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Everything posted by pokemonlover360

  1. OOC: If metal rusts over time due to exposure to air or components that are in the air I see no reason a toa of air couldn't speed up that process. And while I don't really see the logic in saying "Aurum pushed harder" I'll let it go. There's still more fun to be had.IC Nen and Thama:While Aurum was still in the air from his flip Thama sent a blast of air at his back, increasing his momentum that was now leading him forward at high speed.With Aurum's flight now out of his control for the most part, Nen decided to follow up Thama's maneuver by sending a large earthen fist in the opposite direction, about to hit Aurum head on at high speed.
  2. OOC: Nen's still at the surface hiding as he has been previously. Also, since I was assuming the cave was a bit too high to simply jump out of, I'm going to assume the lateral momentum you could achieve from such a jump was not that much. Also, you immediately halted and overpowered another toa's attempt to move the earth by pushing away, which, despite your toa being an element specialist, is pretty hard to believe due to how completely and utterly effortless you made it. Also, how exactly does your liquid metal stay liquid when it's clearly at room temperature, unless you're constantly using elemental energy to keep it like that?IC Nen and Thama:Thama saw the toa jump out of the hole Nen had created. Unfortunately for him it seemed he didn't really have any momentum with which to move away from the hole.The earth opened up beneath Aurum once more, leading to the same cave. He was going to fall down there again unless he did something. From his hiding place next to a different hut, Nen snickered. Aurum couldn't hear that due to his volitak, but he snickered anyway.Thama was getting quite tired of this. She focused her powers from her own hiding spot, causing the air around and below Aurum to become highly corrosive. The metal Aurum was using instantly began to rust.
  3. OOC: What is this metal lump that you are detecting. It can't be the matoran that were previously orbiting you because Nen moved them away and sent them out of the city several posts ago.And how do air brakes work if the air itself is pushing you down? You'd think increasing the area for the air to push on would result in even faster falling.IC Nen and Thama:Thama walked over to where Nen was. He had reappeared since the toa of iron was out of sight. Together they looked at their handiwork from a distance."What now? He's in the hole, we need to disable him. His elemental power is too great for us to go after him," Thama told Nen."He's down there moving alright," Nen said. "I can sense his actions through the ground. It seems he's digging somewhere. We'd better stop him." Nen focused his powers through the ground to the cavern Aurum was in. Aurum was in Nen's domain, surrounded by earth which bent and shifted to his will. The ceiling above Aurum sealed up, cutting the toa of iron off from light or fresh air. The cavern itself then started to shift, closing in around the toa, leaving him in a much smaller area that was gradually getting even smaller. He prepared to rebuild any walls that Aurum tried to dig through.OOC: Oh goodie, it's a room with slowly crushing walls! What fun! And the walls regenerate too!
  4. OOC: The matoran were already saved. They were moved safely away from Aurum and have now cleared the area.And yes, it has happened. And it is quite annoying.IC Nen and Thama:Aurum was hurtling towards the ground. He suddenly found the air above him pushing him very hard towards it.Below Aurum the ground opened into a chasm that he was now falling into at very high speed. Earthen walls burst out from the edges of the chasm to block any attempts to escape horizontally.
  5. OOC: The funny part is that you didn't give Aurum any air holes in his impenetrable metal armor, or else the air pressure would be crushing his mouth or nose. Teehee.Also, is saying that we're attacking from the shadows and avoiding the light really applicable at nighttime?IC Nen and Thama:Nen smiled. The matoran were safe in an underground cavern he had made. He shifted the earth, bringing the cavern over to him with the matoran inside. Near the exit to the koro and out of sight of Aurum, Nen raised the cavern with the matoran. They burst out of the ground quietly and were now very awake."Shhhhh," he whispered to them before they could make a sound. "You all need to trust me. There's a toa of iron in the village trying to kill Hafu. Me and my ally are trying to stop him, but we need you safe before we can take him out. If one of you could calmly and quietly inform the turaga of the situation it would be most helpful. The rest of you, get outside and stay clear. Also, sorry for waking you. I hope you are all having a pleasant night. Now go." The matoran left the village as quickly and quietly as they could, avoiding the gaze of the toa of iron hopping around. One of the matoran began making his way to Onewa's hut as quickly and stealthily as he could.Thama noticed that once again the toa was blocking her air manipulation with metal. She was getting somewhat annoyed. He mentioned the possibility of killing him, which she could not allow, but massive bodily harm would have to be permitted for this fight to get anywhere. She switched her focus once more to the air in Aurum's lungs, now sealed behind the metal armor protecting his outside. She forced the air to expand within Aurum's chest, gradually threatening to make his lungs burst from the pressure. This should get his attention, she thought.
