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Blog Entries posted by Ka-Chan

  1. Ka-Chan
    What many of you people might not know about me is that I have a tendency to chuck things. Unfortunate Bionicles, DS' that insist on not letting me win, MP3 players that have gone wonkers, and in my brother's case, anything I can get a hold of to make him shut up his relentless piehole.
    Today, I have thrown:
    - DS after it goes off shrieking in my ear at 4 in the morning. Well, it was less of a throw and more of a slapping off my inner nightstand, but stiil. I heard it go "THWACK" against a wall.
    -Lockdown's leg that keeps popping off.
    -Freshly aquired summer homeschooling work.
    -At least 10 pens at my brother for annoying me, 6 hit.
    -The cat. Yes. The cat. Nothing like having an allergen-loaded, scratching, demanding furball jump on top of your keyboard during a game of HL2: Deathmatch. AND HE KEPT COMING BACK FOR MORE- I swear, I think the little weirdo likes it.
    - I really WANTED TO throw the trashcan at Dog Pimp this morning, but I knew that despite him being an utter jerkface, I would be out-jerking him by doing so.
    -Earphones when they suddenly started getting all crackly and screechy right in my ears.
    And that brings me to the event of the day. I was on the laptop downstairs *I might as well sew the thing to my side and call it my twin* and my brother was on the nearby couch. I was in the middle of talking with The Orb and was ironically mentioning how I throw things all the time *It being some sort of ADHD/Aspergers Syndrome impulse I have*, and Dumb and Dumber *what I call our two dogs* start barking away in the other room. I hate it when they bark. They are painfully loud and will probably be responsible for me going deaf 10 years from now. So I started to yell at them to stop it.
    Dumb little brother decides to start barking to work them up even more. I give him the evil eye and tell him to STFU *with less profanity, of course*. He doesn't. I tell him he was gonna be seeing Hitler soon if he didn't cut it out. He does it again. So I grunt and tell him the whirlwind was upon him and grabbed my random ammunition and fired away.
    What I hadn't realised was that I had grabbed this bizzaro med I have for this breakout I got recently on my face* Probably thanks to that cat if anything* which is half squishy soft plastic cap and half metal airisol can of sorts. Mainly, it's gonna hurt like heck if it hits you.
    By the time I realise what I have done and go "OH #&%@ LOOK OUT BRO", it's already collided with his skull. Immediately he starts crying and I'm yelling "OHGOD are you alright?! And immediately break off in a dash to the kitchen. I grab an ice pack and give it to him, he replies by saying he hates me. I say I couldn't blame him and give him an apologetic hug.
    Long story short, I spent the time explaining things and apologizing to him and stuff- and he ended up forgiving me by telling mom the bump on the head was from bonking his head against the desk. Wow. I felt really unworthy.
  2. Ka-Chan
    Had my first moderator/blog encounter. Worst part is I didn't realise it and kept thinking I was accidentally drafting/locking my entry... So yeah, I guess I'm lucky in the sense that things could have gone a whole lot worse if I hadn't realised it. Guess I need to wake up to reality and see that I can't just run rampant with the entries. Heh.
  3. Ka-Chan
    I really wish I could give you guys pix, but appearently our camera's all wonky and won't even turn on... I could go to the extremes and stick Megs' head in my scanner if you really want the proof. But yeah! On a trip to Target *courtesy of mother for us being patient during her doctor appointment* , I stumbled not across early Mistika like I had hoped, but Transformers Animated Toys!
    Originally I had not liked TFA because I thought they didn't look robotic, but I quickly warmed up to the awesome level of stylization and eventually fell in love with it. Naturally, I went all ga-ga when I saw them. THey didn't have much in the way of the 10$ deluxe, though. I stayed the heck away from Bumblebee *You could tell he was a wreck just by looking at him*, avoided Prime *BECAUSE AUTOBOTS STINKERZ, not to mention I'd rather buy the better Voyager class if I had to*, but they had one Prowl. I snatched him up greedily- I personally am not a Prowl fan, but this toy looked promisingly awesome.
    Next was the mass of Voyager Class. Starscream, Megs, Prime, and Bulkhead. I grabbed Megs in a heartbeat and quickly snagged Starscream. I went for Bulkhead, but in the long run I ended up putting him back because I didn't want to be broke by the end of summer- and I can always get the even cooler leader class for my birthday or something.
    So now I'm at home and it's storming outside. What better day to goof off with them? I've only opened Prowl so far, but god, he alone is fun as heck to play with!
    Anyone else got a hold of these guys yet BESIDES the expensive scalpers on Ebay?
  4. Ka-Chan
    Okay, I want to interact a bit more with the faithful followers of this blog, so I want to get to know all'ya boyz first. So... Anyone else have a habit of staying up so late they more often then not unintentionally fall asleep during the day? Happens to me all the time.
  5. Ka-Chan
    Yeah. Too bad W.I.C.H insists on careening off the table whenever I tell him to move straight. Stupid NXT robot of my own origins.
    Yeah, my grandparents are coming over for 2 days tommorow- and seeing how they live all the way out in Minnesota, it's a big deal. My grandad is a genius. I won't lie to you. He could make your head explode if he wanted by explaining things like logic, chaos theories, and other things that make my brain hurt just by trying to mention them. Well, he is also into robotics- so much is he in fact that HE BOUGHT AN NXT JUST TO UNDERSTAND IT FOR WHEN HE VISITS. So I've been hurrying my butt up to get this poor excuse for a mechanical Moc to not make a fool of itself.
    Oh well, I guess I can't strive for perfection without feeling like a total failure in the process. But yeah, all things including the hand-drawn comic will be delayed until their visit is over.
    Here's to hoping R2-DS's retarded cousin here doesn't shame me in the intellectual field.

