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Blog Entries posted by Ka-Chan

  1. Ka-Chan
    Here is something to put to rest- a way that we may all finally understand the order.
    Awesome is by far the most common of the Internetz Trinity. These works of craftsmanship are often comemorable and indeed something amusing- but it is the weakest of the Trinity, being good for only a few lawlz. Again, they are not bad and still above many Lawlz on the internet, but these pieces of Awesome are eventually forgotten. Members such as Spit, DX, and other such members use Awesome pix most often to obtain a positive status amongst others. While being the most recognized, they are not the highest of qualities
    Amongst Awesomes are 300, Carameldansen, and Barrel Roll.
    Content from this site is not appropriate for BZPower. -B6
    Win is not the Ultimate of the trilogy, but is above his lesser brother "Awesome" . Being of some more originality then Awesomes, Win Lawlz are more memorable in this sense and such more adapted to lasting and becoming universaly revered. Another thing about Wins are that they are actually lesser known then Awesomes, hence the originality. Being more along the lines of something homebrewed, they develope their own flavors and draw in different crowds of different sophistication.
    Amongst the Wins are the infamous McDonalds VS Burger King series, Bedside Suprise and LEEEERRROOYY JENKKKINS.
    Content from this site is not appropriate for BZPower. -B6
    The dominant of all three, Epics are not to be confused with the more often then not cruddy Bzpower fanfics that involve lack of grammar and proper paragraphs. Epics are the most elusive of all three, only occasionally being discovered and even then are still underestimated by many. Epics can be so ground-shakingly incredible to those that discover them, more often then not resulting in a permanent of love said fads rotating around the original Epic. Every person on the internet has their small collection of the truly Epic, and will forever remember them.
    While Epics are mostly centered around personal taste, many can still become globaly epic. Such include The Gman, Lando Clarissian and the Epic Manuever series.
    Content from this site is not appropriate for BZPower. -B6
    Content from this site is not appropriate for BZPower. -B6
    Once every thousand years or so, the trinity might come together in the form of an underdog YTMND. When the forces of Epic, Win, and Awesome combine, a true wonder of the universe comes into being. These moments of jubilation are brief, but those who witness such a moment of glory emerge forever changed. I am talking about nothing but the appearence of a Miracle Worker:
    Content from this site is not appropriate for BZPower. -B6
    I know this for a fact, for I myself expierenced such a miraculous moment- long live Ted Danson.
    That concludes my theory, it was tough to formulate SO BACK OFF BOIS.
  2. Ka-Chan
    Question is, is he mad at me and my sudden appearent carelessness with blog content, or the constant hijax?

    The world may never know. In the meantime, I'm going to be quietly stewing in the corner.

    On a lighter note, I'm going out with my dad to a baseball game tonight. Just the sort of thing to put a smile back on my face X3
  3. Ka-Chan
    Videyah geamz 
    videyah geamz
    videyah geamz geamz geamz

    Okay, so just a little thing I'm gonna try out for my blog- reviews of video games that might be worth looking into! Okay, so today I'm gonna give you all the low-down on Warhammer 40K: Squad Command and Hellgate:London, of both I picked up at Gamestop the other day . 'Ere we go!
    Up first:

