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Blog Entries posted by Ka-Chan

  1. Ka-Chan
    It should be known that I am not squeamish. I fear no bloody video game, I infact rejoice in every gory massacre with my lancer as I cut into hordes of Locust or Scorpion harpoon foes with epic fatalities. I've never been scared out of a room during an Alien movie either.
    So why, why do I happen to pass out in Alien 3 during the autopsy of *SPOILER NOT SPOILED* during the first 20 minutes of the flic?! Now I'm stuck in bed again after regaining conciousness and dealing with a massive nosebleed as soon as I got up.
    And I wanted to watch it while my brother wasn't around,too >:I
  2. Ka-Chan
    Yes, after 7 or so months, I broke up with my girlfriend. And no, I am not heartbroken or going emo- I am perfectly fine. *Sorry for the copright infringment, Arch Angel* It started with love, and it ended with love. We vowed to still be friends, and I'm happy with that. Despite it being such a strong relationship, there were a few certain barriers that we could probably never get rid of, and they only caused us pain and frustration.
    So it's over. Quick and painless. And I'm fine- she helped me for the better, and I came out of the relationship a better person. I wish her luck with finding another lover, and we both head off, filled not with sadness or regret, but with happy memories and friendship.
    I love happy endings- and our love story ended with one poem, one that I made for her in a rushed 10 minutes XP :

    Sure it may be over The passion dies down
    You may not be my lover
    But there's no reason to frown!
    You mended a weak little soul
    And I gave you warm memories
    This relationship demanded no toll
    And it ended without calamities
    Thanks, it was fun!
    I know we both loved it,
    You're still number one!
    No need to feel alone!
    Like mitosis, we came and shared
    Now we come out changed and eager
    I'm so happy to know that you cared!
    Our love was so far from a little meager
    Thanks, it was fun!
    I know we both loved it,
    You're still number one!
    No need to feel alone!
    Now go on my princess , find another lover!
    Seriously, I don't mind, we're both still good friends!
    There's no need to deprive ourselves of warm love's power!
    We can still smile to eachother as we go to our different ends!
    Thanks, it was fun!
    I know we both loved it,
    You're still number one!
    No need to feel alone!
    I'll always love you
    One way or another
    We will always be two
    So thanks for being my lover.
  3. Ka-Chan
    We got the Mistika today! Whoo! Talk about a nice suprise after going to the YMCA. Now I, I've got some weird traditions. Knowing the Mistika were here, I quickly went to work with cleaning my room and taking a shower. Yes, when new sets come out, you gotta do the ritual. Clean the room and take a shower- or maybe I just took a shower because I just finished working out for the first time in ages.
    Anyways, I got Gali, Krika, and Tahu. Yeah, a few of my friends said I should only buy one at a time, but in the end I decided to tackle all three of them at once because of a deal I struck up with my mom. I got Tahu for free because of my grades before school ended that she never paid me for *Yes, I get paid for good grades* .
    Anyways, I'm not gonna do some in depth review or anything, but I will give you an idea about them.
    I've only opened Gali so far. Why? I decided to listen to my friend's advice. Instead of building them all at once and getting bored with them within the week, I'm opening them up one at a time. I was originally going to open up one every week, but that might as well be like asking you to eat some uber-chocolate cake, like, one bite of it every week. So I'll just keep playing with Gali and my brother's Bitil until I grow bored. Then I'll open up Krika, and the fun renews itself.
    Okay, now about Gali herself:
    -Overall, she's pretty good from the start. Maybe it's just me, but I think she's about the soundest in design when it comes to the Nuva. Yes, maybe extremely simple and lacking real weapons, but she's not bad, either.
    - Yes, you can actually fit the sets in their canisters again. Baby Xar was able to fold Bitil up and store him in his canister fairly easy, and I could store Gali too if it wasn't for the "teeth" on her shoulder pads. But taking them off is fairly easy, so yeah, you can store her- which is nice because the canisters are quite eye catching with their Mata colors. All I don't understand why they use Mata colors on the canisters and not the sets themselves, but oh well.
    - Her mask is just awesome. Not really feminine, but hey, she's a robot. However, I still plan to give her a light revamp.
