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Blog Comments posted by Planetperson

  1. If you haven't already, download Microsoft GIF Animator. Paste the image into the program as a frame, and under the "Image" tag, check "Transparency," with white as the "Transparent Color." Save it as a Compuserve GIF and you'll get something like this:


    IPB Image


    That took like five seconds.

  2. I like funny commercials too. Like this one.


    The Geico ones have been pretty funny too. In fact, as time has gone on, I've noticed that commercials have just been getting funnier in general. At least we're moving away from "HeadOn -- apply directly to the forehead! HeadOn -- apply directly to the forehead! HeadOn -- apply directly to the forehead!"

  3. Very entertaining story. So that's how the name "bonesiii" came to be. Yes, I remember well, back in my not-so-distinctive Drome days, that the name "bonesiii" (which drove me nuts because I had no idea how to say it mentally when I read it) was posted at the top of the high scores list along with his darn H.O.T. team. Well, thanks for informing me on what really went down in the Drome when bonesii stormed through it.


    Yes, I know I'm posting this three months after the entry has been posted. Sorry I hadn't visited this entry sooner.

  4. Oh, yes, I'd be mad. Heck, I think I might be about to break a world record for Magazine lateness. It's the eighth of the next month, and I still haven't received either my set or my magazine/comic. We had to call customer service a couple days ago because I was wondering what was going on, and we found out that they had simply forgotten to ship it! And it's not like it's understandable because, after all, it's a magazine that's totally FREE -- I'm actually paying for Brickmaster. As much as I like LEGO as a company, I have to say that they have really dropped the ball this past year.

  5. Wow this is the first animation like this where the object doesn't change pose. Did you move the camera or Vakama? My only complaint is that the speed of the rotation differs slightly in various places, and that your camera is better then mine. :P

    What I did was set up a large sheet of paper against a wall and under Vakama's feet so that there was no edge behind him that I would have to crop out during editing. A drew a circle with a compass on the paper beneath Vakama's feet, and I took a series of separate images with the camera on its tripod as I rotated Vakama around the circle of reference. I edited out the shadow from the flash later.

  6. Air Katana


    Toa Lewa Nuva’s Toa tools are called air katana. Lewa Nuva could hold these blades up to his sides and could use them as glider wings with the help of his elemental power of air.


    When Lewa Nuva first battled the Piraka with the rest of the Toa Nuva on Voya Nui, Reidak snapped one of his air katana over his knee. After Lewa Nuva was knocked unconscious, the Piraka confiscated his other air katana and took it to the eastern section of the Piraka stronghold – the most secure place in the structure. When the Toa Nuva raided the stronghold later, Lewa Nuva was able to retrieve it. It is now unknown what has become of the toa tool now that the Toa Nuva have been placed in Brutaka's custody after their second defeat on Voya Nui.

  7. Neh, I get some ill noises from my computer from time to time, but I just kick it in the rear and shout "knock it off!" Not that I have any real advice for you...


    BTW, I believe I am exactly the 2000th person to view your blog. (Your counter was at 1999 last I clicked.)


    EDIT: Yup. Just turned over to 2000.

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