  6. OOC: Yeah, I'm almost certain Hafu was moved to a safehouse with guards ordered by Onewa long before this. Also, the matoran should really be awake if you grabbed them out of their houses like that. And you can't find Hafu like that. There is no possible way it could be that easy to find a matoran who needs to keep confidential info a secret. He probably doesn't even live in the actual koro for safety. So have fun trying to find a needle in a needle-less haystack while Nen and Thama take potshots.IC Nen and Thama:Nen took a glance at Aurum from his position. He saw the toa looking through the matoran he had orbiting around him, no doubt looking for Hafu. Nen couldn't let it be that easy. Earth hands reached up and grabbed the matoran Aurum was holding, pulling them into a cluster that was then covered by a dome of earth. The earth dome containing the matoran descended into the ground, keeping the matoran away from Aurum.With the matoran civilians clear, Thama was free to make her next move. This time, instead of Aurum losing air from a vacuum, the air pressure around him began to increase, gradually beginning to crush him. It was much easier to clump air around the toa than to keep the air away from the toa. She kept the pressure increasing at a steady rate.OOC: Trololol indeed
  7. OOC: Frankly, Nen is using his mask of stealth, so I've been assuming he's been around wherever, probably in the center of town somewhere. But I'll give you a location of him at the moment. Also, have you noticed how often your characters float around with metal orbiting? It seems to be a common occurrence. In addition, how in the world are the matoran not awake, since you've grabbed them out of their huts, most of which I remember from the MNOG as having smaller than matoran windows?Also, most of this fight has been my characters trolling yours. For my own personal amusement. I'm having lots of fun. I hope the same is true for you.IC Nen and Thama:Nen emerged from his stealth safely behind a hut. He was having fun. He had seen Thama being pulled by the toa's iron powers, so he decided to get some protection set up for that. Reaching down, he let the earth below him move up and cover his entire body in armor, his mask included. When he was done he was covered from head to toe in earth that would serve to throw off Aurum's ability to sense him and the metal in him. Remembering his sword, he stabbed the ground and pulled out his newly earth-covered sword. He vanished with his mask again, ready to continue.Thama was displeased. The toa had pulled matoran out of their homes to use as a shield of metal, and it was too difficult to remove the air from the toa's vicinity. She glanced around the hut to see the hunk of earth miss. This was proving to be a stalemate, which was always annoying. The toa of iron reminded her of the toa in Ga-koro who had mentioned his intention to kill Macku. She remembered sucking the air away from him, and his attempts to talk being cut off by the vacuum taking his air away. Those were some good times. She waited to see what the toa of iron did next.
  8. OOC: I presume that you pulled the matoran along with their metal parts around you? And I'm going to assume, "around" to not include the top.IC Nen and Thama:Thama found herself being pulled towards the growing mass of metal the Aurum was forming around himself. She had to get out of this. She vanished behind a hut off to the side, remaining out of sight and out of range of the metal powers. She'd wait to see what Nen did.If Aurum took the time to look up through the hole at the top of his defenses, he would find a thick hunk of earth, about as wide as the toa's width falling straight down on him at high speed.
  9. OOC: She has a few different types. She'll no doubt switch to non-metal now.IC Nen and Thama:Large hands of earth suddenly reached out beneath Aurum and began to hold him in place.The air around him was suddenly removed without warning. Thama had switched positions to the far side of one of the huts around the city, maintaining a line of sight to her target. She was crouched and quite well hidden.
  10. IC Nen and Thama:"Well, I'm afraid we can't let you do that," Nen said, still with the cheerful demeanor of before."Kill Hafu or kill us?" Thama asked."...Yes," Nen replied. He drew his sword.In less than a second, the ground between the two and Aurum burst into a large cloud of sand, obscuring the two from Aurum's view. When the sand had cleared, the two had vanished.Off to his back right, Thama was crouched, silently drawing her bow and aiming an arrow at Aurum's mask. Steadying her concealed self, she fired straight at him, knowing that he would have no way to know where the arrow was coming from.
  11. IC Nen and Thama:"Well of course we could point you in the right direction!" Nen said, always happy to see a fellow happy person. "Thama, do you happen to know where Hafu is?""Actually, no, I really don't. I'm not really a regular here," Thama replied."That's really unfortunate, because I have no idea either," Nen said, his cheerful mood having not waned in the slightest. "Why exactly are you looking for him? Do you need a carving of a statue or something? That's what he does, right?""Yes, that's what he does. He's a famous carver. Everybody knows that.""Well not everybody knows.""Well I know it, and I'm not the one with a hut in the koro.""Just because you have a hut in the koro doesn't mean you know every single island-famous person who live in it." "I'm pretty sure it does.""Well... okay then!""...Yeah. Okay then."
