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Status Updates posted by Jacks

  1. Congrats on getting your seven-year spinny a day early. :P

  2. Dang it, I missed your birthday again. Why is it that the only birthday I can ever remember is imperial's?

    Oh well. A belated round of applause for everyone's favorite grumpy centenarian. ^_^

  3. Congrats on three years

  4. "That one awesome author guy"? Nobody's ever called me anything like that before. You sure you've got the right person? :P

  5. Your photo is made of pure win. I need one of Homsar now. :P

  6. they/them/their/theirself

  7. Jacks

    Yep. I saw a trailer on The Video Sharing Site Which Must Not Be Named. Fancy Pants Man can swim now. :D

  8. Jacks

    Yeah, the Cutie Pants thing looks promising as well. I wonder if it's supposed to be FPM's younger sister, or something. :P

  9. petition to start referring to DARPG veterans as "DARPies" ??

  10. Will "A Tale of Two Paths" be continuing anytime soon?

  11. zOMG the maine colander is indie! R u propered 4 the APPLE COLLAPSE?

  12. is there a word for 'the inexplicable compulsion to build as many Vahki as possible' because my gosh am I ever

  13. Yes, very nice cat.

  14. Just read Robotics 101. I have no idea how I missed it until now. Awesome, nearly better than An Icy Mystery, IMO.

  15. hey I stumbled on your deviantart and I just have to commend you for giving Hafu and Taipu their correct masks in your Chronicler's Company. thumbs up

  16. disregard canon acquire plausible measurements

  17. I've been trying for years to figure out what your avatar is, and just a few days ago, I realized it looks a lot like Darth Malak. Am I right?

  18. Dude...you ever coming back?

  19. Your dancing personal photo is perfectly synced with the song I'm listening to.

  20. Whoa, Beirut is one of my favorite bands ever :D

  21. Bossbot avatar = Win

  22. Funny that you should call me 'young.' :]

  23. s2g shopping on bricklink is literally the most tedious thing ever >

  24. Happy birthday! Better late than never I guess. I was going to make you a topic, but the only birthday I ever remember is imperial's, just 'cause it's so close to mine =P Sorry 'bout that.

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