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Toa Nidhiki05

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Everything posted by Toa Nidhiki05

  1. If you are living or staying anywhere near downtown Oklahoma City, GET IN A SHELTER NOW. There is a massive tornado heading your way in less than 10 minutes. Get to safety now! -TN05
  2. If they responded with logical fallacies, you won. In an actual debate, you would likely win because of that. There is no need to call anyone bigots at that point. I'm going to go ahead and lock this because there is not going to be constructive output here, which is a shame. -TN05
  3. At the moment, I think discussion here is going respectfully and fine. If this even gets close to getting out of hand I will lock and possibly delete this post entirely. Let's say you are correct. What does it accomplish? You aren't going to change someone's mind by insulting them. -TN05 Some people's minds cannot be changed. Thus, public shaming is an acceptable or even desirable alternative. Their views are hateful, poison introduced into the body of the nation. We do not balk from calling a sickness a sickness, and what is bigotry but a sickness in the heart of a nation? It is a label, an accurate one. One I shall apply. They may not see it as bigotry, but it is. There is a reason racists today are so very hesitant to state their views in a public forum, they know the shame and anger that it will call down on them. I don't care if I change a bigots mind, my primary objective is to shut him up. Trying to change their minds is normally an exercise in futility anyhow. If you have the superior argument, they will go away. The reason racists have to keep their beliefs relatively private is not that racism is publicly unacceptable, it is because there are simply no reasonable or factual arguments that support it. The goal of the civil rights movement was not to silence racists, it was to advance civil rights politically - and it worked. -TN05
  4. Let's say you are correct. What does it accomplish? You aren't going to change someone's mind by insulting them. -TN05
  5. I'm not a big fan of the word 'bigot': Bigot - One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ. Look, I have no issue with someone saying something is wrong... But you aren't going to convince anyone that you are correct by calling them a bigot. If you have the superior side, there should be no need for name-calling. -TN05
  6. I know I've gotten involved in some testy situations on here, but I really get upset whenever something blows over on here. For a website that I've been on for over half a decade, it really disappoints me that we can be so disruptive to each other. It's always bothered me how people can be so vicious on the internet due to a disagreement on something, but in real life we're more willing to be nice and talk. I have an idea: let's treat our internet relations just like you would treat a relationship with a friend, a co-worker, a classmate, or a roommate. If you wouldn't say it to any of those people in real life, don't say it on here. Conversely, treat interactions like you would with them - if something concerns you, tell them up-front and in a way that won't make them ignore the message. Remember, we're all BIONICLE fans - can't we come together as a community and try and help understand each other, not tear each other down? If somebody says something that isn't right, there isn't a need to yell at them or say how terrible they are - explain what is wrong about it, and why it offends you personally. Understanding never hurt anyone, and that's all I am going to say. -TN05
  7. I don't think it is that the Golden Kanohi were particularly special, but searching for them served to increase the wisdom, teamwork, and skill of the Toa. The journey was more valuable than the reward, essentially. -TN05
  8. you have to open it in an web btowser such as firefox. Thanks. After just a few minutes, this thing is awesome. The text is not amazing, but it makes sense and fits with the story well. I'll get a little more in-depth one I get further along. UPDATE: OK, the whole Hafu bit is hilarious. I could totally see Hafu doing that. I couldn't get Whenua or Onewa to recognize the message, and I had to quit after getting stuck in Jala's room. -TN05
  9. Not exactly sure how this is supposed to open. I'm trying to start it, but I'm getting an error message that it cannot find 'player.swf'. -TN05
