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Pahrak Model ZX

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Everything posted by Pahrak Model ZX

  1. "Good job, team! We've finally found the Mask of Creation, now we--what? Look behind me?"
  2. History. Myth. And the Truth that binds them together. These are the virtues upon which Stoeia-Nui was founded, created by the gods to be a font of knowledge for all who live in the mortal world. For a time, its inhabitants fulfilled this duty well, dedicating themselves to expanding their own minds as well as the minds of all who came to their shores. But this prosperity was not to last. Makuta, a demon born of deceit and falsehood, descended upon the island one day, wishing to rob mortals of their knowledge and leave them powerless against him. His army of horrors seemed endless, but eventually, a team of brave Toa were able to slay Makuta. The shadow of lies receded, the demon’s threat vanquished. And yet, he was in part victorious. The inhabitants of Stoeia-Nui gave their all to defend their home. Unfortunately, when the battle was over, they could not get it back. They taught themselves to fight, devoted themselves wholly to repelling Makuta, embraced the ways of war…and forgot the ways of knowledge. Stoeia-Nui became simply another island. Ten thousand years have passed. Makuta has now returned. The island’s denizens have done their best to repel the demon’s forces, but they are failing, bewildered by the demon’s tactics. None can understand the fiend’s approach, and the only account of his previous assault, carved into the Wall of History by the last Chronicler, is written in an ancient script that is illegible to everyone now living on the island. The village leaders each selected a champion: new Chroniclers, the first in ten thousand years, and sent them in search of the Spirit of Knowledge, the patron of Stoeia-Nui. The Chroniclers were able to find this deity, but though she agreed to give them the power to translate the history, the young Chroniclers will be required to earn that power. They will demonstrate their knowledge of stories by crafting their own, and those whose skill she deems sufficient will be granted the right to her knowledge. Let us hope these new Chroniclers are up to the task. For if they fail, the shadow of lies shall consume all of Stoeia-Nui…forever.
  3. It would be incredibly unfortunate if Vulcanus were to assault Tesara. Of course, if the Skrall were protecting Tesara, there would be no need to fear.
  4. Like I said, for some reason I keep getting new story ideas rather than making significant progress on the ones I’ve already started. Anyway. My newest idea is a little ambitious so probably won’t get finished: a fantasy story with a central mythology that is an eclectic mix of multiple Lego themes. Both generations of Bionicle, Slizers, RoboRiders, Hero Factory, and possibly a few others. The details are pretty up in the air at this point, but I have ideas such as the Slizers being gods who created the mortal world, the elements being embodied and governed by Riders who ferry souls to the afterlife and also grant elemental power to villagers (turning them into Toa), and the island associated with the element of Metal, having been forbidden from having Toa, starting up a factory that creates automata who have now more or less made Toa obsolete and function all over the world. Plus, each island being ruled by a Coronet who receives a blessing from the Slizer who created their island, because I still really like that Coronet’s Halo ability I made up for Slizer Mafia. My question is, if I were to put out a request for guest stars, would anyone be interested in submitting characters? Whether or not this story is going to happen at all is still a question, of course, but before I hammered out plot details I thought I might as well see if it would be worthwhile to do a casting call. Just out of curiosity.
  5. I thought this post was about the revival of the contests BZP held in conjunction with the Olympics in years past, and I am now disappointed.
  6. Friendly reminder that Orde is a freaking disgrace.

