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Blog Comments posted by Zeero

  1. um is this something from power rangers


    Aagh why does everything think that Kamen Rider = Sentai/PR? No, this is Kamen Rider, a show in Japan that is aired right after a show called Super Sentai, a show whose footage is used for Power Rangers.


    Rising Ultimate Kuuga is much better looking than Decade Complete. Cards on body/head = Ack.

  2. Don't worry, friend. You'll get better.


    I wish they have 300 in the Omnimax theatre in my city, which'd be even more thrilling.


    But yeah, I would assume that it's thrilling. Hey, 40 seconds isn't that bad.




    Erm, yeah, I'll get going now. Congrats on getting a rating of 4.6. *runs*





    There's a sign and it says "This is your brain" and it shows a picture of the Toronto Maple Leafs. Then there's a picture below it/beside it that says "This is your brain on-" erm, hallucinogens (it rhymes with bugs) and it has a picture of the Montreal Canadiens.






    Edit by NP -- I now hate you.

  4. @ NP: It was a tasty coincidence. Actually, as far as I know Aero bars aren't Kosher for Passover (Passover friendly) but there are Kosher for Passover bars that are like Aero bars, with the bubbles and stuff.


    @ Cthulhu the Dreaming: It is a web chart. Yeah...



  5. to Cthulhu the Dreaming: Well, it's not entirely about plagues, per se. But you are right about the origin of the name.


    to Ryzak: Blah, just eat your matzah.


    to Thoko: I'm not much of a macaroon guy, but I'm eating matzah tonight too! Hooray for matzah!



  6. Dude! You made an entry on the two best shows ever! Sweet!


    I'm obsessing over LOST tonight. I mean, it's been off for 13 weeks. That's 1/4 of a year. A loooong time.


    :D Yaaaaay LOST!


    Heroes was good too. Claire's dad wasn't a shocker though. But for all of those people who thought Peter and Claire would get together... Well I'm not so sure they'll think the same way now.



  7. Yick, that sucks.


    Math isn't that bad. It's my favorite subject. 'Course, that's just me.


    What's a sycophant? Sounds like a psycho elephant.


    At least Heroes is back. Can't wait for LOST's return, although it'll now be past my bedtime...


    *sigh* At least you don't have high school applications. Wait, you had them last year...



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