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Blog Entries posted by Ka-Chan

  1. Ka-Chan
    Final Thoughts: Dead Space
    This is not a question of the game being good or bad. I'll try to carry out with this as persuasively as possible...
    The question really is can you HANDLE this behemoth BEAST of a game that will leave you quaking for MORE and MORE?!
    If you say no, then you'll never be a REAL GAMER!
    If the game scares you, that's more then okay- it is that scary.
    But if you don't adapt and make the Necromorphs fear you because you're the one that STOMPS their bodies to PIECES and then eats them for BREAKFAST , LUNCH AND DINNER after you kill them- THEN YOU'RE NOT A MAN!
    So, simply put and drawing the facts together that I stated above... If you have the money and the ok to play it -then get your scrawny butts out there and buy it because this game gets 3 thumbs up, the first two from me and the third from the guy next to meTHAT I TORE OFF HIS HAND BECAUSE I DON'T HAVE A THIRD THUMB OF MY OWN
    And remember, the secret word of the day is EPICNESS
    Oh, and I would like to give Resev my personal thanks for telling me about the game many months before it's release- otherwise I may have never had gotten into it like I have.

  2. Ka-Chan
    Well, I got a double whammy for you who are remotely interested in listening- not only have I been severely procrastinating my Final Thoughts segment on Gears, but I just beat Crysis:Warhead as well.
    Final Thoughts- Crysis:Warhead
    Well, what can I say? This is the sort of game that you need to expeirience for yourself. And when you're someone like me who has a comp capable of playing the game on MAXED-OUT GRAPHICS, it is gonna be a gaming expeirience you won't forget.
    The game doesn't really do anything brand new, but I can forgive it for this because it was obviously meant to be an expansion on the original, being only at 35$ as opposed to the original Crysis price of 50$ or so. The game isn't as long as the original, but you definitely get a treasure trove's worth for it only being 35$ .
    Crysis Warhead was a story parralel to the original game where you play as Sargeant Skyes *aka Psycho, one of the other members of Nomad's squadron in the original* as he focuses on the threat the KPA still posed after Nomad and Prophet went MIA. While you still get to take on the squidy cyborg aliens *who I think are bloody awesome* , your primary foe is the KPA *Korean Peoples Army* forces.
    Now, being an expansion, it lacks some of the extras that you would come to expect from a game expansion. But the things you do get are nice- you get two new weapons and two new vehicles. It wasn't too much, but it still worked.
    I can look at this game and safely say it keeps up the pace with the original game, and in fact even picks up the half-baked plot from the first. You get some really cool gameplay sequences as well, including an armored car chase and a shoot out on a train that puts the train sequence in Gears to shame *I'll get to that soon as well* .
    So yeah. I loved this game just as much as the original and can't wait for the second expansion *which presumabely will take place in Prophet's shoes* to come out. Awesome gameplay, beautiful graphics that remain undefeated, and an epic soundtrack. Crysis remains my favorite FPS AND PC game franchise out there.
    If you have 35$ and a computer that can take the heat from the intensive graphics, get your butt out there and buy it- especially if you can't afford some more of the hit sequels being released- it will satisfy you and tide you over until the X-Mas payday where you can get the games like Fallout 3 and Fable 2.
    Final Thoughts: Gears of War
    Well, I finally beat Gears of War last weekend. Yes, I bought the game back in July, I am aware. The reason it took this long was because I eventually stopped playing Gears of War on my own and ended up playing the whole game on co-op with my friend Dylan whenever he visited.
    I do like Gears of War, don't get me wrong. But I can also say it isn't the best game I've played, either. The one thing I can truly complain about is that the gameplay doesn't change much. The whole thing is practically shoot-duck-shoot-duck-chainsaw. I understand that Gears biggest emphasis was taking cover, and it shows- I really like the cover system in the game. But it eventually gets ridiculous when the only variations in the gameplay is the highway segment.
