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Blog Comments posted by Etcetere

  1. The most differentiated sets we have ever done, they make the 2001 Toa look like clone sets.

    ALRIGHT!! Now THAT'S what I'm talking about!! Way to go, Lego! Way to go, Bionicle! And here I was getting all complainy that the Inika only made clone sets worse. Well, I'm looking forward now.


  2. I'm gone. :P

    Gah...it's Lake Tahoe, I got confused. :P

    This place has wireless internet. So yeah, I'll be coming around adn stuff :P

    Spitty's In Nevada!!! So, it's Tahoe now, is it? Isn't that some Ford or Chevy? Wow, Spitty, you're so ghetto, you vacation at the water-filled bed of the family pickup.

    It's okay. Every summer my family take a road trip to H-E-B.

  3. Sorry to tell you this, Exo, but Neopets don't die. Instead, they remain "Starving" for eternity.

    However, if an account has been inactive for over a year, all the pets in that account are defined as "Vacationing in Mystery Island". So just when you're trying to neglect them, they're having the time of their lives.

  4. hmm... it's random.. but.... too random, so random infact i think you acctually thought about what you were going to write. :sly:


    still is pretty funny though :lol:


    Well.. I kind of thought of it as I was writing... just typing out whatever popped into my head. Which is why some are word associations.. some things I was looking at... some are somwhat inside jokes...



  5. As well as a coredimension.com/org/net. Apparently, I'm some sort of German first aid company. I deliver results that matter.

    And Etcetera, my future name, is a women's clothes designer.

    Not to mention, Canadia is an annelid with prominent setae.

  6. I'd just kill them both...


    IPB Image


    For one thing, it's only one person (technically). For another thing, that would be obeying the one who's telling you not to listen.




    So...we're talking schizophrenic here? 'Cause then he should be in the loony bin...


    And I never see a point where the one who's saying 'Dont listen' says 'Kill me/us both' oO

    IPB Image


    But in killing them you realize that that's not listening, right?



  7. There you go, Eggmutique. Thatta's way to ramble. Absolutely nothing to do with pies, muffins, cookies or -really just any pastry product. Except cake, which is the best and is thankfully not unrandom. (Unrandom things are things that were once random because they were unusual, and funny to know about, but quickly became horribly overused and are now just boring and blah. Examples: Llamas (No offence, Spitty), and the fact that those things on the ends of shoelaces are called aglets.)

    So I applaud you for this eggmutation. It really sounded like you started typing with a topic in mind, then totally tangented away. Tangenting is fun. Who knows what a tangent is? It's a line that crosses a circle at only one point, and is therefore perpendicular to the radius that intersects it. But in trigonometry, tangent is a magic number that helps you find the missing lengths or angles of a right triangle. The tangent of an angle is equal to the length of the opposite side divided by the length of the adjacent side. And when you put Y=tan(X) in a TI graphing calculator, you get a funky design.

    See thith? That's a tangent in all senses.

  8. I'd seen these on your brickshelf (or was it maj) and loved 'em. you relaly should make more banners and stuff. You've got a severely nifty style, Spith. And that's something, to be severely nifty. Not severely as in severed as in.. shutting up..

  9. You both live in Canadia, right? He could burn it to a CD and mail it to you. Don't tell me a file that's too big for a 712 MB CD can fit on a 10 MB Email.

    Unless he doesn't have a CD burner. In which case I could mail him mine, and he could then mail it back. But I'd have to mail the instruction CDs as well, which my friend in Plano is borrowing, so he could mail those to me and -

    Forget it.

  10. Pi happens to not be 3.14, but 3.14159265358979323846. And beyond. That's really what I can remember off the top of my head. I'd go on, but I can't seem to locate the text document that has pi to the first 1 Million decimals on it. (It takes a good minute or two to highlight the entire thing).

    As for Greek letters, I'd say Mu is my favorite.

  11. Something's particularly struck me. Ow.

    Really, It's a bit ironic that I posted an "Etcetera" entry right before deciding this.

    Basically, The Core Dimension applies to a story/universe I invented, it's about realms and all that. But the more developed version of that story, Parable, kinda takes the place of it. And I realized Core Dimension doesn't really define me because there's a whole lot of stuff that interests me and/or I create that has nothing to do with the Core Dimension, so using that as the name for everything just didn't qualify.. everything.

    Etcetera was my first idea for the moniker of the technoist I aspire to be. But #1 Etcetera didn't really fit for that, and #2 I decided ".sela"h as a perfect name.

    Then I put 2 and 2 together. I succeeded with a result of 4.

    As soon as I can, my name is going to be Etcetera. Thankfully BZP is really the only online community I'm deeply involved in, but I might as well fix my e-mail address and everything. But... yeh. Etcetera fits me perfectly. Hopely no one got to attached to Core Dimension.

  12. I personally enjoy boredom, which is a complete paradox but whocares. The reason is that you knever know what random things will spawn from it.

    Oh, and I should comment that your ASL I<3U Smiley is not headbanging, but rather seems to be nervously tremoring.

    Not to mention the begging emote, who inspects his hands and finds something emotionally unsettling on them.

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