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Everything posted by Cederak

  1. Dynamic Paradigm has been posted in its entirety, and it has been a little over a year since I first conjured the ideas of Landrak and his friends - uncertain of where they were headed. Though I expressed that this would most likely be my final work on BZPower, I am not ruling out another story being written at some unknown point in the future. Thank you to anyone and everyone who reads this epic, whether you liked it or didn't. What matters is that, like the Vapseron, you were willing to take the journey, and I appreciate the effort.-Ced
  2. Cederak

    Dynamic Paradigm

    40: Symmetric It was a sunny afternoon in Prime, as busy as any other day. Landrak was on his way to the transcontinental station after a pleasant visit with Aurozi. Having already taken trips to meet with Selpiar and Endico, Landrak was confident that his friends would live out happy lives under the watch of the Axiom Union. As he continued down the sidewalk, Landrak carelessly glanced off to his left. A large white sign with multicolor lettering read "Coming Soon: Nova Spire." Beneath the words was the distinct Axiom Union symbol Landrak would remember for the rest of his life. He looked further left and widened his eyes for a second. Landrak had somehow failed to notice a reporter interviewing Sovereign Carzandus near the metal entryway to a building that had yet to exist. Carzandus was standing beneath the empty arch, arms folded as he waited for another topic."What is the scope of involvement you will have with the reconstruction of Arc's cities?"Carzandus grinned. "Given the losses we have sustained, the Axiom military has taken a very personal interest in seeing each city center rebuilt to a new height of glory. Just as my top advisors took pride in the beauty of Starlight Tower, it is my hope that each area we plan to rebuild will leave biomechs awestruck. We want to give them the sensation of pride and astonishment when they visit a city center - truly breathing new life into these zones.""Has your company reached an estimated deadline as to when this project will be complete?"Carzandus retained his smile while releasing a faint sigh. Glancing off to the left, the deceptive Kyllidahk stopped his eyes on Landrak for a moment. They both knew they had the undivided attention of the other, but there was nothing to be said now. Landrak's expression of shock slowly turned to disgust - glaring into Omtazic's visual receptors before continuing on his way down the street. Carzandus' smile quickly faded, replaced by dejection.The reporter took notice of Carzandus' sudden unhappiness and gave him a curious look. "Are you all right?"Omtazic held his focus on where Landrak had glared at him, finally muttering an emotionless response. "The architects are still at an outline stage regarding much of the damaged centers in Prime, Dawn, Interval, Verve, and Sincerity. Beyond reestablishing foundations and improving the design of Starlight Tower, it's far too early to speculate a completion date."The reporter casually took down a few notes. "I see..."Carzandus quietly took a few steps past the archway and toward the area where Nova Spire would one day stand. The reporter at his side looked on as well, perplexed to see what he hoped to learn from studying empty air. Omtazic was incapable of viewing the emptiness - his mind was captivated by the dream Exogen denied him of, now reduced to a memory. Carzandus' hollow smile slowly returned and he considered the extent of his recent losses for a moment. He was alone on Arc now, sharing loneliness with a world of biomechs who felt only revulsion toward his true form. Worse than the feared and misunderstood Nerozak, Omtazic was the last of a hated design forced to suffer the needs of his antagonists. In the back of his mind, he could only hope Exogen would reconsider allowing the last Kyllidahk to return home.Landrak kept a steady pace as he distanced himself from Omtazic and Starlight Tower. In the coming months, he would make fewer visits to Prime, and eventually detach himself from Radiance altogether. The Axiom Union was a flicker of the past that meant nothing to Landrak now. The whole of Arc was at his fingertips. He smiled along every step that day, taking in the world he had grown so accustomed to. Just above his sight, a pitch black trail of aether spiraled up through the atmosphere and twinkled in the sunlight before vanishing entirely. The Arbiter of the Cosmos had a promise to keep to his love. A C T . V . C O N C L U D E D. The Great Beings did not leave us orphans on the universe's doorstep. We are all intelligent races that must act on our own - pay the consequences of our self-destructive actions. Each day we rise, we have an opening to redeem ourselves. We never asked to be created, but regardless, we have a duty to one another to live in accord. If we don't owe this to our creators, we owe it to ourselves at least.-Cederak (Excerpt from The Eternal Void, Section 1: Absolution Created) Review
  3. Cederak

    Dynamic Paradigm

    39: This Life Nerozak walked through the outskirts of what would eventually become Reprieve, built over the ruins of Respite. Two months had passed since the Aether Network was reset and Nerozak was encouraged by the biomechs' spirit to rebuild their broken world. Reaching his destination, Nerozak uncomfortably gave Landrak and Talise a sad smile. They were located in a nearly completed cemetery, standing before a memorial dedicated to Ceyvim and Merolsy."Hello, Nerozak," Landrak greeted, trying to be friendly."Good afternoon," Nerozak replied, staring down at the grave."It's okay," Talise told him, giving Nerozak a smile. "My parents are together again.""Of course," Nerozak nodded. "Ceyvim was a soldier at heart, and I believe he loved Arc. It was clear he loved you, Talise. Maybe he was the lucky one.""What do you mean?" Landrak wondered."I mean that you two will be old and tired some day, but Ceyvim died as a hero...a soldier redeemed, practically passing in the line of active duty.""We can accept aging," Landrak replied. "My friends and I have had enough of the Axiom military.""What are they doing now?" Nerozak asked, motioning for Landrak and Talise to follow him."I know Selpiar returned to Radiance to become a surgeon, returning to a medic's work in a sense. Aurozi is on Radiance as well, working with reactor core maintenance in the cities," Landrak explained."Verton's last letter mentioned his work on Vault to accommodate a new biomech colony outside the ruins of Amtra's palace," Talise recalled. "And Endico returned home to Sincerity, living peacefully and happily near the Iron Sea.""And what about the two of you?" Nerozak asked. "Where are you going?""We're staying here, in Reprieve. Talise likes the scenery of Wake, and after you convinced Omtazic to open all of Arc to biomechanical travel, I couldn't wait to leave Radiance.""It was the least I could do," Nerozak grinned. "Your contribution was far greater than mine though. Not necessarily enduring your Vapseron path, but retaining your belief in others.""I could never lose hope in biomechs," Landrak smiled. "Even after years at war...I knew we would recover. Arc is going to be okay.""Thanks to you," Nerozak smiled. "It takes someone exceptionally smart and tactical to lead their friends through the trials set before your squadron. An existence like yours is more rare in this universe than you might think, Landrak. Take that for what it's worth.""Thank you, Nerozak," Landrak replied, shaking his hand."Not to ruin a moment of optimism, but you should hold on to your sense of realism in this new Arc," Nerozak added. "This planet is not a utopia, and Omtazic is not perfect.""We know," Talise reassured him. "Agents of the Phantom Faction are still out there - plotting to overthrow Carzandus in some way. With the Guards and Sentinels more united now, though, they stand a better chance at handling the leaderless renegades.""Very true," Nerozak agreed. "I suppose my point was that expecting a world full of biomechs to entirely agree on one idea of harmony is foolishness. The objective is to see that society receives more benefits than detriments from everyone's actions."Nerozak mused on his words for a moment, finally smiling. "My brother would be proud. There is no light without darkness. And there is no single pattern to succeeding in this life." Review
  4. Glad to hear you liked it. I had been reading quite a bit of H.P. Lovecraft before deciding to write this, so it put me in a mindset of investigation and horror. If nothing else, I enjoyed crafting this tale - I seldom work with short stories anyway.-Ced
  5. I am proud to announce the addition of Aderia: Toa of Ducklings to our critics here at the ECC! I am confident that she will prove to be another stellar example of constructive critiquing and reviewing. Congratulations, Aderia!-Ced
  6. Life is a Blank. That's an interesting title, but I can't seem to understand how it plays into your epic just yet. Maybe I'll understand when its truly finished.Looking at your story though, this is a rarity. Giving such human qualities (blood, hair, reproduction, etc.) to regularly biomechanical life forms is seldom seen around here, and much less often done well. And then of course, you're overlooking the specific gender given to each Matoran element, giving us male Ga-Matoran and female Le-Matoran and such. And so despite how unorthodox this "Blank New World" seems to be, I can appreciate certain aspects of it.From what I could gather, we have a Great Spirit who is less than he claims to be, a legion of Toa that serve him, a legion of Matoran that serve those Toa, and a rebellion that operates outside the law. Like most premises, this is nothing new, but how you go about displaying it to the reader can be far more important.Regrettably, your presentation comes across as vague at times. Chapters will open with a "him" or a "her" going about their work, finally addressed by a comrade or familiar and we learn their name. This can become a tad confusing now and again. Not to mention some of the characters lacking in development. Obviously, characters from the official storyline need no introduction. They deserve the same attention, but readers will generally have an idea of their attitude and disposition. It's those homegrown entities (Gyet, Leyana, Kendral, etc.) that really need to have their time in the spotlight, so the reader can get a better sense of who the name belongs to.That sums up any shortcomings I ran across in this epic. While a lot of the story is mental thought and dialogue, the events play out nicely. It isn't often I get nine chapters into a story without running into a fight scene, but you're doing fine without them.I must admit, I like the note on cause and effect that Stave 9 ends on. It's a thoughtful moment in an otherwise straightforward story thus far. Not that being direct is bad, I think I just have a soft spot for pensive philosophy.Overall, this is a solid effort for what appears to be your first epic here. The story has a level flow to it, and manages to hold interest from one chapter to the next. I'm sure the remainder of this work will not disappoint.-Ced
  7. Cederak