    The begining of the game was good, they found ways to vary things, but it loses pace around the second half. It was doing good in the final train level, but the boss battle was so anti-climatic that finally beating the game didn't feel as rewarding as it should have, especially when I think that the begining was actually harder then the middle or end.
    That, and the game almost becomes a cliche' of itself. I am aware it's supposed to be a sort of blow 'em up game, but it gets a little ridiculous. As much as I try to ignore it, Xar is right when he says these guys could probably kill bears with their bare hands *ack, unintentional pun*. And as much as I tried to like it, I think "Fenix" is cheesy. I mean, not laughably cheesy, but still cheesy. The chainsaw bayonet would be cheesy too, but even I have to agree that it's just so ludicrous and gorey that it's downright awesome. The game is supposed to be something along the lines of Duke Nukem, being subtley cheesy on purpose.
    But I'll be honest when I say Dylan and I burst out laughing when the Reavers came along: "OH MY GOD SQUID COWBOYS"
    But so far I'm sounding like a critic- so let me shift gears here *ugh, forgive the horrible pun, it wasn't intentional*. The game isn't too much in single player, but it was a riot to play with Dylan. We would shift between cracking endless waves of Duke Nukem jokes to suddenly freaking out and trying to coordinate a plan to survive and scrambling for cover. It was especially fun when we would have to fight Berserkers, especially during the once incident where it glitched up and completely ignored us for like, 10 minutes *seriously, we spent like, 3 minutes running around it and hitting it with our melee attacks and it just idled about* before suddenly chasing after us screaming. The game is great to play with a friend because of the expeiriences it can create, and in that case I recommend it. But if you're going to play it alone, I say wait until it's cheaper to buy.
    So ultimately, Gears of War had a whole lot of potential, but it began to drag it's feet. The final nail in the coffin was the General Raan boss fight. At first Dylan and I thought it to be impossible with the Kryll, but then we realized "Oh, wait. We just need to stand on these lights" and it took us less then a minute to kill the guy. They SO should have had the big dinosaur thing with the cannon on it's back as the final boss, not that Locust joke of a fighter.
    I hope that Gears 2 ties up the loose ends and makes the game more flexible, because I'm afraid that otherwise I'll have to stick to buying the game when it's price has dropped a year or two later. Gears is great for parties and such, but I can't say it has any replay value in my opinion.
  3. Ka-Chan
    Well, here is a new style of blog entry that I thought I'd try out. Simply put, I take a certain event during the day and pretty much write down all that went through my head. Lemme know if I should keep it going.

    This is a Dramatization The Hunt For Big O
    8:20 PM, Oct 1. Kativa, being bored, decides to probe around the internets to find a toy of Big O he could add to his birthday or Christmas list. He begins his search on Google, simply trying to find some images to confirm such a toy's existence.
    "Alright, lesse... Revlo-tech-Big-O ... Enter."
    "Woah, snot. If that isn't a miserable amount of pictures. Some Revoltech dude from Gigantor... That's the show that had booted Space Ghost off the schedule a few years back, right? That black and white anime? Dangit, man- I freaking hate that show for doing that to Space Ghost. Well... Gigantor... G1 Starscream revoltech figure? I didn't know they made one of him... Okay, what villain seriously is white, blue, red, and slightly black? I have no idea what Hasbro was smoking when they came up with his color scheme.
    Okay, just that, some crummy Yotsuba avatar, and a chibi dancing Bumblebee. What sort of stupid search engine are you Go- OOOOOH, wait. I spelled Revoltech wrong. Rev-lo-tech? Doh! What was I thinking?"
    *retypes search, hits enter*
    "Okay, there we go. Full sized images of Revoltech stuff. But where the heck is Big O? I asked for Big O as well as Revoltech, did I n- GYAH GET THAT TTGL JIVE OUT OF MY FACE. Stupid Google, did I type in Tengenn Toppa Gurren However the ###### You Spell It'Gan? Nnooo. Pfft. I asked for BIG FREAKING O. Grah.
