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Toa Nidhiki05

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Everything posted by Toa Nidhiki05

  1. Bah! How dare you suggest us Premier Members don't deserve exclusive rights!</sarcasm> Honestly, I don't care either way. There are good arguments on both sides here - it is a perk for donating, and people can always get someone else to start the poll., but on the other hand, why not let everyone use it? To me, its up to the staff, and they've made their decision based on some factor. -TN05
  2. Does that include shipping? TLH has made a very good offer on it, but what sort of price were you thinking? I would definitely be willing to take that; I will note the Avsa is not the Noble Avsa, it is the Great one. They look similar, but are not the same. If you want to proceed, PM me and we can get the details squared out. I like the offer but TLH has made a very good offer. Regardless of how that deal pans out I would certainly be willing to sell the discs for that price, and the Dume helmet price can be negotiated as well. -TN05
  3. Honestly, I have no clue. I don't hang around this forum too often (if ever), so I don't really have a good idea as to what they are worth. I'm kind of hoping some people on here might be able to help in that regard. Sorry to be of little help there. -TN05
  4. I was going through my gigantic collection of BIONICLE pieces the other day and realized I don't really need all of my Kanohi or disks. So I've decided to come here and see if anyone is interested in buying/trading for them. It's not a very large collection, and I don't believe any of these are particularly rare, so I'm more than willing to negotiate on price. Buying rules You pay first through PayPal; when confirmation of payment is received, I will ship the item out. Nothing personal, but I don't want to risk getting nothing for my items. Additionally, I would prefer that you pay shipping; I live in North Carolina (Catawba County, which is about an hour out from Charlotte), so keep that in mind when buying. Trading rules Each side pays own shipping, but that is negotiable if the worth of the item is high enough. You send your item out first, and once I receive confirmation that it has been shipped than I will send mine out. I am interested in sets from 2001-2004, and am in particular need of a Toa Mata Pohatu. The items up I have available are: More specifically, I have the following masks from 2002-2003: The following masks from 2004-2005 are available: The following masks are from 2007-2008: The following Kanoka discs are available: Once again, I'm willing to negotiate on price. I do not know what these are worth, so I have no set price; feel free to ask any questions you might want to ask about the items. UPDATE: The Noble Miru, Noble Akaku, Noble Jutlin, Great Avsa, Great Pekhui, Great Kualsi, Gold and Silver Ignikas, Green Miru Nuva, White Hau Nuva, Light Brown Great Kakama, Pale Blue Pakari, Dume helmet, Red Pakari Nuva (1), ,Brown Pakari Nuva, Blue Hau Nuva, Kanoka 171, Kanoka 212, Kanoka 442, Kanoka 225, Kanoka 265, Kanoka 677, and Kanoka 589 have been sold. -TN05
  5. Sorry about your mother... Although it seems like this was a bit crazy, banning you from her house seems more than a bit over the top. Most parents would be very happy their son spent the whole day riding a bike instead of being indoors.
  6. Um, no it is not. It is a basic summation of the views of the French philosopher Voltaire, as written by the English writer S.G. Tallentyre in her bigoraphy of Voltaire (The Friends of Voltaire). As far as I can tell, neither France nor England are governed by the Constitution or the First Amendment. sure is funny when people call a bigot a bigot, and someone who refuses to be educated ignorant. funny how we're using words by their definitions. isn't it funny how language works? By 'refuse to be educated' you mean 'refuse to change their beliefs to what I believe in'. With the sort of confrontational attitude your camp has, it is not surprising many people refuse to the change their beliefs. Why would they? If they view you as intolerant, disrespectful, or disparaging towards them, why should they be inclined to listen to you?
  7. This. Please, listen to this everybody. If you have the better argument, there should be no reason for you to insult anyone.
  8. But what do you define as hateful speech? Westboro Baptist Church, or someone simply saying 'I don't support gay marriage' (like Barack Obama did for his presidential campaign and the first half of his presidency)? The fact of the matter is, by lumping everyone into one camp or the other and having one camp be 'awesome heroes' and the other 'disgusting bigots', you don't get anywhere. Aside from failing to recognize that around half of the 'disgusting bigots' side favor civil unions (essentially 'marriage' with a different name), it also lumps them in with the true 'disgusting bigots' (like Westboro), which actually cheapens just how disgusting and bigoted groups like Westboro are. I never said not allowing 'hateful speech' would be impossible. I said having a reasonable, constructive discussion that doesn't devolve into 'you are a terrible bigot' or 'you are immoral' is, and would be, impossible under both current rules and any rule change. It has clearly been shown, very repeatedly, that this topic can not be discussed constructively here, at all. And part of it is due to the attitude that sitting down and having a constructive discussion on such an important issue will 'get us nowhere'. It depends on what you define 'nowhere' as. Is it going to change many minds? Probably not. But it would maybe, just maybe, spread a little bit of understanding. Understanding is a bit lacking on both sides if you ask me.
  9. I think any system where half the country will be free to speak and the other will be silenced is a bad idea, regardless of how you spin it. Regardless of what side you are on, not everyone on the other side is evil and not everyone on your side is a saint. The issue is far more complex than that. In my humble opinion if both sides would just sit down and talk about it - without the insults or labels - everyone would be a whole lot better off, but clearly that is impossible here and, more importantly, would be impossible if you ban either side from speaking their opinion. This is a children's website still and the topic of sexuality is undoubtedly an adult one, and adult content isn't allowed here. That's my two cents, really.
  10. I want to officially apologize for my actions last night. Regardless of my political views, I did not realize how upsetting my actions would be and I did not represent the community or 'Outstanding' citizens very well. I would not have done what I did had I realized how upset people would become, and I did not intend to divide or insult anybody. If I had a time machine I would certainly change my actions, but the damage is done. I will try not to do such actions in the future. -TN05
  11. If the patriarchy is real, men have done a terrible job implementing it. If you take a good look at society, right now, you'll find just about as much evidence of discrimination against men as discrimination against women. Jail time, capital punishment, child support, custody rulings, and the draft are blatantly discriminatory against men, and there is plenty of social stigma related to leaving children alone with men. I'm not saying there aren't issues on the women's side - to the contrary, there are plenty of them. But the folly of feminism is that it aims to solve all gender issues by focusing on only one gender. History is much more complex than just 'male over female'. If that was the case, why did men fight exclusively in wars? Why were women and children given precedence in emergencies and were spared in war, while men were left to die and were slaughtered in war? Why were men expected to perform almost all work?
  12. The patriarchy is a concept in feminist theory that the world, generally, is dominated by all males so that all females can be subjugated, and that there are many elite males who conspire to keep it that way. I think the concept is a bit lacking in many regards (I believe there are more than a few logical inconsistencies in the theory), but it is apparently a dearly-held belief to many. I don't know about The Scanty Panty, but I would not have gotten involved with that if I knew there was going to be the kind of backlash there was.
  13. Pretty much this. Jokes are jokes, but oh well.
  14. comparing reality to fiction is a great way to get people not to take you seriously Well, I mean, if you look at it, he has a bit of a point. XD Uhh no? I'm not going to get overtly political here: there are plenty of problems in the world that can be traced to international agreements, but there is not NWO. Similarly, there are many problems in the world that can be traced to gender, but there is no patriarchy. That's my opinion on the matter and I will leave it at that - it may rub some people the wrong way, but I think it reflects what a good portion of society would agree with.
  15. comparing reality to fiction is a great way to get people not to take you seriously Maybe you didn't read the last half of my comment.
  16. Ah yes, the patriarchy, the feminist version of the NWO... I kid. Sort of.
  17. Toa Nidhiki05


