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Everything posted by Cederak

  1. Yeah, I need to find some spare time first. =P

    And you're right, that would be creepy. A lottle bit creepy. =)


  2. Couldn't help but notice you poked me. =P

    What's up Mr. Empress? =)


  3. This is true. But at least the internet as a whole doesn't use a word filter. =)

    P.S. - Gears 2 = awesome!!


  4. Yeah, but I'd need some proper swearing lessons if that were the case. XD

    I still think of you as Vezorn though. =)


  5. Hey, D*F. How's it going?


  6. Actually my favorite one is Never Turn Back. Waking Up was decent though.


  7. Hey, Velox. Any chance that review is coming soon? =)


  8. Hey, it's cool. If you're busy, then you're busy. No way around it some days. =)


  9. Cloud is cool in his own right, but Zack never got so...depressed about stuff. Playing Crisis Core sorta gave me a new perspective on Cloud.


  10. I don't know how I missed your name on the daily B-Day chart, but Happy Birthday Neya! =)


  11. Nice personal statement, dude.


  12. SS topic updated. I acutally forgot about it. Good eye, Velox. =P


  13. A review sometime soon would be nice.


  14. On the same level? Rather than argue this out any further, I'll end on this note: That drastically contradicts popular opinion.

    Of course, FF has been around longer than Star Ocean and has created a bigger impact on the gaming world. You can't deny facts like that.


  15. Square Enix made both Star Ocean and Final Fantasy, but Fabula Nova Crystallis (FF 13 Saga) is bound to be a better compilation.


  16. Better avatar? Maybe you should go asking around about which will be a better GAME, buddy.


  17. Heh, riding an Albatross? Sounds odd. I'd prefer an Albatoss. You gotta love old games. =P


  18. Yeah, but I look more like Zack than the blue-haired guy, so it works out for me.


  19. Whoa, sounds like you've got quite a bit on your plate these days. Well, once everything starts to slow down, I'll be waiting for your review. =)


  20. Hey, Takatu, think you'll be able to read my epic soon?


  21. Hey, I'll be back to Premier in a day or two. You should become one, too. =P


  22. Hello, Vezorn. I'm sure you've already been told about this, but if I look at your personal photo while it's smaller, it resembles a spherical Mask of Life. =P


  23. I'm mailing out the Premier form today, so it'll only be a week or so 'till I'm Premier again, Velox. =)


  24. Remember in Iron Man where Tony Stark said he clearly wasn't the hero type? Well, the same goes for Cederak in terms of Toa. -Ced
  25. Cederak once added a "Little-Known Member Fact". You just finished reading it. -Ced
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