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Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Comments posted by Catra

  1. *most annoying Aho-esque voice possible*


    *glomps you* NO YUKICHAN NOOOO! I will snap your neck with a smile!. 8)


    But seriously, just do like everyone says and pull a Ninjo, take a long break and come back when you're not crazy.


    Though if you do decide to do something stupid, I'll miss ya, bro. :(

  2. How do you pronounce "Dokuma?"



    Are you going/did you go on vacation this year? If so, where?

    No, and probably not :(


    How many holes in a polo?

    Eleventy billion... and three


    Did you read my blog in the early days, before I re-bought Premier Membership a few months ago?

    Um... a little << >>


    Should I?

    NO DON'T D=

  3. That sounded so wrong I was tempted to slit my wrists to Linkin Park.

    Hey man, LP's good. ;_;


    Then where did the shirts go?

    ... Um... Canada?


    Along with all your blog followers. I TOLD YOU TO MAKE A DX ENTRY AND YOU DIDN'T AND NOW YOU'RE PAYING HAHAHA :P

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