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Toatapio Nuva

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Posts posted by Toatapio Nuva

  1. Could go either way. It was brought back once, so why not again? It's a concept that Lego would probably want to capitalize on in the future as well. Then again, since G2 bombed so badly, it could be a factor that can ruin any future generations of Bionicle. Hard to say.


    I would love to see it back again though, especially considering Lego must've learned something from the horrendous execution and performance of G2. G3 might therefore actually be good. But again, this is only speculation.

    • Upvote 1
  2. The Toa Mata vs. Makuta battle is clearly one of the best. One of my other personal favorites is the Toa Nuva vs. Bohrok-Kal battle. Granted, it was less of a battle and more just a confrontation... but I find it epic and creative nevertheless. We got to see the Vahi in action (even though its importance was somewhat marginal) and the Toa using their elements against the Kal showed that mind can overcome raw strength.

    • Upvote 1
  3. Also as a seven year old kid I thought the player character in the MNOG was a human kid who was on the island of Mata-Nui. (When you think about it they don't show Takua is a Matoran until the end of the game...)


    I used to think Mata-Nui was an actual spirit. Right up until the moment he awoke in 2008...


    Back when Mata Nui awoke, I was stupid enough for some days to believe that he was Between Metru Nui and Mata Nui. Only realized that Metru Nui(And the MU) was INSIDE him the whole time a few days later.


    I thought these as well.


    Also, in the beginning of 2004, I thought the Turaga became Toa when they arrived in Metru Nui from Mata Nui. I didn't realize that the story was a flashback, but I learned it soon after.


    Oh, and I originally thought that the Rahaga were Toa who turned into Rahaga instead of Turaga because of having a "bad destiny"... not sure what that entailed though.

  4. Junkbot was an awesome game. However, I remember my favorite being Lego Backlot... it's not really that great of a game, but the 3D graphics (which are kinda bad by today's standards, but back in the day they were awesome) and the plethora of glitches to be found made it a really fun experience. I spent hours with that game just running around and finding different ways to get to places you weren't meant to go. :P

  5. IC Kirgan



    As disappointed as he was, Kirgan decided it was best to leave the Akiri to his important affairs. After all, his decisions were what kept Onu-Koro safe and thriving.


    "I understand," he said. "Thank you for your time, though."

  6. Intelligent storytelling, and not dumbed down for kids. The original treated its audience with respect, and was rewarded with an engaged fanbase. Kids like to be challenged a little. They don't always want it simple and easy.


    Though I agree with all of Alyska's points, I'd like to particularly second this one. My #1 issue with G2 is the fact that it has so much potential, but has simply been dumbed down too much in fear of actually challenging children intellectually. That kind of content for children seems to be hard to find nowadays, especially in Lego themes - Bionicle was very unique in this regard. It would be nice to see this return for G2 Bionicle, especially since the story itself isn't bad at all, it's just poorly executed, with very little passion or ambition.

    • Upvote 9
  7. It's nice to hear after such a long time that people actually enjoyed the comic series. That was the whole point of it, after all :)


    The original topic has been long dead, but I still have the comics archived. You inspired me to upload them to dropbox, so if you're interested in reading them, you can just download them here. Sadly, I never got past the story of Maze of Shadows, partly due to the infamous BZP dataclysm, but that's still quite a few comics.


    Did Onua find the Kaukau Nuva under Lake Kanae after beating Pahrak-Kal to it?


    Onua finding his Kaukau Nuva was actually told in Bionicle Chronicles 4: Tales of the Masks. He found it in an underground cavern guarded by Manas. Whenua was with him on his search too.


    I also have two additional quotes from the individual posts in the topic, which I saved. They're basically Greg answering some questions of fans:



    Q: What of the Order of Mata Nui and the Brotherhood of Makuta? Were they also planned, along with the Dark Hunters, or were their ideas conceived later on? And were the concepts of Artakha and Karzahni there from the beginning, or were they made up later?


    A: Brotherhood of Makuta was planned from the being -- although it came as a surprise to me too when I first found out about it, Teridax was never intended to be the only Makuta in existence. OOMN was not, that was mine. The idea of Artakha was created by me for a web game to promote Mask of Light in 2003, and Karzahni was created by me for a book, so neither of those were part of the original plan.



    Q: Did the concept of the great beings exist from the beginning?


    A: Oh, sure. In fact, I think one of the characters in the comic even makes a reference to them sometime in the first couple years, though I may be misremembering. But yes, they were always in the story as the creators of Mata Nui.

  9. The comic you described sounds suspiciously like this:




    It was made by me as part of a comic series I was doing long ago. It was called The Legends of Bionicle.


    Is it what you were looking for?

    • Upvote 3
  10. I never look at the rules anymore, but I've been on Bzpower for 12 years now so in that time I've pretty much learned the most relevant ones by heart. :P


    I voted that the rules are somewhat clear. I haven't encountered problems with them in a long time.


    In the past there used to be way too many rules on Bzpower, but since then things have become better in that regard. For one, we're finally allowed to link to other sites with forums etc. I still voted that there are too many rules though, and I think the forums should be a bit more liberal with regards to leaks. I know the reason for those rules existing though, so I can't really complain, and all in all I think Bzpower is taking a smart approach to those things.

  11. IC Kirgan



    Kirgan thought about Nuparu's question. Then, carefully, he replied "The village is prosperous, and it shows. Work never runs out in the mines, but the Matoran also have more ways to spend their free time... I find myself quite enjoying the variety between work and leisure. Though it might create a false sense of security as well, since supposedly a lot of evil is taking place outside the borders. I myself encountered such evil about a year back, but the threat was quickly exposed of. Is Onu-Koro truly as safe as it feels? If so, I am glad."

  12. I actually think that the show is better than most people here seem to claim... it may not be great in terms of story, but at least it's far better than any of the Hero Factory movies. The animation looks great and the existence of last year's story is acknowledged, which is more than we got from Hero Factory. The only thing that breaks the continuity is that the Toa's personalities have completely changed... that's something I'm not happy with.


    The main problem with the Journey to One, though, is that it's overly goofy. I have nothing against humor, but goofiness is another thing entirely. G1 had plenty of humor too, but think back to 2001 and 2002, and you'll notice that the story still took itself seriously. Humor was always present on some level, but it wasn't goofy... it was a story that wasn't downplayed for the young audience. It was intelligent. G2 does many things right, but I don't appreciate them kiddifying (is that a word?) the story to Hero Factory level. It may be understandable, but not necessary. 

    • Upvote 2
  13. *snip*


    Well said, Pereki. It's quite clear that Lego isn't investing in Bionicle as much as it did back in the day, though that is probably because they don't need to anymore... they don't need anything new and radical in order to avoid bankruptcy, so they're sticking to safer and cheaper production and marketing methods.


    I think it's worth mentioning that back when Bionicle was conceived, Lego applied a very different marketing strategy with regards to the story-set relationship. They actually stated somewhere that the story was more important than the sets themselves, because it was the story that inspired the kids to buy the toys. So obviously they had a very different outlook on Bionicle then, which resulted in a rich and complex story. But I guess now that Lego is doing great financially, they have realized that creating a good quality story isn't necessary, even if it would increase sales... so they're focusing on just the toys now, with a little bit of backstory to support them.

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