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Uncle K.

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Everything posted by Uncle K.

  1. When are you going to change your name back? Right away? : P

  2. This Blog is declared worthy. Because smaller is better. ~Jay
  3. Uncle K.


    *is too lazy to change back for a while*
  4. Uncle K.


    I participating! In a dumb holiday! I never participate in International days! Wow that's a first. Edit: Now I'm red!
  5. Uncle K.


    I had VBS several weeks ago. Although, I got stuck with the third-graders. Oh well, we didn't have enough helpers, and I at least got another person my age to help with me. VBS is fun. *runs around with hose- dousing out fires*
  6. Uncle K.

    Rpg Wat!?!?

    You'll see me! comebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcome backcomebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomeback comebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcome backcomebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomeback comebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcome backcomebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomeback comebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcome backcomebackcomebackcomebackcomebackcomeback! ~Jay
  7. Uncle K.

    Rpg Wat!?!?

    You were one of the reasons it got closed. Annoying members for the sake of annoying them is asinine and immature. I frankly am glad that particular war got closed. It wasn't fun with the barrage of unfair actions and stupid edits. Now what I do want to see is a Splee War. (And the RPG FWIII is already being considered by Dok and myself.) ~Jay
  8. Is it the thing that goes around the piston? EDIT: No, a piston ring is very thin. This part is very thick and heavy
  9. I'm gonna take a gander in that you like Final Fantasy. Just a random guess.
  10. Uncle K.

    Dokky's Blog

    Eh. He PMed me about it, and it didn't sound like he was going premier again anytime soon. ~Jay Oh Noes!
  11. Uncle K.

    Fruit War 2

    *takes Pumpkin land* *takes Pumpkin land again* Haha foo ~Jamie
  12. Uncle K.

    Fruit War 2

    GAH There's no underscores There's no spaces There's no grammar! And I can't read your post I already started the first faction and began the war I can't abandon my team (I can ignore periods, I'm too cool for them.) ~Jamie
  13. Uncle K.

    Fruit War 2

    *still disables Hakkan with applesz* ~Jamie
  14. Uncle K.

    Fruit War 2

    *reaches back and disables Hakkan with applez* Because if I'm hit with something not specified I don't have to be hit. ~Jamie
  15. Uncle K.

    Fruit War 2

    Negate Negated! ~Jamie
  16. *runs in base and steals lemon bombs* ~Jamie
  17. Uncle K.

    Fruit War 2

    So is my DEATHFRUIT! *uses deathfruit to explo deathcitrus* *takes territory* ~Jamie
  18. Uncle K.

    Fruit War 2

    *destroys enemies with passionatepassionfruit rage* ~Jamie
  19. Uncle K.

    Fruit War 2

    *dies from amzaingness of edit* *dies* ~Jamie
  21. Uncle K.

    Fruit War 2

    Dude, obviously not busy enough to reply. ~Jamie
  22. Uncle K.

    Fruit War 2

    Some people take this too seriously. Frankin-Kal, chill out. *tosses apples nonchalantly* ~Jamie
  23. Uncle K.

    Fruit War 2

    This isn't a freaking RPG. He can do whatever he wants, and as long as Dokky feels it's fine it's the LAW. (Besides, Doktor's on OUR team >8D ) *WINS WAR * ~Jamie
  24. Uncle K.

    Fruit War 2

    Hooziwutzit: toa of thingamabobs, saying you join the closeteers is perfectly fine. We are the biggest and first group. We have the girl who had the ides for a second Fruit War, the guy who threw the first volley, and the guy who hosts the battlefield. NO ONE ELSE CAN BEAT THAT ~Jamie
  25. Uncle K.

    Fruit War 2

    Dude, Nikira's been captured! *rushes in after her heroically* ~Jamie
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