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Everything posted by pokemonlover360

  1. IC Yasurek:Upon the words leaving Doomslayer's mouth, he immediately found three spears, a chair, a table, one of the lightstones off the walls, and the Raknar plushie all being thrown at him in quick succession.
  2. OOC: I'm sure YOU aren't. Not so sure about Doomslayer though.IC Yasurek:Yasurek caught the returned spear and sheathed. "Apology accepted, but try not to let it happen again," he said.
  3. IC Yasurek:Yasurek sighed. I am sick of that guy calling me a cabin matoran. He turned around to watch the two fight. "Doomslayer, I would like to remind you that I am NOT a 'cabin matoran'." He drew a spear and chucked it at Doomslayer's head. "Catch." He didn't throw to kill, but it would be nice to hit Doomslayer in the face. He went back to his meal.
  4. IC Yasurek:"Naturally sir," Yasurek said, tucking the plushie under his arm. He walked down the stairs of the inn, noticing Gunner and The Captain fighting. He ignored them and got some food from the bartender and sat down at one of the tables to eat. "Morning all," he said to the two fighting crew members, not even looking up from his meal.
  5. OOC: Kalama, are these Nui-Jaga infected?IC Nen and Thama:Thama was having an easy time. The Nui-Jaga she was fighting was half-blind, and the dune she was on gave her the height advantage. She fired another arrow into the rahi. It then began clawing at the base of the dune she was standing on, gradually digging it's way into the base of it. "So, finally decided to change tactics, eh you sily scorpion?" Thama jested. The dune was beginning to rumble at an increasingly fast rate, no doubt signaling the Jaga's rise to the top of the dune. When the rumbling reached it's highest, Thama leaped of the dune, turning in midair to fire at the Jaga as it burst out of the dune's tip. With the Jaga facing up, the arrow pierced into the belly of the creature, who collapsed. It was soon up again, sliding down the dune to catch up to the toa who kept hurting it.Nen parried another stiger strike. This was getting to be a fight of parrying, and Nen was getting a bit bored. He pulled up one of his cloak sleeves, revealing the silver armor beneath. Waving this arm with his sword uin the other, Nen reflected the sunlight at the Jaga. The scorpion reacted exactly as planned, striking with its stinger at the shiny object. Nen easily moved his hand away and the Jaga's stinger buried itself in the sand. Nen took this respite from blocking to swing a massive two-hyanded slice with his sword at the embedded tail, which was severed clean off of the scorpion. The Jaga scuttled away from Nen and prepared its claws to crush the toa. Nen smiled. What a fun fight this was!
  6. IC Nen and Thama:Nui-Jaga, what a pleasant thing to encounter, Thama thought to herself. She immediately shot a few arrows at one of the Jaga to make it follow her. The Jaga screeched in anger before chasing after her. Thama dashed up one of the many sand dunes nearby and turned to see the Jaga struggling to climb up the loose sand. She stomped down on the sand at her level, causing the sand the Jaga was climbing on to slide out from underneath it. With a screech, the Jaga slid back down the dune. Thama fired another arrow at it as it got to its feet, hitting it right in one of its glowing eyes. She watched as it half-blindedly shot poison to the right of her. Now it was a simple matter of staying put and firing.Nen, being a more up close fighter, decided to charge into the task by literally charging in a gleeful fashion. He rolled to the side of a stinger strike and deflected its claw attacks with his sword. He then blocked another stinger strike with the flat of the blade, pushing the stinger out of the way while he gave the Jaga a hard boot to the face. The Jaga was pushed off its feet and screeched with anger. Nen smiled and charged forward to meet it. What fun! he thought to himself as he kicked the Jaga's face again.OOC: Are these particular Jaga infected? It'll be useful to know when it comes time to finish them.
  7. IC Yasurek:From the other side of the door Lohkar heard the sound of frantic rustling, the clang of metal, followed by the sound of running. Yasurek burst out of the room, suited up and ready for anything. Unfrortunately he had rushed a bit too fast, almost colliding with Lohkar, knocking one of the plushies out of his hands and colliding with the adjacent wall. Immediately back on his feet he saluted. "Yes Captain Lohkar Sir. What's the situation sir?" he asked as the plushie he had hit fell into a sitting position on top of his head. "And why is there a plushie on my head?" he asked as he removed it and handed it back to Lohkar.
