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Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Everything posted by Tak-E

  1. Quick, give me a couple hundred penguin to protect us! -Taki
  2. So what your saying is that I will rock if I become a penguin? -Taki
  3. This shall be the greatest film in the universe. Just imagine giant robots getting pelted by little wooden sticks that glow! The possibilities are endless! -Taki
  4. Knowing Bink, he most likely has it set on his Tivo (if he has one) or has someone or something recording it for him. -Taki
  5. *Slowly places Cthulhu's cookie back on the plate while Cthulhu is dreaming* Lol. -Taki
  6. Tak-E


    Lol. Penguins ROCK! \m/ Lol. And they laughed at me when I said penguins would be our supreme rulers one day... -Taki
  7. This is a true work of art. Now where'd I leave my crazy glue? -Taki
  8. Tak-E

    To The Consumers

    Amen. [img=http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff1/anewho/BlogApproval.png] -Taki
  9. Tak-E

    2008 Preview

    Greg, if you want to raise awareness, why not put the books on a page in the magazine, or like a small postcard-sized piece of pape in the magazines that support the books and tell people some available retailers? Or, imagine, pormoting Bionicle books in the Bionicle comics? Lol. -Taki
  10. Tak-E


    Summer ain't over. Only your break of summer is over. The true summer is still here for a bit more. Lol. It's a poem to that true summer. Roughly forty-five minutes. -Taki
  11. Tak-E


    Summer closes down now. Locking all its rides. It closes all it's portals, it puts away the kites. The laughs of kids all playing, swinging in the air. The sight of the young lovers, kissing everywhere. You feel the wind blow through your hair, the smell of sweet incense. The feeling in the air of every growing sense. Your older, wiser. Your stronger, more brave. You have enough common sense to not dig your grave. You hum the tune of summer. You whistle the tune of fall. The winter's 'round the corner, The snowmen comin' round. You'll miss the sight of green, you'll miss the sight of blue. But in the end, you'll discover, It made a better you. -Taki
  12. Tak-E

    Guess What!

    West Coast is so dry. Heat there is so unbareable. Here in the Midwest, our 80 is your 100, though. I just make a point to wear jeans and hoodies and stay in the mall all day. -Taki
  13. Not funny, chain letters are evil. Chain mail is only really fun when it says your wish will come true tonight and you close the window before it can tel lyou to send it to people. Yay loopholes! -Taki
  14. Tak-E

    No More Pms!

    If ya'll need one I can help. No credit requirred. -Taki
  15. Since today is his birthday, Bionicleman12321177 is our member today! I've known this guy since I joined BZPower, and according to him, he's really surprised I made it to Oustanding Premier BZP Citizens before him. He recently just hit post mark 666, and he's working to my member group and at least a thousand posts. This now-14 year-old guy rocks out hard. He likes Guitar Hero a ton, like me, and plays it at his local Gamestop, hoping to pick it up one day and bring it home. After a couple of long breaks, this guy is gonna rock major on his birthday. \m/ Happy birthday, Bionicleman12321177/Bman/Flint/Spoon! Lol. Here's the banner: [url=http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?automodule=blog&blogid=327&showentry=19073][IMG=http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff1/anewho/bionicleman12321177.png][/url] Remember, all of you who aren't participating in this event are welcome to support these members and this event, so feel free to use the banners. However, those who are participating are requirred to use these, so there you go, guys. -Taki
  16. Tak-E

    2008 Preview

    This rocks. Oh my gosh, thanks so much, Greg. I'm so looking forward to this book. And this gives plenty of room for new theories. -Taki
  17. S'okay. I just used your blog. -Talo
  18. [img=http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff1/anewho/BlogApproval.png] -Taki
  19. Tak-E


    Yay for insanity and the inability to comprehend what the heck is going on! -Taki
  20. Note to Omi: switch to Photobucket. None of your images work except your display picture. Other for that, I'll look into one of those restaurants. -Taki
  21. You make look here. Oh, and because you got that kick-butt guitar and this awesome setup, here ya'll go. [img=http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff1/anewho/BlogApproval.png] -Taki[/b]
  22. Best weekend ever, huh? Oh, I know. You found my rabid chipmunk in your pants. Yeah, that's always awesome, isn't it? Taki
  23. Tak-E


    [img=http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff1/anewho/BlogApproval.png] -Taki
  24. All week long we're having an International Member Day for members who signed up for it in my blog. All members who will be in it need to support the other member's banners. Today our member is frankin-kal-96. While some consider him a priest, we know him better as a clan-starting state fair-going kinda guy. One of his best things this summer was going to the state fair. and doing all kinds of amazing things; Indian dancing, black hole suction, and rock concerts. This guy has it made and is living large. He, knowing how stupid the entire world is, has a map of the world in his blog. And now for the banner for today: [url=http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?automodule=blog&blogid=327&showentry=19028][IMG=http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff1/anewho/frankin-kal-96banner.png][/url] Okay, ready guys? Anyone who wants to can put this in their signature. Participants in this project must. Also, no credit is needed for using this banner. Just don't edit the code. -Taki
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