posted by Kothra

  1. You sir, need a blog.

  2. I also happen to be listening to Mako Rector at the moment.

  3. Those symbols are freaking me out.

  4. No. Absolutely not. Change it back right now.

  5. FoC at noon? If possible.

  6. Um, yeah. Whatever. Meta Ridley is just plain messed up. I get SO close to mauling his unworthy soul when I run out of missiles then die.

  7. Reactor, not rector

  8. By 'that' you mean that you said that?

    Anyway, it's Black Rock Shooter, from and some artwork that inspired a Supercell/Miku song that inspired a Black Rock Shooter OVA.

  9. - Okay.

    - What shooting game? O_o

    - I have this hugeiTunes library with FF this and FF that, among other things.

  10. I probably could've taken the SAT in the last year or so if I wanted to.

    But there's no way anyone could make me do it then.

  11. Do you remember someone on this site named "Satua" from anywhere at all?

  12. Is that good enough.

    Btw, check out the Redwall book series.

    It has like 20(?) books now, and it's amazing.

    And it's where my otter obsession came from.

  13. I was right! It is you!

    Listen to Daft Punk.

  14. So noon? Or earlier?

    I still need your friend code as welll.

  15. Let me translate that... >.>

  16. I finished it!

    It's in my sig!

  17. ?

    You mean Premier membership?

    I paid for it.


  19. Ordo is better than your av.

  20. Sorry.

    The second time, I didn't say that you were doing it. I said that something manipulated you mind. That means it's their fault, but yeah. Neverind.

    Sorry, once again.

  21. It's fun if you enjoy playing complicated war games that can take hours and if you have friends/family that will play with you and/or don't mind playiong against youself.

    Here's a list:

    - Axis & Allies (No longered available)

    - Axis & Allies: Pacific

    -Axis & Allies: D-Day

    -Axis & Allies: Europe

    -Axis & Allies: Revised (New edition of th

  22. It's the funny guy who's name I forget. XD

  23. Soundtracks ftw.

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