  8. IC Nen and Thama:Nen eyed the maha charging at him. It would be a simple task to just grab it and chuck it like Tanuka had, but Nen was always one to try being original. Fortunately for his original thinking, the sun was rising. And that added the last element he needed for his plan of attack. The maha was between Nen and the sun, but that meant that the maha wouldn't expect sunlight in its face. And Nen had just the thing to exploit that.He tossed off his cloak, revealing the very shiny silver armor he had underneath. The sun's light reflected off the armor right into the maha's eyes, blinding it. Its charge continued, but it was not moving as accurately as it was before. That gave Nen an opening. He began running towards the charging maha, getting closer, closer... And there it was. He hooked the maha under his arm and began to push forward and up against the maha's momentum. At this point Nen smiled through the effort. After all, the next thing to happen was going to be awesome."And... away... you... GO!" he shouted, throwing with all his might. The maha went up and away from the earth toa at a decent clip through the air before meeting the ground with a *thump*. It bounced a bit on the sand before slowly skidding to a stop on its side. Nen walked over to it and put it back upright and it quickly moved away from him. "Yay, I chucked a maha! And it was really fun!""Yes Nen, that's very nice, but please ut your cloak on before you blind us all," Thama said, carrying Nen's cloak to him. "You didn't have to toss the maha, merely stop the charge.""But I DID stop the charge and it is called maha chucking. And so I chucked the maha."As Nen put on his cloak, Thama sighed as the two walked back to their seats on the fence.
  9. IC Nen and Thama:Thama watched Tanuka's stopping of the maha. It was quite pleasing to see the toa learning. She would no doubt be a great hero once see got over her self-esteem issues.At Kalama's asking who wanted to chuck maha next, Nen jumped from his seat on the fence. "I'll do it! I want to chuck a maha!"Thama sighed. Nen was a rather... enthusiastically odd person. But she was very interested in seeing what he was going to do to stop the maha.
  10. IC Nen and Thama:Thama looked over at Nen. Both thought to themselves. "Suspicious things? That depends on what you mean by 'suspicious.""There was the guy in Po-koro," Nen said, thinking out loud."True. We did meet this toa of iron in Po-koro. He said he was going to kill Hafu. We fought him, but he didn't really seem all that effective... at anything. Really, it was like fighting a bush. He didn't fight back and spent most of his time being defensive and making metal things orbit him.""And he totally cheated.""True, he really didn't seem to follow the rule of 'no air is in fact a bad thing. His attitude in general reminds me of this toa I saw back in Ga-koro the other day.""What kind of toa?""He was some toa of magnetism, out to kill Macku, makes stuff orbit him, that kind of stuff. What is with these metal manipulating toa and their need to have stuff orbiting them? And he was levitating. It was rediculous. He was talking too much so I took his breath away. Literally. Then this guy took him out." She gestured to Kalama. "Again. Other than that, nothing new to report."
  11. IC Nen and Thama:Thama looked down at the herder. Master of Strategy? This should be interesting, she thought to herself."Kalama here mentioned something about 'chucking maha'. Does that relate to this talk about strategy? Because if it does, that sounds really fun," Nen remarked.
  12. IC Nen and Thama:"It's a pleasure to meet you Miss Tanuka," Nen said. He turned to Kalama. "Chucking maha you say? That sounds like a bunch of fun! We should come with you!""Trying to find your toa identity," Thama commented. "That's a key part in any toa's life. It can sometimes be easy, or very diffcult." She paused, remembering her old team. What had led them down the path of darkness? Why was she the only one who broke free?She blinked, her mind back in the present. "Of course, having friends along is always a good way to go about learning how to be a toa. There's a reason most of us go about forming teams. And while my friend is not very eloquent, the idea of chucking maha is, intriguing. And with us lost in the desert, it would probably be best for both our groups if we were to be lost in the desert together. Bolster numbers, provide more protection, that sort of thing.""But what about the sand castle?" Nen said.A sharp gust roared up and Nen's castle vanished in a wisp of sand. "You will find that your castle is no longer a problem," Thama told Nen."So it is," Nen remarked, not even missing a beat. He was still perfectly cheery regardless.
  13. IC Nen and Thama:Thama looked the matoran standing before her over and then took his hand in a friendly but firm handshake. "I'm Thama, of, well, wherever I happen to be at the time. Any other female air toa are probably better at hiding it then me. And this is-""The name's Nen Ybayand, of this here sand castle as of this moment," Nen stood, gesturing to the magnificently small castle next to him. "It's a pleasure to meet people out in the middle of nowhere. Greetings madame," he said to Tanuka as she walked up.Thama gave Nen a look before turning back to Kalama. "So, what brings you water folk over from Ga-Koro? It's not exactly usual territory for people from the koro to end up in, and you look like you know what your doing for the most part so it couldn't be an accident."
