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Lady Kopaka

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Lady Kopaka

  1. You're very talented at 3D work! =)


    Hey. =P

  3. You meany! >=(

  4. *Holds out gun*


  5. Eh, nothing much. :/

  6. Well, I'm not exactly as active as I used to be, you seem to be very social and popular with people so that probably explains it.

  7. I'd like to, but I can't. I'll see it when it comes out on DVD.

  8. I personally liked it being long, but that's just me. I haven't seen Kung Fu panda, so I don't know.

    I liked your PoP avi/banner though.

  9. Oh hey VF! I haven't seen you in awhile, but it's okay. =) And yes Batman was super cool,

  10. I didn't do too much. I just visted friends and family while my dad was down there on work business, so it was kinda fun.

  11. OH WAIT NEVERMIND. I thought you were talking about my personal pic in the profile...errgh, mmmh, I dunno, I might change it back. :/

  12. Which one was that? I have a lack of decent pictures on this computer.

  13. Hi, I'm doing okay. Just came back from a short trip. :)

  14. Thanks for the comment, glad you enjoy my work. =)

  15. I know who you are LAUGHING MAN D:

  16. Gasp, it's Data. D:

    I miss you too, cept, it's mainly my fault. XD I need to contact you more on msn. I check DA every few days or so, but it's mostly lurking. >_O

  17. Hi there, I'm doing okay. =)

  18. WHY DIDN'T YOU PM ME!? I've been on since 7:30 and just noticed your message. XD

  19. I am Legend was awesome, how dare you say such a thing! D:

    But yeah, the rabies don't sound that great. :/

  20. Oh it's okay, you should see some of my spelling mistakes. terrible, terrible. =P

    And yes, that's from I Am Legend. It's a personal pic until I can find a decent one.

    Oh, and Cat Returns is in your right? That's a good movie. :D

  21. Haha, yeah, it's pretty hectic over here. But I understand what you said. =P

  22. I'm sorry, I haven't had much time to respond to anyone via comments. I don't mean to be rude or ignore you, I just can't get around to it sometimes.

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