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Blog Comments posted by Katuko

  1. It's a nice double-flip, though, and might work for more acrobatically-dispositioned characters if Katuko goes the "some ambient stat perks affect your animations a bit" route as I suggested. :P

    If I get enough animations overall, I'll likely make some of them dependent on the character build, yes. It's a nice idea, and it adds some variety to each character.
  2. Also I'm pretty sure I could ask Janus and maybe a couple other guys (and ladies if different character variation is needed) to provide vocalizations if you can't find anyone else interested.

    Voice variation is actually exactly what I'm looking for. I got some sounds already, but since this game is big on letting users customize their character, I've found that one voice does not fit everyone. Gali Nuva needs one type of voice, for example, while someone's custom Kakama-toting Toa of Air needs a different type of voice.


    I'll compile a list of more specific noises and post it here (and drop you a PM about it, of course). :)

    Could I be allowed to make a map for Pala-Koro? Or must it be canon?

    Well, while I want to keep the game in the MU, it's got a fair bit of non-canon stuff already. Besides being there in the first place, Pala-Koro didn't really involve anything that breaks with MNOG canon. It's a village with stone huts and that's it, really. Could be interesting to have a map like it.


    ...And then I could spawn all the inhabitants as a big boss fight. Yay!

  3. If you still need female vocalizations, I would be cool with providing some. :)

    That would be great. :)


    What I need is mostly just generic "fighting game sounds", such as attack yelps, but potentially some short lines such as "all right!" when getting a power-up, winning a round etc. might be good to have in stock. If you'd be willing to record some test clips and send 'em over, you can do so whenever you please.

  4. This reminds me of that Roll animation I Promised to make two months ago.

    Ah, right. I had almost forgotten about that. If you're still up for it, it'd be much appreciated.


    Speaking of, I should make a post about "what you can do to help" as well, to organize it better.

  5. Yes, the whole family thing is a prime example where things irk me, because these characters aren't even supposed to have a system of reproduction. Hearing about families just breaks the entire setting, because I mean look at the MNOG, Metru Nui, the serials... family beyond maybe some marriage/life partner equivalent simply don't fit into any MU societies because they're not supposed to have any concept of it. :/


    Well, I plan on having the ILS stick to the basics as much as possible. Pick up where we left off after the Toa Mata failed. Saving people, hunting things... the island business. :P

  6. First a few questions:

    - With the extreme amounts of characters and storylines involved, how will you decide what to focus on?

    - Will the goal be to retell things that have happened in-game, or to compress it and put a new spin on it?

    - Will the overarching focus be proper drama, humor, a bit of both...?

    - In what way will this be animated? Flash, 3D, sprites, by hand?

  7. Since AuRon is still not back, I guess we'll just go with 2i for the benefit of everyone. A decent sum of money is attained from Demetrius, ILS returns to Ko-Koro with the Matoran, Shadow Hapaka run off wherever they want.


    Just to draw the conclusion: Assume a small time-skip has happened. All ILS members may all proceed to IC from Ko-Koro, mission complete.


    ... I'm off to bed. XD

  8. Nah, it's just a recolored Inika sprite. Zand has the same one with a custom head, which I later used on Byraher as well. Byraher, though, is mostly custom; heavily modified from various Toa sprites.


    One thing that may not be so apparent: Following their character descriptions, some Matoran (like JiMing) have been made to be slightly taller or shorter than other Matoran.


    If any of you would like updates to your sprites, do tell. I like spriting. :)

  9. My motto is: if you can write it well then do it, but don't beat around the bush.

    There's my thoughts as well. If you can write it well enough, it sits better with me. Still, even a long, well-written post can feel out of place to me if it feels like it belongs in a different setting. I have no problem with love stories (and no problem with explicit stuff either for that matter) but when it pops up in the Mata Nui era of BIONICLE of all places, I don't like it one bit.


    Indeed, writing BIONICLE characters is harder than writing regular humans, but i like it that way, and I think that even newcomers to the RPG and BIONICLE at large could do it if they just put some thought into it. I'm an optimist that way. :)

  10. Yeah, maybe I should just strike everything above and list it as


    1) randomness

    2) non-sensible actions

    3) lore-breaking


    Probably simpler. :P


    My main deal with human biology is that the bio way of doing it has so much potential compared to what I see in every single other media based on humans. I find it an interesting prospect that armor and tissue is integrated; that there are some form of magnetic/elemental emitters in the palms of beings; that they have lungs but not normal blood and thus can choke but not really bleed out the way we do. They are also capable of enduring a bit more punishment than us, and even though the rules say that we should assume human capacity for combat injury due to the way higher mech strength balances out the heightened personal defense, it does make a difference when it comes to jumping/crashing/getting hit by things that are not related to an enemy.


    But everyone seems to skip these interesting functions, and instead go with regular human biology, resulting in not the 85% mechanical characters I'm interested in, but the 95% organic meatbags that make a fuzz out of tripping over a stick.

  11. I don't give a rat's tail about the morality of drinking, given that wanton murder is generally a permeating theme of most RPGs and drinking generally keeps you from doing that. What I do mind, however, is how many people just have their characters drink themselves under the floor for no good reason and think it's funny to excuse randomness by "being drunk".


    The power of a Toa isn't really devalued so much as it is countered by the amount of other Toa and powered beings. In fact, I think a lot of people overestimate their own power way too much. Character creation is a bit too restricted in some ways and too lax in others, in my opinion.


    This is the bane of a purely text-based RPG with no defined rules, because one's definition of "a fireball" can vary so wildly. One could think that it's supposed to be able to blow apart stone walls, while another could think that it's just flame with no force. In character creation, what seems fine to one is bad to another. If people had stats, however, described looks wouldn't matter as everyone would be on a certain scale anyways.


    Zealots? No, the less religion I see the better. Regardless of what one's views of it is, and even if it's fictional, it always leads to flame wars. No exceptions. It's the last thing I want to see on this site.

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