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Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Comments posted by Catra

  1. If you are non-Premier, did you start a blog this week?

    No, I started my blog during the Premier Week '06 =D


    If you are Premier, are you blogging this week?

    Um kinda, mainly messing with content blocks =D


    Is your browser transparent PNG friendly?

    I think so, I dunno


    How many years have you been a member?

    About 3 1/2


    Paper or plastic?


  2. Rants on random stuff that people pretend to care about.

    Rants on movies.

    Rants on censorship.

    Rants on Pies.

    Random polls that make people have the impression that you care about their opinions.

    Rants on how DX wins.

    Rants on how Nih is FAILAGE.


    I like the way this guy thinks.


    I like it, too. <_<

  3. This is the one reason I actually think I'm afraid of love.


    Because deep down inside I know it'll tear me down faster than it built me up.



    Well, at least you've come off good for it. Best wishes to you and your ex and may you both find joy... yeah. :P


    BTW I <3 your poem.

  4. Hahaha. Woot for not having any good ideas.


    You should like, post moar MOCs. And art. And desu. This blog needs moar desu, no exceptions.


    And... um... something like the Tuesday Five. Except like, the Thursday Five, and make sure you point out that it's a blatant ripoff. :P

  5. How did cyclops get invented? I was in a few of those rooms, but I wasn't there when he was 'invented'.



    It was just a typo from an IM we had and we just rolled with it and took it to the chats


    Anyways... maybe cyclops will catch on and be a new BZP fad lol


    Degenexo (9:53:34 PM): o]

    Degenexo (9:53:37 PM): *o

    Sandbox9 (9:53:44 PM): lol, I thought it was a cyclops

    Sandbox9 (9:54:44 PM): o] rawr


    Blog officially approved for Cyclops entry.

  6. They never should've put Robin/Star together. =\


    Inner Fanboy says you die now. :P

    My inner fanboy died when that loser Robin took Starfire. :crying:






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