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Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Comments posted by Nikira

  1. I've been busy/lazy as well - in college full-time right now. I just, yknow, haven't posted actual Binoicle art since June of last year, so I figured I might be due for an update one of these days. XD



  2. Paypal by any chance? ^^


    Yup, I do PayPal - just PM me and I'll send you the account name.


    Will Taka and the Metru (lol sounds like a band name) be human form or BIONCLE?


    'Cause your humans adaption are really good.


    They will be human. Chronicler's Company will be in Bionicle form simply because I do not have solid human adaptations for them at the moment. Scratch that.



  3. as a side note, you made Tahu's adam's apple/neck bulge/thing a bit too big. It's about twice the size of the other's. Kopaka's too. Then again they shout at each other alot, so :P...


    Ehh? o____O


    I don't tend to draw the Adam's Apple in at all - I didn't here, or at least I didn't mean to... Show me what you're seeing?



  4. Well, I dunno if you guys are getting that much or not. Dayton is. :P



    I dunno what our weather's doing up here, yesterday it snowed something epic for about a half hour and then sunshine and just kept alternating between snow and sun :s


    it needs to make up its mind


    We've got at least 2 inches more right now, no end in sight.


    I think all your oddball snow vacancies the other day just decided to come pay us a visit all at the same time or something, it's snowing like nuts. XD



  5. Blog needs more Dokkyness *will riot until this is changed*


    Ohio has 12 inches and we're getting 6-9 more in the next two days.


    Do not want. :(



    wait what


    not sure if want


    Well, I dunno if you guys are getting that much or not. Dayton is. :P



  6. Oy, calm down guys. :[ No one is forcing their opinions on anyone else. You're just like on the extremes of both ends here, yikes.


    Eryu, I agree with your description of literature. I also agree with Smeag in his description of art. Anyone can write, and anyone can make art. I don't believe that either is higher than the other - they both need some imagination and brainpower behind them, after all. :P That also means it's offensive to see both art and literature being taken advantage of.


    Eryu, I tend to lean more towards your side, since I am a fellow artist and don't often see the imagination put behind writing. It doesn't mean that there isn't any there, though, and I can still see that writers work really hard behind their works. Wouldn't that mean that they'd get just as much soul torn out if their works were copied? :)



  7. I call dibs on Tahu.


    No dibcalling needed - there will be multiple copies sold.


    Yay, Gali Bookmark! Seeing the whole set together is also awesome. You used ink? it looked like colored pencil for some reason...


    Where are you going to get them laminated? The only place I knew to go was at the school my mom used to work at.


    Yep, it's all colored ink, black ink, and regular graphite pencil.


    I'm getting them laminated at the library at my college.


    Beautiful. You should do more characters. Are you going to auction these?




    I'm planning to do more in the future.


    Nope! I'll be selling high-DPI copies - the originals will stay with me for the time being.



  8. Anyways pretty cool, but Pohatu looks a little too redish?


    Ahaha, you can hate me, but I used his Phantoka color. :P


    Tis orange. because brown ink is very dark and looks really gross in this kind of monochrome kind of piece. I should know - the first Pohatu bookmark got tossed because it became a big, dark, mess. XD



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