    Overall, Gali is a nice set- I am going to revamp her lightly. Gonna give her shorter arms, an inika torso so she doesn't seem so creepily muscular, some gear in the front so she has a chest *and to cover up the ugly merging point between the pelivs and the chest- I've always hated that*, and give her classic yellow eyes. I find it annoying how all the toa have green eyes this year. That's gonna be fixed.
    All in all, she's a nice set, not without her flaws- but they're easily fixed. I reccomend her, despite some of the critisism she gets.
  4. Ka-Chan
    But yeah, this sudden desire to make a Necrons music video with Dawn of War is overwhelming. I want to do it. Any advice on what I might need to pull off something like this without looking severly stupid? How do guys even film their video games in the first place?
  5. Ka-Chan
    I don't have much in the way to post about today, so I thought I'd let you have an idea of the many important things that go on in my head. Here we go, the good, the bad, and the weird.
    - Disney DVDs have way too many fricking previews. The only reason I even realised this is because my brother popped in POTC 2 for 5 minutes before getting bored with the bloopers and making me switch it to King Kong- Peter Jackson's version.
    - I really, really hate my Xbox 360 name. Seriously, when my dad had to alter my screename to get onto Xbox Live- WHY did he have to alter my screename from RedNecron 1 to TimesArrow1958 ?! I can't change it without starting some rocket science to get back onto Xbox Live so I can change it. The name makes me feel old....
    - My brother is a Blooperholic.
    - I always use my left thumb as a painting canvas everytime I work on my miniatures. It looks like there was a paintball match on it.
    - Jack Black is awesome.
    - Redheads are pure love.
    - Why did I buy Lockdown again?
    - Mom likes to make us do things at all the wrong times.
    - I have run out of ideas to list.
    Gman comic on the way, my bruddas and sistahs!
  6. Ka-Chan
    Not everyday you have your hit RPG stolen on two seperate websites, huh? Thankfully it's all been resolved now, and I'd like to thank my fellow RPG members and the Bzpower staff for helping me. I owe you guys one.
  7. Ka-Chan
    That was major suckage points for Bzp. So much for chronicling all the events that occured over the past 3-4 days.
    Oh, and we went to see Journey To The Center of The Earth today. Save your money for Heckchild 2 or Batman, it really wasn't that good. It didn't suck, but I didn't like it. My brother went crazy for it, but that's because it had a dinosaur in it. Pfft, yeah, for like 4 minutes. They show you all the good stuff in the trailers and previews- and the movie has less of a plot and is more simply 3 people traversing obstacle after obstacle.
    Just don't see it, it got all it's flair from the 3D factor and that's it. It's not even that 3D. Go read the book or something, that's what I know I'm gonna do.
  8. Ka-Chan
    *Holds hat and bows head while Taps are played*
    That's right, folks. Serious Rubber Ducky is no longer with us. It turned out I must have saved him to the wrong file location the other day, and he was lost in a daily excess-file purge or something along those lines.
    He was a great and hideously terrifying duck, and would have most certainly been Satan's bathtub squeaking or the spawn of the Lochness Monster. He will live on in our hearts and memories, though. Maybe even one day we'll have another Serious Ducky on our hands. But in the meantime, let us have a moment of silence to honor the lost.
    Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
    *Bawls like a baby*
  9. Ka-Chan
    Seriously though, I've got some summer programming this week- all about digital imaging and stuff. While I think it sounds good, I'm hating the hours: 8:20 in the moring to 3:30 in the afternoon. Yeah, so far it doesn't sound too different from school- I can live with that as long as it's a small group. The idea of being with another 25 or 30 people makes me somewhat uncomfortable, though. Hopefully I'll make a friend or two while I'm there.
    So yeah, I won't be around often for the next five days or so. See y'all when I do with tales on how it went!
  10. Ka-Chan
    Okay, I've compiled so much stuff to write about over the past few days that I'd be at it for hours if I let myself write it all out, so I'll be brief.
    - A friend I haven't been able to reach in ages calls. He comes over for a few hours. We talk, hangout, play some excess amounts of Gmod and have fun putting the Combine dude into the trashcan.
    - Turns out he's gonna stay the night! We celebrate by popping in Pitch Black. Awesome thriller flick. We both become Vin Diesel fans pretty quickly.
