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Premier Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Catra

  1. ;_;


    But see Katie loves me and not you anyways

  2. ;_;


    Wait do you mean Kagami as n actual Kagami or Kagami as in Gato?


    Because I was referring to Gato Kagami


    Also I said Kagami a lot there


    ... tsukasa

  3. :@

    Leechface got me.

  4. :\


    hope you do well on it and whatnot

  5. :>


    also yes we are married :>

  6. :>


    I take it you're not going back to the name Hazmat?

  7. :>

    spink everything is so different aaaahh

  8. ::D))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Multi-chinned alien :3

  9. :3 Reeeeaaally? Thanx

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