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Eljay: Toa of Mangosteen

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Status Updates posted by Eljay: Toa of Mangosteen

  1. Hey, Merc. You need me to throw at this..... Guy?..........Gal?....

  2. HI VC! Remember me?! Your biggist fan! Hehe, sorry, I don't go nuts now-a-days.

  3. Hmm, nope. That is not the good stuff. Not the kind I use. Not good stuff.

  4. How could you spear one of the most awesomeness movie makers ever? :P

  5. How interesting that certain people check my profile nearly every single day.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mesonak


      doo da doo da doo

    3. Soran


      They probably think you're an entertaining person.

    4. That Which Is

      That Which Is

      I know I sure do! ;)

  6. I am afraid of your new pic ._.

  7. I am doomed at playing Lewa :P You I think would be better! And awsome ABB!

  8. I am so glad I am not in school! I feel sorry for all of those in school!

  9. I am so sure, I...

    *insert mental breakdown*

  10. I checked out your comics, and, uh... Wow. You are truely amazing.

  11. I don't like you "kidding" about putting me on your block list.

    Don't to it.

  12. I has been befriended!

    *friends Turaga Dlakii *

  13. I know him. Thats why he is here. AWAY FAR JB!

  14. I know. With the work I have been doing.... Maybe if you can post? I don't know.

  15. I like donuts! But not as much as mangosteen!

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