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Blog Comments posted by Jedi Master J.
Fair enough.
For record though, KH 2 is my favorite KH game, so I definitely get what you both mean about the game. Although as someone that grew attached to those characters, I find it hard to be angry with them returning in some form later.
Also I kind feel similar with like the tragedy in Rogue One. Like it is a good film, but I will admit that hate that this was all that we got with this cast of characters as it feels like such a waste to me (Honestly it is why I am excited for Cassian Andor show since it at least means we get something more with some of cast from that film in that.). I am not saying I want them survive the mission, but I will admit that much rather had that as cap end to film series involving those characters rather than just being one and done like that. *shrugs*
But anyway, as for Spider-Man, I am look forward playing more when I get it back from my brother.
- JMJ 2019
No, that's completely fair, dude. Sorry if ruffle your feathers at all.
I definitely will agree with you that I would very much have prefer KH 3 to have just focus on Xehanort related stuff and concluded that chapter of the story rather than set up next plot right away like it did, so that KH 4 could have less baggage and could start fresh (Part of me was actually hoping they just let Xehanort reset the universe... XD). That didn't happen though, so I am just settling with what I like about it and hoping for the best really.
Hm...I can't say I agree with Aqua being corrupted by darkness as ruining her character though. I mean it would been really anticlimactic if all Mickey and Riku was pop in Realm of Darkness and give Aqua an Uber ride out. Also she was toss into sea of darkness and being expose to darkness like Sora did in 3D, so it would been ridiculous if she was just able to just will power out of it without any help.
Only thing that I dislike of that plotline was the fact we never found out how she lost the Master's Defender Keyblade, which bugs me to no end. That and well, Vanitas fight, which I get they need a dramatic entrance for Ven's return. But it would been nice if it didn't undercut Aqua by making her go down so easily after stomping Vanitas in that fight early. *shrugs* For post-KH 3 future, I hope she get more opportunity to shine and have some hero moments (I would love for her take on a mentor role for Kairi).
As for Terra, I think the dude arguably got best treatment out of trio with two Big Hero moments (I definitely can't explain how he exactly he got his body back though. Nor can I explain how Namine's or Xion's hearts found their way to their vessels for that matter). Overall I was pretty happy with his treatment compared to Aqua (I only wish he could kick Xehanort when he was down and took X-Blade for Sora). Honestly I am not sure what they will do for Terra's future in the series. Hopefully it will be interesting.
As for Ventus, I am on same boat with you on that. I am really indifferent about him and I am not a big fan of his involvement in mobile game plot, which just makes things timeline wise really confusing for him. The only thing I really like about his character is his relationship with Vanitas (Which is now over). Also still disappointed that they didn't just make him and Roxas (With Roxas just being him without his memories) into just same person as him meeting Lea in BbS felt like that was intention rather than them actually being two separated people. *shrugs* Due to his involved with that mobile plot, I imagine he will be important for future games.
As for Xion, honestly part of me would agree with you that Xion being back doesn't add much story in grand scheme of things. That being say I am glad she is back because I feel like otherwise there was really not point in adding her at all in the series if they were just going make her suffer and throw her away in one title (Days). That being said, the fact they didn't even bother to explain her return annoys me to no end (Which apparently going to be DLC now). As for post-KH 3 content for her, I am personally fine with them just leave her alone to her happy end, so I.don't really see a need for her be important for future plot really.
As for Lea, I don't have that much problem with Lea being Keyblade Weider now. However I hate that much like Kairi, they basically did nothing with it. In some ways, it just feels like he was just giving a Keyblade filled a chair for Seven Guardians of Light thing, which is really disappointing. I can hope if the mystery girl is important for the future, we can at least see him do something interesting with it. I am not holding my breath though and I wouldn't be surprise if they retired his character going forward as I can't see Twilight Gang get involved in stuff.
As for Roxas, I love the dude and I am glad to see him back, although I definitely get where you coming from with it undercutting his and Namine's resolution in KH 2. Honestly it is why I kind wish they went the route that he was really Ventus as Roxas having his heart just made sense to me, which would done away with need for Replica or Sora nobody-ing himself again.*shrugs* Either way, much like Xion, I just don't see him getting involved with future plot a lot. I mean I imagine he and others do want to help rescue Sora, but I am not sure how they can assist in that really (I feel like it should be mission for Riku and Kairi mainly).
