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Blog Entries posted by Ka-Chan

  1. Ka-Chan
    Well, due to the slight delay of the murder of a certain RETARDED LAPTOP this entry got delayed. But now that my friend is gone I am free to get back to writing this.

    Ka-Chan's Stuff, Part Two: Warhammer 40000 

    The Lord of the Ulacant Necrons
    I spent like, 2 weeks painting and tweaking this guy- and he still proves to be one of my favorite miniatures. He has hacked through Space Marines, Orkz, and eldar alike with equal effiency, although his one encounter with a group of Mega Armored Nobz didn't turn out too well, despite felling three of the brutes.
    Behold my loyal servants of death: The Ulacant IV Necron Warriors 12 "Scarface"
    While being the bottom of the barrel when it comes to capabilites, essentially being walking guns, the Necron Warriors have proved more then lethal in ranged combat. While my army has not experienced many battles, those that they have won must be owed to the warriors. These guys can still punch through basic infanty and many get right back up after being blown away in battle. They suck when it's up close and personal, though, so I keep them out of close combat engagments. But that brings me to the next bunch...
    My favored servants, the Flayed Ones. 123
    Grisly and terrifying, I originally used the Flayed Ones because they were the cheapest of the Necron elite units, but after one particular battle, they won my favor. I was playing against my friend's Orkz, and while I had been doing well enough at first, his warboss and squad of Nobz made began a charge through the nearby woods harboring my core of warriors- he intended to burst right through and tear my main force to pieces, and chances are he probably would. But that all changed in one swift turn when I deep-striked my Flayed Ones right in front of them as they tore through the wooded area. In one moment, the Flayed Ones had killed all 8 of his Nobz, and the warboss himself became so terrified that he fled off the battlefield. It was in that miracle skirmish that I realised how much I loved Flayed Ones.
    And Big Boi himself: The Nightbringer. 23
    Actually, I have only gotten to use this guy in one battle before- mainly because either the point amount was out of balance or because I didn't have the heart to field a 3/4 finished miniature. As you can see, the poor harbinger of death had lost his original arm, and I've never gotten around to painting his new limb. Really killed me when those infernal dogs decimated his original- it took me like, a month to finish that guy.
    While I play Necrons, I still like to paint the miniatures, and have done a few others from different races. Take for example these two monsterous tyranids I painted for my little brother's army. Of course, then he decided to change from the Hivefleet Leviathen *Battle For Macragge Tyranids* color scheme to his own weird white/red color scheme...

    I gave him this guy for Christmas back in '06 - I built him before hand, loaded him up with as many biomorphs as possible, then painted him. He also used to have a big horn on his head, but my mom messed up once and BOOM. I was never able to find the horn to glue it back on. I also started making this guy for him...

    Notice how I didn't finish this guy. I started painting him back in Easter break 06' then stopped. Why? My mom screwed up while cleaning yet again. When I had finished glueing the Hive Tyrant back together again, so much paint had been scraped off that I practically had to paint him all over again, and I got sick of it and quit. I promised him I would finish it one day, though. Here's yet another one I did at the request of my brother...

    2 3 4
    He's older then all the rest- notice the lack of Hawk Turqouise paint on the edge of his plating. Didn't have it back then when my brother decided to repaint his nightmarish original tyranids like the ones from the Battle For Macragge. Craptastic basing for the win.