    Dynamic Paradigm

    38: The Dynamic Paradigm Nerozak glanced out the station's window, closely examining the jettisoned reactor chamber. Floating among the debris was the lifeless body of Ceyvim - wearing the few remaining parts of Amtra's armor."What will happen to his body?" Talise asked."It will become one with the antimatter. As for his spirit...maybe it was with us just moments ago, and we couldn't sense it," Nerozak replied, smiling down at Talise. Talise smiled back, still teary eyed."I can feel my strength returning," Nerozak muttered to no one in particular. "We should go."In the blink of an eye, Nerozak, Omtazic, and Seraph Squadron were standing on the empty sky deck of Ascension - hovering high above Dawn. Sunrise was upon Radiance, and the continent felt the warmth of a familiar star."The sun is coming up?" Selpiar muttered. "We left for Vault in the late afternoon, so how did we miss an entire night on Arc?""The realm of antimatter handles the concept of time passage much differently than this dimension," Nerozak divulged."Whoa..." Endico whispered, staring over the side of the airship. Everyone came to join him, observing their devastated home.The Axiom Union was a mess, that much was certain. The silvery Kyllidahk copies had shut down, becoming metallic heaps that littered the cities, each reduced to a dull gray pile of scrap metal. In the streets, earthquakes had ravaged vehicles and roadways indiscriminately. Buildings collapsed to nature's will and biomech corpses had been strewn about. Omtazic gasped when he finally zoomed in his vision on downtown Prime, horrified at the sight. Starlight Tower's top quarter was missing, clearly smashed away by some greater force. Perhaps a mimetic Kyllidahk impacted the tower without concern for the structure's well-being. More likely, an airship had been severely damaged and met its end there. It was hard to tell what happened, but the final result remained heavy for Omtazic.The Kyllidahk's form flickered randomly between the Omtazic machine and the Carzandus facade a few times, unable to sustain itself for a moment. The Kyllidahk fell to its knees and stared at Starlight Tower with a most forlorn expression of absolute anguish. He glanced over his shoulder at the Iron Sea, cringing at the sight of Desire. The island, half sunken, had imploded across several areas. He could still see sparks crawling over the outer frame and the embers of terrible explosions fading into oblivion. Like that island, Omtazic felt his own desires sink into the sea of his mind. He was alone among the biomechs, cursed to endure their company for as long as Exogen saw fit. Omtazic knew his maker to be infinitely good in some sense of the word, but forgiveness was not always immediate. One day, Exogen would call Omtazic to return home and live among his brothers and sisters. Once more, he would bask in the warmth of feeling as though a billion stars shone down on him - radiating him with power and allowing his mind to feel what biomechs called happiness.Seraph Squadron had no interest in Desire now, not with the beauty they found on Radiance. Landrak and his friends saw past the nightmare Omtazic had viewed and found a miracle had risen from the darkness. Phantom Faction agents, Axiom Guards, and Arc Sentinels were working together to ensure the safety of the civilians. Not only that, they had worked together to protect one another. Phantoms, Guards, and Sentinels exchanged smiles and handshakes of approval. For the first time in a long time, they were just biomechs, completely ignorant of the titles they had been issued. There was nothing to separate them in this new world."Working against one another brought them more suffering," Nerozak recognized. "They gave the Axiom Union the supremacy Omtazic wanted.""The Axiom Union is a strong power," Omtazic reminded him, still locked in something of a stupor."And there is greater strength in harmony," Nerozak expressed. "The actions of biomechs across Radiance have finally progressed - thus inciting an evolution. ...A paradigm shift occurred today."Landrak attempted to fire a pulse of sonic energy from his hand, only to find his element nonresponsive. He closed his eyes gently, meditating in silence for a moment. The Vapseron power was gone, and his enhanced strength with it. Unbeknownst to him, his fellow Seraphs had been purged of the energy they received as well. Landrak now felt as close to normal as he had ever known, being just another biomech soldier among the masses. It felt good somehow. Landrak never saw himself as heroic - merely biomechanical. He accepted his missions and carried them out as diligently and efficiently as possible. His entire squadron saved Arc, but each ally knew modesty. Arc was their home and protecting her was their duty from birth.Omtazic stood up, grinning at Seraph Squadron. He returned to the guise of Carzandus and walked toward them. "My dreams averted war, in the end. It's a shame this world will never know the extent of my heroism."Nerozak had heard enough. He stormed up to Omtazic, charging a beam of wicked energies in his hands. It was more than capable of turning the Kyllidahk into a pile of metal dust, but Nerozak paused as he focused on his target. There he was, grinning happily to himself. Omtazic truly believed he was a hero. Nerozak probed what Omtazic called a mind and knew the machine was not deluding itself. At this, Nerozak decided against his destructive option and let the power die away."It's too much to assume you had a change of heart, isn't it?" Omtazic wondered. "I could feel your presence in my head - an action you never dared in the past.""I trusted you in the past," Nerozak looked away from Omtazic bitterly. "If you cannot see the villainy in what you've done, then you never will. They say machines can learn, but the capacity is filled with visuals and words. The meaning behind what you see and hear will never equate to the pure sight and sound. So go ahead...take pride in your actions, because no one on this airship is able to change your opinion of yourself.""I have nothing left but my opinions," Omtazic sighed."You have your free will," Landrak replied. "It meant little to Domilius, but it is a gift nonetheless.""And what is so important about that?" Omtazic asked angrily. "The Axiom already bends to my will.""It means all the importance in the world," Landrak said firmly. "The greatest axiom in life is that we always have a choice, and that our choice views of the world cannot divide everything into simple black and white. Biomechs are complex and complicated, not always after a collective goal like Kyllidahk. Nerozak was right to say our society evolved today, because we have learned to act in harmony. We are united by a dream, like your brethren. Now it's your turn to evolve - from stagnant machine to something more. Look upon the faces of your subjects and see the spirit inside, not just the body they inhabit."Omtazic considered what Landrak was saying and studied a few of the biomechs far below. "They inherited Arc...not me and my kind. This is their home." He spoke as if being controlled by another force entirely. Review
  8. Cederak

    Dynamic Paradigm

    37: No More Shadows Omtazic was the first to arrive, nearly being overloaded with information for a few seconds. The Vapseron had entered close behind, all standing on a landmass that hovered over an infinite drop. The realm was bathed in a golden light, but disturbingly lacked a sun. Where the energy was coming from - let alone the comfortable warmth it produced - was anyone's guess. Several more hovering isles could be seen in the distance, but only the locale Omtazic stood on boasted a grand, immense castle. An entity phased into view before Omtazic and the biomechs, casually smiling at them. He was twice their height, wearing a thick armor of platinum and silver. Sparkles danced across it as he moved, and the intense cerulean of his eyes was mesmerizing. Omtazic instinctively took a knee and lowered his head out of respect. The biomechs glanced at him with a hint of confusion before looking back at the armored figure. Nerozak finally exited the portal and stood quietly next to Talise."Rise," the entity told Omtazic, offering him a hand. Omtazic reluctantly accepted and got to his feet, smiling at the entity."Can you tell us where we are?" Landrak wondered.The entity released a gentle laugh. "This is my realm, my home. I call it the Guiding Light." Omtazic slightly moved his head as the entity spoke. The sound of his voice appeared to be like wondrous music to the Kyllidahk. Even the biomechs detected something in his voice that was inviting and charismatic."And who are you exactly?" Endico asked."A maker of things," he smirked. "Guests are few and infrequent, and those life forms who reside here have little communication with me. They are content to call me their creator, and I am honored to accept. I am the designer and constructor of Kyllidahk and Great Beings alike. My name is Exogen.""Exogen?" Nerozak repeated. "The Great Beings spoke of you once, a very long time ago. From their description, you were a mysterious, almost god-like entity in their expansive lore. I doubt these biomechs had any idea you existed.""All who believe, know I exist, Nerozak. It does not take the knowledge of a name or a history to sense when your spirit is calling out to you with the truth. I want the eight of you to follow me, and see something magnificent. Stay close, and know that nothing can harm you in this place."Exogen started for the edge of the landmass, walking off the ledge and remaining aloft. If there was something, anything beneath his feet, it was impossible to see. Omtazic and Nerozak continued without fear, though the biomechs were apprehensive to take the first steps. Once they were certain of their safety, the Vapseron caught up to Exogen and started to take in the sights. Spirarahk was flying high above, soaring and gliding without care. The wyvern-like Kyllidahk seemed harmless now. On an island below them, Gelidonhr could be seen galloping across a bright field. Nearby the majestic machine, Gemidelus gave a short wave and a smile. A couple more islands away, Ultruka ambled about on four legs once more. On a higher landmass, more unfamiliar Kyllidahk could be seen following Magnyrh."The nature of my work is to create life forms that can build upon the universe you know. Some are brighter than others, excelling in particular fields. Some attain such intelligence, that they gain the means to destroy or even rewrite your universe. I do not step in to make repairs, rather, I have left the task to the Great Beings. They and their creations are entirely capable of undoing their mistakes. As for myself, I have no creator to identify. If something made me, I lack the memory of who, when, or even why.""Just like me," Talise added.Exogen glanced over his shoulder, studying Talise for a moment. He finally whirled around and examined her more carefully. At last, he smiled and looked into Talise's eyes. "I made you.""Why did you abandon me on Arc?" Talise asked."Arc is the site of the Aether Network and the Kyllidahk. It is the most important place in your universe to me. Those entities the Great Beings designed to run the universe...they were my proposal. The Cosmic Collective became their title, and they were tasked with watching over the fundamental workings of the universe. Sometime after their creation, I traveled to your universe and spoke with Carzandus about maintaining a balance. I wanted to let the Kyllidahk exist in your universe, but we agreed they would require a parallel of sorts. They lacked simple love, and as such, I created something very capable of that act. You were based upon the biomech design to return balance to the universe.""Wow..." Talise muttered. "I always knew there was something different about me, but I never imagined anything like this.""It's understandable," Exogen replied, turning back to continue his journey. "Is there something more I can do for each of you?""I wish to remain here," Omtazic blurted out.Everyone stopped at this point, waiting for Exogen to respond. He stared up for a moment, until his expression turned to sadness. And then the one entity Omtazic revered above all others sighed, "No.""No?" Omtazic asked sheepishly."Correct," Exogen affirmed. "I have already returned the other Kyllidahk, but you cannot stay here...not yet. Unlike your brother Domilius who hated Arc and the biomechs enough to wish them dead, you sought to manipulate them for your own intentions. Domilius lived for himself, and his pleasure. What you did, Omtazic, was far worse. It was a bold scheme to be reunited with me and your brethren here, but highly unnecessary. And so, your selfish actions have cost you salvation...for now. Onto the next matter."Exogen moved on, finally stepping onto another isle and through a large garden. "What did you biomechs come here for?""We need the Aether Network reactivated," Landrak explained. He looked back for a moment, seeing Omtazic as still as a statue. It was hard to tell what he was thinking, but Landrak could only imagine it equated to misery."One of the more ingenious inventions of the Great Beings, but not beyond malfunction," Exogen mused. "Let's give it a permanent solution."Exogen pointed a hand at the portal his guests entered through and fired a yellow laser beam into it. "The network hub will now draw power directly from my realm, with the antimatter station's reactor no longer required."Nerozak rushed up past the garden and stood in shock. Six pedestals of ancient stone sat in a circle, with four currently supporting an entity. These were Nerozak's deceased brethren, nonresponsive and totally unharmed. Their eyes were closed, and Nerozak was more comfortable that they were. He glanced at Exogen. "I don't understand.""Each platform is reserved for one of the Cosmic Collective," Exogen replied. "This is where your kind are destined to go when they have passed. The pedestals rewind the clocks of their life and undo any of their wounds. When all six cease to be, I will restore them, and in turn, restore a rightful balance to your universe. There is no pedestal reserved for you, however, Nerozak. You are a constant force, and...you know where I'm going with this.""Carzandus and Tiberema are the only others still alive..." Nerozak whispered. He turned to stare at Nervinde, the only life form he ever loved. He placed his head against hers, hopeful he would see her again."Yes, I actually traced the memories of these Collective individuals when they arrived," Exogen replied, watching Nerozak stare at his brethren. "Xaricog was killed by biomechs who revolted against his rule; Zyntomos was swallowed in a black hole attempting to save a young planet full of life; Valirytic had his particles blasted across the universe in a...scientific accident, and you know about Nervinde, of course. You destroyed an entire star system after she was murdered.""Do you blame me?" Nerozak wondered, giving Exogen a helpless glance as he held Nervinde's hand."I do...and I don't," Exogen said softly. "Having a mind that can process and express emotion means being vulnerable to pain when happiness has left you. This seems better, though, than living incapable of feeling. You were not born a biomech to mature into a Kyllidahk. But, why don't you ask Nervinde what she thinks?"Nerozak held Nervinde's hand tighter, trying to focus. Without notice, he began to hear something. It was as if her spirit were calling out to him. Remember your purpose. Nervinde's voice echoed through Nerozak's mind. Reclaim the role you were given in the universe. If not for yourself, then for me. Nerozak felt the onset of tears rushing to his eyes, and he fought to maintain his composure. He opened his eyes and stared at Nervinde's unconscious face. "I will. I promise.""Return home, biomechs," Exogen suggested. "Live once more. This is your time, for one short time. You should make the best of it. I wish you safe passage.""Thank you," Landrak smiled, motioning for his friends to follow him home.Omtazic stared at Exogen for a moment, unsure of what to say. His maker broke the silence and grinned, "One day, this will be your home. Until then, I bid you farewell.""Goodbye," Omtazic muttered. The machine marched back to the portal, summoning the guise of Carzandus for a moment. His cape swayed back and forth as he retreated from the realm of the Guiding Light. Nerozak traveled through the portal while Omtazic stalled, taking one last look above. Exogen stared down at the Kyllidahk, his stunning blue eyes and gleaming armor matching his smile so well. He was benevolence personified, but had the capacity to deny his creations their desires. Exogen watched Omtazic leave in dejection, well aware the wounds would heal in time. Review
  9. Cederak