As for Namine, I honestly am kind of indifferent on her. I mean it is nice that she getting to live her own life now and only see her returning in the future to resolve that thank you thread involving Sora, otherwise I am good with them just leaving her be to live her new life. I will say again though, the lack of explanation for how they got her heart does bug me though.
Okay, I rambled enough. Sorry... I don't get to talk about KH often, so I kind jumped at the chance. XD
But anyway, I am sorry if I was hostile at all. Your opinion on things are definitely fair and I apologize if I was coming off like I was trying to defend the flaws in KH 3.
I hope the rest of today treats you well. Oh, and sorry to TMD as well.
- JMJ 2019
@Pahrak: I will agree with you on if there was an ending point for Sora's story in this series that KH 2 was where to do.
Unfortunately Square (and some of fans) don't really want to let Sora go and I doubt it would went over well replacing Sora with a new protagonist in an alternate KH 3 as I imagine most people would go where is Sora and why isn't he involved in [insert new conflict here]. People also missed Donald and Goofy from non-numbered titles, so I also doubt people would be okay with them appearing with some random new Keyblade Hero instead of Sora. So yeah, I don't think Sora retiring as main hero in the numbered titles is going to happen for a long while and that's just how it is (I certainly wouldn't mind them putting Kairi in the driver seat, but it remains to be seen if they will do that since they didn't do amazing with her in this game).
Furthermore, many people have said they wait 13+ years for the conclusion in KH 3 does come off really weird because following the logic that you established here, there was nothing to conclude for Sora, outside the letter and Wayward Trio from secret ending (Which was later explored in Birth by Sleep). So really what were they wait for all those years? Clearly those sequel hooks didn't make it feel like the end of Sora's story for a lot of people.
There also is closure in this game... The Wayward Trio and the Twilight Trio were saved and reunited, which is a conclusion / payoff to the arcs that we spent several games setting up. Master Erauqs plot thread also got closure (Mind you, the execution left a lot to be desired since yeah, Xehanort just giving in definitely wasn't great. I would prefer they had gone Vanitas route of not being sorry for his actions). We also have closure for some of villains from Organization (Obviously Luxord, Marluxia, and Larxene somebodies might reappear down the line due to hint at Keyblade connection, Xigbar going reappear for obvious reasons, etc). So at least to me, it did what it set out to do, which is concluded the Xehanort arc of this story and set up for next arc in the series.
I certainly did not expected all plotlines to be resolved in this game (Especially not the mobile ones, which aren't really related to Xehanort), so I can't say I am disappointed there will be more games to explore Disney Worlds and speculate where they will go next with these characters. And at least for me, this cliffhanger puts Sora in interesting place to explore next.
Whether this new arc will payoff better than the end of Xehanort's is hard to say at this point (They could certain improve by taking in feedback from this game, but hard to say if they will or not), but I am willing to take the leap of faith to see where they take us next as I am interested enough for it and still find these games fun.
Again, just my two cents. You certainly don't need to agree me though.
- JMJ 2019
While I personally will agree that I would like to seen more offscreen stuff such as training of Kairi and Lea (Axel) and Radiant Garden plot (Which I am still surprised we didn't get involve in as I thought when I saw Ansem the Wise cutscene in Twilight Town, we were going to get a call to get involve. I mean we have these Gummiphones now and yet we weren't call in. It just so weird and honestly I think it must been cut for time or something.), I don't know if I would agree with you about epilogue needing us have to see and control Sora in the rescuing Kairi.
I don't know... I mean maybe it just because I concluded that all Sora really did was just go to Final World and collect fragments of Kairi, so at least to me that wouldn't really been great followup to finish the game after that Big Bad fight, unless they were going give one more fight to one up that fight (Which I would be pretty annoyed if they didn't give me the chance to save or restock Sora's pockets since I don't know about you, but my Sora's pockets were empty after Xehanort fight since I got combo a lot).
So yeah, they could do that and have a little heartfelt reunion with Sora and Kairi, where they embraced (Possibly even kiss) as Kairi solidifies and Sora gradually fades away (Which would be foreshadow during the collection bit prior to boss fight). Sora say his good byes as Kairi try to reach out as she pull back to Realm of Light / Living. While that certainly be emotional moment for the two, it would feel really weird when you factor in the secret ending since it would feel like the game was playing with your emotions, if they really try to selling the tragedy of that moment that much like I describe.
