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Everything posted by Tak-E

  1. Seran, doesn't your blog say you're a boy? Or was that someone else? -Taki
  2. Tak-E

    Downfall Of...me?

    I wish but alas, no. I still very much am. -Taki
  3. Tak-E

    Downfall Of...me?

    I was depressed already I think...check two blog posts back. -Taki
  4. Tak-E

    Downfall Of...me?

    You're looking forward to seeing me in a jumpsuit? Doesn't that go against some kind of code? -Taki
  5. Tak-E

    Downfall Of...me?

    I'll go get my jumpsuit. -Taki
  6. Tak-E

    Downfall Of...me?

    We? Does that mean I get to help? -Taki
  7. Tak-E

    Downfall Of...me?

    Yeah, that happens sometimes. Well, now that you're an established psychopath, what are you gonna do next? -Taki
  8. Tak-E

    Downfall Of...me?

    It's official. You're a psycho path. How does it feel? -Taki
  9. Tak-E

    Downfall Of...me?

    One more. A question that only a true psychopath coukld answer. What is my...? -Taki
  10. Tak-E

    Downfall Of...me?

    Got tomorrow's lottery numbers? The date of the apocolyps? Know where my lucky mitten is? -Taki
  11. Tak-E

    Downfall Of...me?

    ...I was mad? Thanks for telling me that. I didn't even know. -Taki
  12. Yeah, so it's around eleven o'clock last night and it started raining so I pulled the screen out of my window so I could let my feet hang over the edge and get wet. However, I heard something move in the bushes so I pulled my legs in and leaned over the edge. My window ledge was slippery from the water on it and I, oddly enough, slipped and started to fall out the window. I reached up in vain and caught the edge of the window ledge. And that is the amazing story of my little trip. I'm fine now, but my cold that I have got worse. -Taki
  13. Wonderful, we caught Turakii in a good mood. -Taki
  14. Be certain I will. -Taki
  15. I just discovered that my sister who talks really loud and bugs the heck out of me (the one still living with me) isn't allowed to speak by order of the doctor! Haha! YES! -Taki
  16. I don't lovethe Mahri either, but I love the new masks. Anyway, tell me more about this annoying member you're having problems with... -Taki
  17. Tak-E


    My advice is to do things that make you really tired. And as soon as you catch your breath, go at it again. You just gotta keep going on going. That way your body will have no choice but to rest. -Taki
  18. Tak-E

    On Weather

    Oddly enough, I'm sick too. And it's supposed to be raining all week over here in Illinois, but the rain missed us so far today and all of yesterday... -Taki
  19. Wow, congratulations! It's a big day for you! Hope you like the one-year Vahi. It's fun. -Taki
  20. Oh good, you found my little Gudunka. I've been looking for that everywhere! -Taki
  21. So I recently lost a sister to the deadly grasp of college, and since then I've been depressed and pushing away from people. But I thought that I might let you all in on something that I've been keeping in the dark for a while. I love being in a relationship, treating a girl with love and affection, and being loved back. So way back in Feb. I asked this girl to be my girlfriend on Valentine's Day, and she said yes. About two weeks later she wanted to break up with me because people were telling me stuff I was asking her but that she wasn't telling me. After that I had one other girlfriend, who had used me for the sake of saying that she had a boyfriend. It's been about three or four months since I've had a girlfriend now, and I've been on and off depressed. I had a lot of friends before that I was confiding all of this in, but it became so overwhelming and I became so depressed that they wanted nothing to do with me and all pushed away from me, pushing me further into depression. I didn't do anything drastic, but I was very alone. The last remaining friends of mine were starting to spend less time with me and more time with their boyfriends and girlfriends and their other friends. As of right now, I have about three friends who I can really talk to. Other than that, I feel totally alone. And the worst part is that I've longed for a loving relationship and I haven't been able to get one. And it's been pushing me further into depression everyday. And was friends with a lot of girls, but then someone started a rumor that the only reason I did that was for... *ahem* ...yeah. Which was not ture, I just think that a lot of guys are rude and stuff and that girls are more caring and more understanding. So now everything's shot me right down. If you're a square because you are professional, then if you're not professional would you be called a circle? And in that case, which is better?
  22. Tak-E

    Latest News

    This is great! It's a pity that the earliest this new movie will come out is in 2009, but at least we know it's coming. And also, Greg, is you next blog post gonna be just talking about Amazon or scolding it? -Taki
  23. Tak-E

    Dorm Daze

    Today we're moving all of my sister's stuff into her dorm room. My dad and her are out to breakfast right now, but as soon as they get home we're gonna go and fill up the car and head out. Hopefully while we're out I'll be able to pick up the High School Musical 2 soundtrack, which would rock. -Taki
  24. I'd try to contain you somewhere, but you'd mostly break out and kick my butt. -Taki
  25. Tak-E

    Dorm Daze

    Of all the irony, I'm listening to that right now. I just got back from Arizona last night and now I'm putting the CD on my PC. It's nice to be home. -Taki
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