    -Our brains are fried at 2 in the morning and we talk ourselves to sleep by discussing the many faces of corn as food, fuel sources, weapons, and other bizzare notions too deranged for Bzp.
    - I have one of the weirdest dreams ever, that being of an epic car chase from the FBI going 200 MPH...In a child's toy car. You know, those big hollow plastic types that kids use their feet to move. Oh, and Animated Starscream does a barrel roll.
    - We create a whirlpool in my pool by jogging/swimming/whatever laps around the pool for over 30 minutes. We spend the next 20 minutes riding the said current caused by the whirlpool current thingy. I'm actually able to swim against it.
    - We discuss how Optimus Prime is actually a boring racist trucker and how Bumblebee is still a parapalegic robot that transforms into a wheelchair for over an hour while doodling manga.
    - We have a gaming contest and I score over 180 kills/ only 79 deaths in Half Life 2: Deathmatch. I win in the gaming department while he won in the brilliant insanity department in Gmod.
    - I get in trouble for assaulting the kitchen.
    -Turns out he's staying the night again!
    - We watch the Chronicles of Riddick:Dark Fury animated feature and are outraged at how overused the CGI was in it and how the director didn't even care yet called himself a cartoonist. We make a pact to bring back real animated movies to finally quell the excess CGI movies.
    -We watch The Chronicles of Riddick and discuss how while it's a good movie, it had nothing to do with the original besides the characters and was a far fetched swap from thriller survival horror flick to epic quest sort of thing.
    -We head over to the Baltimore Science center. I throw my DS into the window twice during the trip because of a really annoying tree boss in Megaman ZXA.
    -Nothing really happens while we're there. We watch a pretty bland 3D Imax of prehistoric sea creatures which is really more about the Dalisomethingsomethingsaurus that we just call the Dali Llama.
    - I don't get to see the Body Worlds 2 exhibit ];
    -One of the many interactive health thingies there quizzes me on my age health-wise. I'm as healthy as a fit 12 year old! That is a good thing, right?
    -We grab somewhat girlish mood rings from the gift shop. But hey, mood rings are cool, so I didn't care.
    -We go home and drop friend off and I proceed to relax the rest of the day while yelling at Bzp's constant board messages.
    -One of my dumber friends stops by uninvited and we ride bikes around the neighborhood a few times while I find myself an unvoluntary spectator in his tales about all his many ex-girlfriends and the skanky stuff that goes on. I'm so thankful that I've got a terrificly loyal girlfriend that I've had for months now, unlike him, who goes through girls like tissue paper.
    -I hang out at his house for awhile and play Brawl on his Wii. For one who rarely uses a Wii in general, I whoop his butt every round as Metaknight, Kirby, and Dedede.
    -Go to all this trouble to go to a doctors appointment, just to see it was tommorow. Wheeeee.
    - We go to see Indiana Jones at the theater! Very cool movie.
    - Return some games at Gamestop and become shocked at how little games are worth for trading in. I buy Gears of War- brother says the game sucks because the guys are slow and fat. I say he just thinks that because there are no hot dinosaur makeout scenes. I appearently mind-screwed him with that one, because he doesn't say anything for awhile after that.
    - I spent all that money just to come home and see a Lego catalouge with the Mistika waiting for me. Too bad Dad's No-Buy-July starts up. I hated everything for a solid few hours after that.
    - I prepare for the great Crusade to cleanse BZP of DX.
  11. Ka-Chan
    Okay, so I took advantage of some store credit I got at Gamestop the other day for trading in some ancient Xbox games and Bionicle Heroes and picked up Gears for a mere 20 bucks. I played it for the first time this morning, regardless of how my brother kept warning me that it was a horrible game with "Fatties"- no doubt he was refering to the bulky armor. Of course, I'm a genuine gamer, and I knew the game was a must have.
    Okay, so I played it the first time this morning, not going weak, I stuck to Hardcore mode. Now let me tell you something.
    Maybe it's just because of the difficulty I set it to, but this game is as hard as freaking nails. Even the lowly grubs can kill you if you get careless. Of course, the initial frustration came from this because I was still getting used to controls. And I can tell you I got a whole lot better in general when I realised you didn't need to hold down A to stay in cover- and wow, does this game revolve around taking cover. Not that it's a bad thing, though, pretty realistic *if not agonizingly frustrating* that way. That, and you have to rev up the glorious chainsaw bayonet thingy before you can use it.