    2 3 4
    I painted these guys for a friend recently- I did not come up with the color scheme, but I'll say I think it's one of the more eye-catching I've come across while in the hobby.
    Heh, and that's only the tip of this expensive iceberg. But if I go any father, chances are your head will explode. So I'll show you everything else about my expensive hobby another day.
  2. Ka-Chan
    And boy, I know she is gonna be ticked XD
    It all started out innocently enough. Around 11:30 I drop by the YMCA to workout, and while doing my jogging in between the machines, my hair keeps getting in my face- so after pulling aside after the ten billionth time, I had enough. When we got in the car, I asked mom to get my hair cut- and conviently te Rogue Trader *nerd term, don't ask* that retails all the Warhammer stuff is right next door. So I say, why not? So once all is said and done and we're at the post office *and I'm trying to refrain from murdering Xar and all his cellphone's ringtones* - I have mom take us down to ______ to get a haircut.
    So, I get the haircut. Good news is, my hair is no longer betraying my identity as a boy. Bad news is, it's so short in the front that I want to stick a bag on my head. I already want my hair to grow back D;
    But anyways, I get something to eat from the hotdog vender that just started recently setting up shop right in front of the Rogue Trader. So I had fun talking with him while he made the food. Another thing noting was this women in front of the store. The whole time I was here, haircut and all throughout later, she's loitering around doing things on her PSP. Was odd.
    Okay, so I drop into the store and say hello to the guys working there- they recognize me as "The Necron Dude" *It should also be noted that they love Necrons- the tag behind all the Necron blister packs for ordering has in parentheses "Necrons are the best!"* - although this time they didn't realize me it was me because of my new hairdo XP
    But yeah, while at first I was just skimming over all the boxes and whatnot, admiring them, I start subconciously browsing through the codexs. I'm suddenly browsing a Tau codex and asking Xar what I should choose, Imperial Gaurd or Tau. He gives me the No Contest routine. Next thing I know, I spend 30 minutes talking with... Uh... Burt, I think. I spend like, 30 minutes talking with the clerk Burt about which he liked more, Tau or Imperial Gaurd. Eventually it evolves and evolves and evolves.
    Suddenly we have this intermission, though. A family dropping by is attacked by a prop- a wooden staff falls over and cold-cocks the grandma right on the head! Even more, she starts bleeding from the forehead and everyone *like, 7 people total- the family, the staff, and my mother and brother* is freaking out! Burt and I are just leaning across the table and from behind the counter watching this whole time with "O___O" faces. She turns out okay in the long run, though.
    So. After all this is said and done, I find myself at the counter handing Burt a Tau battleforce, codex, and crisis battlesuits XP
    Why, you say? I already have half a Tau army from a few years back, I've been playing the Tau on DoW nonstop for the past week, and what can I say? They're just cool.
    So, how can things get any more interesting? Well, don't forget I brutually murdered my dad's laptop. So I have to phone up my dad outside the store *I give Burt the Tau goods and tell him to keep it on standby* ... And guess what? That fat chick with the PSP is still just wandering around in front of the store with her PSP.
    So, my dad and I ring up the deal. If I can also come up with 100$ for the laptop tonight, I can also buy all these Tau using the 100$ I earned a few months back for taking care of this neighbor's really old dogs for a week.
    Oh, and guess what? After buying all that- I actually hit 500$ in money spent on Warhammer, so I get a 75$ gift certificate! So I spend it on the codex, and picking up a few crisis suits! Of course, this is after spending another 10 minutes doing math with Burt- turns out my brother is using the same account as me, so we have to divide it alittle.
    So, I spent around a total of 156$ today, knocking it down to just 90$ with the gift certificate. And it was a smart move, too! If I had just coughed up the whole 150$ I owe dad for the laptop, I wouldn't have had the money to buy all that AND still pay for the laptop! So everyone wins, despite the fact that now I've got no money at all!
    Oh, and on the way out, I see a police officer talking to the weird phat chick with the PSP. SHE WAS STILL THERE AND THE VENDOR HAD A COP COME OVER XDXD

  3. Ka-Chan
    I was bored- so I came up with this series called Ka-Chan's Stuff! This is where you'll get to see quite a bit into my life, what I collect, the stupid things I carry around, and so on! And without further ado...

    Ka-Chan's Stuff Part One: Stars Wars Clone Troopers 
    You guys know many of my obsessions: Necrons, internet memes new and old alike, Spawn, drawing robots, Phantom, my religous faith in Ted Danson and so on. What many of you guys might not know about is my deranged - and I mean deranged- obsession with the clone wars in Star Wars.
    Behold, how I spent my entire morning!