    Well, I picked this sucker up for 18$ in the DS section *which I almost never scout out because in all honesty, the DS' game selection blows chunks if you're not a hardcore Nintendo fanboi* , and with Megaman ZXA driving me insane I decided it would be worth buying. Now, I didn't expect a pocket Dawn of War here, but I hoped it would be good.
    Truth of the matter is, it's not bad.
    The game plays out less like a RTS game and is instead a turn-based strategy game, much like the actual Warhammer 40K miniatures game, so I felt comfortable with it. However, it's nothing spectacular, either. For one, in this game you are limited to playing as the Space Marines, but it makes sense seeing how the Space Marines squadrons are the most tactically flexible forces in the franchise. So again, no problem there.
    However, there are a few tiny things that get under my skin.
    1. Bad voice acting. I could handle some of it, but when the Scouts are crying out their praises to the Emporer and other benedictions, it sounds like someone trying their best to sound loud without waking their mother up over in the next room.
    2. Lack of music. Right there. Unlike DoW, which has an impressive, albiet limited, soundtrack. In this, there isn't even any music in the missions! After awhile, the silence almost becomes more distracting then any obnoxiously loud music they could have thrown in there. That, combined with the lack of sounds of battle raging elsewhere in the background, it becomes unnerving.
    3. The so-called cutscenes it boasts about on the back of the box are really not that interesting. Aside from some nice art, I could hardly call it cinematics. Anyone with Flash and a stockade of Warhammer 40K art could probably make them.
    The gameplay itself again isn't bad- it's just the lack of anything else to engross you further. I manaed to play this game while painting some of my Tau downstairs. But the gameplay itself is fun enough- albiet slow if you're not the sort who is already familiar with such styles. You basically take control of six Space Marines and guide them across a battlefield while accomplishing certain objectives, be it sabotage, assasination, or good ol' fashion "KILL EM ALL!" type things. It's like DoW but heavily downsized- but it's nice because the game becomes more tactically flexible that way.
    You can pick out the squad's weapons and ammunition at the begining of each level, and since it's turn based, you really want to decide wisely because it will effect your squad memebers' outcomes in the battle. With only six men, each death can be a damaging blow to your chances of winning. I like this sense of critical thinking it drives into you during the game, and when you finish a mission on good terms, it feels quite rewarding.

    All in all, if you're into Warhammer *and not just Dawn of War* and at a price averaging around 15$, this game is well worth the price if you need something new to play.
    If you're not a Warhammer fan, you could probably overlook this, but you might still enjoy the game if you're into tactical games. And at 18$, it's hardly damaging if you have a decent allowance. I won't reccomend it extremely, but if you like Warhammer and have already played Dawn of War or looking for a portable bit of Warhammer 40K, this is a nice little buy.

    I had been interested in this game since I first saw it awhile back. Angels, demons, high tech gadgetry, swords and guns? GIMME. What I hadn't realised was that this is actually an RPG. I had thought it to be a third-person beat 'em up, but now that I look at it, it turns out better as an RPG of sorts.
    It kinda plays out as a result of putting Knights of the Old Republic and Doom in a blender then serving it up in the heart of trashed London. It plays like KOTOR, but also you don't have to click on combat icons all the time to execute moves. If you've played KOTOR, you'll adjust to this game's combat system quickly.
    But still, it also has a bit more freedom to it in the sense that you don't need to be holding still to perform an attack. You can run around with guns blazing and charge right into the hordes of monsters with your sword in the other hand. But that's only if you play as a Paladin.
    There are four different gameplay styles to this game: The Paladins, who are the sword/guns guys who go right in to bash the snot out of the foes, the soccerer-type characters who can control fire and summon and whatnot, then the high tech assasins and engineers who can build things. I could tell from the get-go that this game is going to have a good replay value.

    Well, a few things I should point out.
    1. The opening cutscene, made by the hombres who gave us that awesome opening sequence in the first DOW game. Don't get me wrong, the begining is badarse. Pure awesome. It sucks you into the game right then and there. But the problem is, you're in for a shellshock when you start the game. It's partially because the lighting isn't set to a good custom level at first, so it looks weird in the beginning. Tinker around with the graphics and you should be able to get something you like. Either way, it's not terrific compaired to same games that came out around it's time, such as Crysis. *Although that game shattered the barriers of what was graphically possible, so it's a bad comparison* But none the less, it's nothing you can't adjust to quickly and say "y'know, this isn't that bad after all."
    2. This doesn't take away from the game, but it weirds me the **** out. When you talk to characters, they say something when the dialouge box opens up. And I must say, this dialouge IS FREAKING WEIRD AND RANDOM BEYOND WORDS. I had a mechanic CONFESSING HOW MUCH HE LOVED ME WITH ALL HIS HEART WHEN HIS ACTUAL DIALOUGE BOX HAD NOTHING LIKE THAT IN IT. I had a man who seemed prefectly normal in his text, but when I clicked on him, HE GOES ON ABOUT SHOE LACES AND THE SHOE LORD. WTH. I DOAN GET IT ONE BIT. The shop vendor SOUNDED LIKE A RETARD IN ALL SENSE OF THE WORD. This isn't bad voice acting- IT'S THE WEIRDEST, NON-RELEVANT DIALOUGE I HAVE EVER HEARD IN A GAME. If this was a comedic game, I could understand- but this is supposed to be a pretty serious demon slash'em up game! IT UNSCREWS MY HEAD AND SCREWS IT BACK IN UPSIDE DOWN.
    3. Not enough variations in the models. The zombies look identical except for changes in gender. With some things, I don't mind, but when you've got hordes of zombies, it looks awkward when they're all identical. Nothing too bad, though. Just some tweaking would have been nice.
    4. No explanation of the saving system. I spent like, 20 minutes trying to figure out how to save, but it turns out it's all autosaving. You enter a station, and it saves automatically. Of course, it doesn't tell you either. If you get the game, don't worry that you'll lose all your data when you get off. It'll be there when you get back.
    Okay, this game has it's flaws. But you know what? I still like this game a whole lot. I love angels and demons, I love high tech games, and I love gothica styled themes too. Thus, visually, I freaking love the heck out of this game.
    All in all, the dialouge is by far the weirdest thing about this game. I have no idea what they were thinking, but they did it. But otherwise, with a very nice, sinister post-apocalyptic atmosphere coupled with a well-handled RPG system, not to mention the fact the game comes with a free online multiplayer mode- all of this for 20 bucks? It's a steal! Besides, how can you say no when your character can look like this after awhile?

