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Everything posted by pokemonlover360

  1. OOC: I have things I would like to say. I doubt they would be seen by the person who it needs to be said to, nor do I think they would listen or even care. This isn't the place for it anyway. All in all, I am frustrated. Very much so. But this isn't the place, and it's past the time for it as well. I knew plenty of stuff was going to happen between me going to sleep and waking up and checking the topic again, but wow. IC Yasurek: Yasurek was not happy. He was very upset in fact. He thought he had done well. He had grabbed the mask, he had taken it back to Lohkar... except no, he hadn't. It had been knocked out of his grasp and then vanished, no doubt escaping the madness erupting in its sacred chamber. Yasurek would have liked to vanish out of this mess too, but the only thing he got instead was a collapsing floor that fell into a river of magma. Yasurek was pleased when Kiox saved the crew and they were all back on solid ground, but the mask was still bugging him, and the fight with all their enemies was ticking him off. But he was calm. He was a Ko-matoran, and he was going to act like one no matter what. He turned to Lohkar. "I am deeply sorry about losing the mask sir," he said. "I thought I had it, but a wall smashed into me. This whole trip didn't really accomplish much and part of the blame is mine, but I did what I could to the best of my ability, just like I said I would. Now I propose that we either get out of here or try to see if there's any valuables in this temple that aren't as sought-after and guarded."
  2. IC Yasurek: Yasurek was relieved to see Lohkar. "You don't have to tell me twice sir," he said, slipping the mask into his cloak. He looked around to make sure no one had seen it. Deciding that for the moment he was relatively safe, he stepped behind Lohkar, taking a position behind most of the crew while trying not to look like he was hiding something. He smacked aside another matoran with several blows from his spear before fracturing another one's mask into pieces. "At this point sir, it would probably be best to not get too engaged in this fight or we might have even more trouble getting out with the loot," he said to Lohkar. "I'm still worried about those marines though. We can't be caught off guard, especially by that shadow walker of theirs." OOC: Off for the night, won't be back on for a while. Ghosthands, if you can, protect Yasurek.
  3. IC Yasurek: The mask was free from it's bonds and all chaos was breaking loose. Yasurek ran into the fray, spears twirling. He kept away from the toa minions, knowing the limits of his abilities. The others will like the more challenging opponents anyway, he thought to himself. He saw one of the matoran minions pulling out a bow and made his way to them, moving swiftly with agility to avoid attracting attention. He reached the matoran as he was preparing to fire a shot and made his move. He smacked the arrow out of the surprised matoran's hands and smashed the head of his other spear into the side of the minion's face. Spear head met mask and mask went flying. He moved on through the fray, taking out enemies where he could taking care not to kill them, just de-mask them. He wasn't a killer; his moral code was still there. He glanced at some of the marines, watching some of them kill the enemy minions. It depressed him to see this, though he also found it interesting, that staunch defenders of law were perfectly fine killing the enemy while Yasurek, the ex-guard turned pirate who had turned away from the lawful path was leaving his defeated foes alive. It intrigued him, but this was not the time to be thinking about that. He had no enemies around him and the mask was- THE MASK, he thought. I should try to get that. What am I doing fighting minions? He looked over the battle. His chance had arrived; the mask was in the possession of Tokain and Boulder, who were fighting over it and likely to not notice a Ko-matoran entering their midst. With all the punches to the head they were giving each other they would be very distracted. Yasurek ran, dodging a cutlass swipe and smacking another matoran to the ground beside him. He was to the pair now, they were locked in combat, the mask held by boulder in the hand he was not using to punch. Yasurek waited and just as expected, Tokain punched Boulder in the face. Yasurek was ready. He dashed forward as Boulder reeled, smacking the mask out of Boulder's hand with his spear. He ran in the direction the mask was flying. A toa turned and looked up as the mask flew towards him. He was very surprised to have Yasurek smash into his torso and jump off of his falling body to grab the mask. Mask in hand, he ended his jump with a kick, launching off the matoran ahead of him. He kicked off the matoran, heading back the way he came but turning to go in a way around Tokain and Boulder. He also made sure to try and avoid Yorlanda, Kalama, and marines in general, though he knew he was now a target. He had the mask in one hand, spear in the other, making his way towards Lohkar's position. He had to get the mask to Lohkar. He's the only one who'll really care about this thing anyway. Besides, might as well get something out of this trip. OOC: If you don't mind, I'm taking the mask for a bit. I have a big suspicion that I won't have it for much longer though. At least we get to do something since there's actual minions to fight.
  4. IC Yasurek: Yasurek stepped into the room with the rest of the crew. He watched Raknar enter from another entrance. He turned to Lohkar and asked, "Sir, I presume the previous permission to fight the marines is still in effect?" He drew his spears. OOC: I assume that Arzanyos will just enter the room on his own whenever his player is back online?