Plus if we only have this really personal moment for Sora at the end, I would feel really cheated that I didn't get to also see those great moments for Wayward Trio (Burying Master Eraqus) and Twilight Gang (Reuniting at Clock Tower with their Sea Salt Ice Cream) from this epilogue, which I imagine really would not fit in a Sora centered ending (Although I guess they could still appear in the credits). So yeah, as someone that cares about those characters, I definitely wouldn't be happy with them being left out like that.
Also speaking personally I really like the mystery of the whole thing as it is sort of similar to situation of KH II and letter from Mickey.
We didn't really know what was in that letter till much later (Well, for those that play games like ReCoded and KH 3D... Otherwise yeah, you wouldn't really know about it... I know how KH set up its number titles is weird and confusing and I wish they didn't do stuff like that as it make it such a newcomer unfriendly series. Really I wonder at times though why people didn't complain as much about it in KH 2 since there is clearly a time gap from where we left off in KH 1 that people are missing if they ignored CoM in the series. I guess it helped that there was much less of in real time gap between those numbered games).
So to me at least, not know everything about what happens with Sora is more interesting, especially when you factor in the secret ending. This and some other dangling threads for the next arc are making me think about where the series will go next, so that's my mindset on it.
That being said if this was supposed to be the end of entire series though, I definitely would prefer more emotional reunion between Sora and Kairi here (Although admittedly I would favor a happy over tragedy end since if this is really the end, let's end on feel good note than bittersweet one).
But anyway, I rambled enough. Those are my general feelings on it.
Definitely not saying you are wrong for feeling how you do, so please don't take my thoughts the wrong way (I also definitely don't think KH 3 was a perfect game and I do think too much of main plot was rushed, especially at the end.). I mean you are much more knowledge about storytelling than me, so take my uneducated thoughts like a grain of salt. XD
Alright, I am going to shut up now. I hope you have a good day.
PS - Okay, one more thing before I leave... This is unrelated to KH topic and more to do cutscenes vs QTE vs Half Life style scene thing, personally I have always prefer cutscenes for story stuff. While cool at times for action moments, QTE generally stress me out, especially since I am really bad at timing games.
As for Half Life style, my own experience with this style is really through Portal, which I think does work well there due to robot nature of characters involved. However thinking about it being use for human characters that in a room with you is really weird as it comes off like player doesn't even care about the character speaking to them and would much rather be looting a desk than listen to their story, so I don't really see that method of storytelling as ideal for sharing plot important details to player (Really Portal just use it for humor mainly as you solve puzzles, so I find it hard picturing it in serious narrative driven game).
As for cutscenes (when they properly spaces out as even I think there can think there can be too many of them at once), I think they do better job with providing a narrative and give us a feel for how our characters think on things. Like it allows characters to be much less of blank slate, I feel. Mind me, I am not saying it is perfect and definitely times in video games, where there are too many cutscenes at once.
Hm... I am not sure how you classified Marvel's Spider-Man video game as it does do a bit of hybrid of things with cutscenes, radio talk (Which I guess is similar to Half Life Style) and some QTEs for action moments. I mean from what I played of it (About as far as jailing Wilison Fisk and collecting all map towers... My brother borrowing it, so it will be awhile before I play again), I love how it does things, especially the radio talk.
So I definitely not saying cutscenes always need be use for story for video games, I just meant it tends be my preference is all.
Okay, that's enough rambling from me. Sorry...
- JMJ 2019
Yeah, I wasn't a big fan of this plot point.when I was playing the game. I definitely wish they had did more with Kairi and wish she could stuck with you post-boss fight meet up rather than just be grab like that.