    Maybe it's just me, but I'm getting more then what I want out of this game. If you're looking for an entertaining game to tide you over until the big titles pop out this fall and early Christmas for a cheap price, this might be the game you're looking for- if you can get past the M rating, of course. That's another thing, besides some ugly monsters and some blood in the opening cutscene, this game isn't that gorey. It comes across so far as more of a T game rather then that of an M game. But heck, I've only been playing it for less then 12 hours now, who knows?
    Pick it up, I say.
    Okay, my fingers hurt now. See y'all later- hope I might have helped somehow!
  4. Ka-Chan
    First time I've been in a mall in months.
    Probably one of my longest trips there, too. Like, 4 hours.
    Not to mention I spent a lot of money. I was suprised at myself. 64 bucks. Wow.
    Not to mention the girl at the Gamestop counter looked like Wrack, so I was all "LOLWUT" from that. So yeah. It was interesting.
    Da stuff:
    - Hellgate:London.
    - Warhammer 40K: Command Squad
    - Star Wars Shadow Stormtrooper *it was the only one there- was I supposed to let the Scalpers get it? NO!*
    - Star Wars Aqautic Clone Trooper. *ALL ABOARD THE DITTO TRAIN*
    - And a poster of none other then Mr. Y SHO SHRUS himself. CoughJokerstupidcough.
    And I almost got a Gears Of War poster- but at that point I was shelling too much money, so I set it aside.
    *Chucks Megaman ZXA out the window and pops Squad Command in*
  5. Ka-Chan
    I knew Bridget was disturbing- but c'mon, I've seen worse pictures on Bzp. But whatever. I just don't see how that picture could have been considered innapropriate. Just voicing my opinion.
    In other news, I have discovered that the Wolf Spider I released in my room months ago is still there. I can only wonder what he is eating to somehow do so well in the enviorment that is my bedroom XD
  6. Ka-Chan
    Well, seeing as he hasn't harrassed my profile or sent me a barrage of PMs within a the past four days, it is safe to assume that DX has died in some horrible gender-bending related accident, probably involving some explosions or perfume inhaling. Or maybe all of the online physical abuse finally got to him and he went insane or something.
    So... Who gets his stuff? I call dibs on any pizza rolls.
  7. Ka-Chan
    Two words.
    Megaman: ZXA.
    I mean, it's common for Megaman games to drive me up the wall- they're hard as ###### in nature, but you can usually adapt. But no other in all the Megaman games have caused me so much pain and frustration as this one. No, don't say I just suck at it- I don't.
    But Jesus H. Christ- I have been stuck on the final level of this game for MONTHS now. I CANNNOT freaking beat it! At least in the Zero series I could overcome obstacles with the loving help of those Cyber Elves, but this game's got nothing. It just leaves you on your own- almost as bad as how you didn't get life powerups after beating each boss in regular Megaman ZX. And even then I managed to overcome all of those! This game... It just leaves you to die.
    *countdown to ragetown...3...*
    I have thrown my DS across the room in pure anger more times with this game then any other. You know what makes it so unforgivable? I can beat all 8 of the bosses without dying *though it still happens occasionally when I slip up, more often then not resulting in a string of curses on my part*
    Oh, that's another thing too. I freaking hate these smart-mouthed bosses! I didn't care at first, but after months of killing them on a daily basis, I can't stand listening to them run their mouthes any longer! At least in the other Megaman games they freaked out when they died, but in this one, they don't even care. In their last dying breaths, they confidently talk smack to you.
    I just sliced you in half- how can you even talk, let alone diss me? I don't want to hear your bravado, I want to hear you scream in agony and gargle on whatever bodily fluids you have before exploding in a series of brilliant fireworks!
    *...Show time!*
    Okay, so suppose I gut my way through all of these jer­rks... In all the past Megaman games, that meant the worst was over and you could get on with the climatic showdown with the boss. But not in this one. Oh no. This is were the real evil comes in.
    Jelly platforms. Not only do you have to navigate through spike-riddled halls on these things *why all the spikes? How does the Big Evil Cheese get to his throne room and then go out to answer the call of nature if it's a life or death struggle? I'd fire the designer* and hope you don't destroy one and fall to your pointy doom, but you also have to be careful not to get swallowed up by them.
    That's not too hard for me, though. I used to play Load Runner all the time when I was young, so I breezed through all that.
    But guess what? Jelly platforms weren't enough. They had to put in FREAKING SPIKE JELLIES.You know- the spikey kind that kills you instantly? This one half of a level cause me more rage then all the other Megaman games combined. Spikes and the bottomless pits have always given me my fair share of explosive fits- but hey, it's a Megaman tradition! But spike jellies.... THAT IS JUST BEYOND CHALLENGING AND JUST RAVAGING ME FOR THE FREAKING LAWLS!
    I'm done. Feels good to have gotten 5 months of anger out of my system. I'm gonna go do something else now.
  8. Ka-Chan
    Inappropriate image removed.<<DV>>

