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Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Comments posted by Nikira

  1. May I ask which of all four of the photoshops you used.

    If it's Gimp, then I've gotten that message about 500 times.

    Like the drawing though. ^^


    Don't use actual Photoshop, actually. xD I use Photoshop Elements 5.



  2. lol i got my faxon two days early


    Same deal with my Huna. :P


    No, it's okay, I think Black Six is just warping time-space, that's all :)


    You must admit that it's better than getting it two weeks late. :P



  3. @Cags - That doesn't mean that BZP is the proper place to introduce said things, and it also isn't our job as staff to introduce those either. It is the parent's job to set out what their child is exposed to. Our job is to be a fun, informative, child-friendly environment. Not a teen-trend environment, not an open-adult-environment. Keeping children safe and letting them have good, honest, clean fun is more important than allowing things which they could learn later on in life.


    Think of it from the perspective of a parent.



    I don't think that's what ANYONE is taking issue with. o_____o where you got that, I have no idea.


    I think that what's going on is some of the rules we have are exasperating people. Not the good rules, but the stupid rules. (the rules we have for really the must retarded reasons, take leet for example...lol)


    We all understand that BZP is meant for good clean fun, and I think that's ALL we want, we don't want to be on a junky forum. We just want logic.


    also, in no way did I mean to offend anyone through this post, I'm just being honest.


    Na, just responding to Cag's "sheltered kids" note. Even if that's not the entire context, it's sorta not our choice to decide stuff like that about what kids do or don't see (this applies for many of the rules that memebrs consider "stupid", ex. the no outside forum/blog/chatroom rule). Better to play it safe than to have angry emails (or worse) from parents and guardians, after all. =\


    As far as the leet - just think for a second: what is more logical, encouraging posting in coherent words or having to dig through posts and posts of incomprehensible sentences? ;)



    I wasn't suggesting that BZP Staff allows anything inappropriate, fyi, I'm totally against that.


    honestly, it's really not that hard to read through leet, and it really shouldn't be made that big of a deal. xD


    Yup, I know you weren't. Again, the post was in response to Cags.


    Ah, but that's you. I myself have a hard time reading anything other than basic leet, plus it's an absolute mess when it gets into larger posts. Yeah it's creative and it can look pretty dang neat when used correctly, but when it becomes nothing more than a spammy mess, that's not only annoying to a lot of members, but also a load on the staff to clean up and take care of.


    Part of it is just deciding where to draw the line of allowing certain things or not, and I think that it just got to the point where the leet was getting out of hand enough to eliminate it entirely from the site, rather than having to continually shovel out the spammy stuff. *shrug* =\



  4. @Cags - That doesn't mean that BZP is the proper place to introduce said things, and it also isn't our job as staff to introduce those either. It is the parent's job to set out what their child is exposed to. Our job is to be a fun, informative, child-friendly environment. Not a teen-trend environment, not an open-adult-environment. Keeping children safe and letting them have good, honest, clean fun is more important than allowing things which they could learn later on in life.


    Think of it from the perspective of a parent.



    I don't think that's what ANYONE is taking issue with. o_____o where you got that, I have no idea.


    I think that what's going on is some of the rules we have are exasperating people. Not the good rules, but the stupid rules. (the rules we have for really the must retarded reasons, take leet for example...lol)


    We all understand that BZP is meant for good clean fun, and I think that's ALL we want, we don't want to be on a junky forum. We just want logic.


    also, in no way did I mean to offend anyone through this post, I'm just being honest.


    Na, just responding to Cag's "sheltered kids" note. Even if that's not the entire context, it's sorta not our choice to decide stuff like that about what kids do or don't see (this applies for many of the rules that memebrs consider "stupid", ex. the no outside forum/blog/chatroom rule). Better to play it safe than to have angry emails (or worse) from parents and guardians, after all. =\


    As far as the leet - just think for a second: what is more logical, encouraging posting in coherent words or having to dig through posts and posts of incomprehensible sentences? ;)



  5. @Cags - That doesn't mean that BZP is the proper place to introduce said things, and it also isn't our job as staff to introduce those either. It is the parent's job to set out what their child is exposed to. Our job is to be a fun, informative, child-friendly environment. Not a teen-trend environment, not an open-adult-environment. Keeping children safe and letting them have good, honest, clean fun is more important than allowing things which they could learn later on in life.


    Think of it from the perspective of a parent.



  6. Like BZP is becoming a dating service. xD




    The fact that Turakii and TLH (or Smeag and I, for that matter) just happen to both be BZP members doesn't mean that BZP should be used as a dating site - in fact, I'd highly discourage it.


    Smeag and I worked together and became friends through BZP - our relationship beyond that was completly outside of the website. I'm sure it's the same for TLH and Turakii. We didn't come on BZ looking for a boyfriend/girlfriend - if it has stooped to that for some of the membership, then I'm ashamed to be a part of it, and for it turning into a "fad" or a term used as such. =\

    Deb, it was a joke, I wasn't serious. At all.




    I know that - you are always full of jokes. =) I just want other people to realize that as well, because some apparently don't get it at all.

  7. Was it really needed to take it this personally? People aren't trivializing your relationship, they're just having fun, isn't this a bit of an overreaction to things, as well as a bit egotistical to assume it's all because of you two? No doubt you caused some of it, but you act like it was all you.


    If it was all just for fun, I would not be making a deal out of it at all.


    When I start to get rude and hurtful PMs and off-site messages degrading myself and Smeag because of said circumstances, I feel that is taking it too far, and I do not appreciate myself or people I love being put down in such a manner. I also don't want to see this happening to other people simply because they thought the whole thing was "a joke".


    I know it was not originally caused by us - we never said the situation was caused by us at all. The reactions are just catapulting onto us, which is not something to be tossed aside at this point.

  8. To add to this - I love the fact that other members (particularly staff) have been able to find a special someone that is also a BZP member. I don't condone the fact that this is a very sweet and celebratory occasion. =)


    I just find that this "Smeagkira" term is getting a bit out of hand, is all, and I wish it weren't used in some of the contexts I have gazed upon. Respect other people, please. =\

  9. Like BZP is becoming a dating service. xD




    The fact that Turakii and TLH (or Smeag and I, for that matter) just happen to both be BZP members doesn't mean that BZP should be used as a dating site - in fact, I'd highly discourage it.


    Smeag and I worked together and became friends through BZP - our relationship beyond that was completly outside of the website. I'm sure it's the same for TLH and Turakii. We didn't come on BZ looking for a boyfriend/girlfriend - if it has stooped to that for some of the membership, then I'm ashamed to be a part of it, and for it turning into a "fad" or a term used as such. =\

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