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Everything posted by Jinkmeister

  1. IC: KanzahiKanzahi stared at the sky long after it returned to its natural blue. An entire castle and all its inhabitants, gone like that...he felt sickened.IC: SuraleSurale felt cold, even with the heat all around her. Death on that scale, and with such a horrific monument...
  2. Surale. And not only that, but things like mine do. Each one's power is the other'd weakness, so they compensate for each other.
  3. I still like the idea of combining Toa powers to make attacks that much better.
  4. Man, I knew we shouldn't have eaten those flowers...
  5. Believe it or not, I just found a trove of your videos on my compy. Namely, Dooku & Mr. Bones. And Chewbacca's Revenge

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jinkmeister


      Oh...then where did it come from? It was in the same folder

    3. Hexann


      DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!

    4. Avohkah Tamer

      Avohkah Tamer

      Oh dang, that brings me back. I don't think I actually have a copy of that anymore since that computer's hard drive died... I don't suppose you could send it over to me sometime? You might have a couple other old things I made, too.

  6. Who would want guns when you can combine a Toa of Stone and a Toa of Fire and throw flaming boulders at your enemies?
  7. And if the Turaga were kidnapped in the canon story, the Matoran wouldn't let something like lack of technology stop them!
  8. And did you forget that they're biomechanical machines with artificial intelligence? That alone sets them way ahead the curve technologically.
  9. *gasp* One...more...Proto...boost 8O

  10. I just now discovered this topic...would 'late to the party' be a bit of an understatement?
  11. IC: Kanzahi"I don't like this. I've never done well with teams. Besides, the more people there are, they more likely we are to be found," Kanzahi complained.
  12. Wish I still had my modified Miranda-class starship MoC, I have a feeling you'd appreciate it, being a Trekkie and all

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. sunflower


      ... Lucky you. :P


      So, EU, books? Games? lol, at this exact moment I'm reading RC: Triple Zero.

    3. Jinkmeister


      Young Jedi Knights, Republic Commando, Death Star, Millenium Falcon, and pretty much every book chronicling the events from the Battle of Endor until the end of the YJK series.

    4. BenLuke


      Any (Star Wars) book written by Timothy Zahn = Awesome.

      The X-Wing series is also pretty good.

  13. IC: Kanzahi"Wait, how many of us are there, exactly?" Kanzahi said, running up to walk alongside Dehkaz.
  14. IC: Kanzahi"Rest? What rest?" The further they got into this, the more it seemed to get convoluted. Why he had expected anything different was becoming more and more absurd to him.
  15. The front end bothers me somehow...maybe try shortening it by a stud? Other than that, looks like a fairly accurate truck. For that scale, that is.
  16. Having just bought the Rocka XL (first Hero Factory set, the entire build was very "what is this I don't even" for me), I can now look at this and analyze it a bit better than when I first looked I really enjoy the use of blue pin/bushes for the eyes, it gives a great look. Reminds me a lot of the Crab Droids from Star Wars III.
  17. IC: Kanzahi"I can't hold it!" Kanzahi yelled as the now-hardened lava fell back into the molten lake. There, it slowly melted. "Well, that's a bust." He said apologetically.
  18. OOC: The harder way always makes for a more interesting story ;)IC: Kanzahi"Alright, anytime you wanna grab it, Naona..." Kanzahi said impatiently.IC: SuraleSurale did not look forward to flying over lava on a big piece of solid lava, but if it was the only way...
  19. IC: SuraleJust perfect. The bridge was down. Not moments after the amazing feeling of being on the sea, the stifling heat of the lava was making her feel uncomfortable. Sidling closer to Kanzahi, she felt a bit better.IC: KanzahiAs Surale sidled closer to Kanzahi, he began drawing a bit more heat away from her. They two had their system down. In an environment where one was weak, the other would compensate by drawing in the thing that powered them but weakened the other. Kanzahi cleared his throat."I may have a solution," he said. "Naona, I'll need you to take it once it soldifies." Before anyone could respond, Kanzahi began manipulating the lava. Lifting a large glob out, he shaped it into a disk about a foot thick and roughly seven wide. It quickly began hardening."I won't be able to control it once it soldifies," Kanzahi warned.
  20. IC: Kanzahi"Finally!" Kanzahi said as he got up from sitting against the railing. Returning home after all these years felt good.IC: SuraleTa-Wahi. There was no place she disliked more. The heat kept any moisture from the air. Luckily, as long as Kanzahi stayed near, he would suck the heat from the air and allow some moisture to exist.
  21. IC: SuraleBeing on top of the water felt almost as good as being under it. The water spraying in her face, the air blowing against her...she lived for this. Kanzahi, on the other hand, didn'tIC: Kanzahi"Ughh..." he moaned as he leaned over the side, dry retching. "I already regret this..."
  22. IC: SuraleShe accepted the handshake, feeling that this was a man that could be trusted.IC: Kanzahi"I agree," Kanzahi said. "Will you be accompanying us on our mission to save Turaga Onewa?" He asked Surale. Thinking for a moment, she nodded.
  23. OOC: Good work! :PIC: Kanzahi"Yeah, Surale and I served together in the Toa and Dark Hunter War. I haven't seen her in years!" Kanzahi explained.IC: SuraleSurale was shocked to see her old comrade in arms in Po-Koro. She had spent a total of twenty minutes on land in over a hundred years, and she runs into one of her greatest friends and allies. Looking him in the wheezing she jerked her head in the direction of the strange trio."Oh, yeah, Surale, this is Dehkaz, Naona, and Kale," Kanzahi said, pointing at each in turn.
  24. OOC: Sure, but you gotta make it yourself! :PIC: SuraleHer Kaukau glowing blue, Surale drew up to the shores of Po-Wahi, where a massive vessel sat, looking like it was prepared for war. Rising to just under the surface, she heard voices on the shore. Once she was close enough, she leapt out. A familiar Toa of Fire yelled in shock.IC: Kanzahi"Surale!?" He shouted when the figure jumped out of the water.
  25. IC: Kanzahi"Well, what else could we do? It's not like we're going to jump out and swim, right? Besid-...what's that?" He cut himself off, pointing to a bulge moving through the water and to the shore. Fast.
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