    Well, quite a lot of Evangelion stuff, that's good, I guess. Still outnumbers TTGFL stuff. Already got Eva-01...02... Oh, wait. I should be asking for the blue Unit 0- it's got like, a freaking cool gun I never saw in the whole series- then again, I still haven't seen End of Evangelio- Wait. That one gun was in the episode with the Lance and that opera'y Angel, wasn't it? The one where the guy mind-bombed Asuka? Eh, I don't even care. It's just a cool gun.
    WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT THAT TTGFL STUFF?! Stupid Google. I quit- you suck.
    Oh, wait! I got something!
    Crud, it's all in Japanese. And by Japanese, I mean squares. ######.
    *moves to Ebay*
    Big... O....Revoltech.
    *hits enter*
    Great, more Revoltech stuff that's no- EWW. Oh God, not more of that stuff- eww. I should have seen that coming, but still, nasty. I wish this auction site had a search regulations option like Google. Uugh! I would have set it to moderate filtering ahead of time before googling Big O images to use for my personal photo and avatar if I knew I was gonna get sludge like that. Seriously- why'd they have to call it The Big O? I thought that name sounded cool at first... But yech. They should have just named the series "Batman's Mech" or "Cog: Gothica".
    Eh, while I'm here, I might as well try to find that TF Animated purple and black Megatron figure I saw in that holiday magazine. Recolors are usually stupid, but Megs just looks cool with black and purple.
    ...Oh God, don't tell me that color redeco was just some ploy they used to get kids to come to their website to shop, is it? Nothing purple, nothing black! Augh.
    Wait, what? AHAHAHAHAHATransformer Animated ceramic dinner plates! AHAHAHAHA... That's just...Wow. Transformers! More possible merchandising then meets the eye~ ! Hehe... I thoght buying a Megs keychain this afternoon was geeky, too. As T says: I pity the fool that buys these plates!
    Oh wow, that was random.
    Heh, I wonder what the Bzp'ers would think if they saw all this through my head. That'd be pretty fu- Hey, wait a minutttee....That's a cool idea! I should give that a try, see if it gets me anywhere!"
    *goes off Ebay to post in his blog after a night of defeat*
  4. Ka-Chan
    Why is it that the dusking month of September has a day dedicated to the mangey tongues of Pirates, the plague of the endless seas when the brilliant in mind and poetic in soul get none of their own? Pull Shakespeare from his many dusty coffins across the nation's libraries and patch him anew on National Talk Like A Poet Day!
    There are two most vile of vermin in this world that break apart Englishmen such as William down into bone and ash- maggots and boring presentation. Yes, many hearts out there are beyond sway due to the menacingly derogatory images of the Rennaisance Fair and teachers more hellbent on making their flock read ancient bundles of script from Rome And Juliet then Macbeth was of ruling, but it is not too late to put the entertainment back into the two breaths that form the word Playwright!
    Bring the inspirational goodness of old entertainment brought upon by flesh and blood into the new world of cheap soapboxes and pop-culture madmen! This day has long deserved it's nook in our year!
    And in case you found yourself stirred be it good or disturbed like the unnerved porcupine, it is because I am watching Hamlet for homeschooling! My deovtion that once was strong as the many beasts that roam in lands far beyond our neighborhoods died out like a weakened brute, but has been reignited like a powder keg by this!
    And yes, my less-then-admirable collection of writings that take you from WWII meatgrinders in the Hugen Forest to the war-torn city of Troy also is well rimmed with plays! Plays so long and complex that to dive in them would result in mine eyes going spoiled from the sweet indulgences!
    So hark, fans of the poet! Come unto me! And in case your mind does hunger so, yes, it hastens twofold the long time it takes for one such as myself to ink this all up on the so called "Internets" !
  5. Ka-Chan
    I never had the guts to try it once upon a time, until 10 minutes ago.
    I am now playing Crysis:Warhead on my computer with MAXED OUT GRAPHICS. Everything to the maximum. And I can actually play it.
    I feel awesome. And yes, I know I'm being an airhead about it, but cut me some slack- I have done something kick-awesome in the gaming community.