    Dynamic Paradigm

    36: The Starry Prince Omtazic dove for one of his gauntlets and took aim at Nerozak's face. His hand was shaking as his mind frantically tried to make sense of the situation."Your toys don't scare me," Nerozak said flatly.Omtazic looked up at him in terror. "...But I killed you."Nerozak remained still. "Disabling me in a field using the opposite energies that fuel my life was clever, but you should have known better than to use my own power against me. You see, your memory retained a perfect recollection of each story I divulged to you, Omtazic. But I never told you I tried to destroy myself once...with the void as my weapon. You are in the heart of the dark aether, where my subconscious mind calls home. What you can see, and hear, and touch...that is only an iota of what I am."Omtazic defiantly stood up. "Maybe I am unsure of how to annihilate an entity of the void, but my dream has been fulfilled. Killing you would have been satisfying, but hardly necessary now. Distracting you with fears of death required serious work on my part to ensure antimatter particles would form and multiply in the atmosphere. Murdering biomechs and littering their homes with the particles was a simpler task though.""Asking me to leave was too easy?" Nerozak asked angrily."And let your talents go to waste while you mope about the cosmos?" Omtazic chuckled. "You have assisted in many technological advancements in the past couple decades, and I have found good use for most of them. I didn't want you to leave, merely to stay out of the way. Preoccupying you was the only way I could create my perfect world. I have prevented a second Arc War!""If you had tried to console Nerozak, rather than alienating him, you could have prevented war with a brilliant mind to aid you. Protecting your image in the eyes of the Axiom was more important," Landrak criticized."It's true," Talise agreed. "You drove one of the greatest gifts the Great Beings bestowed upon our universe to despair, killing thousands of biomechs in the process.""And now the destructive antimatter across Arc will appear to be Nerozak's doing. Nerozak cannot return to Arc now that it appears he is responsible for so much ruin," Omtazic replied."No one outside this chamber knows about the antimatter's source, despite my connection to dark aether. It's time for you to take some responsibility, Omtazic," Nerozak declared. "Tell Arc that the Kyllidahk were to blame. In the guise of Carzandus, you will find yourself blameless...but I will not be your scapegoat. In time, perhaps you will gain Arc's undivided trust somehow. As for me...I understand now that I am not meant to live among biomechs. They are capable of love, but too easily led to conflict. Perhaps I am capable of creating new life forms, derived from the aether itself. I can pass my knowledge on to pure spirits.""Sounds fair enough. A Kyllidahk conjured this plan, and now his kind will be held accountable," Ceyvim spoke up. "It's a shame Omtazic would lie to the world in an effort to protect himself though...""It's not a lie," Omtazic whispered. "It's Arc's only chance at true harmony."The Aether Network portal sparked back to life, reactivating as a thin white veil. "Aether reactor complex is unstable. Time rift disruption sustained. Warning! Station in danger!""The reactor core needs to be removed from the station or the entire construct risks annihilation," Nerozak realized. A moment later, a wave of golden light burst forth from the portal and pulled Nerozak through."We're going after him," Landrak said, running toward the portal."What about the station? We won't have a return destination if this place explodes!" Endico replied."I'll take care of it," Ceyvim volunteered. "The rest of you should go ahead."Everyone - including Omtazic - was hesitant to let Ceyvim stay behind and handle things, but the war hero believed in himself for the first time in a long time. He walked up to Talise, hugging her tight, assuming it would be for the last time.Omtazic addressed the remaining biomechs. "It is time. Let us travel to paradise as one.""I'm very proud of you, Talise, and Merolsy would be too. Whatever lies ahead, be careful." Ceyvim held Talise and listened to the gentle sobs escaping her. He glanced up at Landrak and nodded. "Get moving, soldier."Landrak nodded back, forcing a smile. He led his crew through the portal and Omtazic followed them. Talise let Ceyvim go and wiped the tears from her eyes."I don't want you to be sad, Talise," Ceyvim smiled. "When you think of me or Merolsy, remember that we shared a time of happiness with one another. We all have to complete the cycle eventually, and I'm ready.""I'm not ready to lose my father again," Talise admitted. "Not after finding you so soon.""We're seldom prepared to let someone close to us die," Ceyvim explained. "But everyone else has already gone ahead. Someone has to save this station, and we both know I won't let you make the sacrifice.""Do you think like Diltac? Is there heroism in sacrifice?" Talise wondered."I don't think it matters," Ceyvim grinned. "But I know that portal won't stay open forever."Talise hugged Ceyvim once more and exhaled heavily. "I love you.""I love you too," Ceyvim replied, nudging her off toward the portal. "Now please, you have to go."Talise ran up to the portal and took a final look at Ceyvim. He appeared gallant in Amtra's armor, ready to die for a valiant cause. She turned away and passed through the portal, disappearing from view. Ceyvim smiled a few seconds longer until the gravity of things set in. He had stayed behind to die, and now he had to face that decision. He rushed down through the station to the reactor core chamber and watched as the reactor shook violently. Sparks of energy launched through the air and Ceyvim hurried to the controls. Activating the voice recognizer, Ceyvim placed his head near the speaker and hesitated for a moment."I have to do this. I need to do this..."Ceyvim could see Merolsy in his mind, and then he heard her speak. Save our daughter, Ceyvim. Be the hero you joined the Axiom Guard to become. Ceyvim clutched his hands around the controls and roared. "Detach reactor chamber from station!""Command received," the computer replied.The doors sealed shut and Ceyvim could feel himself slowly moving. His speed was picking up, or it felt that way at least. Plasma bolts were now flying around the room, and Amtra's armor was more than strong enough to shield Ceyvim. The external shield on the chamber engaged then, and Ceyvim examined the room as it fell apart. The ensuing blast would undoubtedly be contained, but the chamber would be his tomb. Review
  10. Cederak

    Dynamic Paradigm

    Act V: Paradigm Shift . 35: Causality and Certainty Traversing the ruined palace had been simple, as each Vapseron had a clear memory of their path to the core from the previous day. The sound of thunder roared out far above, and the earth shook. Landrak was almost flying toward the planetary core - desperate to save his friends from a dire situation. When the core chamber was in sight, Verton pointed beneath the mighty sphere at a mysterious portal. It was clearly ready for transport, but no one was present to activate it in the first place."We're going through!" Landrak declared, frustrated that he already attained top speed.The biomechs passed through the swirling vortex of energies and felt their world go dark. Ceyvim and the Vapseron were floating outside a large space station in an infinitely black, empty realm. The station was the only source of light and the biomechs drifted toward it as quickly as they could. Talise looked at her comrades and could see they had been reduced to white, glowing outlines. It was disturbing to think she had returned to the maze she endured once before, but it felt more real this time. When each biomech set foot on the entry platform, their body returned to normal. Endico walked up to the colossal doorway and read the sign above it."Dark Aether Station..." he whispered."Judging from the look of our surroundings, this abnormal darkness is dark aether, or antimatter," Selpiar replied. "It's odd that I've never heard of this location before our journey.""You always seem to shock me with how much seemingly useless data fills your head, Selpiar, but finding you lost is surprisingly less satisfying than I'd expected," Endico smirked. He pressed his hand against the door and it immediately rushed open."Welcome," the network computer greeted.The biomechs stepped inside, the doors suddenly slamming shut as the last Vapseron walked through. Landrak studied the transparent halls leading across the station and fixed his eyes on a dome in the very center."We're taking the obvious route into the heart of this place. If our destination is elsewhere...well, I wouldn't be terribly surprised.""Life has a way of poking fun when you least expect it," Aurozi grinned, taking the lead alongside Landrak."Hey, I have a question," Selpiar piped up."You're typically the answer generator," Endico grinned."Typically, yes," Selpiar agreed. "But this has been on my mind for a while. Did anyone notice that Diltac's ship had left the hangar bay in Desire when we left?""I was a little preoccupied with trying to get out alive," Aurozi replied. "I don't recall seeing it there though. He probably left to join his soldiers in Dawn.""Diltac died," Talise blurted out.The Vapseron turned and stared at her for a moment, an unsettling sight considering it was close to their Vesteron stare.Ceyvim nodded and released an unhappy sigh. "He piloted the airship up around the floating stairs when you all became Vesteron. He said goodbye, drove the ship into Magnyrh, and caused it to self-destruct. As you could see when the Vesteron process was reversed, the attack only injured her. He gave his life hoping to save Talise and I.""Diltac abandoned his absolute faith in the Axiom at the end," Landrak replied in admiration. "He opened his eyes and fought for a cause greater than his nation or his leader.""It was a noble and tragic departure," Ceyvim admitted. "Arc lost a fine soldier in Diltac. She lost a valiant son too.""Then we keep going," Landrak said confidently. "His sacrifice is a part of our motivation now."The lonely echo of their footsteps rang out through the clear walkway, and the Vapseron were becoming anxious. Ascending a flight of clear stairs, Landrak put his hand out to the doorway and stopped short. Shutting his eyes tight and releasing a heavy sigh, he turned to his company. "It's been an honor. Let's see this through."Landrak touched his palm to the cold door and watched it fly open. The Vapseron boldly crossed the threshold to the dome and froze at a disturbing sight. At the far end of the central dome was Sovereign Carzandus, studying an empty gateway. He pressed a button and a bright gray portal burst to life. Carefully placing his hand inside, Carzandus watched it pass through to the other side of the energy. The portal required activation, but that was no difficult task. Landrak decided against wasting words and immediately fired a sonic blast at Carzandus. The Sovereign whirled around, the guise of Carzandus falling away into particles as he effortlessly repelled the attack. The true form of Omtazic was now staring down the Vapseron, bitter and insane. It was the sleek obsidian form of a biomech, veiled in a thin layer of darkness."Dare your mortal eyes to gaze upon the master of infinity at your discretion. The unending machine of despair greets only the doomed." His voice was calm, yet disturbingly so.Selpiar and Verton rushed forward to continue Landrak's work, but Omtazic released a pair of lasers from his palms that easily dispatched them. Seeing the anger in Endico's face, Omtazic's smirk urged him to strike."You Vapseron have meddled in my affairs long enough," Omtazic growled. "Your destiny is to die and you are so close to fulfilling it."A sphere of black suddenly erupted to life in the middle of the dome, discharging emerald bolts as it grew in size. The darkness exploded into blinding white and Nerozak stood calmly before everyone. He took a few steps toward Omtazic and examined his metallic body. "The game is over, Omtazic. I know everything you've done.""But not everything I will do," Omtazic added, launching a pair of antimatter beams from his gauntlets at Nerozak. Omtazic hit his target and kept a mesmerized Nerozak trapped in a field of polarized antimatter energy. The Kyllidahk proceeded to flood the antimatter field with an intensity of aether. Nerozak looked down at his form and could feel his body overflowing with aether energy. Eventually overcharged, Nerozak gave Omtazic a final smirk before exploding into black, glimmering particles.The Vapseron stared in terror at what Omtazic had done, astounded and disgusted by his sheer power. Ceyvim marched across the room to Omtazic then, taking a knee before him and lowering his head."I offer myself as a loyal servant to you, Sovereign. I understand my previous error and wish to redeem myself," Ceyvim said earnestly.Omtazic looked on Ceyvim with a twisted grin. "Masters can learn to forgive their servants, especially those who served so admirably during the war. I need a motivation first, Ceyvim. Offer me something I don't have.""I have studied the Dark Aether Gateway's ability to open rifts through both time and space. It requires massive amounts of energy to achieve, but we could rewrite history with that power at our disposal."Omtazic glanced back at the portal. "So it's a time machine as well...? Very interesting. All that time spent scavenging Amtra's old home let you learn something worthwhile.""I wish to return to the past and undo some of the damage done there," Ceyvim continued."The network must be shut down if you hope to enter a portal to the past. The amount of energy required would be massive," Omtazic explained. "I'll let you do the honors.""I understand, Lord-Sovereign," Ceyvim muttered faintly.The Vapseron were speechless at what they were hearing. Ceyvim seemed adamant in bringing down the Kyllidahk back on Radiance, but here he was, surrendering himself to the power he fought against for years."Don't interfere, weaklings," Omtazic warned the Vapseron, directing Ceyvim to the control panel.Ceyvim pressed his hand to the control panel and felt the surface warm up. This machine was probing his mind, hunting for what drove him. It wanted the reason for why he was here, and what he wanted the portal to do. It located his desires and displayed them in the portal. Ceyvim stared into the rippling energies and looked down on the town of Respite. A battle was raging there, and Ceyvim was unable to forget the events of that day.The control panel registered the amount of power necessary to send Ceyvim through the portal. "In order to use the portal in the manner requested, the network must be shut down. Please press your hand to the panel again to continue or hit the gateway's deactivation switch to quit."Ceyvim looked at the Vapseron, unable to meet their disapproving gaze directly. Each Seraph knew the choice was Ceyvim's alone, but Talise refused to stay silent."Think about what you're doing, Ceyvim!" Talise pleaded.Ceyvim had never been so anxious in his life. "If I go back...if I save Merolsy and you...this reality can be averted. I can prevent this awful result and we can be a family again!"Talise was on the verge of tears. "A paradox will ensue! You can't change what's happened because your past self will have no reason to leave the Axiom Union and become Amtra! You would have never come here to complete the cycle again. And besides, would Merolsy want to see her husband act so selfishly when so much is at stake?""Ignore her, Ceyvim. Do what you have waited so long to do," Omtazic encouraged. "She's just a lost Vapseron."Ceyvim turned and looked into Talise's eyes. A part of him could see Merolsy standing with her, disapproving of his selfish ambition. Ceyvim glared at Omtazic. "She isn't a lost Vapseron, she's my daughter. ...And she's right." Ceyvim stepped away from the control panel and stood in front of the portal, shutting it down. "Worthless machine." Ceyvim aimed his laser gauntlet at Omtazic and fired. Omtazic blocked with his own gauntlets and watched the beam split, flying across the floor in opposite directions. He then countered Ceyvim by hurling a fiery cobalt and white beam at him. Ceyvim ducked, but watched the energy shred through the portal, sending violent sparks down into the reactors. The Aether Network required auxiliary power to transfer Ceyvim, but raw energy could travel freely. Before the past Respite faded from view, Ceyvim watched the blast swell and strike the city. He felt a sickening feeling overpower him as a memory shook his thoughts. The same blast had been responsible for the town's destruction all those years ago. He believed new technology from the Axiom was responsible, but now it was clear."I'll kill you!" Ceyvim screamed in a rage, rushing at Omtazic. He punched the machine across the face multiple times, but failed to knock him to the floor."Are you done?" Omtazic asked, smirking at the hopelessness in Ceyvim's face."A pathetic decision, Omtazic."The words rang out through the chamber and in everyone's mind, and Omtazic looked up through the top of the dome. On the other side of the transparent casing was Nerozak, perfectly reformed. He slowly descended through the glass, gracefully landing on the floor. He stared with a melancholy look at Omtazic, pleased to see the Kyllidahk was truly in shock. Review
  11. Cederak