  12. OOC: Meh, time to get these guys doing something.IC Nen and ThamaNen shifted. He had fallen asleep, as had Thama. He wondered how long they had been resting. At this point, Sashina and Jev could catch up with them later. He woke up Thama and wrote out a note for Jev and Sashina to follow when they arrived. It read, "Out doing good and stuff. Come find us." Pleased with the information conveyed in the note, he and Thama left the hut to go out searching for good to do.In the center of the koro, there seemed to be a toa making a metal mist cloud around him. That seemed like something to investigate. Nen and Thama approached the toa."Excuse me sir," Nen said to Aurum, "Is there any particular reason you're making a cloud of metal around yourself? You seem bored."
  13. IC Yasurek:"Um, yeah, those knocked out toa have all the good loot, especially since I had absolutely nothing to do with any of the unfortunate events that led to his knocked out state," Yasurek replied, shifting around a bit uneasily. "Soooooooo, anybody else get anything good?"
  14. OOC: Tahu Nuva Golden, I am pretty sure that your use of Rahkshi, particularly your easy defeat of an unspecified large amount of them in short order, is completely against the rules. I'd confirm with a staffie that you can in fact do what you're doing before conflict arises.IC Yasurek:Yasurek was walking down another street when he heard the most absurdly terrible noise ever created by anything. He went to find the source so that he could put an end to it and saw Doomslayer with Lohkar and several of the other crew members all gazing at a very pretty sword. Yasurek walked up to the group and took a look at it. It looked... familiar."Doomslayer, where exactly did you happen to obtain that sword?" he asked.
  15. IC Yasurek:"Free time is something I've been missing. See you all later then." With that said Yasurek vanished into the crowd. He checked his cloak. He had some of his treasure money with him and he intended to use it. Making his way through the street, he glanced around trying to find the type of store he was looking for. He glanced to his left and found it: a clothing store. Entering he found the owner at work on some cloaks. Exactly the type of tailor he needed."Greetings," Yasurek began, "I have need of your services. I have this cloak here and I think it could use something new.""Well, completely blue has never been a way to stand out for a garment," the tailor responded. "What were you thinking?""I was thinking maybe some green lining and trim. Give it some pop.""Sounds like a plan. I presume you have the widgets?"Yasurek paid the tailor and started to wait outside for the work to be completed. He removed the sheathe on his back for all of his increasingly plentiful spears and set it down beside him. If he was still working as a guard he would have never been found here. If I ever actually came here it would have been to bring someone in. It's always a hassle when the criminals run. Mata Nui how things have changed. I'm a pirate. Sort of. I mean, we're a crew of rather well-behaved pirates, not that there's anything wrong with that. Even the pillagers and looters would do well to have some moral values.At this point a toa walked past him. Yasurek paid him no heed. That is, until the toa turned suddenly and charged at Yasurek, pushing him up against the wall of the store."Aren't you one of them Ko-koro guards?" the toa asked. "We don't like your kind around here. Such a shame we won't let you leave.""Unfortunately for you, I'm retired, so you're going to have to take your hatred of guards elsewhere," Yasurek spat out. He was once again being held up in the air against his will and he was quite tired of it."I'm afraid I don't believe you. I'll make sure to be quick about killing you though." He raised his other fist and swung. Unfortunately, his fist hit empty air.Yasurek dodged his head to the side, grinning as the toa's fist smashed into the store wall. He was swiftly released from the toa's grip as he clutched his injured hand. His sheathe was immediately back on his back and two of his spears were out and he was ready to fight. The toa drew his sword and swung down at Yasurek, who side stepped and leaped up to knee the toa in the face. Wrapping his arms around the toa's neck, Yasurek swung his arms down and smashed the toa into the ground. He twitched a bit but didn't get up. Yasurek glanced at the people staring at the incident and quickly ducked back into the tailor's store. Entering he found his cloak, fancied up with new green lining and trim. It looked like new. He gave the tailor an extra tip and slipped it on, moving away from the toa he had beat up so people wouldn't follow. It was time to go sight-seeing.
  16. IC Yasurek:Yasurek walked down the gangplank to join Raknar and the others. "I don't know about you guys," he said, "But I'd be fine with exploring some ancient ruins so long as we don't have to deal with an annoying band of marines in the way. If it's like that last ruin, it will be quite the frustrating experience." He thought for a minute. "On second thought, since none of us have any way of knowing what it would be impossible for us to tell unless we go explore. So let's do it."
