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Pahrak Model ZX

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Pahrak Model ZX

  1. No, that isn't so. We want Tesara (all villages, really) as allies, so hearing of trouble there is sad news indeed.
  2. Well, news of your visit is starting to spread among the people who really want Tesara to accept the offer... and they're not exactly pleased that Timelord just sort of sent you away very quickly. Ah. I apologize then, I didn't mean to cause any trouble.
  3. Too dumb to live, too scared to die

  4. Pahrak Model ZX


    Killing a Barraki is the only ethical way to interact with them.
  5. I vote to go into the ruins.
  6. Pahrak Model ZX


    That dog has a face for a tail.
  7. I wish to apologize if my statements seemed harsh towards the Jungle Tribe. Please understand: Tuma gave me a direct order to hold an Arena Match, thus I needed to come up with a very good explanation as to why I was unable to fulfill that.
  8. If, like me, you’re already thinking of which Pokemon you want to use when you get Gold or Silver on Virtual Console, I highly recommend checking someplace like Bulbapedia or Serebii to see where in those games those Pokemon can be caught, and where you can get the items necessary to evolve them. You just may be disappointed. I first became aware of this when I thought this would finally be my chance to try out a Tyranitar. But as it turns out, Larvitar can only be caught at Mt. Silver…which you can only access after beating all 16 gyms, so…that’s not gonna work. And granted, Tyranitar is a pseudo-legendary, so that can’t be indicative of restrictions on other Pokemon, right? Oddly enough, any Pokemon that needs a stone to evolve is pretty out of luck. The only way to get Leaf, Thunder, Fire, or Water Stones is to show specific Pokemon to Bill’s grandpa, who lives in Kanto. You can only get a Sun Stone by placing first in the Bug Catching Contest. Your best bet is a Moon Stone, which your mom might buy with your savings, or you can pick one up in Tohjo Falls right before you head for the League. So much for using Jolteon and NIdoqueen. And I wasn’t really seriously considering it, but: Slugma. A brand new Gen II Pokemon. Can only be caught in Kanto. What. To say nothing of movesets, that’s an entirely different thing that I’ve only scratched the surface of. My point is, I advise you to double check these things now so you won’t be surprised when you’re playing the game. I know it would’ve thrown me for a loop.
  9. *copious nervous laughter* (I'm still gonna vote for myself tho)
  10. Pahrak Model ZX


    Tempting, but I think I'll wait. I was able to get this far without trades so I feel like I want to complete it that way, I guess?
  11. I get the distinct feeling the Mods are going to descend if this conversation goes on much longer so let's just agree every country is weird and move on.
  12. Pahrak Model ZX