    Personally, I love the game no matter the fact that it's delibertaley trying to kill me. The artistic beauty behind the ruined city gives you an idea of how glorious it must have been before the Pendulum Wars and E-Day defiled everything. And unlike my brother who refused to shut up during the whole course of me playing *I'll get to how I almost killed the twerp for this later*, he thought the characters were all fatties. Someone doesn't appreciate the need to stay alive.
    As for the gameplay, well, I've died at least 30 times now. I do personally think that you can die too quickly in this game and I was so frustrated in the begining that I was tempted to quit. But my inner gaming coaches told me a little diddy I'll always remember.
    " ARE YOU SOME KIND OF DIRT EATING WHINY LITTLE WEASEL?! If the game is kicking your butt, don't get mad, KEEP PLAYING UNTIL YOU GET BETTER AND WHOOP IT'S ###### !"
    So that's what I did. I kept going. And dying. But despite the frustration of spending so much time heroically slaying an entire squadron of Locusts and revive you near-dead teamates only to get pus­sy-whipped from behind by some cowardly grub that came out of the blue, I kept playing.
    After awhile, I was mouthing at the Xbox 360 in ways I hadn't heard myself yell since Morrowind and the big hole I made in my wall. But you know what? All that blinding hatred you quickly develope towards the Locusts does not go unrewarded. Mainly, your burning rage quickly turns to twistedly joyous satisfaction WITH GRITTY VIOLENCE
    Yes. Oh yes. This game is deliciously violent. Nothing makes you feel better after having to put up with these inter-terrestrial nice people then tearing a Locust a new one in his skull. Or curb-stomping his head into the pavement as though it were an egg. Or proudly wielding your shotgun and splatter Ugly's head against the screen Or all of the above! Nothing made me cry out victorious battlecries at the Xbox 360 more then when I was encountering those shotgun tooting, grenade hurling grunts for the first time. Leaping out of a grenade's explosion range just in time to land in front of one the monsters and say hello by blowing him into a million pieces and then turn around and turn his buddies into swisscheese while your screen gets wet... Oohhh~....
    *Deranged cackle*
    ...Sorry. You can tell I just finished playing it some more. I just get really into the game and sending my foe a clear message that I may get knocked down, but I'll get right back up again and beat you over the head with your own arms. This game will drive you crazy but reward you well for your patience, if not persistence.
    Bottom line, I LOVE THIS GAME.
  12. Ka-Chan
    Okay. So it's a fact that my inner-Bionicle fan is dying. I rarely write fanfics anymore, and I genuinely only post in CoT nowadays. I am in all senses, losing interest in Bionicle.
    31 bucks. That's all I need to buy Krika and Gali Misitika. And I need to come up with that 31 bucks soon before my dad puts his foot down on all the buying. Guys, my unnofficial council of brothers-in-arms and my bruddas-from-anudda-mudda , I have gathered you all here today TO GIVE ME SOME IDEA OF WHAT THE HECK I SHOULD DO- SERIOUSLY, I'VE ACTUALLY RESORTED TO LISTENING TO CARAMELDANSEN'S UPBEAT TUNE BECAUSE I NEED SOME OPTIMISTIC IDEAS AND I SWORE I WOULD NEVER LISTEN TO THAT THING
    My fickle fate depends on it!
    Oh, and I'll post my thoughts on Gears of Wars after I give it a spin today.
  13. Ka-Chan
    Okay, while I'm not going to do regular anime reviews like Wrack/Ooh-Kamen-Rider-Hime-Sama! does, I wanted to point this one out to people. Ironically I could have drawn out a lot of interesting credential info and whatnot because one of my old Newtype magazines had an article on this movie and is in fact what encouraged me to rent the DVD off of Netflix. Unfortunately, I can't find the issue :/ So I'll give you what I, a casual anime fan, would know.
    Appleseed: Ex Machina-Directed by Shinji Aramaki, PG-13, released on October 2007 and in America during March 2008.