  14. IC Nen and Thama:In the distance ahead of Kalama and his group he could make out the forms of Nen and Thama. They seemed quite lost.Thama sighed, looking around the desert they were in. They were quite lost. "We're quite lost," she reiterated to Nen for what felt like the 50th time.Nen looked up from his project. "We're not that lost. We just don't really know where we are. Would you like to help me with this?" He gestured to his creation."We are LOST in the middle of a big DESERT and you are spending what may be the last few days of your life BUILDING A SAND CASTLE. Nen, we need to focus on more important things."Nen looked down at his sand castle. It wasn't the best, but it was looking quite nice for a castle of sand in the desert. "Just wait. Eventually this castle will be big enough to shelter us from the elements. Then we'll be fine."Thama stared at Nen for a moment before continuing. "Anyway, someone might com by. After all, we did hear that really loud shouting a while back.""That was a very long time ago. Besides, I'm busy. If anyone wants to come and say hi they can come to us." He patted down one of the sand towers he was making for emphasis, causing it to crack. "Hm... Note to self: don't hit sand towers with sword for emphasis."Thama sighed and decided to go back to looking. She gazed out at the vast expanse of sand. She wasn't really liking the sand. It was rough and coarse and irritating and it was getting everywhere. In hindsight, the pair of them should have probably stayed on the path they were on.She looked in the other direction. Suddenly, her eyes were squinting trying to look into the distance. There were people there! Thama almost jumped up with excitement, but she was much to professional for that. She waved at the group heading towards them. Best to identify them at range before they were within striking distance. Couldn't be too careful around random desert travelers. "Hello there! Would you folks mind identifying yourselves? We're rather lost, so any help you could give us would be very appreciated."
  15. IC Yasurek:"Ah, an agreement you say?" Yasurek said, drawing a spear. "So how many times did we agree to stab him, because I am in fact well equipped to handle any stabbing of the bird that is to occur. Just saying." He gestured to the number of spears in the sheathe on his back. "I have many options for you to choose from if needed."
  16. IC Yasurek:"I'm right here Captain Lohkar Sir," Yasurek said, appearing a short ways behind Lohkar. "Any news from the battle with the bird thingys?"
  17. IC Yasurek:Yasurek swam back up to the water's surface and unloaded all of the lost navigation equipment. He climbed back onto the dock and began squeezing the water out of his cloak. "I believe thanks are in order," he said to Gunner.Then he looked out over the koro to see that it was being attacked by... bird thingys? They looked more like bats, but bird thingys was a much better name for them. It seemed the pirate captain from the bar was on his ship firing on the bird thingys."Huh," Yasurek remarked, "That does not look like a good situation to get involved with. Best ask the captain first." He looked over at Lohkar on the ship. "Captain Lohkar sir, should we get involved in this battle?"
  18. IC Yasurek:A spear suddenly stabbed through the sack in Gunner's hands and flung it back into the bay. Yasurek nonchalantly sheathed the spear and said, "Oops. Might as well get it all ain one load then. Oh well," before diving back under the water to retrieve the rest of the equipment. He gave a curt wave to Gunner as he dived.
  19. IC Yasurek:Yasurek burst through the surface of the bay, holding some of the navigation equipment. "Did somebody lose these? They seem relatively important, so I snatched it while I was down there," he said, taking a deep breath. He started to swim to the docks to climb back on solid ground.
  20. OOC: Broke a hole... in a hole? IC Yasurek:Yasurek ducked behind a small barrel with his small size to avoid the sonic blast and followed after Tiras who had blown a hole... in a hole. "I'm going after him," he said to Tellus, diving into the water and hurling a spear at Tiras like a harpoon.
  21. IC Yasurek:Yasurek was quite surprised to see the Infernavika firing its cannons at Xa-koro, especially the fact that Tiras was doing it. But he wasn't going to let the madman destroy a relatively nice village. He followed Raknar, sliding into the trapdoor, hanging back to assist him in his fight with Tiras if he needed it. He wasn't foolish enough to put himself between the angry skadi and his prey unless he had very good reason to.Unfortunately, there was suddenly a hole where Yasurek was standing. He jabbed a spear into the side of the ship to slow his descent to the lower decks. Tellus is not going to be happy about this damage, that's for sure, he thought to himself as he landed unharmed on solid ground.
