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Everything posted by pokemonlover360

  1. OOC: Why do I get the feeling that our ship is moving at different speeds depending on whoever needs to catch up to it?IC Yasurek:Yasurek heard Lohkar's order and stood up in a ready position. Being a melee combatant, he wouldn't really have much to do until the invaders actually got to the ship, especially since it seemed there were no readily available guns on the deck to use against the boarders. Might as well be ready, he thought. At this rate they'll have plundered the ship and retreated before Doomslayer even comes close to hitting that gukko. I mean, really, how is he not hitting them?He smacked one of the incoming fireballs away from him with a spear. This was almost getting interesting.
  2. IC Yasurek:"Honestly, I wouldn't expect to be rescued by your friends," Yasurek said to Snelly. "For one thing, you're really annoying. For two, you're stuck in part of a ship. Not on a ship, in a ship. For three, there's a crew of armed trained individuals ready to repel invaders. For four, I really don't care what you do or where you go. You don't seem to be that much of a threat to us and your motivations for coming here seem slim at best, so even if you do get rescued, it's no problem to me." He turned to Wraith. "As for you, leave whenever. We can't stop you and you can't stop us and you don't seem that invested in this situation.""Captain," he said to Lohkar. "Is keeping this guy here really all that worth it? He really is a nuisance and if anybody DOES come to rescue him it'll just cause us trouble."
  3. OOC: Toa Zealokan, Snelly is on the deck on top of the ship, not in the inside. Also, the ship is out to sea and moving and was never in fact at the ga-koro dock. Just so you know.IC Yasurek:Yasurek glanced away from the ghost toa over at Doomslayer."Let me say this to start," he began, "I am no cabin matoran. You want those blades, you can go pick them up. Also, could the two of you either stop yelling or get a room with each other? My goodness you two are loud," he said to Snelly and Doomslayer. "Besides, we have to get moving before more people show up." He began to help get the ship moving. The sky was pleasant. Maybe good things were going to start happening.
  4. IC Yasurek:Yasurek took a look at the battle. The agile matoran had jumped on a gukko and was trying to escape from the ship despite Raknar and Doomslayers best efforts. The other toa had been knocked out, and the ethereal toa was floating there. Yasurek decided to go talk to him."Hello there, ethereal toa," he said to the toa. "May I ask why you and your friends are attacking our ship?"
  5. OOC: Well this fight is just silly. Quite silly in fact.IC Yasurek: Yasurek swam back to the surface, finding himself next to the ship. He climbed up the side to find what looked like the remains of an explosion, The Captain doing a victory pose and yelling, and the sounds of Raknar in some sort of scuffle. It was a very odd thing to come back to."What the..." was all he could say as he finished climbing onto the deck. He was quite tired from all the swimming and holding his breath so he decided he'd sit this fight out unless he was needed. It didn't look that difficult so he was sure the crew could prevail. He sat down and began to catch his breath.
  6. IC Yasurek:Yasurek swam to the surface of the pool they were in and took a deep gasping breath. "Well captain, if that's what you want we should go back. I'd say it's been a fun, if not completely productive trip. And that is a lovely wall of lightstones. Once we get back to the ship and start traveling I'll have time to dry out my cloak." He held the sides of his cloak up to accent the drenched status of it. "Should take what, a couple days? Something like that."
