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Everything posted by Tak-E

  1. Tak-E


    Well, this morning my dad officially left for his two week tri[ to Brazil for his buisiness down there. He'll miss my first day of school and freshman orientation, but mostly I'm happy because I have a friend who I talk to on the phone every night, and she lives in Washington state, so she's two hours behind me. So it'll be like two in the morning over here and I'll be talking to her and it's not as late over there. So I have to be careful with my parents. However, now that my dad's gone and my mom works night shifts at a hospital as a nurse, I'll be able to stay up really late talking to her. Yay. -Taki
  2. Tak-E


    Didn't even notice that. I thought it was pink because my pink eye made it look pink... -Taki
  3. Tak-E


    I have pink eye. It really hurts. -Taki
  4. Tak-E

    * Poke *

    *Is wearing protosteal armor* -Taki
  5. Tak-E

    * Poke *

    Yupp. -Taki
  6. Tak-E

    * Poke *

    *Pokes you.* -Taki
  7. Tak-E

    It's Scary. Oo

    [img=http://www.majhost.com/gallery/anewho/blah/blog_approval.png] -Taki
  8. I take it that using a cookbook is too easy of a task for you? -Taki
  9. True, but neither is athletic, mind you. -Taki
  10. [img=http://www.majhost.com/gallery/anewho/blah/blog_approval.png] -Taki
  11. Tak-E

    "i'm A Brownie!"

    [img=http://www.majhost.com/gallery/anewho/blah/blog_approval.png] -Taki
  12. [img=http://www.majhost.com/gallery/anewho/blah/blog_approval.png] -Taki
  13. [img=http://www.majhost.com/gallery/anewho/blah/blog_approval.png] -Taki
  14. Tak-E

    This Is Sparta!

    [img=http://www.majhost.com/gallery/anewho/blah/blog_approval.png] -Taki
  15. http://www.majhost.com/gallery/anewho/blah/blog_approval.png[/img] -Taki
  16. You know who would totally win that? Omi/Volar. -Taki
  17. I found out today that I get my braces off in about four months. And tomorrow I am getting my contacts. It's a big step. I'm really excited. Lol. -Taki
  18. Okay, genie. Let's do this. *Seran does head bop thing* -Taki
  19. Taki is still confused. Taki needs the yellowbook guru. -Taki
  20. Ah...okay. Now I get it. -Taki
  21. Tak-E

    Downfall Of...me?

    Yay. Revertion! -Taki
  22. So how does that work? -Taki
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