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Blog Comments posted by Nikira

  1. Don't try to pressure people into following these tips by linking within multiply art/story/MOC topics, which make it seem like unwritten rule or something in the forums.


    This is the only thing I wanted to address - I have not asked anyone to link to this at any time in the past or present. Everyone who has linked to this has done it on their own free will. The link to this for the same reason they'd link to any other topic or blog entry: they want people to read it, for whatever reason.


    To prevent this line of thought with any other member, I've added another line to the top of this entry. These are not and will never be rules, only guidelines.



  2. The way this thing talks it makes it sound like it is wrong just to talk about what you like in a review and that you should go all out and tell the artists how they could improve and ask question and stuff. But why if the member doesn't know that much about art, should they still try to say how something in the piece could be improve? Like there could be artist that prefers to draw in an unorthodox method of making the figure sort blur like and a member on comes on by and say, "You should make the figure more defined in this piece." To me, that seem like it would be more discouraging to the artist of trying new things than helpful. But hey, what do I know I am no artist and at best, my stuff looks like stuff created by a cartoonist.


    Again, I am not expecting members to be professional critics. If you re-read that section, it says "if you can, point out how to improve." This was mainly directing to either fellow artists or just those willing to lend a helpful hand, whether the "improvement" was needed or not.


    Improving something does not necessarily mean changing the style, either. ;) I'm not trying to discourage people from having different styles - that's what makes art great! It's important, though, for people to express what they think regardless if they enjoy the style or not, and to do it in a polite way. If an art piece was blurred intentionally and a member was to ask for it to be more defined, the artist could easily post in response and explain why they drew it the way they did.


    And beside that, I don't believe there is any rules in the artwork forum that say you have to review a certain way and that reviewing this way is wrong, "Hey, this drawing looks cool. And I especially like how you capture Vakama Hordika's inner struggle between what is right and wrong. In my opinion, you look like you may have a future in art from the looks of this. So, keep up the good work." Is that wrong? Is that insulting to the artist? I personally think its not. Maybe you all do, but I think it is a perfectly acceptably review.


    You are correct - there is no rule on how to review. And no, the mock review you have there is perfectly fine and I enjoy reviews like that (if you read the beginning of the blog entry, I even admit such).


    There is, however, a fine line between a short review of a piece (short being a couple sentences or less) and simply posting for the sake of posting (posts simply containing "wow" "KUTGW", etc. aka spamming). I consider that, plus the flame/troll and the obvious BZP general rules, to be the only boundaries on reviews. These reviews are the ones I am advising against in the beginning of the entry, as they are not only cluttering but often just plain rule-breaking. Short reviews are absolutely fine, but not if they are spam.


    And considering I support the freedom of members being able to post how they want, I felt I had to step in here and comment about how I believe this discourage the posting of reviews from members because it makes it sound like this is only one way to review things here and if you don't do it this way, you're get your head bite off by the artists here. I have notice quite a few artists here have even linked this entry in their art topics, which like I say seem to implied that artist want more than member is willing to offer in their posts.


    To me, that seems ungrateful for the reviews and comments, you get. But hey, maybe I am wrong. Maybe that not how other members think of this. I personally don't know. But I do see where you are coming from here and I understand why you and other artists made up these tips. I just can't say I agree with the usable of this entry by BZP artists. Just my two cents again...


    I have these tips up for the public to read and understand, not to intimidate them. If that is the feeling you are getting, then I am terribly sorry. What would you think would improve it, at least for you? :)


    Members linking to this was a surprise to me as well, don't worry. This was meant to just be a collection of my own thoughts on the subject and I didn't expect people to agree, save the few I had talked to beforehand. Many of those linking to it are the original members I spoke to about this, as well as not only artists, but authors, MOCers, and other members from the Creative Outlet and Library. It's not only usable in the art forum, but in anything that is reviewable. Those who link to it more than likely aren't asking people to make anything complex out of reviews - if a member is truly expecting every review they get to be in-depth and what-not, then I think they are on the wrong website. ;)


    The point of this blog entry is to show how to review simply, but thoroughly - like LK said earlier, this kind of review can be pulled off in three-four sentences and is not hard at all. If it is sounding truly complex, though, perhaps I could re-write it so the simplification comes across more?



  3. I have nothing against you, Nikira. But I personally disagree with this entry and I think you artists maybe being just too picky here. I mean come on, be happy with the reviews, you got.