  22. IC Yasurek:Yasurek spoke up from his seat down the bar, "If we're forming a plan involving that irratating woman I can only hope we don't have a repeat of the last encounter." He took a swig of his rum. "As for the plushie, I appreciate it. Maybe with its help our cannon operator will finally be able to aim the gun at the enemy. Then he can start blowing up our foes and not the ship."
  23. IC Nen and Thama:"So, do you ever get the feeling like there's things going on that you should be involved with, but you can't because you don't know what to do and they're happening too far away for you to realistically make a difference?" Thama asked."You really need to learn to relax. Besides, I'm sure that there's plenty of other people who are going to do whatever you were going to do about the thing going on," was Nen's reply."You really don't reassure me at all. You need to work on your reassuring people skills.""I think I'm very good at reassuring people about the things they need to be reassured about." They had been walking in silence for a while, the desert around them an ocean of sand. Dunes broke the flatness of the plains, but there was still nothing of interest. Nen took a moment to glance all around. There was nobody there that he could see."There's nobody around," Thama remarked, noticing Nen's looking. "I've checked. In fact, I've warped over to that dune over there and I still couldn't see anything.""Well, you can't blame me for trying. Of course, we are in a desert so finding anyone would be an achievement, but still." The pair continued walking down the path.
  24. IC Nen and Thama:Thama walked with Nen on the main path out of Po-koro. Beside them were the huge heads that watched over the main road. They were really quite big up close."Hey Nen," she said. "Do you ever wonder about the state of things?""What do you mean?" Nen asked."I mean, look how things are right now. We just fought against a toa who is trying to kill Hafu because Makuta told him to. All around you see toa wandering, engaging in such pursuits as piracy, assassination, even flat out forming militias. Meanwhile, there are matoran doing the same thing, with many matoran spreading the word that toa in general are not trustworthy anymore, all because a few people turned out bad.""Well, yes, but there are still good guys around. I mean, we're good guys. We don't kill people for profit and because our dark master told us to. There are still good people, it's just that all the good people are overshadowed by the obviousness of bad people.""Also, have you noticed how completely useless anything we do in combat is? I mean, what is the point of having air powers? Do you know what I can do with the air? 'Oh look, I'm gonna push you.' 'Oh man, now I'm gonna suck the air out of your immediate vicinity.' Do you know what a vacuum does Nen?""It sucks all the air out of the area. There is no air so nothing can breath in it.""Exactly. Have you ever seen a vacuum do ANYTHING? Anything at all? Knock someone out, delay them, affect them in any way? NO. Nothing happens. When you vacuum someone, they get out of it or it doesn't matter. 'Oh hey, I can't breathe, whatever, have to go destroy my foes.' It's absurd.""Well look at earth. All earth does is, 'Oh look, I'm gonna throw dirt at you.' Just dirt.""What about making chasms and stuff?"That requires too much effort. You can't do that all that much at all. I can make earth, then I can blast it at things. They'll dodge, then immediately counterattack. That's how fights work. Everybody dodges and blocks forever.""We really need to stop getting into fights with other people.""Exactly." They were nearing the crossroads. They turned and started heading down the path to Onu-wahi.
  25. OOC: Well... that is most unfortunate. I apologize for that. I'm so used to magic element shifters that moving to that level was the only way to even combat out. Now if you'll excuse me, my characters need to go be inactive somewhere else till I'm done with finals.And my characters have never been trying to get to Hafu. So enjoy your race with Jl1223 XIC Nen and Thama:Nen was bored. He had a fist about to hit Aurum, but the conflict really didn't seem important anymore. He went over to Thama."This is boring," he said to her."We're fighting to protect the matoran. How is that in any way dull?" she responded."The thing is, he's not doing anything threatening at all. Nothing is happening. This battle is really pointless. Besides, we're do-gooders. This is simply distracting us from doing good for good people.""Well, yes, but... yes, that's kind of true. I'd much prefer doing nice things than preventing bad things. At least at the moment. We still have to worry about other misguided evil guys coming after us.""Exactly. Let's venture forth!" With that said, the two quickly made their way through the city, completely ignoring Aurum. They were soon at the city gate."Next time, no fighting toa of iron," Nen said as he left the koro."Agreed," Thama replied, following Nen out.
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