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Blog Comments posted by Illuminatus

  1. IMO, the tease with the letters was just that. A tease.

    He spelled out "BIO/3IO" as if to refer to 3rd wave of BIONICLE but vaguely enough so that he can later say he'd meant the "spiritual" successor to BIONICLE in a much broader sense. I'm betting he'll say the whole thing stood for "bio" as in "biology" as in "environment" and the the "on" post just meant that that the whole thing was just on lol.

    I don't exactly blame him. You may have heard the stories about the origins of the Toa canisters? Faber was taking cancer treatment in the form of capsules which he imagined contained small warriors that battled the illness. Which is essentially the entire premise of G1. Warriors in capsules battling the internal disease of a giant sentient being.

    If he's starting from a similar point and building something altogether different, I could dig that. I could dig that a lot, in fact. The man seems very capable. But he's an art director and he'd definitely need a more experienced story team, no matter where he decides to take this new project/IP.

  2. In case this wasn't clear, btw, he already confirmed in the comments that this isn't Bionicle.

    He tries very hard to keep his replies as vague as possible so as not to explicitly deny anything, but he did at least once clearly state that this isn't Bionicle and that he isn't "bringing anything back" but rather "looking forward."

  3. To be perfectly honest Faber doesn't appear to be baiting the community out of deceptiveness but out of pure naivete. It seems to me like he genuinely believes we would be interested in his new projects, hence all the talk about "letting go of the past" and "fueling the future" and whatnot.

    Who knows, we very well may love what he has in store but I've got a feeling he's inadvertently setting himself (and the community) up for a lot of disappointment.

  4. It sounds a bit like you're moving the goalposts. The problem that both of you pointed out was the idea that BIONICLE would end in 2008 without any indication of a continuation/conclusion, which I agree would've been disastrous. That's my bad; I should've clarified.


    The hiatus itself is neither a problem, nor a solution. The problem was the declining interest in BIONICLE. A short hiatus could have provided a possible solution if it were meticulously executed. TV shows sometimes take two years to release a new season (Westworld is a good example); whether or not viewers lose interest depends on advertising.


    Perhaps if the ending was positive and, say, Makuta's consciousness was trapped in the Ignika and sent off to space, that would've been more appropriate. It's either a negative ending with the promise of a continuation or a positive ending with the hint of a continuation that works to build hype.

  5. I should've clarified. I meant I would've had the story end in 2008 with a literal "to be continued" written everywhere, then given it a year or two's hiatus before launching that bad boy again precisely because of BIONICLE's gradual decline.


    The decline could've been solved with the ending of a chapter, a short hiatus, lots of hype and a brand new launch.

  6. Update, turns out the final package I was waiting on arrived after all, so the Kanohi and Krana polybags are off the list. They were "inspected" at customs, so some of the polybags are bent. Obviously.




    I guess that makes the odds slightly better. But anything less than a 90% success rate is a complete cheat, to be honest.

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