    Personal Thoughts
    I would like to start off by saying this one well made anime. Well, actually, I don't know if it counts as an anime, judging by the fact that it's done in a type of CGI. Usually I loathe CGI type films/shows because they lack the same feeling as a cartoon, and it seems like nowadays the only cartoons still around are Japanese anime or the crud you see on Nickoledeon or Cartoon Network *sparing a few of them like Transformers Animated* . But this time around, I actually enjoyed the CGI in Appleseed because you could tell they did it on purpose and put effort into it, unlike many companies that do CGI because it's cheap and a faster way to crank out movies for the box office. At first glance, it seems a lot like the animation in the Final Fantasy movies, but once you watch it you'll realise it does have a unique sort of anime'ish feel to it- they're deeply detailed but yet has a sort of simplistic feel when it comes to lighting and texture. All in all, it looks great.
    The action and romance plots are well excecuted, too. It's hard to classify the action- it's a cross between mech *not giant robots, though. More like mechanized battle armor* battles in the sky and on-foot firefights *the first firefight in the movie is probably one of the best scenes in my opinion*, and even a few hand-to-hand combat sequences, so you get a little bit of everything. Oh, and did I say the love triangle plot was well done, too? Okay, cool, because while it adds some nice depth and character development to the plot, I personally couldn't care too much about the romance in itself.
    And it doesn't get all it's props from simple eye candy and adrenaline-pumping battles, either. It's a well woven tale of a future in which mankind struggles for peace amongst their fellow humans but find themselves having to fight off terrorists who wish otherwise. The contrasts and blurrs between man and machine, love and violence in this tale merge together beautifully, making Appleseed hard to sum up. All in all, you need to see it for yourself to truly understand how well made it is. And that is why I made this following review!
    The Story Of Appleseed:Ex Machina *Warning, some minor spoilers, read after the first paragraph in this part at your own descretion*
    The year is 2135 A.D, 2 years after a non-nuclear World War III that devastated all of human civilzation and extinguished millions of lives. Now, nations prosper in isolation from one another, yet still suffer from a lack of unity that leaves under constant attack at the hands of terrorists. This is not the case of the city nation Olympus, though. Along with survivors of WWIII who were turned into cyborgs for their health's sake, the utopian metropolis has been creating a race of genetically altered humans called Bioriods, just like us except with DNA that represses strong, agressive emotions. With half of Olympus' population consisting of Bioroids, peace and stability is easily maintained. But qouthe Duenan's narration at the begining *which also explains the title of Appleseed, Olympus was a "seed" mankind created* : "Like any Garden of Eden, there will be it's serpents that wish it's destruction."
    After the brief narration that sets the stage for Appleseed, our story begins with E.S.W.A.T forces closing in on an abandoned chapel in the city of Olympus. Cyborg terrorists have kidnapped E.U Officials and are holding them hostage from within. It is here we are introduced to the main characters, Duenan and Braireos. Duenan is a skilled but somewhat impulsive, infiltrating the chapel and sparking off the E.S.W.A.T's firefight against the terrorists before they were even ready. She alone deals a massive amount of damage in a very cool opening combat sequence, but when she finds herself going head to head against a heavy Cyborg terrorist and ends up surronded by his goons, Brairoes breaks through a stained glass window and the two team up, quickly taking the group down and defeating the leader. When attempting to question the fatally wounded terrorist, he self-destructs, and Brairos shields his parter from the explosion at his own expense.
    Now that her partner is wounded and out of duty, Duenan finds herself off-duty, but even then she finds herself in the line of duty soon enough, rescuing a group of construction workers from a disgruntled co-worker who took control of a Landmate construction mech after being fired and goes on a rampage. Shortly after, she is called back to E.S.W.A.T and introduced to her new partner, Tereus, who is the first of a new breed of Bioroids designed for combat. But what's the problem? The template used for the creation of his kind was none other but Duenans old partner whom she has strong feelings for, the cyborg Braireos.
    The story elevates from thereon after a International Conference at Olypmus is being held about a new Olympus satellite system that would unite all of the nations and finally achieve global peace. E.S.W.A.T forces, along with a recently recovered Braireos *who strongly dislikes Tereus, a clone of himself that is now his close friend Duenan's partner!* are assigned to keeping everything safe while the conference goes on. But things quickly take a disturbing turn when one of E.S.W.A.T's own elite Aeacus suddenly turns on them and humans and cyborgs in the streets suddenly become zombie like and start riots heading towards the Conference hall...