  9. Ka-Chan
    Just started it this morning after losing to a cheesy-arse Space Marine zerg rush in DoW as a way of channeling my anger before I broke something into thousandths.

    It's going to take awhile, but I have a feeling it's going to pay off.
    ... I wonder if maybe I should try to make some unnofficial art for my local Rouge Trader's ads?
  10. Ka-Chan
    They're just that scary, man. *shudder*
    Heck, I'm not even gonna post an example because they're just that scarring- but to the point, cosplayers are solid proof that the world is gonna glaze over in flames if reality and anime crossed over.
    Please tell me I'm not the only one out there who thinks this }X
  11. Ka-Chan
    Suprise dissection at 11 AM this morning! Who knew worms would bleed so much? Good thing I got ingenuitive with boiling them to death with the pot mom was making lunch with, otherwise my science tutor and I would have to cut them open alive O,x
  12. Ka-Chan
    *strolls out of crashed Monolith portal*
    ...Ouch. Hope the guy behind me was okay. Wait- ah, nevermind. I'll save my geeky 40K jokes for another day. *can't help but snicker at crushed Space Marine underneath the Monolith*
    Well, I'm not nessecarily back into the flow enough to explain it all, but simply put... I FREAKING LOVED NORTH CAROLINA. Except the trips back and forth. My butt hurts.
  13. Ka-Chan
    Long story short, the family and I are heading out on vacation, so I'm not going to be around for the next week. So basically, I'm gonna go back to reality for a bit, so hold the PMs and other things until I come back next saturday!
    Well, it's nearly midnight already, and we leave 9 in the morning tommorow. I need to get some sleep and now >,<
    Bye guys, see you all next saturday with some interesting blog stuffs!
  14. Ka-Chan
    Okay, this is essentially just some fanfic fluff for my new Tau army. I was bored- so enjoy! I think. Depends if you're a fellow nerd or not, I guess.
    On the fringe of the Tau Empire lies the planet Styxia, a former Imperial city-planet claimed for the Greater Good. After much bloodshed between the Tau Fire Caste and the planet's former Space Marine chapter, it has become a major base of operations for the Third Phase Na'Shon Sept- a coalation force ordered to continue the Third Phase Campaign further towards the western provinces. Leading this spearhead Sept is Shas'O Na'Shon Mont'Ka Mont'yr , or more commonly known as Commander Quickstroke:

    Leaping back into the fray directly after the siege of Styxia, Commander Quickstroke was an elite Crisis Suit squadron who was recently promoted to the rank of Shas'O. He ascended to this rank of commander after succesfully delivering the killing blow to Styxia's Space Marine chapter by slaying their leader in an urban ambush. But it was not without cost. Young, cocky and determined, Quickstroke killed the Chapter Commander at the price of most of his squad and half of his own face after underestimating a counter-striking Jump Trooper squadron's combat capabilites.
    Emerging as Commander Quickstroke, the young Tau Shas'O is still cocky, hot-blooded, but particularly bitter towards the human race in general, making him unusually agressive. Quickstroke views mankind altogether as a race of murderous zealots and takes their forces on with extreme prejudice. His victories as a new commander are a glory to the Greater Good, but his strategic methods and aggresive attitude are more then questionable.
    Commander Quickstroke leads under a flexible and highly mobile hunter cadre into battle. Particularly skilled at city-fighting, Quickstroke's forces are composed primarily of urban-cameoflauged troops adept at night operations and city sieges:

    Sacrificing heavy artillery for speed and tactical flexibility, Quickstroke earned his name for a reason. Leading a rapid insertion force of Vespid Stingwings and anti-infantry based Battlesuits, the commander lures his foes into narrow streets before jumping to and fro from all sides, picking away at the opposing force's special troops and anti-armor while also distracting enemy fire as his heavier forces set prepare for the killing blow. Finally, Quickstroke draws them into the open where squardons of Fire Warriors and Kroot finish off the battered army.
    Only recently surfacing as commander, Quickstroke has yet to make his name known across the entire Tau Empire.
  15. Ka-Chan
    The setting sunset sets a red glow upon the ruined Imperial city almost as deep in hue as the red, hot blood flowing through the streets. The Ork Warboss happily stomps across the trail of Imperial Gaurdsmen corpses, then grinding the skull of the local govenor militant into the pavement, gazing out into the plastered wreckage of cathedrals before him. The bloated organic vehicle had crashed landed into the structure only a few minutes earlier, smashing the gothic beauty and raining concrete down upon his surviving Ork Boyz from the battle with local resistance. Had the weird object from the sky hopefully brought something more worthy of mounting upon his pointy stikz? ...
    A toothy grin spread across the Warboss' maw as the series of roars issuing from the wreckage answered him: tyranids. The albino beasts scrambled out from their downed shuttle, snarling and drooling in a manner that rivaled that of the Greenskin's berserk horde. The Warboss clanged his gore-splattered weapons together in anticipation and raised his chain-axe before roaring out loud in unison with his Bozy;
    The Tyranid Broodlord perched atop a desecrated pillar seemed to reply to the brute's warcry with a bloodthirsty howl of his own. The city highway is quickly flooded with two rapidly approaching tides, one of green brutes and one of white monsters. The two washes crash together in a splash of blood as Ork weapons crushed chitin skulls and organic scythes dug deep into green flesh. Blue tyranid blood and red Ork gore mixed together dribbling down gutter systems in the form of pink slop.
    The Warboss Braineatah laughed as he crushed another Hormagaunt's skull in between his Megaclaw before effortlessly downing another group of attacking Insectoids when suddenly he was knocked over by one of his own boyz! The Warboss heaved himself to his feet and snarled.
    " OI! What do you think yer doing, ya miserable Squig herder?!"
    He was responded with another paniced wave of his own Boyz running as fast as their heavy legs could carry them. " HEY! ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME OR WHAT?!" The Boss roared as he drove a squealing termagaunt into the blood-stained asphalt below his feet. " I IZ THE BIG BOSS, AND I SA-" The 'Big Boss' was cut off by a deafening roar that put the chorus of Ork Shootahs and Tyranid screams to shame. The Warboss looked up amongst the chaotic swarm of increasingly terrified Orkz to see a hulking beast of a Tyranid charging his way, effortlessly plowing through the once-holy Imperial structures in it's way- a Carnifex.