  7. Well, it just seemed like the best way to increase incentive to use the system. Hardly anyone sang last game. Which part of it are you unsure about?
  8. It would seem my stress has taken the route of producing ideas at a faster rate than I can actually work on them, while simultaneously stopping me from getting too far on any particular one (including the ones I was already trying to work on). So, a brief look at what I’ve been kicking around lately: -Shooting Star Sonia 3, of course. Unfortunately I seem to be stuck on Chapter 2. -Wall of History, as mentioned previously. The mechanics and prompts are actually all set, and I’m about halfway through the lore, so not too bad. -An extended Mega Man ZX fic, probably as a result of replaying ZX just recently. Haven’t quite finished the first chapter and a little unsure how far I’m actually going to get. -A brief burst of inspiration on Glimpse of Horizon’s broader idea, but like…thinking I could make it into a novel for actual publishing? For some reason? Did not get far before that fizzled out, but who knows I guess. -That new story focusing on Vhisola I mentioned recently, which has exactly one chapter right now. I have some specific ideas about where to go, just stuck on what needs to happen next, naturally. -A short Kingdom Hearts fic in which Kairi is aware of how horribly the series treats her. That just sort of happened. I’m going to let it sit for a while, edit it, and probably just post it because I don’t know I just want to finish something and look productive. -One MASSIVE new Lego story idea I’m planning to give more information on in a separate post, stay tuned for that one. -Three, count ‘em, three separate ideas for Mafia games. Granted one was already complete before this, but now I’m thinking more about it, plus I finally sat down and revamped the Chorus System for another Musical Mafia, PLUS another idea that’s been floating half-formed through my mind for a while and now has been hammered into a pretty fine shape. I don’t want to do so many back to back, but…no one has had a new Mafia game since Hotel of Okoto ended, so…? And yet I still feel like it wouldn’t be a great idea for me to actually start posting/hosting any big projects. I have a new apartment lined up, I just need to move, but in a few weeks I’ll need to move again because I actually need to stay at my dad’s for a while until my new apartment is ready. Even after that, I’m really searching for a second job because I really need one, so if that works out there’s a question of how much time I’ll actually have for this stuff. But, depending on how this goes, there is a distinct possibility I could have an extremely productive fall. So I guess that’s pretty cool.
  9. After much thought, I think I’ve reworked the Chorus System into something more polished. Like before, each standard villager is assigned a specific section of a song with an alphabetical designation (Chorus Fragment A, Chorus Fragment B, etc). Now, when a villager is lynched, the remaining villagers can PM me guessing which Fragment the lynched villager had, and whoever’s guess is closest inherits that villager’s vote. So if Lynched Villager had Fragment A and someone guesses B, Living Villager With Good Guessing Skill’s vote now counts for 2 votes. The effect is cumulative, so if Lynched Villager had a voting power of 2, then Living Villager With Good Guessing Skill’s voting power becomes 3. If no villagers try to guess by the start of the next Day round, then the voting power of Lynched Villager goes to a random Mafian. (For multihangs, I’m thinking each Living Villager can guess for each Lynched Villager. In the rare event someone guesses correctly/closest for multiple Lynched Villagers, they’ll only inherit the voting power of the first one they guessed correctly/closest.) On the flip side, when the Mafia kills someone, they get to vote on which of them gets that person’s voting power. Likewise, if none of them vote by the next Night round, that voting power goes to a random villager. And of course the Silencer will be back, nullifying all voting power of whoever they kill. They’re the one player who can’t inherit any voting power under any circumstances. Hopefully now that the system is centered around living players, it’ll see more use than when it was centered on dead players, who have no further reason to care about the game, and that should help me see if any further adjustments need to be made. I don’t think I’m ready to start up a game using this just yet, but I’m considering doing one soon(ish) so I wanted to see what everyone else thinks of this new system. Any suggestions?
  10. Even better: FFV but with more Bionicle
  11. Thank you! I'll send it over momentarily!
  12. I decided to start on a new story, and now that I've finished a draft of the first chapter I was wondering if anyone might be willing to look it over and give me some feedback? As some general information: this takes place on Spherus Magna after the Reformation, and mainly focuses on Vhisola. It's technically a follow-up to my previous story A Mind in Darkness, but you wouldn't need to read that in order to jump into this one--I don't really plan on any direct references to it, so really the only thing you might feel needs clarifying is why Vhisola and Macku get along. This chapter is just setting up the plot and Vhisola's reason for being a part of it. If anyone wants to help me out, leave a comment and I'll start up a PM for everyone who wants to give it a read.
  13. 26 Skrall here in Atero, 26 Skrall in Atero You send 2 out, they get freaking trounced 24 Skrall left in Atero
  14. I vote Quant to receive the torch. As for which path...well, on one hand I feel like I should believe Kota, but on the other, hearing a path is "safe" is suspicious in and of itself...hm. Of course, the Dreamer is the one saying it's safe, so that could be the lie we're not supposed to believe? Ah to heck with it, "Temple of Destruction" sounds cool so I'll head there.
  15. Maybe Agori Orkham was one of the Great Being's best friends, and so they named a Matoran in his honor.
  16. Pahrak Model ZX

    Doctor Who

    Oh did they announce that already? I wonder what... *one Google search later* OH This is a good weekend.
  17. Nevermind, I have the will to live again

    1. Rahkshi Guurahk

      Rahkshi Guurahk

      Well that's good.