    Dynamic Paradigm

    34: Falling Wishes Completely overwhelmed, Talise felt a spasm of power release itself from every molecule. The antimatter shook her backward, rocketing out in a single pulse of energized protodermis. The burst expanded, engulfing Magnyrh and Domilius, burning them into oblivion. The antimatter then divided into trillions of particles that quickly darted in all directions and faded from view."Astounding," Talise whispered, regaining control of her body.The clockwork mechanisms running Desire jammed momentarily, producing an eerie screech. The vast chamber grew brighter, flickering warning lights in all directions. The Vapseron felt themselves slowly tilting forward until the island came to a halt."Recalibrating..." a mechanical voice stated."The island's network is trying to stabilize itself," Selpiar muttered.Landrak nodded shortly. "It's like Omtazic said aboard Ascension. Desire cannot remain floating without Magnyrh to support it. Even if the network is still online, we might have moments to spare.""Back to the entrance hall," Endico replied, sprinting for the exit. "I'll get Promise active!"The remaining Vapseron and Ceyvim bolted after him, well aware they were working on borrowed time. Entire plates of hovering glass came shattering down and more of the gears were having trouble turning. Electrical sparks exploded from the ceiling and the network was creeping toward the end of its energy. When Endico reached Promise's entry bay, Desire rocked once more, this time shaking violently."Reactor complex has been exhausted," the network notified.Ceyvim paused, looking around. "We should be hurtling for the Iron Sea by now.""Reserve power protocol is in effect. Total shutdown is imminent."Ceyvim smirked. "A perfect time to answer."The biomechs hurried inside Promise, frantically waiting for Endico to get them airborne. The airship lifted off the hangar and Endico dipped it downward, lining up with the imbalance to Desire's exit. The island was slowly descending through the sky, with the reserve power acting as a final line of defense between Desire's gentle drop and an irrepressible free fall. Endico kept his focus ahead, and he was the only one to miss a gratifying sight as he drove Promise a safe distance from the floating isle. From the open bay doors, Endico's fellow biomechs watched Desire deplete its final drops of energy, plunging immediately down through the clouds and crashing into the Iron Sea. Colossal waves moved out across the cool blue waters as Desire tipped over into the sea."It's surprisingly buoyant for all the heavy metal inside," Verton spoke up."It'll sink...just not right away," Aurozi replied.A beam of antimatter shot out from the island's broken inner sanctum and propelled itself into the skies. The energies formed whole fields of antimatter throughout the upper atmosphere, and the seas suddenly became fierce. The antimatter beam finally redirected itself south, toward the only landmark in the region. Landrak stepped up to the intercom and pressed the activation button."Plot a course for Vault, Endico. ...We're heading back to Amtra's Palace."Endico turned his attention to the southern continent and sighed. A maelstrom of dark clouds had formed over the entire landmass within seconds. Pushing the thrusters to full power, Endico studied Vault as he drew closer and thought back to the early days of his existence. Amtra seemed hopeful and happy then. It was almost unfair to see a once glorious home reduced to what it was. He remembered Veladri's angry words from the other day, claiming Vault was once a heaven, and was now truly a hellish domain. The sound of a tremor rang out through Arc's atmosphere and Endico watched flames consume the wasteland. Another chunk of Amtra's Palace collapsed into the dust, and the biomech knew there was little time to spare. Endico steered Promise toward the sight of his battle with Veladri and he could almost feel the emotions left behind. It was passion that drove Veladri and Diltac to suicide - coming to terms with a broader picture. There was more to life than dreams of ascension or hopes of ideality, and they found the answer at the end.Endico landed Promise for the last time, wondering what answers waited for him and his friends below and beyond Vault. A C T . IV . C O N C L U D E D. Review
  12. Cederak