  5. IC Yasurek: Yasurek glanced at the walls closing in. They didn't have much time. "Okay, let's think about this," he said. "I'm going to assume that by 'What can mountains lower' it means what can lower mountains, in which case erosion would be a decent guess. Except for the bringing light to foreign lands line. Hmmm... this riddles annoys me. And the third and fourth lines don't even rhyme. What's up with that?" "Wait a minute... maybe it's shadow?" he said, eyes lighting up and talking more rapidly. "If shadow is here, then light must be in lands far away, and we know shadow seems to destroy everything it's near... that's what I think it is. Anybody else can share their opinions if they want, though do try to do it quickly."
  6. IC Yasurek: There was a giant rock. It was headed for them. Well, that's not good, Yasurek thought, running away from the boulder as fast as he could. He was running very quickly, still able to keep up with the rest of the crew despite his smaller stature. He had chased criminals all across Ko-koro back when he was a guard. This was nothing.
  7. IC Yasurek: That is a really big... spider-thing, Yasurek thought. Fun times? He ran forward, following Lohkar and Raknar into battle. He slid under a claw swiping towards him and pole-vaulted on his spears to launch himself over the next clawed limb. He made a stab for the body. The spear bounced off with a rather pathetic *tink* sound. Yasurek was not amused. The creature had stopped trying to attack him because it didn't see him as a threat. This annoyed Yasurek. He ran unopposed under the creature and started stabbing at the belly of the beast. It still didn't penetrate the skin. He ran over to a leg and tried stabbing it. The leg held firm. He leaped on top of the creature and stabbed down at the top of his jump. Nothing. Yasurek stood there for a second, standing on top of the creature pondering his next move. He jumped down in front of the creature and made a stab for the face. Spear tip met squishy facial tissue and the creature reared back screeching. It then swung a leg at Yasurek who deflected the blow but was pushed back away from the creature. He got back up and dusted himself off. Definitely fun times, he thought.
  8. IC Yasurek: Yasurek had slipped down the hole in the sand without much trouble and followed Raknar and Lohkar down the stairs of the temple. Raknar had opened the door which was now propped open. "There," Lohkar said. "I think I can hear the Marines up ahead - we're gettin' close. Remember, we are not attackin'!" "Yes sir," Yasurek said. "No fighting; only watching. sounds easy enough. You and Raknar should probably continue leading the way since you both have the trap and people sensing abilities."
  9. IC Yasurek: Yasurek was back with the group gathering to go down the secret entrance to the temple. "So, we're going to go down this hole to stall some marines. Sounds incredibly difficult and dangerous," he said to Lohkar. "Who wants to go down first?" "Also," he said, looking around, "Delarix seems to be missing."
  10. IC Yasurek: Yasurek didn't stand up even after they had been spotted. He stayed ready for a fight, inching closer to the guards. They were busy talking to Lohkar, they wouldn't notice a small dark shape inching closer. He stopped behind a small dune to wait and see what would happen next.
  11. IC Yasurek: "Yes sir," Yasurek said, checking his weapons. Spears, knife, cutlass, check check and check, he thought, going over his equipment. He picked up some rope. Rope will come in handy. Always does. He put the rope into the pocket of his cloak. "Ready whenever, captain," he said as he got into the boat.
  12. OOC: Yasurek from Ga-wahi IC Yasurek: Yasurek looked over the side of the boat to see who was shouting at them. He saw a purple armored toa-looking being. "Um, hi," he said to the being. "Is there any particular reason you want aboard or any reason we should let you aboard? We are kind of busy running a ship and all that. Please, just stay calm so that we can discuss things. May I ask who you are?"
  13. IC Yasurek: Yasurek was reassured by Lohkar's words. "Having the element of surprise will certainly help. As I said when you interviewed me, I'll do what I can to the best of my abilities no matter the situation." He looked out over the sea, thinking about the current situation. He was a pirate. He hadn't actually done anything piratical yet, but here he was on a pirate ship following an experienced captain to steal something from under the noses of a group of Ga-koro marines. This just keeps getting better and better.
  14. IC Yasurek: Yasurek, interested about the possibility of encountering marines walked over to Lohkar. "Captain Lohkar sir," he began, "If I may be so bold, if we go to take whatever the marines are heading for we are likely to cross weapons with them. Do we have some sort of plan for combating them. They are a trained unit, whereas we, though trained and skilled individually, are a collection of people recruited in a bar. To be frank sir, we it worries me that we would go against a unit with vastly superior teamwork without preparing. I was hoping you could tell us your plan for this."
  15. IC Yasurek: Yasurek could see their enemy in the water, mentioning a truce or something. "If you wanted a truce, maybe you shouldn't have rammed us," He yelled out to Lucan. "And for someone who's floating in the water with no boat and a good chunk of your elemental abilities gone by the look of things, you aren't really in a position to be demanding anything. I suggest you get on your way."
