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Everything posted by Aoran

  1. Canberra? That's even worse! And yes, you shall return to get me... Three birthday presents! All this time you've known me, and you've never given me one. Shame on you!
  2. I love you, Dlakii! *ahem* Yeah, you enjoy your holidays too. We ought to meet up, but we won't because you're in smelly SA, and I'm in awesomely Victoria =D
  3. Aoran


    Linking to forums! Bad-bad Wil!
  4. Aoran

    He's Da Man!

    You're right, he is Da Man! Lucky lady
  5. Aoran

    The Mad Hatter

    You still failed with disappointing me. Gosh that looks great on you, Tiome!
  6. That's what she said, am I right?

  7. Hello there, Than-Boy, beneath this comment!

  8. Ooh, nifty. If I were Premier, I'd probably play around and see if I can connect it to Windows Live Writer. *shrug* Might as well pester Bioran then.
  9. Aoran


    Dlakii might have needing of the grammar bettering in the header of his blog-internet?
  10. Awr. But I have lots of stuff! In fact, I'll let you have my stuff for a rather obscenely high price if you stay!
  11. Eh, not much Dokky. Yourself?

  12. Aoran

    Private Mode

    Hm, yes. Don't think I'll post here.
  13. Maybe so, but it's always more fun to have a shield on your arm in case anyone wants to attack your shoulder, because, y'know, no one really likes them shoulders. 'Sides, the head and the rest of the body don't need to be protected; only the shoulder.
  14. Aoran


    You did it. You actually did it. And golly it looks good.
  15. Aoran

    I Am God

    Why, it's a guy wearing a hat! Unbelievabubble!
  16. Where'm I, huh?! HUH?!? Awesomely MOCs.
  17. Aoran


    I happen to use 1152x864, but only because my graphics card buggers up at 1280x1024.
  18. Aoran

    Ahoy Mateys!

    It just has to be International Talk-Like-A-Pirate-Day, matey, du'nt it? Yarr, 'tis a shame. Ov'r in Aus.
  19. So that's why you're a comic artist, not a MOCist. I kid, I kid. Snazzy preview; just gimme more shots and I might even review for you.
  20. I'm just commenting to prove how awesome I am.

  21. I'm just commenting to prove how awesome I am.

  22. I'm just commenting to prove how awesome I am.

  23. I'm just commenting to prove how awesome I am.

  24. I'm just commenting to prove how awesome I am.

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