    If you want to go dictate how people review your art, you just going to end up losing the people that actually bother to comment on your stuff for they are obviously not going to waste anymore of their time just to give you your desired review. Plus, not everyone here has background knowlegde in art, so you shouldn't be expecting some art critic reviews in your comments in the first place.


    And in the end, you just got to realize that just how things are and accept it. There nothing that can be done to change these members' minds on how they wish to review things and you should just take it as it is rather than complain and try to change them. Just my two cents.




    I'm not complaining. I love it when people review my work, no matter how many I get or what kind they are, and I love the fact that people are giving reviews of any kind - it's what keeps the artwork forum going. I also agree that yes, there are members who are never going to post more than "Wow that is amazing" in any kind of art topic - I am not expecting that to change anytime soon, and I'm not trying to turn them or anyone else into instant art critics of any kind. Forcing them to do that is foolish and unnecessary.


    It is just frustrating, as both an artist and a staff member, to browse through the Artwork forums and see many topics crammed with nothing but spam for reviews by all kinds of members, not just newer or younger ones. If a member has time to go into a topic and look over an image, then they also have time to write a simple, quick note or two about what they did or did not like - something to let the artist know that they were appreciated. It is not required in the least, but it sure makes an artist feel like their piece was worth more than just a glance.


    I also did not write this on my own ideas - this entry came after talking with multiple Artwork members about this. No, we are not expecting people to give us reviews ten miles long (that's bonseiii's job :P). This is not a dictation or rules of any kind - these are personal tips, and only that. "Say what you like, what you don't like, ask a question or two, point out a problem if something looks strange". Members can take it or leave it, and I don't expect anything else. Artists just appreciate feedback on stuff they have worked hard on, and seeing people (especially newer members) who are especially talented and not getting anything other than your generic post isn't very heartwarming to see on a daily basis.


    I'm sorry you don't agree with my ideas, JMJ. This is just something I'd like to see more of - I'm not expecting it or hounding people to do it. I'd just like to see it happen a little more often than it is.



  4. Did you rest your hand in a wrong way? On your keyboard or so? That can be a source too. Get better soon, k?


    I do, but this problem happens more with little tasks at work than when I'm at the keyboard.


    No! I like her hands. :(


    And I hope they feel better soon!

    I hope they feel better soon too! I was merely suggesting an idea to insure they get better much sooner that normal!


    That would be so very awesome but I do not want robot hands. :(



  5. Okay, definitely sounds like you've got carpal tunnel syndrome in the right wrist. That sounds almost identical to what I had.


    The left wrist sounds like something different, though it could be a mix of carpal tunnel and something else. Definitely recommend you get a wrist brace for your right arm -- just about any drug store carries them, like CVS or something, in the first-aid aisle.


    Before you even do that, however, go see a doctor about both wrists, especially the left one, because that sounds way different and could be something worse, like tendon damage. Did you do anything to hurt that wrist?


    *nod* Not seeing the doctor for like two more weeks, and even then it's a specialist for something else, but since it's been really sporatic in my right hand (might just be work-related and not have anything to do with CPS) I'm gonna wait and ask him and then my physician if my specialist doesn't have anything to say.


    The left hand has a ganglion cyst on the back of the wrist which interferes with a lot of movement of the wrist and the tendon of the thumb. My physician hasn't seen it as of yet as it usually dies down within a few days, but I've had this one for three months. :X


    But ya, thanks for your input Takatu. :)



  6. I'm currently healing from carpal tunnel syndrome, so I might be able to tell you if that's what's wrong. Where exactly does it hurt? Which part of your wrist?


    Left wrist is like a deep pain - mostly at the base of the thumb (like the notch between the thumb and the carpal bones) and the base of the palm, opposite it. There's also pain along the tendon of the thumb but that's cause of something totally different. Right hand's been on and off, but the same pain in the same locations.


    Just have some milder pain and some random tingling as well around my index and thumb, but meh...


    EDIT: Arg spelling D: *fixes*



  7. I wan't to go! But I don't even know where it's at... :unsure:




    It's in Tyson's Corner, Virginia (right next to Washington, D.C.). Public days are on the 22nd and 23rd of August.


    We're going to have so much fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun. So much fun.




    Hey, wait a second. It's at DC on August 22 and 23? I might be able to go! Not the full $50 registration, but I could drive down and get tickets at the door, it's not too far away.




    Please yes do thanks. =D



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