  7. IC Nen and Thama:Nen and Thama continued walking across the desert, Nen leading the way. Every so often Thama looked over her shoulder to see if anyone was following them."You don't have to worry," Nen reassured her. "They won't find you, not yet anyway. You're safe.""You don't know them like I do," Thama countered. "Their main goal is to hunt down and kill me, and before that fight I used up my one chance to join them and serve Makuta.""I wouldn't worry about it. And I expect them to make at least one more offer for you to join them before they get around t actually killing you; that's just what evil people do.""Do you regularly fight evildoers like them?""Not always just like them, but yes. Me and my friends do what we can to do what's right and save the day. It's a nice lifestyle; I'm surprised more toa don't follow it.""They're busy losing their way from their duty. Just before this fight I helped stop an assassin in Ga-koro. What's happened to the toa? Did we all suddenly lose any sense of moral value?"Nen turned to her and put a hand on her shoulder. "Now listen. There are still good toa in the world; it's just that their actions aren't as obvious as those that do evil. For now though, we have reached our destination." They had reached the front entrance of Po-koro, the city of stone. In front of them was the giant carved toa head that served as the main gate. They passed through the mouth hole to the other side to find themselves in the koro itself. All around them, the bazaar was busy as always, with matoran moving this way and that to get the supplies they needed. Trades were occurring all over. It was peaceful enough, but there was always a risk of thieves in a crowded place like this.They moved quickly through the crowd,heading for a back alley. They moved past several doors to huts before arriving at a completely normal looking hut. Thama gave Nen a look."This is our big destination?" she asked him, clearly disappointed."Well, yes," Nen replied. "It's not our main place, but it's a home. We have a hut in every koro. It helps to have a place to stay. Come inside, you'll like it more when you see the inside."They walked into the hut, shutting the door behind them. Inside, there were plenty of lightstones casting a warm and healthy glow. There were comfy looking chairs and a pleasant wooden table arranged in a dining area, with a set of stairs leading down a floor. Over to one side there was a dartboard and a set of darts. A carving of a beach with palm trees was hanging from another part of the wall. It was a simple, but comfy house."Welcome to one of our headquarters," Nen said, walking in. "Please, have a seat. The chairs are quite comfy. I'll get some food cooking. I'll need to send out word to Jev and Sashina so we can wait here for them to arrive.""Thama sat down, happy to have a chance to sit and rest. She still hurt from the fight, but she would be fine after some rest.
  8. IC Yasurek: Yasurek swam in the new direction Lohkar was taking. He watched as the captain destroyed a boulder and then slipped down a hole that had been uncovered. Never one to back out of adventure, he followed Lohkar down the hole.
  9. IC Yasurek:"Well, the temple wasn't a cake walk either, so you probably weren't any worse off than us. Besides, you still got loot, so there's that. I should probably dive back down and see if we're going to actually do anything in that temple. If you still want to come down then go ahead." With that said, Yasurek dived back down into the water, arriving back in the cave that Lohkar was in. Nothing really seemed to have changed.
  10. IC Thama:Thama was hidden. All around her opponents, dust clouds formed, obscuring the area around them. Harynthia and Kalence could do nothing but wait for the clouds to subside. Off to the side, an arrow flew and impaled itself into Harynthia's shoulder. She dropped her lance to the ground and clutched at her shoulder while Kalence shot a fireball at that dust cloud. The fireball hit nothing as the dust cloud vanished with nothing behind it. Another arrow hit Kalence in the back and knocked him to his knees. He cursed under his breath. Thama knew she could stall them like this, moving from cloud to cloud, but she couldn't keep it up. There's too much concentration and effort involved. And if I make a mistake, I won't be able to recover.Kalence was getting annoyed. Thama had been firing arrows into him and Harynthia for a good while now, and there was little they could do. They had moved back-to-back to deflect arrows coming from all directions. He knew they could take her down. Harynthia was already preparing a wave to wash away the dust, and he could burn Thama to a crisp once she was in the open.Thama could tell it was happening soon. The waves were getting restless. It was only a matter of ti- and there it was. The wave washed over the area, Thama warping out of the way, knowing that Kalence would be protected from the wave by Harynthia. The waters subsided and she was already moving to avoid the blast of fire. It grazed her side and she found herself twirling back to ground, stunned. She was getting tired of this fight. I really need to get out of this, she thought. Of course, I need to move first.Kalence was chuckling. In his thoughts of course. He was a professional. Their plan had worked perfectly and now Thama was disabled and easy pickings. "It looks like your time is up Thama. Such a shame. Any last words?" he asked, fireball already prepared."I'm still a better solo fighter than you'll ever be," was all she could cough out."I wouldn't expect anything less from you. Now, goodbye." He released the fireball and it zoomed towards Thama. It was all going so well.The earth burst up in a protective dome around Thama, blocking the fire. As Kalence and Harynthia looked on in shock, there was a rumbling noise. The dome collapsed, revealing that Thama had disappeared."What the Karz was that?!" Harynthia shouted. "Someone stole our kill!""She must have new friends. We weren't aware of this. We'll need to alert the rest of the group of the increased danger." With that, the two soldiers of Makuta left, leaving the area empty of all fighters. Except under the ground.Thama opened her eyes. The rumbling had stopped. There was no light. This was an issue. She felt around for something to notice and only felt hard, cool earth around her, below her, and above her. Well, that's different. I'm underground in a small cave. I guess that's better than being up there getting killed. But who did this, and why? She walked to the other side of the cave, waving her arms in front of her only to fell metal and fabric. "Hold on a second. This would be a person I'm holding, wouldn't