I mean come on, they gave us ability to have five party members in the game now. It seem really weird in the endgame that they decided let's only give you two party members per Boss Rush (Which they could balanced by adding additional enemies to fight such as Heartless, etc), nor any specials to even do with your allies. *shrugs*
Another thing I wasn't a fan of is that foreboding "Light will see defeat and expire, while darkness prevails evermore" was pretty much copped out with time travel thing. Don't get me wrong though, seeing Lingering Will show up and Keyblade Wielders of Past were awesome moments. But really I think we could still had those moments later without the weird confusing loop thing. *shrugs*
Honestly I think the endgame in general need more time in the oven. That being said, I do like the end result of everything and it was still a decent endgame even with its faults, so I find it hard to hold too much against it personally. Ultimately, I still enjoy the game and I am looking forward to the future of the series. I can only hope they can do better with Kairi in the future (One can hope maybe she could even get her own game as a Keyblade Wielder as well).
Now with all said, I do get at least a narrative reason for use of that trope here (By no means am I saying I am happy with decision to use the trope here) as if you recall in that battle there, Axel (Lea) was also easily disarmed and made "helpless" (Trust me, I have plenty to nitpick with that scene, even though I am happy with the results), which at least to me suggest that Merlin's training of two really wasn't that efficient or great.
Another story point is the reason that our heroes were unwilling to fight Big Bad Xehanort at the end is because if they did, they would literally give him what he wanted. He wanted them to clash with him, so he could get the final key to form x-Blade.
By refusing to fight, they were trying keep him away from his goal, so naturally grabbing Kairi like he did is because he knew that taking her out would give him that key. Not purely because her friends would clash with him to save her, but because she is one of Guardians of Light and possibly still a Princess of Heart, therefore "slaying" would give him what he wants no matter what Sora and company decide to do. This literally would been what he would done with New Princesses of Heart had our heroes outright refused to play his game in the first place (Which is why other members were scouting them out during Disney plots).
Additionally, grabbing one of New Princesses of Heart (from one of Disney Worlds) to serve that role would likely had not been nearly as much of player punch, which was probably a factor in the decision.
So yeah, I can at least understand why they went with that trope here, even though I dislike that they used it again.*shrugs*
But anyway, that's my two cents on it. Sorry for ramble.
- JMJ 2019
- 1
L or XL (Preferred). Also I will only be around to pick it up during Saturday public hours.
Congrats on the engagement! I hope everything goes well for you two.
- 3
Man, you are making me want to look up those subs for that.
By the way, is there any estimate on how much gameplay that 0.2 has? I hadn't been keeping up with the news for that lately. XD
- JMJ 2017
I am glad to hear you decided to check it.
And yeah, Chopper is great! (Need to get his LEGO minifigure at some point.)
- JMJ 2017
- 1
@TMD: Firefly, I have seen already, so I won't put that one on my list since it hasn't been that long since I watched it for first time (I enjoyed it and I think it is shame that it never got more than one season. That being said, I wasn't a huge fan of follow-up movie.).
Chuck, I have never seen before, so I'll put it on my to watch list (Here's hoping it is on Netflix. XD).
Thanks for the suggestions.
- JMJ 2016
@Obessionist: I don't have Prime. I just have the season pass.
I imagine there are other (legal) ways of watching it after episodes air (Such on Cartoon Network website). But I am a bulk watcher (as in I like to watch multiple episodes at once, especially for a show designed for 30 minute time slot), so I wouldn’t be watching as soon as air to begin with.
That and Steven Universe does go on break a lot, so personally I think it is just easier to get season pass and watch it at a later point rather than repeatedly have to remind myself that it airs during a certain week.
As for Volcanion codes, I’ll send you some codes by PM when I get home from work (Around 5:30 PM EST).
Thanks for leaving a comment. I hope you have a great day!
- JMJ 2016 -
Alright, first off, apologizes for the wait. My mind was all over the place last week, so this kind of slipped my mind unfortunately. So yeah, I am sorry about that. I'll try to get these shirts out next Friday (15th) for you folks.
But anyway, since I didn't get around to closing this on July 4th, I am going to extend the deadline to grab one of these shirts to Monday (11th).
After all, I didn't promo this entry much during the final week, so it seems only fair. So if you are someone that missed this entry, here's your last chance to grab what left of the shirts (Which at this point is just small shirts).
@ToaTom: Unfortunately Lord Oblivion claim the last medium BZP shirt first, so I don't have any left. Sorry.
- JMJ 2016
Those look so cool!
EDITED: Echoing what Swert said, go for Onua!
