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Blog Comments posted by Tom

  1. Yeah, while the new 'slideshow with voiceover and music' format is pretty cool, and does feel sorta old school Bionicle, flash animations in the classic MNOLG style would've been amazing. It'd bring everything full circle for us fans who loved them.


    Still, next few months seem very exciting for Bionicle, even without sets.

  2. I did Tommi, from the BZPRPG.

    Does the character share the Author's/Player's name? (This can be their first name, middle name, or the name they go by in chat or an online forum.) 10 points. Yes, 10 points. This is actually pretty mild; most Mary Sue litmus tests will automatically flunk a character for this. I admit I'm tempted to do the same.) 10 points there... XP


    What does he do? Does he:

    Fight Evil (1 point)


    *What* is your character?

    A toa with powers beyond the norm (2 points)


    What's your character's origin? (Choose all that apply.)

    A Matoran turned into a Toa by some other means? (2 points) Other means, but not bizarre enough to qualify for those other options I think.


    Does your character use sole kind of weapon to fight? (Multiple weapons are cumulative.)

    a sword (3 points; 4 if it's a really big one)


    Toa powers and you

    Does your Toa have a traditional power? (Fire, Earth, Rock, Wind, Water, Ice) (0 points)


    Choosing a Mask

    Kakama, Paraki, Mahiki, Komau, Calix, Kandin, Huna, Volitak, Kulasi(3 Points)

    MATATU ISN'T ON HERE. D: I put it in the 3 points tier, though.


    From here to there. How does your character move about?

    Uh, flying isn't on here either. I just gave myself a point. XP


    Does your character have a "dark past"? (1 point)

    Does the character have amnesia at any point in the story? (1 point) I missed this one the first time around...

    Have people close to the character died? (1 point per death) Oh wow, I wonder if I missed this too... well this adds up to 6.

    Is the character primarily motivated by revenge for one or more of these deaths? (2 points)

    Despite having had an active, strenuous lifestyle that would cause most lifeforms or machines to break down? (2 points)

    Has your character ever destroyed a fortress, Koro, or similarly major piece of real estate? (It counts even if your character didn't mean to.) (2 points)

    Does your character get away with doing things that other people would get into serious trouble for? (Like killing others, for instance. Even if it was clearly in self-defense, it would normally at least go to trial...) (Three points.)


    What other kinds of relationships does your character have with established characters, if any? Add the points up for each character who qualifies.

    I don't know him (0 points)

    I saw him once (0 points)

    an acquaintance (0 points)

    a good acquaintance, not quite a friend (0 points)

    a friend (1 point)

    I'd take a bullet for him (2 points)

    he'd take a bullet for me (3 points)

    he *has* taken a bullet for me (4 points)

    a friendly rivalry (1 point)

    a bitter rivalry over a woman (2 points)

    I won (1 point)

    I killed him (4 points)

    This doesn't mean canon characters, right? If so, then it adds up to... well, lets just say there's probably enough points here to flunk my character in itself. RPG's been going for quite a while now.


    Take half points if you're a Role Player for this next section.

    Does the character save another characters? (1 point.)

    The Koro/Wahi? (2 points.)

    The island that he inhabits? (3 points.)

    Half points.



    Does the character fight/oppose an army of bad guys?

    2 points right?


    Negative Points Section

    Does your character look up to and respect some other character, throughout the entire story? (-1 point)

    Does your character ever apologize for something, and really mean it? (-1 point)

    Does the character ever commit some humorously stupid blunder, such as tripping over his shoelaces or attacking an "enemy tank" that everyone else knows is a boulder, in public? (-1 point)

    Do the other characters (ones who are not the character's rivals or eventually shown the error of his ways) laugh at him for it? (-1 point)

    Do YOU laugh at him for it? (-2 points)

    Are there any major characters in your story who don't love, despise, or otherwise feel strongly about your character, but just *don't care* about him? (-1 point)

    Is your character ever really, seriously wrong about something? (Things that he was deliberately misled about, or things relating to any Dark Past he may possess, don't count; this is for things that the character really should have known better about, if he wasn't so blind/such an cool dude/so biased/whatever.) (-2 points)

    Does your character hold any opinions that are strongly different from your own? (Likes music you hate, or vice versa, for instance.) (-1 point)

    Is your character ever offstage or in the background for long periods of time, while the other characters do things that have nothing to do with him? (-2 points)

    Does your character ever take the time to comfort and console an emotionally distraught other character? (-1 point)

    Does your character do this *without* making references to how he (your character, the one taking the test) has faced similar situations in the past? (-2 points)

    Is the other character still upset despite your character's best efforts? (-1 point)

    Is your character ever embarrassed in front of someone he wants to impress? (Either by doing something stupid like spilling his coffee or humorously misspeaking a word, or by something like having a large and conspicuous pimple.) (-1 point)

    I think the bulk of it came from character relationships, now that I look at it... I should've written down the questions I answered to the first time, darnit.


    EDIT: Tallied it up without doing the character relationships part, it came down to 27, lol.

  3. Lol, something like that seems fun. I could imagine both the teachers I had in Social Studies this year and last year making that awesome. Sucks though that in High School, there are so many different Social Studies classes. I wish they could've taken Math out of core classes instead of SS. :\


    And the way I see it, Jedi = Ninjas > Pirates, and Ninjas to the power of Jedi times Pirates equals Zyglaks, or NinjasJedi x Pirates = Zyglaks. 8D

  4. I have to second Smeag. You still haven't posted in the BZPRPG, young man! :P


    Yeah, I got a sickness that was goin' around over the midwinter break. It sucked. I'm not quite sure how a flu spreads from Washington to Kansas, though... o_O


    And c'mon, Transformers was awesome. D:

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