  17. IC Yasurek:Yasurek dodged the plasma blasts that had come towards him. A few explosions later and the ship was once more on fire, by a random person who had found them in the middle of nowhere. Mata Nui, we're really popular with destructive people, he thought to himself. Apparently Lohkar was tired of it too because they were now chasing after the plasma toa's boat with the intent to blast it. Yasurek wholeheartedly approved this course of action. He headed below decks to the front guns. Taking position at one, he heard Lohkar's command to fire and launched a blast at Helio's boat.OOC: What kind of cannons does the ship actually have?
  18. IC Yasurek:"Excuse me sir," Yasurek said to Helios, "I'd like to say that you are rather foolish to show up on a pirate ship in the middle of the sea in a confrontational mood. That said, your intentions for the lady there don't seem friendly, so kindly leave before we are forced to eject you unceremoniously. You can't teleport her with that there Kualsi of yours so don't bother. Also, you're pretty much surrounded by armed warriors, and there's plenty of water around us so all we need is a toa to work their magic and your powers are pretty much nullified. I suggest you take your rude attitude and shove it off the deck into the sea, with the rest of you included." He had swapped out his wooden spears for two metal ones. They would be more resistant to heat.He glanced at Delarix's attempt to burn Helios. "Oi, Delarix, chill out. You want to know what's been going on here? We can tell you after we stop getting attacked all the time. Until then, fight the people who try to attack the ship; it's much simpler and you feel very accomplished because you're helping the crew.
  19. IC Yasurek:Yasurek was up immediately, ready for battle. He was right behind Fleya, dual-wielding wooden spears."Excuse me, but I'm afraid you can't just drop in unannounced," he said to the new arrival. "Who are you and why are you on our ship? And why do you have all that lightning around you? Looking for a fight? I'm pretty sure most of us would rather not have to deal with another fight against random people coming to our ship."
  20. IC Yasurek (from Ga-wahi):Yasurek had finished picking up the spears he had lost in the previous battle. With them secured in his back sheathe he glanced out at the beach they were passing. Tahu had arrived on this beach all those many years ago. He had been a symbol of hope to matoran across the island, and the rest of the toa too. Now though, this was just a beach, albeit a nice-looking one. In the distance the smoke that continuously rose over Ta-koro could be seen. It was not the kind of place Yasurek was interested in visiting. Much too hot and smokey for his tastes.
  21. OOC: Wait, we're in Ga-wahi still, headed towards the Ta-wahi area. How is the water icy cold? And why would that kill her? Can't she swim? Wouldn't she float?IC Yasurek:Yasurek stared at the area Zealokan had previously occupied, still stunned from the outburst that had come from him. He slowly turned to look at Lohkar."..Um, since you don't seem occupied anymore, could we deal with the escaping prisoner and folk?"
  22. OOC: It's fine. Nothing major or anything. It's just the whole disarm without paying attention to the incoming attack and subsequent grab seemed a bit much. Glad my character could bring yours back to a more positive mindset. IC Yasurek:Yasurek's opponent, now back to a more normal eye color, left the ship without a word. "Odd," he remarked. He turned to take a survey of the battle. It seemed that the prisoner was escaping on a gukko with the help of friends who had somehow faced no resistance at all in breaking him out. "Odd," Yasurek remarked again. What to do? he wondered to himself. Ah yes, inform the captain."Captain Lohkar sir!" he shouted to the captain, "The prisoner seems to have escaped! Just so you know. Do you require aid with your attacker?" he added, noticing the situation Lohkar was in.
  23. OOC: For a being with multiple personalities fighting each other while focusing on an entirely different opponent, Payiges sure has a strong auto-hit, eh?IC Yasurek:Yasurek was lifted into the air by his opponents grasp. She was trying to rip his mask off and he was using one of his hands to hold it on. His other hand was drawing another wooden spear from his back sheathe. He jabbed his spear at her face. She would have to drop him to avoid it.
  24. IC Yasurek:Yasurek leaped back and dropped his spear as lightning coursed through it. The toa was interrupted from her continued attack by being shot in the back. She then became quite angry, seeming to become another being entirely, but the original personality was now fighting the dark side for control. A perfect opportunity. Yasurek took a glance back to notice another toa going below decks, no doubt attempting to free the prisoner. But the angry toa in front of him was a higher priority target. With her back turned to him and distracted by fighting herself, Yasurek jumped up and swung a hard swipe with his other spear towards the distracted toa's mask. With luck, he could dislodge it and stop this particular threat.
  25. IC Yasurek:Payiges felt a sharp tap on her back. "Excuse me miss," Yasurek began, spear ready to be impaled in the toa's back, "I'm afraid I can't let you do that. You're interfering in a fight that you probably don't want to be in, so if you could kindly put the weapon down we wouldn't have as much of a hassle."
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