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Everything posted by Cederak

  1. I followed the Bionicle storyline through the Bara Magna saga, and while I was never as invested in it as the years encompassing the Matoran Universe (above or below), the Core War has always interested me. This game of cat and mouse in the drifting snow was very engaging to read, and I like the notion of Skrall "children" as well.My favorite part about this whole thing though (aside from the honor of seeing you chose my title suggestion) is that lingering question about the greater monster here. Skrall are truly fearsome soldiers, never running from a fight as Stronius said. This beast born from the Energized Protodermis has no sense of fear either, or remorse. Stronius and the creature are both determined, cunning, and relentless. It makes it all the more fun to read, knowing both sides are so resilient.Of course, occurring in the past gives a bit of a safety net to Stronius. Even if he is mauled within an inch of his life, we know he'll live to fight another day. So you brought a nameless companion into the mix, putting a life on the line if the situation goes south for the Skrall warriors.As enjoyable a read as this was, I'll have to read through the other Glatorian Chronicles eventually. Fantastic work, TNTOS.-Ced
  2. Thanks for reading. I keep hearing that Adrinor's decision to leave his life behind is an impulsive one, and perhaps even contradictory, so I'll definitely work on that to make the final product a more smooth transition.Rovaius was a fun character to write about, and I hadn't considered his similarities to Barbossa until you brought it up. He's actually based on infamous characters of the wild west (Jesse James, Billy the Kid, Butch Cassidy, etc.) and given a bit of twist. I'll agree with you that Elendra and the others didn't have much of a moment to shine here, and I'll be exploring their personalities in greater depth with the epic.Thanks again, X-Ray!-Ced
  3. You'd almost think that after the staff managed to choose a fear for themselves, the "monsters" would correlate to the fears. That's probably too played out though.-Ced
  4. Nobody cares.I care. Just sayin'...I'll admit the new factor is long-gone, but the staff always manage to stay interesting with these name changes anyway. They've been super heroes, super villains, and several other things I can't seem to remember. It's always a little amusing, but nowhere near as funny as looking at the bandwagon members who realize they've been left out in the rain when the staff changes to something else or back to normal. -Ced
  5. This is a really great movie version MOC. I also like the dusty look of Whenua, kinda adding to the whole primal, dirty look. While I would never drill through one of my Bionicle pieces, the fact that you went through with it and created such an amazing Rhotuka launcher is admirable, and it certainly paid off. Excellent work!-Ced
  6. I think six Piraka sets was enough, and I was a little disappointed when the glowing eyes finally started to dim/die on me. The double-sided weapons were a cool idea though, and it would've been interesting to see that implemented in other Dark Hunter sets, if Lego ever decided to make more.-Ced
  7. This reminds me of the Transformers movie when Optimus and the others crashed from space and had yet to take on the forms of cars and such. It has a very primitive look, with thin armor, but not defenseless either. Nice job.-Ced
  8. The names used to be entirely made up. Just combinations across the keyboard that sounded cool. So I'd get names like Zephaon, Valixia, Landrak, Acerion, etc. As I made more character names though, I started to run out of original ideas, and started coming too close to names I already had. It was at that point when I started using parts of people's first and last names and merging them with other letters. So I ended up with combinations like Endico, Verton, Driagil, etc. Still good names, it just takes a little more thought to come up with them now.-Ced
  9. I've noticed a lot more Hero Factory MOCs in the BBC, but the quality remains solid for what they're trying to construct. There's less activity all across the board, but I don't think quality has suffered in the process.-Ced
  10. The Baterra would have bee cool sets, same as Artakha and Lariska. Of course, I would love to see the Barraki before their mutation and Toa Nikila, to finally have a Toa of lightning as a set.-Ced
  11. Gold Vahi, Trans Neon Green Miru, Copper Akaku, Copper Kakama, Copper Kaukau, Silver Hau, Shiny Avohkii, and Infected Hau Nuva.-Ced
  12. Least favorite sets had to be the Bohrok Kal. I only owned one and it was Tahnok Kal, given to me by my brother. Second choice would be Bohrok Va.-Ced
  13. I had one of my Toa Metru manage to move from one side of the room to the other, and while I want to believe I mistakenly put it in the wrong place, it seemed pretty strange when I noticed.-Ced
  14. Congratulations, Sumiki! I hope to join you up there someday...just as soon as I find the time. -Ced
  15. I've only needed to remove a few of them, but I managed to do it without any scratches by using a pick intended for taking out crab meat and nuts once they've been cracked open. It's odd that we've never used them for either of those purposes, but they were excellent tools for pulling out "Toa brains."-Ced
  16. 2006 was probably the best website, just because of all the effort put into the Piraka animations and the Inika / free the band stuff as well.-Ced
  17. My favorite canisters would be a tie between the Toa Mata and Bohrok ones. I didn't like any canister after 2005 though. Without the cyllinder shape, it just seemed off.-Ced
  18. I've found them mostly behind furniture, but occasionally they turn up outside the house in the dirt, inside kitchen drawers, and a few were hidden in the laundry room. It always leaves me wondering how they got there to begin with.-Ced
  19. I didn't actually pick up any Rahi until 2004, and my first was Nivawk alongside Turaga Dume. Kikanalo will always be my favorite though, even though Lhikan never technically rode one into battle or anything. At least from what we know...-Ced
  20. The Toa Hordika all remind me of animals, which makes sense. Vakama, Nokama, and Matau have frog faces, and the other three just make me think of strange, prehistoric creatures.-Ced
  21. I haven't done anything like a BZP comic in over five years, but I used to use MS Paint - poorly I might add. Suffice to say, I'm a far better writer than Paint artist.-Ced
  22. Okay, I have a critic assigned to your epic and you can expect a review sometime soon. Thank you for choosing the ECC!-Ced
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