    The Boss had to admit, that was a really big bug. The beast seemed to be left over from some other Tyranid fleet, perhaps the sole survivor of a group devoured by this newer white breed- either way, it was bristling with claws, horns and giant scythes. It meant buisness. Warboss Braineatah gripped his weapons tight and snarled, charging head on throw the living sea of combatants towards the lumbering beast, firing his big ol' gun into the crowd, even hitting a few of his own Nobz in the process.
    Suddenly, the charging Carnifex grunted as a single hissing stream of green energy struck it above it's right breast- regardless of which, the monster continued to crush Ork and Gaunt alike beneath it's hoofed treads. Another green flare strikes it right below the eye, drawing out another grunt from it's massive jaws. The fleeing Orkz from earlier were coming back right from behind Braineatah, equally paniced as before. The Warboss snarled and turned his head to see legion upon legion of purple and grey Necron warriors phasing into existence, begining their silent march with Gauss Flayers spewing beams of death while Tomb Spyders plowed their way through the Ork Horde. The Deathless machines seemingly ignored Braineatah's boys as they strode forward, blasting into ranks of Tyranids as Wraiths phased through buildings and snatched up suprised Termagaunts, swiftly dismembering them. Dozens of flickering green blasts from either side of the defiled highway began to pick the Carnifex apart. The leviathen let out a final bellow before dropping to it's knees , still skidding in a spray of concrete and smeared Orkz.
    The crumpled Giant finally stopped, face-first in the shattered asphalt right before Braineatah's feet. The other Tyranids paused for a moment as the gathering clouds above blotted out the last of the day's light and began to rain down upon the emotionless faces of the Ulacant IV Necrons, silent to the core as they marched forward, their haunched Flayed Ones clearing the way ahead for the Warriors to-
    *record scratch*
    Xar reaches over to my side of the table and snatches up his Carnifex from my dead pile and hastily places back in the midst of all his white Tyranids, which I had deemed "The Frosties" because their white/ice blue color scheme. " You can't just kill my Carnifex like that! Let me do the saving throws!" Matthew looks over to me as I eye my brother irritabley. "Dude, I already did the rolls. Out of the 8 hits, 5 wounded him- he's dead." My brother huffs. "What? I told you to let me do all those rolls! Let me do it!" Now, I knew what happened had happened. His carnifex was dead, and I wasn't gonna let his whinyness intervene with the swift deplyoment strategy I had just executed, very efficiently, may I add. I killed his Carnifex and a whole group of gaunts on my first turn in combat, and I hadn't even gotten to the close-combat phase with my Wraiths or Tomb Spyders.
    So as Matthew and Steve move their Orks, my brother and I continue to argue and spit angry words until things eventually devolve into this:Clickit.
    So yeah, that's the highlight of my day- and we're still arguing about that single turn this very minute. And we had to stop the game because of that arguement, too. I was doing so well... -__-#
  16. Ka-Chan
    Okay, now before I *hopefully* go see The Dark Knight sometime today, I'd like to take this as a moment to try and give some recognition to one of the comic book superheroes who has slipped out of the major comic spotlight. He was the best selling comic book back in the 90's *man, I wish I was older back then- the 90s were like, the calm before the storm of war and stupidity*
    ... I'm talkin' about Spawn, man!

    This guy has been and always will be my favorite super hero, or anti-hero depending on how you look at him. The thing I love so much about Spawn is that it takes on a different perspective for comic books. The Spawn comics are not your run of the mill comics, and Spawn is not your run of the mill superhero, either.

    While most superheros found their origins with radio activity *though personally I'd think you'd just end up like that toxic waste guy in Robocop* or toxic waste, Spawn probably had the worst of the bunch. Al Simmons was an agent for the goverment, but then he was brutually murdered by his partner, Chapel in the line of duty. His own boss, Jaso Wyne, had ordered his death *and a covert one at that*.
    Things really start to suck for Al Simmons when he finds himself in the bowels of ###### itself, with Malebolgia, the leader of the 8th circl of ######, waiting for him. The bargain he proposes is simple- join him and lead his army of fellow [heck]spawn, and he can see his wife Wanda again... Al Simmons, confused and grieved beyond words, says yes.
    Of course, he never read the fine print.

