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Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Comments posted by Nikira

  1. NIKI


    What if instead of making you all spinny


    It like screwed up your vision so everything looked like you inverted the colors in MSPaint so like white was black, yellow was blue, red was teal, etc.


    What would you do?


    I would cry, cause it would be hard to color stuff. =(



  2. Favre might be the most disappointing thing, ever, as a Green Bay fan. The Jets, sure whatever. At least he was still wearing green, and wouldn't play the Packers.


    But the Vikings? No one likes the Vikings. This is the equivalent of George Washington crossing the Delaware River, and then revealing he had joined the British, and massacring his own troops.


    Also, BRICKFAIR!!


    I like the Vikings. Call it a childhood-driven loyalty, if you will. :P


    I just acknowledge that they're a horrible team and that Favre doesn't belong there. He also looks WAY too funky in a purple uniform.


    Nikira, you're still a freshman?


    Cause I'm 18....and I'm 6 credits away from Junior in college. And I started college in October.....last year.


    You are granted permission to be jealous.


    I am a sophmore in a regular school and you are a juinor in an online school (I believe? Correct me if I'm wrong) so no, I have no reason to be jealous cause it's two different situations. :P



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