it?""Maybe," came the reply. It was a soft voice, more in jest than anything else."And may I ask why you saved me?""You were in trouble. I'm a nice guy. I do nice things for those who need nice things done for them.""I was handling myself," she replied, a bit upset that this person thought they could waltz on in to her fight."So you say, but from where I was standing, that didn't seem to be the case.""And where were you standing?""Right next to you. Your friends talk way too much by the way.""May I ask why you were standing there instead of helping? And yes, they do need to shut up.""You were handling yourself as you put it. And I wasn't there too long. We should get moving."She felt the earth shift to her left. Her eyes, now somewhat adjusted to the gloom could barely make out the outline of a tunnel. Her new "friend" led the way, holding onto her hand. They walked in a silence for a few minutes, Thama wondering just what she was going to do with this new development. They reached a good stopping point and The ground beneath them started pushing up, the ceiling moving aside for their passage. She shielded her eyes against the bright sunlight, blinking several times to get her sight back. She glanced around. They were next to the trail to Po-koro, far from the beach. There didn't seem to be any sign of her pursuers. That was good. She glanced at her rescuer, getting her first real look at him. He was pretty tall for a toa, with a normal black body and very shiny silver armor. "Thanks," she said to him."No problem," he said to her. "The name's Nen by the way. Nen Yabayand. We're going to be great friends, I can already tell."
  11. IC Yasurek:Yasurek gratefully followed Lohkar's signal and returned to the surface. It's a lot faster going up to the surface than down to the bottom, he thought to himself. He broke the surface, passing Tiras on his way, only to find himself next to Tellus, who was working hard to stay afloat."Greetings," he said as casually as he could. "Are you having fun being a pirate yet? Because this waiting underwater thing is a blast."
  12. IC Thama:Thama was fighting for her life. With motivation like that it wouldn't be surprising to know that she was doing well. Kalence had the advantage at close range, yes, but She had the ability to teleport, and he had to figure out where she had vanished to before he could close the distance again. This gave her time to fire arrows at him, which he slashed apart or dodged around. It was a stalemate so far. He would run up and slash, she would warp away and fire arrows, he would deflect or dodge them, he would run up, over and over. The fight would go nowhere if neither opponent changed it up. It was at this point that Kalence began hurling fireballs.Thama had fought alongside Kalence and was well-acquainted with his fighting style. He was an up close warrior, running this way and that with his mask, sending out quick strikes. He also shot fire. It was an effective style. Thama was more of a distance fighter. She stayed back, peppered the enemy at range, and when they came close she would warp and do it again. Her strategy involved wearing the enemy out so they made a mistake. Unfortunately, against an opponent who could get clpse in an instant, she couldn't work her usual plan. It was time to go offense.The next time she warped away, she didn't fire her arrows. Kalence turned, saw the drawn bow and entered a guard stance, only to find Thama suddenly right in front of him and three arrows in his chest. She then vanished past him, turning to face him with more arrows drawn."Gah! Karz Thama, what was that?" he shouted, plucking the arrows from his chest. He winced as each came out. "For a toa full of honor that was pretty low. And believe me, I know low.""If you know low so well, why are dueling me like this?" she countered. "You don't seem to be fighting me in a dirty style at all. You're still just as refined as you were before, so I'm not sure how using strategy is an issue.""You see Thama, there's something you haven't thought about. I'm glad you chose this particular location actually. Or rather, I did when I punched you. Here we are, the two of us on a beach with the waves by our side, plenty of rocks to the other side. It is just so peaceful. There's nothing around for a while. It makes it so easy to cheat."This last statement worried her. "Cheating you say?" she said, starting to worry. "I'm not sure how you could cheat on your own while in plain view of me unless..." She trailed off as the answer hit her. She turned to look to the side but it was too late. A huge wave crashed into her, sending her off her feet and carrying her over into the rock formation with a crash. She fell to the ground, unable to move, for the breath had been knocked out of her. She slowly turned her head to see the attacked she knew would be there. It was a teal toa, orange eyes gleaming through the eye slits of the hau she wore."Harynthia," Thama sputtered, coughing water out of her lungs. "I should have known you'd all join the fun."Now Thama, you should have known we couldn't just let Kalence have all the fun. Besides, you know he could have messed up along the way, and then where would we be?" Harynthia laughed. She walked over to Thama and kicked her in the ribs. "You know, you really did cause us trouble that time long ago," she began. Really, your escape meant that we had failed our master immediately after joining him. We could have been killed for our failure. You almost cost of everything" Angry now, she punched Thama in the face and stomped on her. "It's a good thing you decided not to join us now. I mean, now, after we kill you, we can return to our master successful and all will be forgiven. And then we can do something other than follow you. You're really not that interesting to follow."With Harynthia busy talking and the pause in attacks Thama had enough time to get her breath back and slowly push herself to her feet. Kalence and Harynthia turned to watch their target rise. Thama knew she couldn't take both of them, especially not in the state she was in. Not with her weapons at least.The area they were in was indeed an advantage to her opponents with the easy access to water and the dry conditions. But the sandy beach also gave Thama a useful tool. She drew her bow and loaded an arrow, pointing it at her assailants. "I'm afraid that I don't feel like dying at the moment, so I'm just going to have to disable you first," she said to them."You know we can't let you do that Thama," Kalence replied."Too late; already started," was all she said. The ground between the fighters suddenly burst up in a giant cloud of dust, with no way to see through. It was time to retake the offensive.
