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Lady Kopaka

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Lady Kopaka

  1. Yes I am, Ghost in the Shell is cool. =)

  2. Aw it's okay! Thanks for trying. =) But as a tip if the server starts acting funky just save the posts in word or something and post 'em later. And omg, you have some new I haven't seen before... it's so cool! =D

  3. Eh, new rank? O_o

  4. I see that you hate Nokama.

  5. I'm lurking in your profile! D:

  6. No I haven't, is it good?

  7. Yeah I've been kinda busy. D;

  8. Oh my goodness happy birthday! I wish I coulda did something for a present but life's been mean and wont let me get the time. :/

    *Let's cake fall from the sky*

  9. Sorry, I completey forgot about it. I've been getting a lot PMs lately. I'll try to respond asap.

  10. Don't worry about it. =)

  11. Actually it's a lot better than LA; there it was terribly humid and got pretty bad. Here it gets hot, but not as humid and it seems to be windier around the area I live in.


  13. Oh dear! Sounds rather scary. '-' I hope things work out, I'll pray for you. =)

  14. What's up in that thar north? =P

  15. Hullo Nikira. =)

  16. Thank you for reading and reviewing my epic! I have a new chapter up. :)

  17. Thanks for reviewing my epic. =D I have a new chapter up!

  18. lala hangon now i can lalal...lol

  19. Khhoootteeee *Pokes* =D

  20. lolol i want and cant now lolol :/

  21. Sorry, I haven't had time to read and review your story yet. I've been busy and a lot of people have requested I review their things.

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