  10. For Mask E I'd humbly suggest this EM mask power I made:Mask of AfterlifeWhile worn, it takes energy from the user and stores it, and upon death, it uses this energy to allow the user to continue life in spirit form. In this spirit form, the user is able to communicate to living beings, as well as to appear in a ghost-like form. The user cannot use any powers they had, or physically interact with the world, but they are capable of all things the Iden allows, except possessing robots.The time the user is able to spend in spirit form is roughly double the amount of time they wore the mask; when they surpass that point in spirit form, their spirit fades away and dies. The mask is not viewed as taboo/evil by Toa and other 'good' beings. I think the light color and sleek design of it match that power, plus it is a 'good' version of the canon Mask of Undeath. I think most of the other ideas are good. -TN05
  11. 1) For the most part, yes. More experienced Toa will be essentially more powerful because they can manage their EE reserves better, but Toa learn to do that as they gain experience. 2) They fell into energized protodermis and were destined to transform. That's really all there is to it. 3) No, not really. Toa Nuva are more powerful than standard Toa with their better mask powers and control of their element, but Tahu Nuva still has only two powers (Fire and Shielding) as opposed to the Makuta's 44 powers (Shadow element, mask, 42 Kraata powers). Now that Tahu has control over a significant number of Kraata powers, he could easily pose a severe risk to a Makuta - we know he has heat vision, which could carve open a Makuta's armor. There are also plenty of Kraata powers like Laser Vision, Plasma, Disintegration, Fragmentation, and Gravity that could do this, although we don't know if Tahu has any of those. Additionally, Tahu might have the very valuable Makuta powers of Quick healing, Density control, Accuracy, Limited invulnerability, and Dodge. Simply put, the odds of Tahu beating a Makuta now are much more even than before because he has more valuable powers for beating Makuta. -TN05
  12. I don't know if it's ever been denied, but it's definitely not confirmed. BS01's respective pages show this; it's stated for Fire but not for Plasma. My guess is no; that it's a Fire thing to help make them more balanced with Plasma. The limitation on Plasma would help keep them from being overpowered. I think it would work on Zamor (I was thinking about that one before seeing your post so pardon the indirect answer -- and yeah I know it's not energy-based, but similar), because Zamor are intangible after they're fired but "drop" something tangible that's inside when they hit. So the Plasma should destroy the "payload." Rhotuka are tangible energy, so if they hit a solid wall, the energy breaks and the power is released. Whether that would happen with Plasma is somewhat debatable -- it's a fluid, but I'd think the superheat would definitely blast apart the energy bonds even more so than a solid. At least for a fanfic I'd go with that. Toa of Plasma can absorb Plasma, like almost every Toa type can, but they should not be able to absorb heat since that is a Fire power. As for Zamors, Plasma would be more than enough to annihilate the contents of the sphere - lightning in the Inika's bodies was enough to do so, so Plasma should be able to as well. I agree on Rhotuka as well, I just don't think the energy would survive the extreme heat of Plasma. At the very least Plasma would be a good option to dispatch tangible projectiles like Kanoka. -TN05
  13. Plasma does lack a lot of defensive capability, yes, although there are some very good uses - imagine a bad guy has this projectile launcher. You could launch plasma at the projectiles to prevent them from hitting you, or you could superheat the launcher to make him drop it. I think that last idea makes sense, it just really depends on the intensity of the plasma; plasma welders, which can cause sunburn and vision damage (why you need the mask, gloves, and protective gear), operate at about 25,000 degrees Fahrenheit. That is 12.5 times more hot than the 2,000 degrees that the Plasma Shield of Pahrak-Kal could make. This would be a great question for Greg if he still took questions. -TN05
  14. Yep. And since you can't control him unless you have a second player, Tails will grab rings and then hit bombs and lose them. The stages are hard enough as-is, but Tails makes them very difficult.-TN05
  15. I follow the Hurricanes, although I don't normally watch too much hockey until the playoffs.-TN05
  16. Glad you all liked this. This picture was just too great to pass up.
  17. Toa Nidhiki05