  13. OOC: Thama from Ga-wahiIC Thama:Thama was running. Well, running wasn't exactly the word for it. She was teleporting and running, moving quickly over the beach, slowly only a little to move past the rocky formations that got in her way. Her pursuer had still not revealed themselves. This was not a good sign. I need to be ready, she thought. Need to get to a good position. If I can just get to high ground or something. She stole a glance back to check on the being chasing her. They were nowhere to be found. She was beginning to think about this as she turned her head forward, only to run right into her pursuer's outstretched fist.She went down, her head buzzing, trying to get her bearings. She blinked to get her vision to clear and rolled to the side to avoid the stomp. Not a good start, She managed to push herself up to a standing position, facing her opponent. They were wearing a black cloak that hid their features despite the many holes and rips that covered it. The hood region was filled with darkness except for the pair of red eyes that glowed in the gloom. They were happy eyes, not joyful, but pleased like one would be if they were a cat who had caught the mouse they were chasing. The eyes of a predator that had caught its prey."I take it you're here to kill me?" Thama asked the being. "I mean, that's what you tried to do the last time we saw each other. Really, I was hoping you had moved on. Found something else to do. Renounced Makuta, gotten a job, died, whatever you wanted. But I guess that you being here means that we're still doing this.""I'm afraid that you are correct in that we are still after you. We have been following you for quite some time actually. We are not here to kill you on sight though. If we were, we would have already. Instead, we have pleaded with our master that he give us a chance to turn you again, so that we can spare you. We still care about you, you know. It's just that if you don't join us you will have to die.""You can't expect me to come join you. I thought I made it very clear when I was with you last that I wanted nothing else to do with you or the team ever again.""I do indeed remember. As I recall, you blew me into a wall and then sent a large twister full of sharp rocks at me. It was quite painful, I'll have you know."At this she laughed in spite of herself. "We did have some good times. Now, the answer is still no, so can we start fighting each other yet? I have places to be, good and justice and the toa code to uphold, and you and the others are only going to remind me of my conviction to that."The cloaked figure seemed sad at this answer. They let out a sigh, knowing that things were always going to come to this. He pulled his hood down, revealing the scarred kakama he wore. "Thama, you really are a pain when you're self-righteous like that." He drew his sword from its belt-mounted scabbard. "I'm going to enjoy beating that out of you.""Well then," Thama replied, "If I'm to have it beaten out of me, we'd best hurry and start this fight. Really Kalence, you were always such a gentleman. I'll enjoy listening to you politely ask me to stop shooting arrows into your chest."For a moment, neither moved. After a long pause, they were both off in a blur. The fight had begun.