  16. OOC: Well, I missed some stuff. Darn. Might as well confirm that Yasurek is still present. IC Yasurek: Yasurek had not been having a pleasant couple of minutes. The person who had been following them had been apprehended, but then a loud crash of another boat hitting the ship had knocked everyone down. Unfortunately for Yasurek, he fell right onto the railing, smashing face-first into it. He had been stunned for a while now and was just now getting up. He looked around on his knees, blinking to fix his blurry vision. He could see that the ship that had rammed them was sinking, there was a lot of stone chunks floating on the surface and what appeared to be a stone pillar underwater heading towards them, though it was being affected by waves, no doubt from one of the crew manipulating them. His spears were in his hands and he was on his feet, but there wasn't much he was going to be able to do against a stone pillar underwater. He hoped that the rest of the crew could take care of that so he could get a shot against their attacker. He noticed that the being who had been following them was still on the ship, so he turned to keep an eye on her as well. He had to be ready.
  17. IC Yasurek: Yasurek was enjoying his first day at sea. The ship cut through the waves like a knife through butter, and the smell of salt was in the air. It was nothing like Ko-koro. In Ko-koro, the air was fresh, but had no flavor. It was just plain air. The only characteristicf about it was the coldness. Here though, the breeze was fresh and laced with humidity. It was an amazing feeling. He tended to his duties as best he could, following his crewmates to make sure he wasn't doing anything wrong. Once they were moving at a good clip there wasn't much left to do. Seeing the captain and several crew members discussing something while looking back, Yasurek decided to lean against the railing to see if he could glimpse what they were looking at. It was a small boat that seemed to be following them. I wonder why that is, he thought. It's not very wise to follow pirates. If they want a fight though, they'll get one. He checked his sheathed spears, preparing for a possible struggle.
  18. IC Yasurek: Yasurek stepped onto the deck of the ship. He felt the wood of the deck, testing his weight on it. It was sturdy and he had no doubt that it would be easy for him to walk and fight on if he needed to. Looking over the masts and sails, he whistled. "Now this is what I'd call a pirate ship. This is something I can get behind."
  19. IC Yasurek: Yasurek took Tellus's and shook it. "The name's Yasurek. It's a pleasure to meet you now that we don't have to worry about competing for a job. The crew seems capable enough, we should have plenty of loot for all of us before long. It is quite a nice hat by the way. Looks like you've been with it for a while."
  20. IC Yasurek: Yasurek walked with the rest of the crew outside of Ga-koro. His manner didn't show it, but he was very excited. Finally, an outlet for my skills that fits well with my pesonality. It can only get better from here. While he did not have a specific job, he'd do everything he was assigned to the best of his ability, as he had said in his interview. He was curious what working with all these strange people would be like. At least he wasn't the only matoran around. He overheard some of the crew talking about running into cliffs. "I have to agree that it would be best to not hit cliffs. It would probably be good for us and the ship. What were your names again? We'd better get to know each other since we're going to be a crew."
  21. IC Yasurek: Yasurek sat at a table, drinking, alone with his thoughts. He was still waiting for the pirate captain to finish interviewing people. Yasurek was eager to get this show on the road. Assuming I get in of course, he thought to himself. There's a load of competition. A lot of toa and skadi too, whereas I'm just one matoran with not much of any sailing experience. Here's hoping it's first come first serve. He took a swig of his drink. Everybody's getting drunk. It's what I'd expect from pirates, but I need to stay aware. Don't want to be drunk when he reveals who's in.
  22. IC Yasurek: "Excellent." Yasurek headed out of the back room to the bar, noting the increasingly large size of the line. I wonder how many people he's recruiting, he thought to himself. I need to get into this. There aren't any other options. He went to the bar and got a drink. Finding an empty table, he sat and drank. It's only a matter of time till we see who's in. And by a matter of time I of course mean who knows how long. With a line that large, and the possibility of more people showing up, I might be here a while. He took a drink. Oh well. Nothing else to do.
  23. IC Yasurek: "Well, I'm a former member of the Ko-koro guard. No need for you to worry about any me trying to uphold the law anymore. We had a bit of disagreement. Being ex-guard, I have the training one would expect from that. I got to be pretty acrobatic chasing criminals around Ko-koro, so getting used to the uneven terrain of a ship won't be a problem. I did some lookout work, so if you need a secondary one of those I'm your man. I usually fight using these," he said, pulling back his cloak to reveal his dual spears. "They're long enough that they should prove effective at keeping enemies off the ship. Basically, give me a job and I'll work to do it. I don't have qualms. Some morals, yes, but not any that would prevent this arrangement from working. And as I said before, the name's Yasurek."
  24. IC Yasurek: Yasurek stepped up to the table after the toa called Kiox had been interviewed. He eyed his possibly future captain. He seemed to be capable leader. "Greetings. My name is Yasurek," he said to the captain. "As you'd expect from my being here I'd like to join your pirate crew."
  25. IC Yasurek: Yasurek nodded to the being at the table. He then moved to his spot in the queue. He didn't want to be seen as rebellious, that wouldn't do in a pirate crew. He had pulled down his hood, keeping a wary eye out. This was still a shady bar, and that dagger stuck in the wall did nothing to make the mood any more relaxing.
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