    Dynamic Paradigm

    33: Selfish Desire Landrak took his first steps into the facility. Carzandus referred to inner Desire as the Automaton Palace - a place where only select Axiom scientists were permitted to work from the lofty Cosmic Deck high above. Their research was shrouded in secrecy (much like Nerozak's), but many suggested Carzandus was using this as a visage to develop mechanical armies. The Sovereign claimed evolution demands everyone move forward together. The Vapseron stayed near the center of the lengthy hallway, disturbed by their surroundings. Automaton Palace appeared to be located in a dimension all its own, built inside a great machine. Glowing, semi-transparent tiles of obsidian had neon circuitry flowing through the cracks like a system of veins. Gazing up, Landrak could see the palace expanded into five more floors of a similar design. There were few walls, but much of the upper tile floors blocked his view. Looking down, infinite pitch black met Landrak's eyes. The floors appeared to hold themselves up, but Landrak knew better. This world was maintained by an engine core somewhere in the palace - a parasitic reactor that required Magnyrh to survive."This place is incredible," Talise whispered.Endico's mouth hung open, clearly awestruck. He listened to the rhythmic hum of machines hard at work. The distant darkness seemed to hide or seal off what sounded like the soft resonance of massive gears, clicking and rotating without fail. Looking closer at the neon circuits, he noticed they turned from the bright cerulean on their floor to a dark violet as they ascended. The upper floors slowly turned, becoming more intricately designed along the way. The palace moved like clockwork, but that was hardly the most disconcerting feature. "It's an assembly line..."Seraph Squadron turned their heads up to see what Endico had found. On the fourth level, a weird system of machines were continuously building new robots. A single Kyllidahk was bound by its arms and legs, constantly being tortured."Ever heard of this one, Selpiar?" Endico muttered, watching the machine screech out as data and energy was forcibly drawn from it.Selpiar narrowed his eyes on the machine and studied its colossal form. It had a massive shell lined in spikes, not unlike a turtle. Its head, however, was insectoid - with a large round set of emerald eyes and snapping pincers. The sides of the shell had six openings for the machine's legs, each as sharp as Ultruka's. Unlike the guardian of Wake, the ends of these legs would separate into what could be considered fingers - writhing desperately each time a data transfer occurred. "That is Vincyros, and I have to admit, its larger than I expected. I bet you all glimpsed it at least once during the war. Seeing as it never strayed too far from the waters below Desire, it wouldn't be hard to observe from an airship.""I couldn't tell in this light at first, but the shell looks familiar," Verton replied. "The Kyllidahk must be hurting if they had to fish their guardian out of the water and hook it up to that contraption.""Every Kyllidahk is capable of regenerating drained life force. I suppose it had to be one of them, and I doubt Omtazic would sign himself up for this," Landrak mused.The machine was extracting a constant stream of data from the Kyllidahk, attempting to replicate the design. All around, colossal computers toiled to fill in the blanks with previously archived data. Desire could manufacture deceased Kyllidahk, but the process was imperfect. As such, the mechanisms sent to assault Radiance were weaker than the originals and lacked the proper color schemes. The intruders to the palace continued up an eerie staircase of hovering platforms, looking for any sign of Magnyrh."Hey, Landrak, you're a smart biomech, right?" Ceyvim smirked."How do you want me to answer that?" Landrak asked, raising an eyebrow."Don't bother, I have a better question for you," Ceyvim replied. "Why do you think they're only cloning the Kyllidahk that your team killed?"For a moment, each of the Vapseron considered Ceyvim's inquiry, wondering for themselves what brought about their enemy's lack of variety. Other Kyllidahk had certainly died over the ages, and yet only Spirarahk, Gelidonhr, and Ultruka were chosen for mass production."For all we know, the Kyllidahk could have sent copies of Conthnius to attack the beaches around Radiance," Landrak realized. "And from what Domilius said, it didn't seem the Kyllidahk knew a lot about Polynthox, so replicating that machine could have been a more challenging task. The Kyllidahk can clearly interact with one another's energy signatures, and Gelidonhr showed that a dead Kyllidahk form will revert back to separate particles. The chosen Kyllidahk were killed recently, and it would stand to reason that more of their essence remains collected together than a Kyllidahk like Vibrariox that died long ago. Drawing in the particles of a Kyllidahk that remain more coalesced seems easier than trying to work with miniscule remnants.""This all certainly feels like a last minute plan," Selpiar commented. "Knowing the Kyllidahk the way Verton suggested on Vault, though, it was likely put into action mere seconds after one of them thought it up."Aurozi glanced down at the floor, following several streams of neon across the tiles. "I've heard of this part of the palace. They call it Eidolon Hall." She studied the metallic statues lining the edges of the platform, fascinated by the design. Each statue was the height and form of a biomech, but was constructed as a pure machine. Aurozi was expecting them to spring to life and attack, standing between them and the core."It looks like they were functional at one time," Selpiar mused. "Maybe they were the Kyllidahk answer to an army before they decided to rebuild themselves. I can't say for certain, but these machines must have been offline for well over a century.""We have no idea how long these things have been here. After the Kyllidahk tore this place from Aspire, they could have been at work plotting our deaths," Verton growled."None of the Kyllidahk wanted to bring harm to biomechs," Landrak reminded him. "I think they've been preoccupied with returning to their maker since the beginning. Even Omtazic has voiced his wish of being reunited. The only Kyllidahk that truly hated us...wanted to see us suffer and die...was Domilius."The Vapseron continued through the sanctum, carefully walking up a flight of detached stairs. The circuits became violet here and a large figure could be seen waiting in the distance. Landrak signaled for his teammates to pause while he examined the potential enemy."It's just standing there," Ceyvim muttered."Magnyrh," Selpiar breathed, hinting a trace of fear while he stared mesmerized into her haunting, aquamarine eyes. One of the few female aligned Kyllidahk, all of the Axiom regarded her as the keeper of Desire. Omtazic managed to accelerate the mechanical dream of locating their maker, but the island was ultimately preserved by this fearless warrior. Magnyrh's shapely form was armored in sleek crimson, mixed with hints of chrome and onyx beneath. Despite her purely mechanical design, the biomechs could not deny the elegance of her figure.The Seraphs journeyed across the tiles, waiting for the master of Desire to respond. When the Vapseron reached the center of the construct, Magnyrh extended a shining pair of broadsword arm blades. The weapons crackled with vibrant, amber energy, while their owner stood still as the statues below. She towered at twice the height of the biomechs, staring blankly ahead.Well aware this Kyllidahk could cleave protosteel with little trouble, Landrak approached the matter at hand with caution. "We have come here to save Arc. Where is Omtazic?""Omtazic has gone," Magnyrh replied, her voice dignified and powerful. "He sent the biomechs working here to oblivion and departed to an unknown destination. He informed me that Vapseron would come to destroy this island.""We only want Omtazic," Landrak said coolly. "Desire is of no concern to us.""If you were to stop Omtazic, our hope would be lost," Magnyrh explained. "A machine cannot know emotion, but we have felt something. The closest translation to a feeling...a desire." The sheer iciness with which she spoke the island's name caused the biomechs to shudder. "We wish to be with our maker, biomechs.""I can't let your wish force mine to die," Landrak said adamantly.Magnyrh waved her hand through the air, causing ambient energy throughout the palace to join her power. She pointed her open palm up and summoned the power of the reactor - drawing from the strength of the island and the lifeless Kyllidahk copies above. "In your land, greatness is earned through respect. In this land, respect must be earned from greatness incarnate."The Kyllidahk particle energy roared to life in Magnyrh's hand and she hurled it at the Vapseron. Blinding them in flash of luminance, the Seraphs had no time to react. Magnyrh rushed forward on the wind, taking her broadswords and causing them to radiate pure Kyllidahk power. With unprecedented celerity, Magnyrh slashed through each Vapseron, though her weapons passed through them as if they were intangible. This was Magnyrh's intention, causing the Vapseron to be overwhelmed by a stream of her energies before they were brought to the floor. She glanced at Ceyvim and grinned maliciously. "So you are the Amtra impostor?"Ceyvim stood his ground, glaring boldly into Magnyrh's eyes. The Kyllidahk withdrew her weapons. "Amtra radiated a power signature far greater than your little suit could ever produce."Magnyrh launched herself into the air and descended gracefully to her initial position. The biomechs had gotten to their feet, and Magnyrh had succeeded in forcing them to lose themselves. Desire's core was nearly depleted, but Magnyrh now stood before harmless Vesteron. Phantasmal and emotionless, the Vesteron stood still, flickering in and out of tangibility. Their vacant stares translated to Magnyrh's victory - no dreams or ambition left in her enemies. They were empty and wanted nothing.Talise was the sole survivor of the attack, and Magnyrh was left seemingly confused. The Kyllidahk waited patiently at other end of the platform, waiting for her power to fully recharge.Ceyvim looked over at Talise in surprise. "I always knew there was something special about you..."The sound of an airship echoed through the palace, and the two biomechs turned around. Captain Diltac hopped out of his airship, still injured from his hopeless battle. He looked at Ceyvim first, smiling into his eyes. "Hello again, Lieutenant.""Diltac..." Ceyvim muttered awkwardly."It's so late...too late," Diltac continued uncomfortably. "The war was so long ago, but I need you to hear me out. My reputation would have died with Wake if I had said what I want to say right now. It was my point of weakness and my one true regret.""Go ahead," Ceyvim encouraged."I never blamed you for the accident in Respite. Something went wrong during the bombing that I can't entirely explain, but it wasn't your fault. Merolsy's death was my doing - in my haste to eradicate our enemy. I took from you...your wife...your daughter...your honor. I can't change that, and I'm so sorry."Ceyvim nodded, moved by his ex-Captain's words. "Thank you, Diltac. I, I forgive you."Diltac held on to his smile, looking to Talise now. "My advice to you is to endure. I sensed your strength in Melody, Talise. It wasn't the strength of a Vapseron, no. It was the strength we all harbor. I have always believed in the power of a biomech spirit and the importance of life continuing to exist throughout the universe. You must soldier on."Diltac walked back to his ship, turning on the engine and floating a few feet above the tiles. He stared at Talise with a forced smile. "If they want something to remember me by, tell them I always found personal sacrifice to be heroic." Diltac closed the secondary windshield and pulled back on the thruster clutch. The airships screamed forward, crossing the tiles at a dangerous speed. Letting his finger hover over the self-destruct button for a second, Diltac's last sight was Kyllidahk Magnyrh's bitter expression. As she prepared to slash Ideality apart with her broadswords, the airship detonated, causing a massive explosion that resonated throughout the palace.Ceyvim turned away, covering Talise from any debris that might escape. "Diltac..." Ceyvim whispered, unsure of what more to say.When the smoke cleared, nothing of Diltac or Ideality remained. It was fitting that Diltac would die with his ship in a way. No one else in the world was fit to carry on the legacy Diltac left behind. Magnyrh on the other hand, stood defiant - the picture of mechanical nobility. She was damaged, but not defeated. Soaring inside on the rockets beneath his feet, Domilius landed next to his sister - retaining his previous damages."My least favorite brother returns at last," Magnyrh said coldly.Domilius would have shot back a comment of his own, but he stopped short when he zoomed in on the Vesteron. "They failed," Domilius smirked, more than satisfied. "So close and you finally stopped them. Well done, Magnyrh. Now, what should we do about the last two?""You don't want to lose your other eye, do you?" Talise threatened.Domilius glared at her, his rage building. "Magnyrh may control Desire, but Arc is going to be mine once I silence you. The dream of reunion is enough for my brethren, but I'll see to it that your kind is enslaved to my will first. Mine will be the ultimate authority of the planet!"Magnyrh had no intention of letting Domilius live out the scenario he was painting, but she admired his zeal. He was an odd soul among the Kyllidahk, but Magnyrh was willing to let him carry on for the moment."This world is worthless if you surrender your honor to attain it," Talise spat."Maybe to you," Domilius scoffed. "I think you should look at your friends. They kept their honor, and we can see where that got them."Talise observed the Vesteron, feeling a sense of emotional pain overtake her. It was hard to see her teammates stand lifeless on the tiles without a spirit to guide them. Talise took a deep breath and sent a spark of electricity along the floor. The Vesteron reacted to this, turning toward her."I need my allies more than ever right now," Talise cried. "I need the love of my friends! Landrak, Selpiar, Verton, Aurozi, Endico, please hear me!"Domilius smirked, nudging Magnyrh in the shoulder. "Is this pathetic or what?""Be silent, brother," Magnyrh snapped. "I am watching."Focus, Talise. The voice echoed in her mind. It was Nerozak, subconsciously calling out from the antimatter. This is the moment.Save them, Nerozak! Talise mentally cried out. If I could take on their burden myself, I would. I love them too much to make them suffer like this! Let me become a Vesteron to spare them!The others have your love, and so they have the best part of you. You are already a spirit of the antimatter, Talise. Focus on drawing that from their bodies, and the energies will envelop you instead.Talise gulped. If she absorbed the antimatter and became a Vesteron, these were her last moments on Arc. She looked at Ceyvim and forced a smile. "I love you."Tightly shutting her eyes, Talise began to focus. She forced the antimatter to merge with her body, making it part of her power. Controlling antimatter was far different than wielding electricity. It seemed to have a mind of its own, and a sentient one at that. She could feel her spirit being touched by the hopes and dreams of many who perished long ago. As more and more of the antimatter became one with her system, Talise was having a harder time maintaining it.Now! Nerozak yelled. Pull in the rest of the power!Talise obeyed, tearing the last remnants of antimatter from her friends. Assuming this was the end for her, she opened her eyes to observe the Seraphs one last time. Miraculously, Talise had time to witness the Vesteron energies break away from her friends. The particles detached from their forms and the process was reversed."It's like being reborn," Selpiar muttered."How am I still alive?" Talise whispered in confusion, surrounded up to her waist by antimatter.The energy is yours, Talise. Nerozak explained. It cannot harm you."I don't know what you did, but it was incredible," Landrak smiled.Landrak and the others stood alongside Talise and Ceyvim, prepared to take on any threat."You two Kyllidahk will meet your maker, one way or another."The antimatter that fueled the Vesteron merged into a single sphere of power, becoming a mass of gray and black that stood between the Kyllidahk and Vapseron. The energies crawled around one another, ultimately converging on Talise. She then felt the antimatter rush into her body, uncertain of what would happen next. Review
  13. Cederak