    All In All
    That about sums up the first 20-25 minutes of this hour and 48 minute long movie! I hope I've piqued your curiosity and that you do decide to rent, if not buy, this movie! If you're a fan of science fiction, anime, or romance, or anything in betwen these three genres, I would more then reccomend adding this DVD to your collection, it is more then worth it. Be cautious, though, despite being PG-13, the movie does have some strong language at points, but there isn't much to worry about in the way of blood and gore, just fast-paced stylized action.
    And Braireos is awesome. Go buy it. Seriously.
  14. Ka-Chan
    Just a little update on blog progressions.
    -I've got two or three pages done in Gman's EPIC Flying Machine comic, but it's suprisingly tedius.
    -Hand drawn comic has kinda crawled into a corner for the time being. Maybe later.
    -Fancy blog flair and stuffs is still being sorted out, I just need to find the images I want to use.
    -Gonna pick a member to "interview".
  15. Ka-Chan
    Yes, knowing me, you guys would assume I was dead if I didn't get on Bzp in 24 hours. So you must have all been positive that I was dead if I hadn't been active in THREE days! Well, I just had an unexpected three day getogther with one of my buddies I haven't seen in a long while, and man, was it fun!
    I'll write some extensive entries on it soon, but right now I just want to kick back and BLLAAAH. But I'll give you at what happened.
    -Riddick Marathon
    - Vegeta! What does the scouter say about Baby Xar's annoying level? IT'S OVER NINE THOUSANNNDDDDD
    -The ten most random minutes of my life.
    - Gman at his freakiest
    - Unmanly mood rings that are strangely awesome.

  16. Ka-Chan
    3:00-4:00 AM
    Wake up either from own internal clock or from assistance of shrieking DS timer. If the latter of the two, I then proceed to hurl it across the room, making sure it is folded first so it does not crack in half. Immediately get on laptop afterwards.
    5:00 AM
    Go downstairs to snack on granola bars.
    8:00 AM
    Finish up with laptop. Realize I need to go to the YMCA in an hour. Decide to put it off for another day. Go back to sleep.
    11:24 AM
    Wake up again. Have lunch.
    Anytime up until 4:00 PM
    Do something. This could be writing, drawing, loafing, being on BZP, phone up someone, read, mow lawn, resentfully take dogs out for walk, ride bike, do 100 situps, general procrastination.
    4:00-5:25 PM
    See "Anytime Up Until 4:00 PM" but with dinner thrown in there somewhere.
    8:00-3:00 AM
    Repeat cycle with something like a trip to the mall or a sleepover thrown in every once a millenia. And that's a day in the life of TK!
  17. Ka-Chan
    Oh, hey! Quick, look down the trail! Puttering up the worn path, a truck!
    What's it got in it? Oh, carrying Fail?
    Must be for Bzp- guess what, YOU SUCK!
    Okay, so maybe Bzpower itself doesn't suck *on the contrary I'd be a whole lot more bored without it* , but still. That was just... My god. I thought the server murdered Bzp or something.
  18. Ka-Chan
    Went cherry picking this afternoon with mother and Baby Xar because I had nothing better to do. What I didn't count on was bumping into this girl I know that I haven't seen in like, a solid 8 years. I knew her back when my mother used to run a day care at our house when I was like, 5-6 years old. Her father is the one who owns the orchards that we were cherry picking in, but still, didn't see that coming.
    And wow, she was pretty. I mean like, Holy crud, I know this girl from my childhood?! pretty. Thing is, I'm happily dating this other girl already. NO, there was nothing about cheating and being generally unfaithful on my mind, I am better then that and I do genuinley love the girl I'm dating. But still, jeez. It was awkward, especially since she kept averting her eyes from me the whole time like I did.
    Oh, and the cherry picking itself wasn't half boring.

  19. Ka-Chan
    -A Day In the Life of TK (hand drawn)
    Other Things
    - The return of Gman's Pic of the Day!
    - Member interviews!
    - Flare for the blog!
  20. Ka-Chan
    Team Fortress 2 has sneaked into my Steam account without an invitation. And they're leaving the check to me, too.
    So, bottom line:
    WHAT THE - *KAAAA-BOOOOM* *Maniacal laughter*
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