  6. Ka-Chan
    First thing in the news on the Yahoo website.
    TOKYO: A 43-year-old Japanese woman whose sudden divorce in a virtual game world made her so angry that she killed her online husband's digital persona has been arrested on suspicion of hacking, police said Thursday.
    The woman, who is jailed on suspicion of illegally accessing a computer and manipulating electronic data, used his identification and password to log onto popular interactive game "Maple Story" to carry out the virtual murder in mid-May, a police official in northern Sapporo said on condition of anonymity, citing department policy.
    "I was suddenly divorced, without a word of warning. That made me so angry," the official quoted her as telling investigators and admitting the allegations.
    The woman had not plotted any revenge in the real world, the official said.
    She has not yet been formally charged, but if convicted could face a prison term of up to five years or a fine up to $5,000.
    Players in "Maple Story" raise and manipulate digital images called "avatars" that represent themselves, while engaging in relationships, social activities and fighting against monsters and other obstacles.
    The woman used login information she got from the 33-year-old office worker when their characters were happily married, and killed the character. The man complained to police when he discovered that his beloved online avatar was dead.

  7. Ka-Chan
    Dawn Of War
    " Oh my God, why the do I even let you Chaos jerkwads in my matches?! You're gonna get it for that one, you cheesy overgrown goth kids!"
    "Goodgawd, do you prancey-pants Eldar ever use ANYTHING besides those whiny little Banshees?!"
    " Great, just great, here comes the friggin' sea of screaming neematoads."
    "Goodgawd! Now I know why everyone hates Necrons! GET OUT OF MY FREAKING BASE YOU WALKING SCRAPILES"
    "Aah. Now THAT felt goooood~ "
    "Sit back, relax, and enjoy the PYROTECHNICSSS "
    "... *moans, growls, turns Dawn of War off*"
    "Know your place, scumbags."
    "The pain train has reached it's destination, boys!"
    "*sings I Hope You Die by the Bloodhound Gang*"
    Kativa takes Dawn of War very seriously when it's against Chaos or the Imperial Guard- especially when he's losing OR turning the tide of battle. It's also his method of venting the daily frustrations- the computer's feelings can never be hurt, so he yells at it instead of other people.
    He also writes random blog entries about him screaming at games as a method of venting as well.
  8. Ka-Chan
    After a week of being sick and practically confined to the house, I finall got to work out again after like, 10 days. And I already feel so much happier, active, patient and thoughtful.
    Natural addictions have been satiated today, and now I feel so goooood~ <33
    I love induldging my desire for dark, gritty, horror elements in my creativity. But you know what? I need to indulge the brighter side too- I want to be someone who can enjoy just about everything.
    So I'm off to explore new corners of my artistic mind!
  9. Ka-Chan
    Just had a very busy weekend and a monday with my buddy Dylan. He was over the whole time, and we had a blast.
    We took turns at Dead Space for hours every night and both of us quickly became obsessed.
    We carved pumpkins. He did Max from Sam&Max *although he kinda messed up a little* and I am still doing my Dead Space one.
    We spent all day around a shopping center today, exploring Halloween stores and hitting Gamestop *I got F.E.A.R for 15$* .
    We went to theaters to watch Body Of Lies. It was good, but it's all about the Iraq War and to go into it would certainly bust a few political rules here on Bzp. But yeah, it was actually very good.
    And it just kinda went on and on and on...
    So yeah, I'm back now!
  10. Ka-Chan
    The question is simple.
    Robotnik *SnooPING AS usual, I see! version* , Dead Space or something I come up with?
    I'm making cutouts on Photoshop as we speak.

    Dead Space one turned out a whole lot better, I'm probably gonna use it:

  11. Ka-Chan
    Okay, so I've been eyeballing this game for a long time now, ammirite? Well, today I got my chance. My grandparents had sent me Takanuva for my birthday- too bad I already got him from my parents. So as much as I didn't want to return it *seeing as how my Grandad went to the trouble of thinking about which one I might find the most enjoyable* , we decided I would consider the one I already got as their present and that my parents still owed me one. So we dropped by Wal-Mart and returned it. So mom said I could either get the Rockoh T3 set or pick out 30$ worth of stuff. I stuck with Rockoh.