  18. I'm going to need some time to put into words how unbelievably happy this makes me. For now just watch, I'll edit this later with more detailed thoughts. But first things first, look at Sora, Donald, and Goofy. They look like constraction sets, MAYBE...?! EDIT: OKAY SO -The trailer starts showing bits in Olympus and Twilight Town. We see Sora using a new shooter-style attack while rail-grinding, and some combination of Shotlock and Flowmotion to ascend a series of blocks. The dual gun Keyblade transformation, now named Double Arrowguns, reappears, and now shifts Sora’s outfit to blue, which we haven’t seen in III before. Seems this is a magic-focused form? Well, the super cannon upgrade is now called Magic Launcher, so…probably. I give Wisdom Form a lot of crud, but it still has some nostalgia for me, so yeah, I’m glad to see the blue threads back. -The Rock Ogre Heartless is on-screen, and it still looks awesome. -Aaaaaaaaaah, I love this. I love this so much. I’ve wanted a Toy Story world ever since I started playing Kingdom Hearts, and it looks gorgeous—I know they’ve been saying the Kingdom Shader is designed to make worlds look just like their respective movies, but it really does! I love it! -And again: Sora, Donald, and Goofy look like constraction sets. A bit more on the Galidor side, maybe, but it’s still ridiculously endearing, and I love it. I would love it even more if Disney actually asked Lego to make these into constraction sets, but…that’s probably not going to happen, huh? There are going to be models released of these forms, apparently. Lego would still be better. -Apparently this is an original story, where Andy and several of the toys have disappeared after Young Xehanort and the Heartless have appeared in this world. Not sure about timeline placement, but I’m super excited about this—the press release says this story was held to the same quality as an actual Pixar movie, and if that holds up, man… -Look at that Keyblade! The guard is Buzz Lightyear’s spaceship box! The blade is a cactus with a rope and a bandana and a cowboy hat! It has the Star Command emblem and the sheriff badge! And it transforms into what can only be described as King Dedede’s rocket hammer, or alternatively a giant toy drill! Look at Sora massacre stuff with that awesome and whacky weaponry! I desire it. -I can’t quite get a clear look at those new Heartless, but they look pretty cool. I’m excited to see what other new breeds might turn up. -So you might be thinking “Okay, is the part member going to be Woody or Buzz?” The answer is “Both. Both is good.” The display shows both of them, plus Sora, plus Donald and Goofy. That’s a party of five, all at once. That’s incredible. I cannot wait. -You go to a toystore and fight a bunch of mech suits. Beat them, and you get to jump inside the mech suit and use it to beat up the other mech suits. This is exactly the kind of stupid anime trash that gets me out of bed in the morning and I will love every second of it. -Young Xehanort shows up. I don’t think he’s been turned into a toy? Not really surprising, Xehanort breaks the rules of worlds all the time, plus it’d be…kind of weird to see him as a toy… -You know, back when KHIIFM came out, people dug through the files and found incomplete models for a Buzz and Woody Summon! Now it’s a full-on world, not to mention the very first Pixar world! This opens the door to an entire new group of world possibilities, and it’s the perfect one to do so! Gosh I hope they incorporate that lamp somehow, it’s only right. -Can we fight Zurg? I really, really want to fight Zurg. Thank God for this. I’ve been really stressed out lately and this makes me truly, legitimately happy. I just…I love this. I know I’m repeating myself, but I love this. So much.
  19. I fail to see how that equates to robbing anyone of their free will.
  20. Wait, who's trying to take away your free will? You will notice that Tuma has four swords on his back. If you try to stab his back, his back will probably stab you first.
  21. Oh come now, must you be so negative? Let's embrace this new alliance, and work towards becoming better neighbors.
  22. Ah, the mountains of black and white united at last! A warm welcome to our friends in Iconox--here's to a prosperous future for us both!
  23. But a village being in trouble makes them need Roxtus, and therefore forces them to accept, no? - If anything I would think instability would make them less likely to accept--or at the very least, the twin villages would be divided and only one would accept. Of course, should that come to pass we will honor the offer we've made, but ideally we would like to peacefully bring in the entirety of Tesara.
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