  14. IC Thama:Thama turned away from the pool she had been watching, feeling that it was time to go do something. Besides, she had to keep moving, or else her pursuers would catch up, and she knew she couldn't take down all of them. She walked quickly through the koro, heading towards the shop. She needed more arrows, stone and metal ones, just in case. Reaching the store, she bought a number of arrows of various types and an air bladder. There was no telling when you would need one.Exiting the shop. She watched the area she was in. Around her, matoran walked about, attending to their business. She could see a few toa and a skadi and vortixx or two. They were all going about their business. Everything looked normal, even the shadow moving off to the right-Wait, shadow to the right? Thama thought, glancing back to where she had seen it. There was nothing there any more. There might not have been anything there. She couldn't afford to believe that.She took off in the opposite direction, using her mask to move through the crowd without incident, pacing her warps to not tire herself. She was going to need her strength. She finally reached the edge off the koro, moving along the beach, headed for po-wahi. If she got there, she would be able to fight them without the risk of civilians. She couldn't risk innocent lives. Fortunately for her, her pursuer was giving her the ability to choose the battle site. She looked back, but all she saw was a blur and a flash of sand. So, that's how you're going to do this. I'll have to return here once I've shaken you. Until then, let's dance.OOC: Thama to po-wahiIC Yasurek:Yasurek was still waiting near the surface of the pool. Lohkar had taken a glance, but he had quickly re-submerged, so there must have been people watching the pool's surface. Yasurek was fine to wait for the right moment, but he did still have an air supply and there were a limited amount of air bladders. Due to his not needing to exert himself he was keeping the air bladders unused for as long as possible. He just had to keep waiting.
  15. IC Yasurek:Yasurek had amost caught up to Lohkar in the temple when he heard the sonic boom going through the water. He glanced back to see Tiras zooming down near him and Tellus. Yasurek smacked his hand into his mask.YOU FOOL! he thought at Tiras, though the toa could not hear his thoughts, What are you thinking?!Yasurek swam over to where Lohkar was, keeping underwater for now. He was small enough that anyone trying to sense the water wouldn't notice him, especially with all the larger beings around. And also since he didn't make sonic booms while moving. That definitely helped.
  16. OOC: Toa the kid, me and Ghosthands are having our characters dive into the sea to follow after Knidia, Chimera and Black Mage, who are searching for the temple of purity if I recall correctly (though Yasurek and Lohkar don't know that, we just think they're looking for treasure). Everybody else in the crew is still on the boat I believe.IC Yasurek:Yasurek was quite pleased that Lohkar had slowed down. He caught up to the captain and took a breath from one of the air bladders he was carrying. It was relatively dark, and Yasurek just now realized that a lightstone would be a very good thing to have right now. But then he remembered that they were trying to be stealthy, and a lightstone wouldn't have helped. Still, he had to trust Lohkar and his sonar to guide them. Fish swam around them. Yasurek thought they were interesting, but fish weren't really on his list of things he liked.IC Thama:Thama enjoyed fish. She was sitting at the edge of a lily pad leaning on the side of a house. She watched the fish in the sea in front of her swim around. It was a pleasant sight. She glanced around at the koro around her. All over there were marines clearing damage, tending to those that were wounded, rushing about this way and that. There they go, running around trying to fix things so their koro can be safe, she thought. They work so hard to protect themselves, when toa should be helping them. We should be providing protection when instead we are busy turning on our duties and fighting each other. Over what? Power? Wealth? Why do we need these things? We are toa. We command the elements themselves. And yet here we are, watching the matoran slowly turn on our entire kind because some of us have lost their way. What a shame.
  17. Don't worry captain ghosthands! Yasurek will follow you wherever you go. Though the place you have gone at the moment is not one that he is well suited for. This should be fun.
  18. IC Yasurek:Yasurek wasted no time. He had gone down to below decks to search for a couple of air bladders. Finding some, he placed a few in his pack, dropped the rest on the deck for the rest of the crew and followed Lohkar over the edge. The water was quite cool. It was a refreshing experience after being in the dusty temple. Yasurek himself wasn't the best swimmer, but he did what he could to follow Lohkar, who was no doubt using his mask. As they went further down, Yasurek noticed the water darkening. This was not good for him. It would be difficult to find Lohkar and stay near him, the captain already far away due to his better swimming skills. Yasurek could only hope they would find the people they were searching for and get some actual air and light before he had to return to the surface. He pushed on through the water, straining to keep Lohkar in his sights.
  19. IC Thama:Thama was not going to let the other enemy toa escape that easily. They had hurt people, maybe even killed them. They had to be brought to justice. Unfortunately, they were flying away. Unfortunate for them that is. She stretched out a hand, watching the winged skadi fly.Funny thing about wings: with no air beneath them, they don't work.She took the air out from under the skadi, which would no doubt fall into the sea near the koro. Then the marines could easily retrieve him and the one he was carrying. With all the air out from under the skadi's wings gone, she needed to give it something to do. Armoan and his companions soon found a tornado surrounding them. The swirling winds would keep them still until the skadi was captured, so then Thama could stop their flight permanently.OOC: Yeah, I'm not letting you get away that easily.