    Al Simmons awakes back on Earth, but no longer as Al Simmons, but The [heck]spawn. But everything has been taken from him- he's been dead for 4 years, and his wife has in fact married another man in his wake- Terry Fitzergerald- another one of his friends! That, plus being stripped of his humanity and left in the middle of the alleys without direction except for some vile clown who is anything but funny- the Violator.

    Enraged, confused, and without purpose or identity, Spawn quickly calls it quits on his deal with Malebolgia and makes what little use he can out of his new form, defending the homeless in the back alleys of New York for thugs, mafia, and all sorts of outrageous evils in between, from the cyborg assasin Overtkill hired by Jason Wynn to permanently kill Al Simmons to child murderer Billy Kincaid. Of course, things eventually elevated in Spawn- once Malebolgia figures out Spawn ain't gonna play his game, he simply takes the route of killing him, and soon Spawn has to deal with both demons AND angels who all want him dead. And just awhile back they concluded the Armegeddon saga where Spawn confronted both God and Satan so he could save humanity- and at the heart of this, all Spawn wants is to be human again- a hope that has so far eluded him even when it seemed like he already was.

    Todd Mcfarlene is a genius in my opinion. Yes, I know Spawn has faded from the center spotlight, but it's still a very original comic series in my opinion- sure, it's defintiley not for everyon, having both swearing, violence, and blood/gore, but I still love it. Spawn is a believable character who you can and will feel sorry for many times in the comics- he goes from being a **** one moment to being a poor soul who is struggling just to maintain what little humanity he has left in him.

    And once again, the thing I really love about Spawn is that underneath all that good and evil, there is a very strong message worth listening to. Qouthe Todd McFarlene *I'm writing this from the inside of my Spawn DVD case XD* :
    "The main premise of Spawn is the fact we need to be the masters of our own destiny. We are all capable of both great acts of kindness and compassion as well as hideous acts of terror and evil depending on the situation we are thrown into. In the end, it is our actions and decisions that define who and what we are.
    In subsequent stories for both the comic books and animated series, as well as hopefully in further movie sequels *there have been rumors of both another Spawn movie- and I'll admit it's nowhere near as good as some superhero flix like the Batman ones, but I still love it as a fan- and animated series circulating around, but here he is refering to the old movie and animated series back in the 90's*, we will see the evolution of a man's maturity, who although he will never be purely good, will continue to act on raw emotions, make mistakes and have to deal with the consequences."
    There is a lot to Spawn, and maybe you're not convinced, but I shall remain a fan for life. With a terrific story, a believable character who is just as flawed as any of us, and some deeper meanings behind all of it, it's hard not to become a fan of Spawn. Besides, who can deny kick-awesome art like this?

    But I've blabbered enough. Has a gud dai!
    Some inappropriate language removed - Nukora
  17. Ka-Chan
    ... I thought I'd let you all know that he has an RPG in progress called Warhammer 40K: Deathly Sunrise. It hasn't actually been approved yet, but he's gotten to work on it already- I'm pitching in too, serving to tweak things for him to better fit in with the actual 40K universe. It's not going to play out like the incredibley awesome Dawn of War RTS series, though- this one you play as a single soldier- a small fish in a big pond.
    He didn't actually ask me to post this for him, but I figure he might like the extra attention it might get.
    Oh, and a dimwit is you if you don't think I'm in charge of all things Necron.
  18. Ka-Chan
    Because I need to kill more time before getting to said things on said To-Do-List.
    Chart O' Procrastination
    - Finish 1984 so I can read something more explodey.
    - WRITE MY FREAKING NOVEL ALREADY *Of extra personal importance*
    - Make a Dawn of War music video.
    - Learn how to make music videos before making Dawn of War music video.
    - Prep for next aquarium project.
    - Give myself an academic kick in the butt.
    - Stop procrastinating.
    Things Making Me Procrastinate
    - Dawn of War.
    - Gears of War
    - Internetz
  19. Ka-Chan
    Well, I was bored and I have like, dozens upon dozens of DOW screenshots- it's a hobby. More on the way! By the way, the purple/silver Necrons are my own custom army- they're also how I paint my actual Necron miniatures.
    Edit: Brother said I would go to banned-land if I posted some of these, so I kinda had to remove some






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