    Dynamic Paradigm

    32: Consumed by Passion Diltac leapt from Ideality, performing a swift front flip to the floor before turning back to admire his prized possession. "Protect our homeland..."Ideality had taken aim on all six targets, and the hum of charging laser cannons was growing louder by the second. The Vapseron knew Ideality would react to any offensive shift in the battle, but a defensive option was still open. Landrak summoned a barrier of elemental power around himself, and the other Seraphs followed his example. Ideality unleashed an array of laser beams and blaster fire, battering their defenses to dust in a matter of moments."Take out those laser cannons!" Landrak ordered, firing a sonic pulse at Diltac.Diltac casually strafed the attack, waiting for his opponents to make their next move. Aurozi, Verton, Talise, Endico, and Selpiar launched a full assault against Ideality - bombarding the airship with everything they had. To their surprise, the energy streams were stopped in their tracks by a shield. A dome of transparent power encased Ideality - rendering the Vapseron attack a failure."Ideality has been fitted with elemental shielding, using the technology present in my own armor. I spared no expense in ensuring my victory this time," Diltac noted.The cannons refocused their aim and fired another laser onslaught. Landrak reengaged his energy shield, but a few of his allies felt bolder. Talise, Endico, and Verton had decided to rush Ideality and smash it with physical attacks, but the ship wouldn't just wait for them to arrive. Endico and Verton were picked off by separate lasers from a distance, and Talise was closing in on her target."Put your shield up!" Landrak hollered.Talise pulled back her fist, glaring into Diltac's confident eyes. Selpiar had his attention on the laser cannons, realizing they were charging a single beam to hit Talise with. Selpiar bolted for her location, knowing he would never make it to her in time. The lasers would follow their target for a moment, but Selpiar had a plan. The lasers fired and Talise swung her fist out at Diltac. To her shock, she met thin air and felt herself being pulled backwards. Selpiar magnetically swung her behind himself and activated a partial element shield. Having placed a portion of his power into moving Talise by her armor, the barrier couldn't stand up to the full intensity of the lasers. The shield shattered and Selpiar felt the sting of several laser beams burn into his heartlight.Talise held Selpiar by his limp shoulders, trying to keep him on his feet. "We can't give up!""Sorry, Talise," Selpiar cringed. "That really hurt." Selpiar passed out, and Talise dragged him back to her comrades. Ideality was now recharging itself and Diltac watched with some amusement as the Vapseron studied their fallen friend."Ignore the airship," Landrak decided. "We'll deal with the Captain first.""Yes, of course you will," Diltac smirked. He unlimbered his rapier and pointed it out at the Vapseron. Unlike the last encounter, the weapon launched a blast of energy from the hilt and out the end. Landrak dove left, evading the beam. He took a few deep breaths as he analyzed the rapier from a distance."Our Lord-Sovereign informed me of how the Kyllidahk are not immune to the powers of their brethren. Assuming the same holds true for Vapseron, I reverse engineered Kyllidahk energy burst technology. It's not nearly as potent, but it packs a punch," Diltac grinned.The Axiom Guard Captain ran across the tile floor, firing a few more blasts along the way until closing in on a target. That target was Endico, and he desperately moved backward to avoid being sliced open. To his surprise, Diltac was incredibly quick, making precise swings of his weapon over and over. At last, Endico grabbed the weapon in his fist and attempted to hold it steady. Diltac responded by firing another blast, launching Endico across the room and slamming him into a wall."A lapse in judgment," Diltac sighed. He glanced at Landrak. "Did you teach these soldiers anything, or are they completely inept?"Ideality was recharged and it fired a brilliant laser at Talise, striking her within a second. The airship began moving lazily to the right, taking aim at its targets once more. Diltac kept an eye on his adversaries, swiftly running backward until he was behind Ideality. Landrak knew Diltac wouldn't retreat under these conditions without a valid cause, and he had every reason to believe the airship was preparing something forceful."Activate whirlwind!" Diltac shouted, keeping his rapier at the ready. Ideality turned away from the Vapseron, revealing a heavy turbine below the engines. A mighty cyclone engulfed their battlefield, and the Vapseron fought to keep their eyes open against the raging wind.Diltac narrowed his eyes on the biomechs, lining up his sight with the end of his sword. Using the cyclone as a clever distraction, Diltac let the rapier reload its power, and paused. "Devotion shall steady my aim." Diltac shot a single, charged laser burst at Verton - effectively removing him from the fight.The Captain directed his ship down by the panel in his gauntlet, hopping inside while the cyclone continued. Diltac situated himself before the controls and deactivated the turbine, turning the front of the airship back toward the Vapseron. Ideality had done a perfect job in picking off the Seraphs, but Diltac had become confident from his success. Switching the targeting to manual, Diltac personally directed the laser blasters at Landrak and Aurozi. when he triggered them, a steady stream of energy followed the pair of Vapseron across the room. Resorting to new measures, Diltac turned both of the lasers on Aurozi and caught her between the beams. Aurozi was flung several bio backwards, her armor singed by the intense heat of the lasers.Ceyvim watched the Vapseron in their losing battle from Promise's bridge. He had been actively repelling the duplicate Kyllidahk for much of the encounter, but now that he was at the airship's controls, Ceyvim found himself prepared to defeat his enemy. Unlike his time as Amtra, when fantasies of bitter and angry rage let him muse about how Diltac might be destroyed the most painfully, there was a new feeling. Revenge had been consumed by insight. Landrak was going to die if Ceyvim didn't assist him. Without another moment's thought, Ceyvim drained Promise of its remaining power and fired the laser cannon on Ideality. The devastating beam launched across the massive chamber, having been converted from Vapseron energy back to raw power in a fraction of a second. Ideality was struck head on, crash landing hard on the tile floor. The windshield shattered into billions of shards, and Diltac was thrown from his seat.Diltac felt the bits of glass stuck in his muscle tissue and winced at the pain. Forcing himself to his feet, the Axiom Guard Captain drew his rapier at Landrak. Lunging forward, he swung the blade a single time. Landrak dodged and punched Diltac in the jaw. The captain of the Guard dropped to the floor, clearly beaten. Diltac tightened his grip on the rapier, releasing a hopeless sigh when Landrak tugged it from his grasp. Landrak then delivered a strong kick to Diltac's chest before scooping him up by the throat and holding him in the air."I've had enough," Landrak fumed, pulling the rapier back and preparing to strike. He glanced at his fallen allies for a moment, then turned back to Diltac. Dropping the weapon, Landrak looked Diltac square in the eyes and added, "You're no threat to us now."Diltac was bruised, scarred, and in pain. Releasing a weak cough, Diltac looked into his adversary's eyes. "I have failed the Axiom Union, but I surrender in my efforts to defeat you Vapseron. You have chosen to stay your hand and spare my life. I will offer you a reprieve in return." After that, Diltac passed out.Landrak gently set his superior down and heard the faint sound of footsteps approaching from behind. Landrak glanced over his shoulder and nodded at Ceyvim. "Thank you, for that.""I had to do something," Ceyvim whispered, walking up to Landrak's side."I'm going to check on the others, revive them if I can," Landrak replied, dashing away.Ceyvim stared down at Diltac, his mouth hanging slightly open. He wanted to say something, but no words came to mind. At last, Ceyvim left Diltac to rest - heading for the inner sanctum's doorway. He waited for the Vapseron to recover and stand, shaking off their wounds as only Vapseron could. There was something regenerative in the air here - a driving force of energy that gave the Vapseron the will to rise. It was strong, yet insignificant enough to be ignored or mistaken for pure resolve. Whatever it was, it had allowed the Vapseron to cross the tile floor and stand with Ceyvim at the doorway."Open it," Landrak instructed.Ceyvim touched a hand to the door and waited as the mechanism responded. Back on the floor, Diltac had regained consciousness. He listened to the gears turn inside the wall as the inner sanctum opened. Seven biomechs passed over the threshold, leaving the Captain in solitude. Alone with his thoughts, Diltac stared blankly at the ceiling, wondering if there really was a way to help Arc in its time of need. Review
  14. I hope Chapter 30 was a satisfying answer to your questions. Cyclical was my favorite act of Paradigm to write, so I'm rather attached to it. =)-Ced
  15. Cederak

    Dynamic Paradigm

    31: Miserable Paradise Endico safely steered Promise through the hectic skies over Prime and let the airship hover above Starlight Tower."Here's our ride," Verton chuckled, leaping to the ship's bay and landing with a heavy sound against the metal floor. Landrak and Aurozi quickly followed, sealing the doors shut. Aurozi was the first to look past Talise and Selpiar to notice a familiar biomech sitting nearby."Is that"-"Yes," Selpiar interrupted. "Lieutenant Ceyvim.""Oh my..." Aurozi replied, taking a step back."Are Great Beings just handing out their armor these days?" Verton asked, grinning.Ceyvim glanced up at him with a disturbed look. He was tempted to throw a punch, but Verton was a bit taller. Factor in his Vapseron status, and even wearing a Great Being's armor wasn't enough to get Ceyvim on his feet.Landrak walked by his teammates and stood over Ceyvim. "Where is your allegiance?""I have given all my soldiers an order to defend the civilians. My allegiance is with the bystanders who have been unfairly thrown into a warzone," Ceyvim replied.Landrak nodded. "Then it's good to see a superior officer return to the field." He offered Ceyvim a hand and Ceyvim politely shook it, returning Landrak's smile."You have nothing to worry about, from me at least," Ceyvim continued. "I have abandoned my pointless rage and am determined to save Arc, in memory of my wife.""Admirable," Landrak commended. "I'm glad to have a legendary war hero aboard our ship."Aurozi joined Endico on the bridge, closing the door and taking a seat next to him. "You think we'll make it to Desire?""Sure we'll make it," Endico smirked. "Just don't expect us to waltz right in."Promise cruised beyond the edges of Radiance, now soaring high above the Iron Sea. Desire was a few minutes away, but Aurozi and Endico could already spot activity. The floating isle was alive with an angry swarm of duplicated Spirarahk and transformed Ultruka."We've got heavy resistance," Aurozi reported over the intercom. "Brace yourselves for turbulence."Selpiar glanced at Landrak. "She's still thinking like a simple biomech..."Landrak raised an eyebrow, taking a moment to process what Selpiar meant. He finally looked at his teammates and smiled. "Report for duty on the sky deck. We're going to blast those hunks of scrap out of the clouds.""I'll keep an eye on the battery core," Ceyvim assured. "When we land, I can stay behind to contend with any Kyllidahk that might attempt to follow us inside. Meeting them at the edge of the exit with everything I've got should keep your team safe.""Thank you for volunteering yourself like this," Landrak smiled. "Seraphs, let's go topside."Endico triggered the airship's weapon systems, setting the blasters at half power. All missiles were on standby to fire, and Endico was ready for a total assault."Any reason we're firing half of what we've got?" Aurozi wondered."Promise is running on borrowed power from Selpiar. We can refuel after we land, but I don't want to risk draining our battery before reaching Desire.""We may not reach Desire if we lack the firepower," Aurozi argued."It's possible," Endico replied, commanding the targeting system to begin aiming on Kyllidahk clones. "I guess you'll have to trust my judgment."Aurozi rolled her eyes, smiling. "We're already dead then."Endico chuckled, yanking the thrusters forward. Promise was fast approaching the Kyllidahk fortress and the automatons had taken notice. To Endico's surprise, however, the gray machines were under attack before the ship started firing. Bursts of elemental strikes were coming from above Promise, and Aurozi nodded slowly."I guess they didn't want to feel useless," Aurozi muttered."I have a feeling Selpiar had something to do with this," Endico replied, firing all of the ship's missiles. "He told me on Wake how he valued being proactive over reactive."Endico tilted the ship downward, gently circling right. The entrance to Desire was open, but reaching it would be a chore. Kyllidahk were heavily guarding the entry zone while several more were busy mounting an offensive strike on Promise. The Vapseron on the sky deck could only do so much, and the ship's weapons had the limitation of immobility. None of this deviated from Endico's plan though, because from the moment he saw Desire, he knew he would be sending Promise barreling through the entrance. Endico pushed the ship through the line of Kyllidahk defenses, smashing the machines out of the way."I hope they're holding on now!" Endico cringed, using all of his might to stop the ship. Aurozi stared into the darkness within Desire's entrance, catching the glare off the floor's glossy tiles. A mere two percent of the battery power remained.Promise crashed into the open entryway, scratching the bottom of the hull along the floor and producing a loud screech. The airship skidded forward for only a few seconds until coming to a halt. Landrak was the first to leap down, studying the unnatural design of Desire's insides. The hangar was far more massive than any on Radiance, and emptier too. As he scanned the room, Landrak froze for a second when his eyes spotted another biomech.Standing at the opposite end of the grand atrium was Captain Diltac, as bold as ever. His airship had undergone repairs at some point in the last couple hours, and looked positively dangerous. Diltac remained composed and majestic, holding his rapier at the ready. He glanced at Ideality and then to the Vapseron. "It was no simple task breaking in here, Landrak. Now I'll ask you one last time. Please, surrender.""There's too much at stake, Diltac. I'll see you killed before I let you stand in my way," Landrak replied adamantly. It felt improper to speak out against a superior officer the way he had, but this was a drastic situation."Your doubt is purged," Diltac smirked. "When I destroy you, I will be satisfied knowing you gave me everything you had."Diltac leapt into Ideality and the engine roared to life. Neither Landrak nor Diltac could turn back now."Don't do this!" Landrak shouted.Ideality became airborne and the weapons systems took aim. Diltac activated the intercom and shouted back, "For the Axiom!" Review
  16. Okay, I did. And you're very welcome. =)-Ced
  17. Hello, Darkon, here is your official ECC review. To start, I ran across a few grammatical errors. I'm not sure how you feel about editing your work, but I'll list the issues out anyway. Landforms like forests are only capitalized when you designate a specific one. A lot of commas. Maybe try: There is a small area, however, around ninety kilbios from New Atero. Also, numbers lower than 100 should be spelled out. An area that defies explanation. He wore medium sized armor, except for his shoulder plates, which were unusually large. A few minutes later, he was less than a quarter mile from it. “Something better. Much better,” the being, Darkon, answered.Judging from this chapter, I'm running on the assumption that you are still early in your writing career. That's not a bad thing, but rather, it means this is just the beginning. Wherever this story ends up heading, you should use it as a reference for improvement down the road. In particular, your descriptive ability. I like the scene you've set up, but I feel like its incomplete. There are senses that seem left out, somehow. Sure, we have Darkon, sorting through junk and taking Lehvak-Kal back to a factory, but you can expand on that. Lehvak-Kal is certainly green and silver, but what else? He has those vacuum tools on his hands, probably dust and debris lining his shell that was buried in dirt. The same treatment could be given to Darkon. He has color, but what else? Is he frustrated, tired, pleased? Does he have any other distinct features? Is there anything going through his head? Is there anything on the mind of Lehvak-Kal's Krana-Kal? What does it feel like to be a mentality trapped in a body that won't respond?There's plenty of room to go exploring here, and you're only one chapter in. Use the senses, and treat the reader's experience like you're feeding them. You can tell me that the landscape was a yellow-tan desert, or through the eyes of Darkon, you can show me. Its the clever balance of giving the reader plenty of dessert, and just enough broccoli.Anyway, I think you're off to a great start. Keep working at your description and detail, and watch the grammar (use MS Word or something if you aren't already). Writing an epic can be a huge undertaking, but if you take it step by step, and create a flow for yourself, you're bound to be successful. Best of luck, Darkon - keep at it!-Ced
  18. Okay, Darkon, here's the deal. If you request a review, we'll do it. Quickly and efficiently. But I'm not one for taking "down the road" critiques. Keep in mind that my "team" (small as it is, right now) is very fast at cranking out reviews. Chances are, any time you make a request, we'll have an opening - so there's no need to worry about having to be on a waiting list. Of course, that is always subject to change, but I don't expect a flood of requests by tomorrow or anything.That said, I'm willing to do one of two things for you. One: I can review the single chapter now. Simple as that. Two: You can make a new request for your epic to be reviewed when you feel a more substantial amount has been posted. What sounds more favorable for you?-Ced
  19. Cederak