    Yes, I have over, like, 80 of these figures- some of them not even in the picture.
    Collected over a mere course of 3 years.
    And it's all Clone Troopers alone. Nothing else. I've got other Star Wars figures- but 80% of it is all certified Clonetroopers, the other 20% Imperials.
    Yes, I even have a helmet that I got as a suprise Christmas present. I rarely wear it, but still.
    It's the pinnacle of my nerdom, what can I say? I don't know if I am to cry or burst out laughing about it.
    So yeah, that's my biggest guilty pleasure. Oh, and forgive how I look like a zombie X,x
    Okay, I have to put these guys away now, my dad wants his kitchen back...
  4. Ka-Chan
    So I was thinking how we could make this blog more interesting while simueltaneously being about me. So I has this idea, okay? Hypothetical questions! Give me some sort of scenario that I'd have to solve.
    Worth investing in? It could be anything: I'm trapped in a room with Old DX who doesn't shut up about the old days with internet memes, lolicon zombies, some sort of chaos warp in my fridge... Go crazy, chances are my responses will be equally crazy.
  5. Ka-Chan
    Brother and I spent the day over at my 40K playing friend's house today. He, his brother, Baby Xar and I all got in a super match.
    Necrons > Tryanids, Orkz, and Space Marines.
  6. Ka-Chan
    You know what I hate about having an epiphany? It comes out of the blue and slams you upside the head with the force of a dozen stampeding buffaloes spooked by a predator in the foilage.
    Well, it started out innocently enough. Here I am, cleaning my room as the neatfreak I am, and I suddenly take a look around me. Star Wars toys that haven't seen an actual star war since a long,long time ago in a galaxy far, far awa. Autobots and Decepticons settling for an eternal staring contest over the next ruler of Cybertron. Bionicles that'll probably never see the light of day again from within their dusty Rubbermaid tomb. And there they were, those dozen buffaloes thundering my way in a panic because some Hyena couldn't keep his furry little mouth shut. BOOM! I'm crushed undfoot, or underhoof, whatever:
    "Why do I even need this stuff?"
    I love many of these toys. I really do. Some bear more personal attatchment then others, but in the long run, I don't know why I'd let myself spend more money on things I'll show affection to for 42 hours and then forget about their existence. But I need money. Why? So I can pursue my active loves: video games, Warhammer 40K, manga and art, and just the general investment in the future.
    I was gonna stop buying Bionicles after the original story arc ended. Hasbro finally stopped cranking out Clone Troopers that drew me to the toy aisles in Wal-Mart on stormy days. Heck, I could probably cut myself off from buying all but the coolest of Transformer figures. But the question really is, am I gonna get rid of this all? I couldn't get rid of my Bionicles, no. Well, probably the playsets, but not the figures I have been collecting for the past 7 years of my life that I still tinker with to this day. But I look to my Transformers and unopened Star Wars figures, and I can't help but wonder how much they'd sell for if I put them up on Ebay.
    Qouthe The Gman:
    "Time to choose..."
    You couldn't have said it any better, my suitcase wielding friend.
  7. Ka-Chan
    Tell the truth... Commit suicide... Tell the truth to dad's face that I killed the laptop... Commit suicide... Oh gawdangit. I am screwed.
    If I don't get on again today or tommorow, look for my body in the river, okay?
  8. Ka-Chan
    Well, I just found this to be a perfect match for leaving in my case:

    Honest Goodbye- By Bad Religion  
    Now get up and give in- I’ll crack your knuckles again,
    Supplicate and survive this transubstantiation,
    And get so mean - I want to know what it means.
    (Did you laugh?) You know I did.
    (Did you cry?) I couldn’t get it right.
    (Did you live?) Always on the edge.
    (Did you lie?) Causing such a fright.
    (Did you love?) Oh to be forgiven.
    (Did you try?) But it wouldn’t be right.
    God, it feels like an honest goodbye.
    That sick brass boy day dreamin’ -
    cry baby convict demon.
    Hands so clean -
    A sympathetic cold blooded killing machine.
    How did you get so mean? - I want to know what it means…
    (Did you laugh?) You know I did.
    (Did you cry?) I couldn’t get it right.
    (Did you live?) Always on the edge.
    (Did you lie?) Causing such a fright.
    (Did you love?) Oh to be forgiven.
    (Did you try?) But it wouldn’t be right.
    God, it feels like an honest goodbye.
    But the thing is I ain't leaving. I thought it over and with the help of my friends on here I realized it'd be stupid when I've got so much going on for me. So I guess I'll just save this for like, my funeral or something- and I doan wanna think about something that dreary and boring for a long while.
  9. Ka-Chan
    Yeah. I might leave Bzp for a long, long while. Clearly the lines between reality and the internet have blurred for me, and it's screwing me over. I've offended good friends on the internet thinking other people don't take things just like me- I'm clearly wrong. I may look at life in a care-free perspective, but it's getting to me and costing me friends both here and reality alike.
    So yeah, I might be saying goodbye soon.
  10. Ka-Chan
    Lego, seriously. You guys are all about customer satisfaction, I know that and give you guys props for it. You've improved Bionicle in many ways over the years, and in some ways improved it beyond a doubt. But seriously, for the love of God, Mata-Nui, Raptor Jesus, Ted Danson, Gman, and that creepy neighbor across the street:
    I cannot tell you how much it annoys me how I have to spend 50 minutes fishing out black pin-axels from my giant Lego Tub just so I can rescue an otherwise decent color scheme from acne breakouts of the visible blue things! THey're horrible! Horrible! Horrible! And the red little axels are just as bad! WHY, WHY, WHY?! WOULD IT REALLY KILL YOU TO CHANGE THE COLOR GRAINULES IN YOUR PIECE MOLDS?
    For cyring out loud!...Ugh!
    Okay, I'm done -____*
  11. Ka-Chan
    Starting an Imperial Gaurd secondary army- I doan know how I should paint them. I'm thinking my Dawn of War painter would help out, but I don't have screenshots yet. Basically, I'm torn between a red/brown/gold color scheme or dark blue/grey/orangish gold color scheme.
  12. Ka-Chan
    *Pops out of dusty coffin*
    I have returned! BECAUSE NECRONS CANNOT DIE.
    Okay, long story short, I invited my friend over for my dad's buisness party. Three days ago. Yeah. Three. He spent the night twice. During that time we went to Wal-mart to spend gift cards we got at the party, saw Heckchild 2 *which has to be one of the coolest movies ever*, started an Imperial Gaurd army, saw 3 other movies, got and revamped Onua, practically killed myself while jumping on a pogo stick, and so forth.
    So yeah, he left just an hour ago- I'm back.
  13. Ka-Chan
    The first image I made in Photoshop completely on my own using most of the tools. I felt like I just had to after coming across that motivational poster praising the Emporer and his trillion boot licks. Silly humans, holy comatose piles of meat are for loonies!
  14. Ka-Chan
    Sleep. One of the greatest and most enjoyable things I can do after a breakup that still causes me some stress. Well, I'm sound asleep, next thing I know my mom is sitting on my bed next to me, and gives me an unholy object that I believe even hinting at it's purpose might get me Moderator-flogged.
    "o hai sweeteh sry foor waking u ah just need a sample hear lol"
    Is how it came out to me. My first words could not be repeated, and I crawled back under the sheets muttering something about a devil-woman waking me up. Okay, 30 minutes later, I have to go. But I know the evil overlord of the house is watching me. I couldn't make a break for the bathroom without getting in trouble. So you know what? I give in to the woman's scheme.
    "There, you happy now?"
    "Achually no i still need u to come with me out to te­h hospitool so we can stick a big needl in ur arm- blood sample sry"
    "...I just got up."
    "ya i no"
    "r u scared of te­h needle ]= ?"
    "No. I am just scared of getting dragged out of bed at 8 in the morning when all I wanted to do is build Krika and hang out at home all day."
    "o. we still need to go tho lol"
    "o ya and tat meenz u cant eet anyting ether until afterwards lol"
    So I'm off to see the labs! The labs the labs of Oz! Gonna get blood tests and more nasty stuff! Wheeeeee!!
    ... Please kill me -_____-#
    I'm back! And believe me, it sucked! I have no problem with the blood test itself, but afterwards, I nearly passed out! I told the nurse I could probably use a cup of water afterwards, but as soon as I said that things started getting psychodelic. Things got fuzzy, my mind would have been astrewn with curses if I was capable of actually thinking. I felt like I was gonna barf. But thankfully the nurses managed to give me some damp towelets and got me a big recliner to lie down in, so I eventually got better.