  20. IC Thama:Everything was winding down. Her vacuum on the toa's head had work to shut him up and distract him just as she'd planned. She had no idea who had whispered in her audio receptor from a distance, but she had done what he had asked and supported. The magnetism toa was still alive and the major combatants hadn't died either. It was, for a huge battle, a rather large success. She thought about her strategy of sticking to the shadows. It's going to be hard to be a good example if I fight by hiding behind things and shoot people from a distance. But then, that's what I'm good at. Hmm... I'll have to think about it. She moved into the koro to observe the end of the battle, making sure not to get pulled in.
  21. IC Yasurek:Tired from practicing, Yasurek decided to go over and see what Tellus and the captain were talking about. Hearing Tellus talk about a share of the treasure, Yasurek gestured to the bag of loot he had carried aboard. "There's plenty of loot in there. Take your pick. There should be plenty of good stuff left for you to take," he told Tellus.
  22. IC Thama:The toa was ranting. Thama hated ranting. All around, injured marines were on the ground, others taking this time of talking to catch their breaths. Thama decided to get the magnetism toa to stop talking. From her hiding place, she silently reached out through the air and focused, feeling the air around Argentum's head. Then she told the air there to clear out, and not wanting to disobey Thama's command, gladly left the area around Argentum's head, leaving him with no air. She would keep it there until he passed out or gave up, and she would move it with him if he moved. She just needed to end this fight as soon as she could.
  23. IC Thama:Thama was not pleased. She had come to Ga-koro, expecting to see lovely waves and relaxing atmosphere, and fish for sale. She liked fish. Unfortunately, trouble had arrived in the form of a toa of magnetism who had declared something about killing a matoran named macku. This would not stand. Fortunately for Thama, the toa had been defeated by a large force of marines and a tarakava. She had returned to her business, hoping to buy some fish, when the toa had burst out of turaga nokama's hut, unleashing magnetism all around. He had been joined by several other toa, including an unseen one and now the marines and some outside forces were fighting a large battle. Thama needed to help. The toa had to be stopped, and Thama could help with that. The toa was standing near another toa of magnetism, unaware of a large blast of plasma heading towards him. Warping behind a building that was behind the two magnetism toa, she waved her hand, a gust of wind knocking the plasma away from the magnetism toa. I can't allow him to be killed. I will NOT let that happen, she thought. Unseen, she silently drew out two of her arrows, she broke the tips off the two arrows, leaving two sharp tipped wooden arrows for ammo. She loaded one into her bow. One arrow flew towards the first magnetism toa, directed to the back of his leg, where the armor would probably be thinner, the second heading for his partners shoulder, with the intent of disrupting their concentration and enabling them to be captured. The attacks launched, Thama watched from the shadows observing.
  24. IC Yasurek: Yasurek placed his sack of loot on the deck. It seemed everyone was goofing off or talking to one another, and Raknar was off getting defeated back on shore, so Yasurek decided to take this brief downtime to practice. He drew two of the spears out of his back sheathes and held them in front of him in ready position. He began twirling them around and around, feeling their weight affecting their spin. He swung forward, keeping the other spear spinning before making a stab at the air in front of him. He repeated these motions, varying up the angles of his practice attacks, getting a feel fr his new weapons. He then switched out the spears he was using with the others he had collected. It was important to be in touch with his weapons if he was to be useful for the crew, so he had to practice. He finished by practicing with his new black-tipped blue spears. They had a satisfying hum to them as they whirled around. It was a calming sound, relaxing the muscles in Yasurek's body. These would be excellent allies in his future battles.
  25. IC Yasurek: With a large sack of loot over his shoulder and plenty of loot in his possession, Yasurek was back in a good mood. They hadn't obtained the mask, the marines had got away and that other treasure hunter chick had vanished, but there was loot, and loot made any pirate happy. He glanced down at his new weapons. He had found a pair of twin spears. They had shiny blue handles ending in black tips. The tips were not shiny, but there was a clean flat color to them. He had placed them on his belt alongside his other two spears. He had also found a few more regular spears, which he now carried in a sheathe on his back. He had a number of spears on his back now, some more suited for throwing, some more suited for close range in your face combat. He would need to practice with every one to learn their individual weights and motions. He also had some money. It pleased him. With all the loot they had he might even get more once they divided it up on the ship. He'd have to see. All that put a small smile on his face.
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