    Finally got around to transferring my Gen VI Living Dex and everything I had in VC Red up to Gen VII. Getting everything organized sure took a while, which I guess is why I’ve been putting it off so long. I already captured everything I could in Gen VII to keep the Living Dex as complete as possible, though there are still a couple gaps. While I have Rockruff and Steenee registered, I apparently neglected to get extras for the box, so I’ll need to breed those. Obviously I don’t have Marshadow yet, but the only glaring absence is the Litten family. I could restart either Sun or Moon, but since Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon are coming out later this year I feel like it makes sense just to wait until I buy one of those and start with Litten when I do. Marshadow will probably be distributed between now and then as well, so I should be back on top by the end of the year. For the time being, I’m sitting at 798 Pokemon registered and I’m cool with that. Between all those, my Unown collection, all the Alola Forms, and everyone else I’ve got lying around, my Moon PC is bursting…and I’ve still got five boxes floating around in Pokemon Bank. Maybe I didn’t understand quite what I was getting into when I decided to finally catch ‘em all…
  13. Black exsidian? If only I'd known that before leaving for Tesara, I could have mentioned it in my pitch.
  14. Lewa: "No, don’t speak. It could never work between the two of us."
  15. Genakex Ikhav, of the Earth Region
  16. Recently my sister got super into the anime Hunter X Hunter, so I asked where she read the manga and spent the past two weeks getting caught up. I’d only barely heard of it until recently—it isn’t a particularly well-known series, which I found a bit odd since it’s been in Shounen Jump since the 90s. Part of that might be due to multiple hiatuses, and another part could be that it has some subtle deviations from shounen norms…which actually are a big factor in what makes it interesting. One thing that stuck out to me really early on was that the focus is spread out more than you might expect. It’s become typical for shounen to say “Here’s the main character, we’ll just watch them 80%+ of the time”, but Hunter X Hunter doesn’t really do that. The supposed main character, Gon, spends quite a lot of time out of focus—for a big chunk of the fourth arc, he’s more of a secondary character while his friend Kurapika takes center stage to show off his flashy new abilities and take down some dangerous folks. Gon’s usually present whenever big things are happening, but he’s not the only one driving the action forward. Other characters matter! How neat! Speaking of Gon…he loses a lot. The kid has heaps of shounen willpower, but it doesn’t do him any consistent good. He’s certainly had successes, some pretty big ones, and of course he’s a naturally gifted quick learner, but when the biggest and baddest opponents show up he ends up losing more often than not. I think there was only one arc where he defeated the villain’s boss? We’re told he has a lot of potential, but his growth and struggles are kept a tiny bit more realistic, and because of that he can’t just suddenly beat every arc villain after a night of training. I like this idea, but…it does make me wonder a bit why Gon is here at times. I don’t know, maybe I’m just not that invested in his character on a personal level. There are definitely some engaging characters here, though. When I first saw Gon’s best friend Killua I guessed he’d become The Shounen Rival, but he actually turned out to be an extremely loyal and caring deuteragonist who at times feels more like the actual main character. Kurapika, who I mentioned earlier, carries a few tropes that remind me of a certain edgy ninja who turned into a massive disappointment, but Kurapika’s proved consistently interesting whenever he (inconsistently) appears. Heck, the most powerful villain thus far had fascinating characterization, but I can’t say a whole lot about that without spoilers…basically, the series has a great cast and actually gives us the chance to get to know just about all of them. A lot of my feelings are pretty vague right now, but one other thing I’m more sure about is that the series is…well, saying it’s a slow starter would give the wrong impression. Having known about the special powers developed in the series beforehand, I was eagerly awaiting those to show up and was waiting for a while. The early arcs still have great tension and accomplishments and action, it just takes a while for mystic abilities to show up, and when they do it’s step by step over the course of a few arcs. First they learn the basics, then they slowly perfect the basics, then they learn some more details, then they really start to fine-tune those, then they pick specific abilities, and those slowly sharpen as time goes on…because of this, it was a while before I got to a point where I decided “Yes, this is very good”, but I’m a sucker for flashy fights so take my opinions with a grain of salt. Hunter X Hunter is interesting, definitely. There are a few things that bother me a bit, and some of the changes in its formula come with some necessary downsides, but it evokes some genuine shounen vibes while still setting itself apart from the rest. Maybe I’ll come up with some more defined opinions after letting it sink in for a while.
  17. *gasps, hugs my 20 Pokedexes close, and backs away slowly*
  18. Well, yes, the burning of Tesara would put a wrench in my weekend plans, but that's beside the point.
  19. You don't specify if it's National Pokedex or a Regional Dex, so I don't know how to evaluate this. Canada is either: -Mewtwo (National) -Magby (Gen II Johto) -Tropius (Gen III Hoenn) -Palkia (Sinnoh) -Tauros (Gen IV Johto) -Zekrom (Unova) -Floatzel (New Unova) -Haxorus (Central Kalos) -Lapras (Coastal Kalos) -Zygarde (Mountain Kalos) -Kecleon (Gen VI Hoenn) -Poliwhirl (Alola) Please clarify.
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