    So now my paranoid mom has me stuck in bed pretty much all day. Whhheeeee.
    But on the bright side, I opened Krika up! Took me less then 3 minutes to build him, but man, he is awesome! Big bad bug!
  15. Ka-Chan
    As the clouds gathered above the humid canopies of Ulacant IV's many swamps, something else added it's voice to the chorus of alarmed animals. The usually shadowy swamplands nestled in between the deep and treacherous canyons were illuminated by violent strikes of lightning. Waterfalls ran down deep from the dark and ominus clouds above- the rainfall hammered the dry wastelands above and flooded the swamps below, the many nocturnal creatures below chattering and babbling as it raged on. But it was not the wild storms way above that were making them nervous. As the world above washed away plant and soil down below, something was unvieled in the many flash floods.
    Another bolt cast the swamp in light, but this was not lightning from above, but in fact crackling green lightning from below...
    Deep beneath muck and root, lifeless caverns shuddered and drew stale breath. An already eerie feeling that drifted through the slippery ruins grew- the caverns were deathly quiet, but the faintest of sounds echoed through the caverns, easily dismissed as the wings of many bats taking flight amongst the stalactites. But the shifting of shadows in the darkness hinted at something else. The low, droning hum grew, and then thundered into a climax. The caverns flashed an unearthly glow, and then all was black again until two empty pits lit up like sickly emralds in the unending night.
    The rusted, metal skull in the rock jiggled once before realising it was stuck. A moment later, the rock it was entombed in crumbled to dust without effort. Crawling metal limbs attatched to steel ligaments without a sound, save the scraping of carapace against stone. The assembled figure hovered upwards from it's resting spot and turned itself upright effortlessly. With a faint hiss of joints moving for the first time in a millenia, the figure raised an arm and beckoned it's long sleeping staff from the earth. A rotted, damp cloak that enveloped the metal figure began to lift itself on an otherworldly breeze, and the machine , haunched and ready, skulked out towards the world above.
    The harvest was about to begin, and it had all the time in the world.
    Now come back, my blog-goers! D=
  16. Ka-Chan
    *Laptop flatlines*
    Yeah. The charger cord could take no more use, and now the laptop has an empty battery and no way to charge. Basically, the laptop is dead and my ability to get online will narrow and become much more inconvienent. So, yeah. A lot of things are gonna have to be put on hold, including my epic/comedy project and TFDO will certainly be slowed down until we can get the replacement charger a week from now- and I'm the one having to pay for it.
    Like it's my fault the wire got crushed! How was I even supposed to know that you need to keep the cord straight to keep it from being corroded over time! C'mon, people! Cut me some slack!
    ... Bllleeech.
  17. Ka-Chan
    So you guys are dying to see both some Necron action and Gman action, right? Well, here are a few things. I can tell you abit about the Necrons so far. Despite the fact that I find myself busy on all sides and in all dimensions *Dentists, chores, things I've promised to do for my friends*, I'm going to do my best to start writing A Long Darkness *It's a prototype name, so don't be suprised if I change it* . It's going to chronicle the both the fall of the Iron Lotus Space Marines and the uprising of the Ulacant IV Necrons *my own personal Warhammer 40K army* during a gritty series of storms on the swampy world of Ulacant IV. I can't say much more without giving things away, but rest assured I'm going to have fun writing it. I'm not sure how long I'll make it, but we'll see how it goes.
    As for the Gman comics... It's really difficult buisness. I'll admit I haven't worked on it in ages for 2 reasons. One, Steam only seems to open on my dad's side of the computer, so I have to do alot of tedius switching between profiles and whatnot to save the screenshots to my side where I can later convert them into comics with FREAKING MS PAINT. YEAH. My Pictures folder has swollen to three times it's original size because of this, and deleting the no-longer nessecary screenshots takes forever. So even once I get back to it, it's gonna be a long and frustrating process.
    Okay, just thought I'd let you know what was up!
  18. Ka-Chan
    Okay, so I've set Angry Dead Guys 2 aside merely because the death of Lappy severly cripples my ability to write it up. So the question is this: A Warhammer 40K/Necrons COT epic, the revived Chronicles of Toa Kativa epic, or my actual novel I'm trying to write up? I'm a little unsure with the last one due to the risk of it being stolen * NO THANKS TO "THE HERETIC" , OH THIEF OF MY RPG* , but I want your opinions.
  19. Ka-Chan
    To write, or not to write? That is the question. Wether *or however that possibly-non-existent-word is pronounced* it is better to suffer the slings of Angry Dead Guys 2 or take up arms against a sea of COT epic ideas, and in opposing them, to die in reality even more, to laze, no more!
    Or something like that. I have a feeling that's not exactly how Hamlet would have went.
    But yeah. I gotta hankering to write something. But what...?
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