    That's why they want you to believe! But how do I know you are not working for them, and that they sent you out on this mission to make people believe that they want you believe that you will believe just about anything, as it plays another part in their plan which involved massively confusing everyone so they can take advantage of is and make you unknowingly do their bidding, while you are believing that your actions are actually defying their orders! You don't.
  18. Toa Nidhiki05


    That's why they want you to believe!
  19. Yep, they all have separate merits. Plasma has some drawbacks, but it also has plenty of upside in utility as well as in the sheer heat of plasma. If you want to superheat, melt, weld, or cut something, Plasma is a better option than Fire. If you want to burn something, control open flame, or adjust the heat of something, Fire is a better bet. Fire may grant more control over heat, but it is a bit messier than Plasma, and it probably won't get as hot as Plasma, but Plasma doesn't offer sustained burn or the ability to control heat. I can picture the two powers complementing each other quite well - the Plasma Toa can use his power more liberally, and the Fire Toa can deal with controlling the heat of the Plasma or cleaning up any mess. My tree example was mainly for a moist jungle or swamp like on Mata Nui - regardless, I think a melted tree would have less chance of setting off a fire than a tree that is on fire. To get a flame to burn to such a high temperature you need a lot of fuel, a lot of oxygen, and you need the material to be above the flash point; if it lacks any of these, it will die. Heat is a byproduct of fire, not necessarily the cause of it. Plasma skips over this process entirely; it doesn't need fuel, oxygen, or flash-point temperatures, but it doesn't give a controlled burn. Plasma is at least 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit according to BIONICLE, so we can assume that Fire is much less hot (at its base) to prevent overlapping powers. A Toa of Fire can increase heat, and absorb heat to decrease it, but we don't know the full extent of this. Regardless, I would guess there is an upper limit to this ability, probably well short of the temperature of Plasma. -TN05
  20. U BANNED

    1. The Legendary TNT

      The Legendary TNT

      What is real anymore? I seriously don't know.

    2. Canis Lycaon

      Canis Lycaon

      His account got hacked. B6 had to close it.

  21. I don't really agree that Plasma isn't useful as an element. According to the BS01 article on Pahrak-Kal's Plasma Shield (a Plasma-elemental weapon), it has the ability to shoot produce immense heat, superheat objects, or shoot blasts of Plasma that are about 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit. This is actually very versatile. The way I see it is that Plasma superheats and/or melts things, while fire simply burns them and grants a greater control of the heat involved. The practical difference would be a tree that is melted versus a tree that is on fire. This may sound similar but chemically it is quite different - for example, a fire needs oxygen and combustible material to keep being active. I would imagine BIONICLE Plasma needs none of this, but it cannot maintain a sustained burn once the Toa stops focusing. This could be useful for making precision cuts, like cutting a steel/iron/metal beam without having to set the whole thing on fire, or precision welding - if you've ever worked with a plasma welder, you know just how useful and precise it can be. I would imagine it could also be used to get rid of a single tree in a forest without having to risk burning the whole thing down, since there is no risk of spreading a fire. Also, remember Toa normally travel in teams, so a sole Toa of Plasma against one bad guy wouldn't be too common - still, he would stand a pretty good shot, as there are plenty of creative ways to use plasma. For example, you could superheat the ground around him to put him in a little island in a puddle of lava, you could vaporize projectiles launched by the bad guy, you could melting the bad guy's weapon or cut it in a manner that makes it useless, etc. You just have to be a bit more creative with it than you do with fire. For example, lets use the example of a frozen buddy - he might not be able to melt the ice directly, but he could easily launch a beam in a manner that radiates heat at the ice so that it melts. Just as useful as fire, but it takes a bit of thinking to figure out. -TN05
  22. Keep in mind here, guys, there is a history of BIONICLE-related April Fool's Day 'jokes' being true. Remember when Crystal Matrix retired from BS01... on April Fool's Day? In several books GregF acknowledged Crystal Matrix specifically in acknowledgement statements, so maybe Greg is taking a card from CM?-TN05
  23. I honestly can't remember, but the most likely place would be the Lego Message Boards. -TN05
  24. If this is true this is awesome. We didn't abandon our fandom and, like many predicted, it will come back in some shape or form. Good job guys! -TN05
  25. That sounds like a fine idea... You'd just better hope it isn't taken literally. -TN05
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