    As I was passing by videyah gamez section to snag a sneak peek at upcoming games *I got a nice glimpse of C&C Red Alert III, dude, the Soviets get attack bears! IN MOTHER RUSSIA, BEAR HUNTS YOU*, I spotted none other then Dead Space for PS3. Glimpsing over to the usually worthless 360 section, I spotted a copy. I felt my excitement was in vain, though- I didn't want to spend all my money.
    But then it clicked.
    My buddeh Tyler had given me a 25$ Wal-Mart gift certificate! That, and my mom owed me 3 weeks of allowance- 33$ right there! Total, 58$ and I only need to cough up 2 solid dollar bills! I quickly told mom about this, and while she didn't envy the idea of Dead Space, I managed to convince her that I wouldn't play it around Baby Xar.
    I came home with Rockoh T3 AND Dead Space. Out of all my birthday certificates from my friends, I only spent a total of 12$ on Crysis:Warhead *too bad the mouse is retarded, I've came to call it "Mousehole" because it frequently gets me killed in the game* AND Dead Space which I thought I might never get less then a few days ago! Everybody smiles!
    But you didn't come hear to listen to that, did you? Well then, let me begin. Instead of having to wait while Baby Xar was at school tommorow, I got lucky when he uncovered his PSP and decided to watch Harry Potter: Here We Go Again *I believe that is the fith movie, amirite?* upstairs in his room because y'know, he's a total HP Nazi. I snagged my precious game in it's unopened green box and flew down the stairs.
    It was time to get the game on.

    *puts on "Clubbed To Death" by Rob Dougan*
    The game sucked me in from the begining. Your group has been called in to repair a planet-mining vessel in the outer reaches of space. It starts off bad enough when your ship crashes into theirs and strands you. But not 5 minutes into the game, you end up getting cut-off from your teammates and find yourself being chased down a labyrinth of corridors by this hideous abomination that vageuly seems human.
    And just like that, you, Isaace, find yourself swept up in a claustrophobic nightmare- worst part is your captian doesn't intend on leaving until he gets his original job done. If you and your comrades ever live long enough to do so, you'll finally be able to focus on actually fleeing the terrifying ghost ship.
    I can say right off the bat, this is not a "Shoot-em-up" shooter game. This is a "shoot them so you can get a headstart in your race to escape" shooter. With your gun only having 10 shots per ammo *and ammo has proven scarce so far* , this game is about running away as fast as you can, not heroically pulling off some TTGL crud and clearing a room full of Necromorphs.
    The game isn't too horrible while you have shots in your plasma cutter, but as soon as you run out, you're in trouble. Take ti from me:
    My task is simple, get the key to overhaul a tram station regulation. I walk onto a catwalk and notice a squabbling Necromorph stumbling towards me a few good meters away. After a second of checking my stats, I realize I can't kill it off- so I turn to take the other direction just to see a shrieking Necromorph that wasn't there a moment ago chugging at me. So I bolt between the two monstrosities and run down the central catwalk, just to be greeted by another two who scramble up the side-railing. Immediately one jumps onto me and starts to tear into my neck- after a moment of hammering the A button, I knock the creature off me and dart for the elevator and scramble in.
    When the door opens, the cost is clear and I run past a corpse- which quickly jumps up and attacks me. I fight back, punching until I down the thing and crush it's head in- I turn to run for the card just to see 3 more Necromorphs come out from the darkness.
    Simply put: I die. Very painfully. This game gets bloody, especially when since you can curb-stop your enemies and get in fist fights with them. But when you die, they don't give a flying fungus about your dignity-you get to watch them tear you up while you wait for the game to load.