- JMJ 2016
- 2
I don't know much about the details of this season since I am like a season behind on the show. XD
But isn't this the first season that they hadn't adapt at least some of the plot from the books? I seen to recall reading that somewhere, so that might be why it feels like it is missing something. *shrugs*
She definitely up there as one of my favorite staff members.
Keep being awesome, Windy. And thank you for everything you do for the forums. =D
- JMJ 2016
- 5
@Tyler: Code sent! I hope you enjoy the game.
- JMJ 2016
@Scythey, AZBlue, Iaredios, and Parugi: Codes sent! I hope you enjoy the games.
@TMD: I'll take that as you approved that I am watching Jessica Jones now.
I got say it is interesting so far and well, I am looking forward to watching more of it later today.
- JMJ 2016
I'll definitely miss seeing you around the forums, but its understandable.
Best of luck with your future endeavors.
- JMJ 2016
@Iaredios: Yeah, I agree with you that they get too much hate.
And well, I did enjoy watching them two weeks ago (Although I did enjoy the Marvel films more though.).
My main issue really is with Dawn of Justice since I feel they rush too many things to set up their film verse faster.
But anyway, thanks for birthday wishes. I hope you have a good day.
- JMJ 2016
Hm... I am usually not into mobile games, especially since I don't have a device outside of my phone to play them and well, I am already having to charge my phone daily, thanks to Miitomo. XD
But it is a Kingdom Hearts game and I love the series, so I guess I give this a look. I don't know what union I would pick, but I guess could go with Ursus too, if you want to form a party.
- JMJ 2016
- 1
Yeah, I echoed Takuma Nuva here.
A Piraka shirt sounds awesome. I know I would want to pick up one (Probably from leftover stock though since I will likely not be at any events this year.).
- JMJ 2016
- JMJ 2016
Happy Birthday, ~Shockwave~. I hope today has treated you well.
- JMJ 2016
Showing, Not Telling
in TMD's Creatively Named Blog
A blog by Ta-metru_defender in General
@TMD (Rogue One): I don't know if I agree with you about Rogue One. Like a big problem (Beside some of cameos like Cornelius Evazan and Ponda Baba) I had with the film is it hard to feel emotionally invested in these characters due to how short of time we get to experience them (Honestly it is problem that I have with films a lot, which is why I technically enjoy TV shows more than films as TV shows just have so much more time to use their characters).
The only characters at the end that I felt a true loss for was K-2SO (Which I love that droid), Chirrut Imwe, and Baze Malbus (Which was mostly due their great relationship and mystic of their order).
Again, maybe just me, but I felt like there was a lot of waste story potential for these characters. I mean Cassian Andor, for example, came from a Separatist world, which is something that we hadn't really seen with a Rebel character before. The film doesn't have much room to explore that though and mostly focused on moral grey area of his job as a spy for Rebel Alliance, which is a fair thing to explore in the film. But as result, I don't think it did amazing job of selling his loss to me as I just barely knew him as a person, outside of some his morally questionable actions for greater good.
It sort like if I met a random person on street one day and hung out a little, then learn like a week later that they had died. I mean sure, I would feel sad about that news, but it is not degree that I would be thinking about them for more than a day at most.
So yeah, I would prefer there had been a film series that would explore and develop this team further as they went on missions for Rebel Alliance with the big Death Star plan mission being their swan song film. Ultimately that didn't happen though, so I can only hope whatever we get from Cassian Andor's prequel show, that is planned for Disney streaming service, will further explore some of those characters (Obviously not expecting them all to be explore in that show since most weren't involved with Rebel Alliance till Rogue One.).
@TMD & Pahrak (Roxas stuff): Honestly, I am not going argue with you guys on that. I mean clearly much like Ansem thing from KH I to KH II, it was something they decided to change later (Obviously in this case due to popularity of Roxas as a character).
That's just nature of how they decided to write story in this series though (Really Writing by the Seat of Your Pants trope is hardly a new thing for writers in general. For example, a lot of TV shows such as Breaking Bad have been written in this fashion, so sometimes it works out and sometimes it doesn't.) and I am certainly not saying that was the best way of doing things, but it is what is (and I personally at least enjoy the puzzle element of it). XD
At the end of day though, I am glad they delivered on what they spent several games setting up. It definitely would annoyed me if they decided to backpedal on giving a happier end to these characters after all that setup. You both don't have agree with me on that, of course.
- JMJ 2019