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Everything posted by Tak-E

  1. You'll grow into it, man. Give it time. Life takes a while to adjust, but it'll be great sooner than you think. -Taki
  2. So a lot of stuff has been happening this week, and I thought I might just recap everything for y'all. Monday: Monday was the day that nothing very special happened, but I did manage to make two new friends at school who are so awesome. They're these two 8th grade girls, and I'm pretty much their dog (my hair is fluffy like a dog's). This day also was the day that now everyone pats me on the head as I walk through the halls. Tuesday: Tuesday was again, not super exciting. But it was the second day of the week. The only interesting thing that happened here was that everyone decided they wanted to sign the dry erase board I keep in my locker. Wednesday: Okay, so here's where the fun stuff begins. Halloween was on Wednesday, but I didn't do anything. I was going to go to a party at my church, but my best friend, and girl friend, Miranda called, and I wanted to talk to her. Thursday: On Thursday things were quiet, but we discovered that the reason we've had virtually no homework, tests, or quizes this past week was because they're all taking place within the first three days of next week (one of them is even a mid-term). So it's pretty crazy. But my dad did leave to go to Brazil, so that made me happy. Friday: Ah, beloved Friday; Friday was the favorite day of my week. The day in of itself was pretty cool, but I found out one of my new friends I made is my school next week because she's moving. But after school, my friend Joey came out. And for those of you who have read all my Guitar Hero 3 related entries, you'd know that he's the holder and possessor of my Guitar Hero 3 game until I got my Xbox 360 at Christmas. So pretty much he came over, and I continued playing my career on the game. Then I got bored and decided to do something fun: battle people online. The first two times I did Co-Op with people online for some reason, but then I figured out how to battle. I was on hard, and the guy I was battling was on expert (okay, this isn't the fighting battle mode, it's the batle mode where you just try to get a higher score than your opponent on Pro-Face Off). He was beating me up until the very last verse of My Name Is Jonas, where I activated a full Star Power meter and rocked all the way home: a win for ♥TAKi♥! So yeah, that's my week. I hope y'all enjoyed reading about it. My hands hurt from typing for some reason. Probably because I don't like the keyboard on my dad's laptop, where I happen to be residing while writing this. -Taki NOTE: I won't have Premier Membership for at least a week, so I won't be updating my blog for a while, probably. Just PM me if you need anything.
  3. Tak-E

    ♥ Hello ♥

    Good morning, good morning; it's such a happy day! Good morning, good morning; lets go out and play! -Taki
  4. Tak-E

    How Terrible

    Depends what level of difficulty you're on. If you're on Hard, the battle is fairly easy. If your on Expert, it's a whole other story. And I'm sorry about that dog, man; that's horrible. -Taki
  5. Ah, the "sweetest" holiday in the year. I wish I partook of it. Sadly, I don't go trick-or-treating. I always go to a party with some friends. So hopefully I'll have a fun time tonight. But yeah, contest: Post a short (100 words) story, or a poem, about Bionicles doing Halloween stuff. Winner gets a special Halloween aproval image from me. -Taki
  6. Omi's most valuable piece of advice to-date. Respect it. -Taki
  7. That new RK cd is the bonkers, man. Bonkers? What was that... -Taki
  8. Cause I don't. I'm so tired, and I don't know why. No homework is a bright side, though. -Taki
  9. Tak-E

    Get A Girl?