    Three tries later, I finally have it down. Zip through the first two, fire a stasis-round at the second two on the catwalk so I can get past them without injury. Get up the elevator, run past the first one, snag the card and don't even LOOK at the approaching Necromorphs, then backtrack while firing every stasis round I got at them. Then hit the office, get the override codes, run back out, through, and past the horde of shrieking nightmares and finally board the elevator, fighting to keep them out and hope the elevator door guillotines one or two.
    I survive!
    Now onto whatever horrors surely await me further on.
    I will safely say that this game is scary. Throw in the fact that I turned all the lights off and pulled the curtains up for fun, and I had a terrifying roller coaster of screaming things like "Get off me you freak!", "Give that thing the one-two-punch! Now!, "Open already you bloody elevator! Okay now clos-CLOSE ALREADY DANGIT!" and nervous laughs afterwards.
    60 bucks is a steep price- I almost never buy a game out when it's first released. While part of me wishes I took it like a man and spat all my money out at Gamestop to pre-order the game a day before it was released so I could get the additional artbook, I'm happy with my choice. I took advantage of the many oppurtunities I found in that store and came out with Dead Space at the cost of just 2 actual dollars, and I can safely say it was worth it.
    If you love horror, TPS violence, and a game full of close encounters or even just a good scare, then this game is for you. It's like Alien and Dawn of the Dead got thrown into a blender and given a story of it's own. I haven't even beaten the first level/chapter whatever and I already can say it's one of my favorite games.
  12. Ka-Chan
    And I'm not even gonna bother finishing that song- you'll know what it is if you've heard it.
    So yeah. This morning could best be described by the words "wood works" . I spent around an hour and a half in the backyard hacking all this wood into halves so we could stock up on firewood. I've done the carrying before, but this is the first year I'm doing the axework.
    It was exhausting. Seriously, I feel like I'm bedridden after taking a long shower.
    My hands are all chaffed and splintered and my back aches. But you know what? It was a gooooood pain- axing stuff is funnn~ <33
    I'm gonna take a nap n*wump*
  13. Ka-Chan
    Trust me, if I could find you a screenshot of it from Dead Space, I would. But yeah. Undead mutant human babies that spew explosives at you with TENTACLES.
    My new battlecry is "Time for your abortion, freak!" XP
    Dead Space just keeps getting more and more epic *not to mention terrifying* at every narrow turn- this game has the guts *and I'm not just refering to the gore in the game XP* to traverse where few other games have gone. Bioshock got a little bit of controversy with the whole Little Sister thing, but wow. Undead babies. I can only imagine what's gonna be next XD
    And you thought fighting the Necromorphs on the ship was scary? Try it out in space- and just remember: In space, no one can hear you scream OR ravenous undead monstrosities charging you from behind.
  14. Ka-Chan
    Well, Xar just got back from the hospital. He had a minor surgery procedure involving having a blood vessel cauterized this morning, so while I know he's gonna get better probably within the day, I still say we wish him a Get Well Soon =p
  15. Ka-Chan
    When Dawn Does Come
    27 year old Terramce thinks life could could get no worse for him. His apartment burned down, his wife's flight back home from her buisness trip has been delayed, he's haunted every night by the memory of the murder he commited, then finds that the local gang has singled him out for lack of protection money. With so much lost and still more to lose, Terrance finds himself wishing that everyone would just dissapear and leave him alone.
    Next morning, after a night filled with strange dreams, he gets his wish. Not a single soul at all in the heart of Baltimore. Feeling a long, painful burden ease off his shoulders, Terrance sets out to enjoy a day without anyone else to bring him down- but quickly finds new meaning to the saying "Be careful what you wish for" ...
    Is he really the only person in this city? Where is everyone? What if he is the last man on Earth? Why has the sun started setting but never gone down? And what is it that makes him think that even if he is the last human on Earth, he's hardly alone?
    There are many things that horrify a man, but it's when he knows he doesn't know what's going on out there that truly drives him insane.
    The story is still a little half-baked, but I think the idea is more then promising. What about you guys?
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