    Dynamic Paradigm

    30: A (Great) Being's Atonement "Ceyvim...I..." Talise trailed off. "Are you real?"Ceyvim nodded sadly. Talise touched a hand to his armor and felt suddenly faint. The armor had once belonged to a Great Being, and it seemed as though it was wearing her father's head. Ceyvim being alive and well, let alone leading the renegade Phantom Faction, was by a wide margin, very unlikely.Ceyvim coughed in pain, slowly getting to his feet. "I must know something. Is your name Talise?""Yes, it is," Talise whispered. "How did you forget what I look like?"Ceyvim scooped up his damaged helmet and awkwardly frowned at Talise. "A lot happened when I left the Axiom. It was a long road that led me to this armor...and a longer road that took me away from its home. I fought with Kyllidahk, and met Domilius.""You survived an encounter with Domilius without that armor?" Selpiar questioned."There was no animosity between us," Ceyvim explained. "He gave me the idea to rebel against the entities who took everything from me. The military said Talise died, and when I left...there was no suspecting they were wrong. I have to know, is Merolsy alive as well?""Merolsy is gone. They found a corpse," Selpiar replied. "I'm sorry."Talise hung her head and Ceyvim released a heavy sigh. He held his daughter for the first time in years, both biomechs nearly overwhelmed by the chance to see one another again. Talise began to cry, holding Ceyvim as tight as she could."I always knew you were still out there."Ceyvim gently rubbed a hand up and down her back, calming her down. "It's okay, Talise. Everything's going to be okay.""Where did you go?" Talise sobbed.Ceyvim paused, unsure of where to begin. "I was...hopeless. I left the Axiom to find answers, even though I had no questions. When I came to Vault, I found Amtra's ruined palace and was invited in by Domilius and Calirry. Domilius hated the Axiom Union as strongly as I did, and we discussed potential ways to systematically destroy its order. Domilius was adamant in remaining on Vault, but believed that if I was determined, I could topple the regime Carzandus had started. We both knew Amtra's palace was an extensive maze, and had sectors both Domilius and Calirry had never visited. He implored me to search the palace for a means to become powerful enough to overthrown the Axiom's might. After a few years of passing through dimensions and doorways, I found a chamber where a project had been left to die. The memories of biomechs I fought alongside, the faces of my loved ones, and even their voices was lost to me. Only the pain held on, forcing me to continue. I found a lone suit, capable of performing abilities granted to Great Beings that was untouched in the corner of the room. From Amtra's notes, it was intended to be a prototype armor for biomech soldiers.""It held up pretty good," Selpiar commented."Yeah..." Ceyvim replied awkwardly, still comforting his daughter. "And so I returned to the Axiom guised as Amtra's spirit - like a wraith in the night. I promised salvation to those who rejected the Axiom Union and supported the will of the Great Beings. Though a Kyllidahk helped me learn the method to carefully undermine all that Carzandus had achieved, I sought to use Desire as a rock to bury the Axiom beneath - having taken what I love most. And so my indoctrinated followers took their orders in the midnight hours, and I was their leading eidolon. We called ourselves the Phantom Faction, and I submitted to my anger. Perhaps if I had maintained control of my emotions, this turn of events may have been avoided.""It doesn't matter now," Talise sniffled. "We still have a mission to finish.""Yes, of course," Ceyvim agreed. "There will be time enough to reminisce when we are done."Selpiar focused on the airship sitting just below until he could read its name along the side of the hull. When he found it to be named Promise, Selpiar emitted a hopeless sigh. "This airship remains unused because it requires a necessary amount of energy charged through it to fly. It was part of a program to remove our dependency on airship reactors.""Could elemental power fuel it fast enough?" Endico wondered."It's worth a shot," Talise replied. "Let's move, Seraphs."Selpiar and Endico followed close behind Talise, and Ceyvim started for Promise as well. Looking back down at the chaos in the streets, Ceyvim had seen enough. Finding Talise alive was enough to stir an emotional response. He pressed a button in his helmet that would broadcast to all Phantom Faction operatives. Ceyvim took a deep breath, uncertain of how they would react to his change of heart. At last, he exhaled and stated clearly, "This is Amtra. Any remaining Phantom Faction agents are to protect Axiom civilians at all costs. This is your final order. Good luck." Review
  20. Cederak

    Dynamic Paradigm

    29: Rejected Accord Talise leapt from a fighter ship, free falling through the atmosphere. She forced her body to spin around and watched the transport explode on impact with a Spirarahk copy. The force was enough to finish the monstrous machine off, and Talise could see Selpiar and Endico clinging to its dead wings. Talise returned her attention to the city of Dawn below, strafing along as she studied the streets. The Axiom Guard had their hands full with the mimetic Kyllidahk, even if the automatons were weaker than the originals they were based upon.Coming within distance of an airship hangar tower, Talise was headed face first for the building when she unleashed a powerful bolt of lightning from her hands. The electricity rocketed up through the clouds and Selpiar got her signal. He slowly started tugging at all of their armored bodies, well aware they would still be in for a rough landing. Taking a deep breath, Selpiar felt himself achieve total control over their metallic parts, leaving the three Vapseron suspended in midair. Amazed by his own ability, Selpiar gently set his teammates down atop the hangar's roof. Endico grinned at him, running for the edge of the rooftop. Talise followed her ally, hoping to get a better glimpse of Dawn. A Gelidonhr clone smashed through several Axiom Guards without a bit of trouble, smacking one into the asphalt with ease. The creature turned its head up, roaring out an icy haze."That should suit Landrak's expectations," Selpiar muttered.Endico and Talise turned, glancing at a massive deck a few levels down. A magnificent airship, recently outfitted with high-grade weaponry was just sitting there, completely untouched."Now that's just unbelievably lucky," Endico replied, scratching his head for a moment."We landed on the largest airship dock in the city," Selpiar reminded him. "Finding a suitable airship here doesn't seem wildly unlikely.""Radiance is under attack," Talise mused. "Any airships capable of flight should be in use right now. Engineers completed work on that particular craft a few weeks ago."Selpiar examined the airship carefully. "You're right. Do you think it has an internal problem?" Selpiar wondered."We'll investigate," Talise declared with a smile.A machine gracelessly crashed through a nearby radio tower and struck the hangar rooftop with a mighty sound. Followed closely by a more elegant machine who succeeded in cautiously stepping onto the building, Talise involuntarily gasped at the sight. Domilius and Calirry had somehow survived the battle in the core, with Domilius appearing the most damaged and bitter.The Kyllidahk glared at the biomechs, growling out, "Undeserving little monsters. Did you return to be glorified as heroes?""Even if we died here, I think being deemed a hero is the least we deserve," Talise replied lightheartedly.Domilius laughed spitefully, quoting The Eternal Void. "The inept look at the intelligent with wonder, never aware their idols are mostly sophomoric fools."Endico was standing side by side with Selpiar and whispered, "Domilius isn't a silvery, gray machine.""Then he must be the real one," Selpiar replied flatly."Your society is crumbling," Domilius stated coolly. "Arc War II doesn't seem so far away now, does it?""There won't be one!" Talise shouted defiantly."Think what you like," Domilius smirked. "Besides, war is a wonderful opportunity to glimpse the soul of a biomech the way no psychologist ever could. The gleam in a soldier's eyes as he fires...that is a beast confined by a world of rules that never apply in battle. Arc will go to war once again.""Even if that happens, I won't let you live to laugh on that day," Talise vowed.The enraged Kyllidahk marched up to the Vapseron, opening his clawed hands. Talise waited until he was near to strike with her chain lightning, launching a steady stream of power at the machine. Domilius fought through the attack, angrily pushing forward. He glanced at Calirry, outstretching his hand to her. She nodded and dashed across the rooftop for her companion, evading Endico and merging with Domilius. Joining their energies, Gemidelus returned, absorbing Talise's attack and narrowing his gaze on her and the other Vapseron. "I'm going to tear your heartlights from your bodies and force them down your mouths!"Gemidelus kicked Endico to the end of the rooftop and emitted a menacing chuckle. "You'll need another planetary core or a miracle if you hope to defeat me!""A miracle will have to suffice!"Everyone craned their necks up and caught sight of a figure flying over the city. It was Amtra, firing a thin laser beam from a gauntlet on his arm. He hit Gemidelus in the back of the head and punched the Kyllidahk fusion before landing at Talise's side. Selpiar took advantage of the distraction and slammed a portion of the destroyed radio tower into Gemidelus. Endico pelted him with a storm of boulders and Talise reengaged her electrical assault. Amtra activated his laser gauntlets, and the biomechs tore away at the machine's energy reserves. Gemidelus fell to his knees, collapsing back into the forms of Domilius and Calirry. Amtra wasted no time readjusting his lasers, combining their force and slicing Calirry down the middle. Domilius dashed out of harm's way, rushing his attacker in a desperate act. Amtra turned the lasers on him, but Domilius placed a barrier around himself. At the last second, Domilius deactivated the barrier and grabbed Amtra by the throat, carrying them into the air."Stay out of current affairs, wretched failure," Domilius snarled, crushing the helmet down around its wearer's head. He snapped one of the lasers apart and tore a chunk of the breastplate armor to shreds."Let me go!" Amtra hollered, turning on his functional laser and pointing it at Domilius. He sliced through the upper left half of the Kyllidahk's head, immediately being set free in the process. Both the automaton and the biomech fell back to the rooftop, quickly regaining their bearings. A shocked Domilius gently touched a hand to the open portion of his head and glared at Amtra with his remaining eye. Domilius whirled around, activating the thrusters in his feet and fleeing to the skies - out of sight within seconds.Clad in a super powerful suit of silver and black, the Vapseron believed Amtra could withstand anything. The bright blue eyes on his helmet slowly dimmed, and the biomech wearer reluctantly tore it from his head. The three Vapseron stared blankly at Diltac's ex-lieutenant, the tired and troubled Ceyvim. Review
  21. Hahli Historian is presently assigned to your epic, and while I won't ask her to read beyond the story's length upon the time of your request, it will ultimately be up to her whether or not she goes further. Thanks for the heads up though.-Ced Your request has been taken care of and your review is up. Thanks for coming to the ECC. =)-Ced
  22. Hello, Aderia, here is your official ECC review. As an opening note, I have to admit that crossing the line between the Bionicle realm and our own has never appealed to me much, but your epic drew me in more as I continued through it.As per my usual reviewing style, here is the list of errors I came across. Little minor things, but I thought you might be interested.Intro But the light from the stars and moon and the clear, an accomplished businessman, whose beautiful wife, Trista, He took the empty elevator in the nearest skyscraper to the rooftop.Part 1 The only two people in the world, Why don't we go out to the outlets tomorrow before practice?"Part 4 Then I turn to the village on the bay in the distance. That could be me, in there, and a shattered life was what l woke up with.Now that I've taken care of that, I can discuss the actual story. As I said before, I was apprehensive when I started making my way through the story of a Makuta winding up on Earth. And then I come to find that this becomes less of his story, and more of Lorena's. As a character, Lorena seems to be a rather typical girl for her age - despite the biomech hand - and because of that, she feels realistic. By the time I finished this epic, I felt sorry for her present state, and hopeful in the back of my mind that something could be done to reverse her terrible fate. Of course, if she had been found as an infant by Makuta Mutran, I think she may have become something terrible much sooner.In terms of your writing style, I took a liking to your first-person narration. Third-person wasn't bad, but it lacked the standard attention to detail that often comes with the perspective. I suppose that's advice for future writing. Once the spotlight switched to Lorena, however, and we view the world through her eyes, the story has this organic feel to it - one that only an epic with human characters might dare to take on. If a biomech were to carry on, or behave, or live as Lorena does, it would be ridiculous. But you've captured a real sense of what it could be like to have this life with a dose of Makuta added to it, and the result is excellent. I truly hope you see this epic through to completion, because, while many Bionicle/human crossovers seem to fall short, I found myself surprisingly entertained by this piece of work. Well done, Aderia.-Ced
  23. Cederak