    The brightside of having a girlfriend out-of-state is that no matter where you move, airfare isn't really gonna change that much. That's good for me. But you'll find someone, man. You need to stop looking and just wait. It'll hit you soon enough. And as to your moving thing, you're handling it pretty well compared to how I would. If it were a major move, I'd probably have killed myself. -Taki
  10. Tak-E

    ♥ I Did It ♥

    This should've happened long ago, but I finally beat Guitar Hero Encore: Rocks the 80s (my definition of beating a Guitar Hero game is passing every song on every difficulty level in Career Mode). Took me roughly three months since I got the game to do so, being that the last song is crazy hard (Play With Me-Extreme) and I didn't play for a long time. But Guitar Hero 3 changed that. As usual, I have a pact not to really play a new Guitar Hero game unless I've beaten the one before it, so now I can rightfully play Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock (as soon as my friend brings it back to me, of course. ) -Taki
  11. I'm hoping you already got the game, man. I did. check out my sorta review here. -Taki
  12. So today, Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock, was released for the Wii, Xbox 360, PS2, and the PS3. I was lucky enough to get the Xbox 360 version. Luckily I reserved the game, because they sold out of all the non-reserved copies hour before we got there. So first, a funny story: we almost died on the way to get GH3. "Why?" Easy: a car stopped in front of us for no reason, and we stopped within an inch of the car; almost crashing. So, anyway, onto the review. Box So the box is amazing, attracting pretty much anybody to look at it. Great art, but the best is Slash (on character on the right). Case The case for the game is like any other, but it's still cool and shiny to look at. Much better than previous Guitar Hero titles, I must say. It's more flashy. Guitar In Wrapping So the guitar is wireless, coming in two parts. The neck of the guitar is detachable for easier transport. Neck So the neck has the fret buttons, and that's pretty much it. It's really cool, though. If you wanna rock out without playing, just take the neck and randomly start pressing the frets. Base The base has the Xbox buttons, a wireless hookup button, a place for the batteries, the start and select buttons, and a detachable face-plate (which you can buy other face-plates to put on in its place). It's really fun to hook the two up. Lol. So the gameplay is pretty awesome. Not much different from it's ancestors, but the setup is different. The Star Power has changed to a different form, and so has the score meter. When playing, using the Whammy Bar isn't as obvious. Hitting Hammer-Ons and Pull-Offs is much easier, due to an extra second of grace to hit the notes. The main menu and song selection is pretty cool; much different than anything before it. It's so much different than the other games. I'm giving this game a 9.5/10, the only bad thing being the first few songs aren't that exciting. -Taki
  13. It's here, and just in time (I nearly died of anticipation). I'm gonna go pick it up in a bit, the Xbox 360 version (we're using my friend's 360 til I get mine). A review will be sure to follow either today or tomorrow. -Taki
  14. I turned on my computer and got a very disturbing image*. About two minutes later it resigned me in and I had six friends online. That's still virtually no one, though. It's weird. Usually I have about twenty friends online. *Ads and names of AIM buddies were edited out so that you would not have to see them and/or send random spam messages to my friends. -Taki
  15. She's all mine. -Taki
  16. Tak-E

    ♥ Coffee ♥

    I'm in serious need of some. Just check the time of this post! -Taki
  17. Tak-E

    ♥ Coffee ♥

    More like 4:30. -Taki
  18. Yes, and I've seen the video, and it's madness! I think I'll pass it with flying colors. -Taki
  19. Tak-E

    ♥ Coffee ♥

    Almost. I went to bed at like four thirty and woke up just now, at about eleven. -Taki
  20. Do you have the other three games? What system are you getting the game for? What are you doing concerning Rock Band? -Taki
  21. Tak-E

    I'm Depressed

    My mall already has all their Christmas decorations up. They're trying to get people in the Christmas mood. They want to rush the holidays, make them last longer. Not for the fun, but for the insanely huge profit they can make off of us consumers. -Taki
  22. Tak-E

    ♥ Bonfire ♥

    So last night was my school's bonfire; only high school allowed. We took a hundred and some kids on our busses and drove to a house of someone who goes to our school. I layed in front of the fire all night with my friends, and then we went inside and sang praise songs. So altogether, it was amazing. I didn't get home till like, three, though. -Taki
  23. One of my favorite movies, National Treasure, has a sequel launching December 21st. How awesome is that? By the way, the Toa Hagah are back. -Taki
  24. Yes, they should. Including the #1 Rule: NO STEALING TAKi's iPod! -Taki
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