    California would be a better gift to the Chinese. Also why does everyone hate Texas as if it were the source of all evil? Because it is the opposite of California.
  18. Toa Nidhiki05


    Seconded, and I'm sure there are many people in states with more liberal abortion laws that would say the same to opponents of those laws in their states.
  19. Toa Nidhiki05


    An abortion law. Needless to say, some people are very happy and some people are very unhappy.
  20. Well, I hear you there. Pale skin and sun are not a very friendly combination. I didn't mind the searing pain as much, really, but I can see your point - the itching has pretty much subsided by now, but searing would have lasted for a week or two.
  21. I got sunburned a few days ago. Now the itching has begun. SO. FREAKING. ITCHY. I about want to chop off my arms at this point. If you ever get synburn itch, take a cold shower. That's about the only thing keeping me from having a panic-induced heart heart attack, -TN05
  22. Toa Nidhiki05


    Yeah, I think they expected Sony to do everything they did - DRM, price, and maybe always-online. Sony doing the exact opposite is going to immediately harm the Xbox One market and could alienate a good chunk of the Xbox 360 base (PS3 and Xbox 360 sold about evenly this generation).
  23. Toa Nidhiki05


    I'll probably wait a year or two to get the PS4 (namely because I want a Wii U and 3DS first), but I will get it. I have both Xboxes, but I have no intention of ever getting the Xbone. -TN05
  24. Toa Nidhiki05


    Kudos to Sony for rejecting always-online and DRM. I already knew I would not be purchasing an Xbone, but I will probably get a PS4 in a year or two. Very similar specs, but PS4 doesn't require online (which means Mincrosoft could end Xbone access in the future), no DRM (right of first sale FTW), and no always on, possibly always-spying Kinect. And, to add to that, it is $100 cheaper. And if you haven't seen it, look up Sony's "How to share games on the PS4" video. It is amazing. -TN05
  25. I do not understand you. -TN05
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