    Dynamic Paradigm

    28: Starlight, Star Bright Landrak, Aurozi, and Verton disembarked atop Starlight Tower, running headlong for the elevator. Aurozi looked back in time to watch a missile slam into the building's side, blowing a chunk of the roof away. Landrak watched an object pass through his peripheral vision and instinctively followed it across the sky. The personal airship came to a sudden halt and Landrak focused in on the pilot."Ideality..." Verton whispered.Diltac ejected himself from his seat, front flipping through the air and landing on the tower. He unlimbered his rapier and pointed it at the Vapseron. "You brought a nightmare to our shores and now our cities are falling to your wrath. Are you satisfied!?""This isn't our fault," Landrak spat. "Radiance is under siege from the Kyllidahk...from Omtazic and the Phantom Faction! We came here to bring this conflict to an end and save Arc.""I saw you in Sincerity, Landrak. You're all still Vapseron, and couldn't even save yourselves. The Axiom Union will prevail without your assistance, given that I am here to lead them. The end of the Arc War should be evidence enough of my competence.""You're going to be starting a second Arc War if you don't let me do my job," Landrak warned. "We're both working toward a victory for the lives we claim to protect. But if we carry on this way...in opposition, they won't live to see our promise fulfilled. You and I killed a lot of biomechs back in the war...I don't want to look back on that as pointless murdering. We fought for a cause and we still can!""I fight for the Axiom Union and the Lord-Sovereign," Diltac replied, stepping forward. "I am their protector from monsters like you!"Diltac tapped a command into his left gauntlet and rushed the Vapseron. He swung his rapier a few times, and Aurozi narrowly avoided losing her arm. Verton and Landrak managed to keep a safe distance, but Verton was eyeing Ideality. The warship was aiming its weapons.Diltac smirked at him. "I had time to make a few modifications since our meeting in Melody. I hope you like it."Ideality opened fire on Verton, following him as the Seraph evaded the energy bullets. Plasma bolt attacks were effective against the bullets, but he needed to get closer to start damaging the ship. Aurozi and Landrak were still contending with Diltac, unable to land a blow without leaving themselves open to be stabbed. Aurozi unleashed a wave of ice, but Diltac was ready for her. A mysterious energy aura became visible around the Axiom Guard leader and he kicked Aurozi to the floor."Another side-project of mine," Diltac boasted. "Reverse-engineering the elemental energy wavelength that Kyllidahk produce makes my armor invulnerable to your abominable powers."Landrak punched him across the face, wincing as he felt a rapier slash him in the chest. Diltac fell backwards, dazed by the hardest punch he'd ever felt. He gazed up at Landrak in shock."You might want them to make a few additions to that armor," Landrak muttered. He kicked Diltac backwards and watched the captain go tumbling toward the ledge.Diltac caught himself and sprung to his feet. He activated the second energy turret on Ideality and ran at Landrak again, holding out his rapier. The second turret locked on to Aurozi and kept a beat on her as she darted around the roof. Diltac sliced through the air, cutting into Landrak's side before kicking him back. Once Landrak was on the floor, Diltac plunged his blade into Landrak's chest and heard the distinct sound of it scraping against the tile. At this time, Verton jumped onto Ideality and ripped the turrets apart, giving Aurozi the opportunity to blast it with a raw beam of ice. Diltac pressed a new command into his gauntlet and pulled out his rapier."I'm so sorry, Landrak," Diltac whispered, waiting for the airship to respond. Ideality dove for the rooftop and Diltac jumped onto the windshield, cutting Verton in the leg and forcing him to leap from the side. Ideality was out of range again and Diltac climbed inside, activating the loudspeaker. "The Axiom will prevail!"Aurozi kept her eye on Ideality, watching Diltac's intended path through the sky. "He's heading for Dawn.""Maybe Talise and the others will have an easier time with him. At least I snapped those guns off," Verton chuckled."You okay, Landrak?" Aurozi asked."I will be," Landrak replied halfheartedly. He looked down at his injury and sighed. Diltac's rapier was a thin blade, relying on the chance of piercing something important over tearing large wounds into an enemy.Verton called up the elevator and the doors swiftly opened. "The fighting continues."The Vapseron stepped inside and waited with anxious heartlights as the chamber descended through Starlight Tower. The doors reopened outside the Sovereign's grand chamber and Landrak strode up to the entrance. "If any of you have any reservations about what we came here to do...""I'm no quitter," Verton grinned."I'm with Verton. We didn't come this far to give up," Aurozi replied.Landrak nodded, pushing the doors open. He marched across the massive chamber and glared into the eyes of a sinister character. Carzandus stood bold and defiant, blurring the throne in darkness. "I'm impressed, Seraphs. You managed to return, against all odds. I could feel your energy signatures from the top of this tower, though, and it's a pity you failed to rescue yourselves.""We aren't dead yet," Landrak replied coolly."You will become Vesteron soon enough," Carzandus said assuredly. "By the way, would you care to meet my successor?"Carzandus dissolved the darkness surrounding the throne and stood aside to reveal a familiar figure. Carzandus looked down at him and grinned. "You have guests, Sovereign Veladri."Landrak stared at Veladri and felt a sense of horror travel down his spine. The leader of the Arc Sentinels was lying dead in the throne, his body slumped to the side. His heartlight and some of its circuitry rested in his right hand, leaving a gaping hole in his chest. Judging from the wires hanging out of his body, it was clear Veladri used serious force in ripping his heartlight out."A great biomech, killed by a guilty conscience," Carzandus stated in mock sadness. "He was so resilient, but I never regretted having Vibrariox change him.""This has to end," Landrak said bitterly, clenching his fists."You cannot ignore your loyalties, soldier," Carzandus laughed. "At your heartlight, you still support the Axiom.""I know what you are...Omtazic."Carzandus walked up to Landrak, a smile plastered across his untrue face. "I am departing to open the gates to Desire." Carzandus stormed away, passing right by the Vapseron. Before leaving through the door, he turned back and cryptically added, "We will all be reunited soon."Verton stared out the window and waited for Carzandus to leave before glancing back at Landrak. "I was expecting a grueling battle.""A moment of courtesy is rare these days, but I think we just found one," Landrak smirked. "We need to return to the tower's rooftop. The Seraphs should be coming shortly." Review
  24. Actually, our review queue is presently empty. All previous epics have been taken care of. Expect your ECC review soon!-Ced
  25. Cederak

    Dynamic Paradigm

    Act IV: Cyclical . 27: A Shore That Needs Us Sunrise was less than an hour away when Radiance came into sight for the Vapseron. From the controls, Landrak stared out at the continent, catching glimpses of metallic objects flying through the skies."Does anybody else see that?" Landrak asked."I see it, but I'm not sure what I'm seeing," Verton grumbled."We'll land in Sincerity and investigate," Landrak decided. The coastal metropolis was often flooded with air traffic, and served as a key base of operations for the Arc Sentinels - having been created there."I don't think we'll have much of a choice," Selpiar spoke up, pointing toward the Arc Sentinel fleet hovering over the city. "There's virtually no chance of us making it past all those airships.""But this ship was borrowed by Veladri," Endico replied. "Don't you think his own soldiers would have the common sense not to shoot down their Commander?""I'm not running the risk," Landrak said adamantly. He directed the ship closer to Sincerity and released a horrified gasp. From his new proximity to the city, Landrak could see Sincerity was in a panic of chaos. Buildings had caught fire, the streets were flooded with fleeing civilians, and the silver objects were near enough to be defined."They're Kyllidahk..." Aurozi whispered."That's impossible," Selpiar growled. "The flying ones all have the form of Spirarahk. The ones in the street appear to be either Gelidonhr or Ultruka. More curious, why have they all been flushed of their true colors?""Mass production," Aurozi suggested. "Like our military, if you have a weapon that works, make dozens more.""Yeah, but our military has limitations," Talise reminded her. "In order to quickly duplicate a weapon at a minimal cost, you run the risk of losing potency.""The Kyllidahk may have encountered a similar problem," Landrak replied. "I'd be willing to bet these grayish Kyllidahk are weaker than the originals.""Landrak, look left!" Selpiar hollered.Landrak turned in time to watch a stream of energy cannon fire blast their airship. The attack had come from an Axiom Guard airship and it succeeded with a direct hit. The Vapseron glanced down at the city, watching several Axiom Guards open fire on a Gelidonhr. A few streets over, a dozen more Guards were fending off an assault from a team of peculiar biomechs. The armor scheme looked familiar, but it took seeing Amtra whiz through the sky to realize what was going on."Sincerity isn't just under attack from the Kyllidahk," Landrak muttered. "The Phantom Faction seized an opportunity as well."Another Axiom Guard struck the hull with multiple laser blasts, and Landrak knew the ship was done for. "Get ready to jump!"Landrak opened the airship's hatch and kicked the windshield forward. He then stared down into the city before dropping through the air. The other Vapseron followed close behind, all watching the Axiom Guards fight off resistance from the Phantom Faction. The Arc Sentinels were actively contending with the Kyllidahk copies. Selpiar magnetically pulled his allies from their free fall and they landed gently atop a skyscraper.Landrak charged his sonic element in his palm and frantically scanned the skies. An attack could be coming from any direction, but he stopped short when Ascension was in view. The grand airship was still, quietly suspended just over Sincerity. Commander Veladri watched the city fall into devastation from the edge of the hull. For a moment, his eyes and Landrak's met in a wonderful instant of coincidence. Landrak couldn't wrap his head around how Veladri might have survived the battle on Vault, but there was no mistaking the Commander of the Arc Sentinels. Having mysteriously returned to his normal, biomech form, Veladri dramatically turned away - his cape fluttering in the wind as he retreated from the sky deck. The other Vapseron had taken notice of Veladri as well, but no one had a theory on how he was still alive.Talise glanced at her leader and raised an eyebrow. "What's our directive?""Take Endico and Selpiar with you and make your way to Dawn," Landrak ordered. "Find the strongest airship available and make sure it has enough firepower and defenses to penetrate Desire's protective array.""What about you?" Talise wondered.Landrak visually trailed Ascension across the sky as it departed Sincerity's airspace, heading northeast toward the capitol. "I'm going after Veladri in Prime. Bring your airship to a halt over the Starlight Complex and we'll board there.""Understood," Talise nodded. "Selpiar, get us out of here."Selpiar elementally directed Talise, Endico, and himself off the skyscraper and they descended into the city's pandemonium flooded streets. Sincerity was facing the wrath of dull, lifeless copies of Gelidonhr, Ultruka, and Spirarahk. Even at a fraction of the power, these machines were still a danger to Axiom Guards and especially civilians."I can only imagine how Prime looks right now," Landrak sighed to Aurozi. "What's our fastest route to the capitol?""I'd say hopping aboard one of those airships following the Ascension to Prime could be an easy trip," Verton grinned. "Aurozi and I can propel ourselves onboard with our elements, and I suppose you'll be holding on to one of us for the ride.""Well, Verton, I suppose now is as good a time as any to test out the flight capability of sonic energy," Landrak smirked. "Skyward, Seraphs."Aurozi, Landrak, and Verton engaged their elements, soaring across the city and landing safely atop a massive, Sentinel airship. It would be an uneventful ride into the capitol city, but unbeknownst to the Vapseron, they had inadvertently captured the attention of the Axiom Guard's Captain. He easily spotted their elemental blast trails through the sky from Ideality - resolved to pursue them to their graves. Review
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