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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by HAZMAT

  1. Yes, you can pause the download/close Steam/shut down your computer and the download progress will remain the same
  2. WHOOPSI just looked at the topic start date, which is the 23rd. Sorry.
  3. You should really respec to include rockets, they destroy EVERYTHING.
  4. NV is the better game when it comes to features, but Fallout 3 had much better atmosphere IMO. Wandering a desert just doesn't compare to navigating the DC ruins.

    It is done.

    Xbox360 Halo 4 Bundle + Bodycount Burnout Revenge Crackdown Crackdown 2 Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 3 Gears of War Triple Pack Gears of War 3 Halo CE Anniversary Halo 3 Halo 3 ODST Halo Reach Red Dead Redemption GOTY Edition Total price comes out to be somewhere around 650 USD. Not bad, not bad.
  6. I've played some of the normal Dynasty Warriors, and overall they are mediocre, but I want to pilot a giant robot to smash other giant robots. Better graphics, better performance, keyboard and mouse is better than controllers for most games + the ability to use controller if I want to. I've been PC gaming for years, there's no way I'm switching over to consoles as my primary. Bigger screen is nice if you're across the room, which you're not when playing on PC. I don't know what you mean by sharpness, console games are graphically inferior and usually upscaled, causing blurring. Steam, the largest PC gaming client, allows you to open a web browser while still in-game, and most games nowadays have no problems with alt-tabbing to another window; also multiple monitors mean game on one screen, browser on another. The only reason I'm considering getting a console is solely for exclusives.
  7. Ok, so I'm fairly certain I will be buying myself a 360, now the next thing to consider is games. What are some games you guys would recommend that aren't on PC? I am and will forever be a PC gamer first, consoles second. I'm primarily interested in games with great local (splitscreen) co-op opportunities. Also I won't be getting a Kinect. Games I'm considering: Halo series Gears of War series Army of Two series Red Dead Redemption Crackdown 1 and 2 Bodycount Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3 im a weeaboo Burnout Revenge
  8. Welcome back!But as Frozen Flash said, topics like this aren't allowed. Feel free to announce your return in your signature.Topic closed.
  9. I know you need Gold to play online, but I'm more interested in local co-op than online multiplayer. I don't know if I want to pay for something I may not use frequently, if at all. I guess I won't really know if I want Gold or not until I get an Xbox.
  10. Thanks for the responses guys. A few things: -I don't have anything else to spend the money on, it's been sitting in the bank -As for next gen possibly coming out soon, I had considered it, and doubt Microsoft would announce anything before next E3 at the earliest, which is months away -I looked at other bundles, but I want Halo and 2 controllers; also the others all come with Kinect (which I'm not interested in) or games I don't want -I won't be getting Xbox Live, at least not right away
  11. Total price would be ~550 dollars for the Halo 4 Console bundle and all the games I want (that I can think of) Should I do it???
  12. Please don't post in topics that have been inactive for 30 or more days in General Art.Topic closed.
  13. How to BZP like Haz (a guide by Haz) -Read UK's latest blog entry -Try to come up with a writty response -Fail -Cry self to sleep
  14. HAZMAT

    Deja Vu

    Last year I made this entry: Even though at the start of October I thought of it, I forgot again this year WHOOPS; Gata reminded me. Time to go find out what my new spinny is. edit: IT'S THE IGNIKA I WANNA STAY SEVEN YEARS OLD FOREVERRRRRRRRRRRRRR
  15. What do you mean "exit out as a member?" If you're clicking the Sign Out button, that's the point of it: to log you out. Just don't click it if you don't want to have to keep signing in.Also, when you do sign in, make sure you have "remember me" checked.
  16. HAZMAT


    It's only against the rules to use spoiler tags for non-spoilers. And this entry is certainly spoilerrific.
  17. Original Entry (May 15th): (well, most of them) Anyway, I think it's about time to clear out all of my sets I don't want, and keeping the handful that I do. Additionally, I'll be selling other LEGO-related stuff like the Bionicle comics (and maybe even the magazines if someone wants them??? I have all of them from like 92 to 2008 or something) I don't really know what I'm going to do with them, but I figured I'd throw a topic in B/S/T. Beforehand however, I'd like to gauge interest and see if even that would even be worthwhile, or if I should find something else to do with them. Here is the majority of my collection on Brickset, several sets are missing (also keep in mind I will be keeping some): http://www.brickset....?OwnedBy=HAZMAT (if I do end up selling on BZP this will be completely updated beforehand and I'll probably make an entry to let people know that the list in finalized) So, how many of you would be interested? (and by that I mean, actually BUY SOMETHING) Additionally, how do you recommend I come up with prices for them? (inb4 someone says make them all free) Update (June 10th): All this week I've been making my way through. Progress has been slower than I'd hoped, a lot slower. I was hoping to have everything ready by the end of the month, but I don't know if that's feasible. I was off this week which gave me plenty of time to go through them, but it's back to work tomorrow. Additionally, some missing sets have been added to my Brickset list, feel free to check it out. (sets I'm keeping still haven't been removed) As for pricing, I'm thinking of just using the original MSRP. I know some of the older sets are probably worth more and I'd be taking a loss, but I care a lot more about getting rid of them than making loads of money. That being said, I might start taking reservations sometime soon, so if there's anything you know you want and will actually buy, provided the prices are agreeable, maybe you should start a list somewhere. Once the topic goes up in B/S/T, people who have reserved sets will get first dibs on them. Update (October 6th) I will now be taking reservations for sets. Here's some info you'll want to read: -Reserving sets does not commit you to buying them, it simply gives you first dibs on them when I begin the selling phase. -You can reserve as many sets as you want, but try to remain realistic of what you will actually want to/be able to buy. -In the case of several people reserving the same set(s), whoever reserved first gets first dibs. If they don't want it, the next person who reserved gets a chance. -Keep in mind I'm not going to be selling every set. If you reserved something that I'm keeping, I'll let you know when the list is finalized. To reserve sets, do the following: Send me a PM titled Reservations. (if you want to change your list at any time, just send me another PM titled Reservations Changes) Include a list of sets you want to reserve. Set numbers are required, names are optional. List each set individually, don't just say "i wnat all ur boncles" If you're not from the US, please say so. I'm still undecided about shipping internationally. Some other info: I'm hoping to start selling before then end of the year, but no earlier than the end of October. That should give you some time to figure out what you want and will be able to buy. As for pricing, I'm currently leaning towards original MSRP+10%, but I'm not sure if that will be final; it seems like a lot to ask. Prices will definitely be negotiable, regardless of what I settle on for pricing. I'm also considering doing package deals, eg. "buy 6 Toa for the price of 5" or something like that. Paying will almost certainly be via Paypal only. This whole going-through-sets and selling-sets thing has turned out to be much more involved than I thought it would be. The reservation guidelines seem a bit strict, but I'm hoping it'll make things easier for me once it gets to selling time. if you have any questions/comments/concerns, leave a comment below. bumping to hopefully drum up interest
  18. This. There's really no need for an entire tournament.
  19. Happy bday Arby.Birthday over, topic closed.
  20. I never asked for this topic.Human Revolution is my favorite game of all time, I love how it managed to bring the feel of the original to the modern generation.
  21. I've played a few hours with her, I <3 Deathtrap.
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