  6. Ka-Chan
    Well, I can tell you all this- that sleepover had just about everything in life crammed into 33 hours: Friendship, brotherly love, brother-against-brother, love *Yes, but it's somewhat classified XD*, vegance, genius, idiocy, sheer horror, thrills, and energy drinks.
    You'll get to hear about it tommorow in a super long, first official blog entry.
    Oh, and to all you kids thinking that was Wrack with the megaphone in that drawing- THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE ME YOU NINDCOMPOOPS
  7. Ka-Chan
    Now I lay me down not to sleep.
    I just get tangled in the sheets.
    I swim in sweat 3 inches deep
    Just lay back and claim defeat
    Chapter read and lesson learned.
    Turn the lights off while she burns.
    So while she's 300 degrees,
    I throw the sheets off and I freeze.

    Lids down, I count sheep
    I count heart beats.
    The only thing that counts is that I won't sleep
    I countdown, I look around

    Who needs sleep??
    Well you're never gonna get it.
    Who needs sleep??
    Tell me, what's that for?
    Who needs sleep??
    You're happy wiith what you get and there's a guy that's been awake
    since the 2nd world war.
    Who needs sleep??
    Well you're never gonna get it.
    Who needs sleep??
    Tell me, what's that for?
    Who need sleep??
    You happy with what you get and there's a guy that's been awake since
    the 2nd world war.

    My hands are locked up tight in fists
    My mind is racing, filled with lists
    of things to do and things I've done
    Another sleepless night's begun.

    So much joy in life and so many pleasures all around
    but the pleasure of insomnia is one I'd never found.
    With all life has to offer, there's so much to be enjoyed
    but the pleasures of insomnia are ones I can't avoid.
    Lids down, I count sheep
    I count heart beats.
    The only thing that counts is that I won't sleep
    I countdown, I look around

    Halla halla halla
    Who needs sleep??
    Well you're never gonna get it.
    Who needs sleep??
    Tell me, what's that for?
    Who need sleep??
    You hafta use what you get and there's a guy that's been awake since
    2nd world war

    Who needs sleep??
    Well you're never gonna get it.
    Who needs sleep??
    Tell me, what's that for?
    Who need sleep??
    You hafta use what you get and there's a guy that's been awake since the
    2nd world war


    Yeah, that was Who Needs Sleep? by the Barenaked Ladies *minus the very ending*, and it is the story of my life as a teenager. Yes, I know my head is gonna eventually explode, too. Quite frankly it will be a major relief to me.
  8. Ka-Chan
    Okay, so I have now realised that at this pace, I'll be at this little series forever. So I'm going to try and wrap it all up in one more entry after thise one. Let's try this again WITHOUT THE SERVER SCREWING ME OVER
    TToJAE Part Two: Guss-Sitting
    Okay, as I have pointed out before, Frank's family has dogs. Lots of them. In this visit alone, they got two new dogs altogether; a uber-lazy Labrador called Buster *I quickly took to calling him X-Buster to amuse my inner Megaman-Nerd* and just about the coolest puppy ever, Guss. This little bugger was of great company to me, especially since those two other kids were still there and I was getting completely left out of everything >,<
    A chocolate lab of around nine weeks old, Guss was an irresistabley cute little fellow packing a whole lot of spunk *he seems to enjoy trying to steal toys right out of the mouthes of dogs way bigger then him and usually ended up attacking the dogs themselves* and a whole lot of teeth that he unleashed on just about everything he could get a hold of.
    Well, seeing as half the time I had nothing to do thanks to the other guys hogging everything up, I decided to take little Guss in. The house is so big and filled more then a few slightly dominance-crazed dogs, Guss needed to be put in a kennel when no one was around to supervise him, and you could hear the poor fellow's crying from all the way upstairs. I felt sorry for him, especially since it reminded me of my own dog Nicky during his first time in a kennel, so I decided to don the mantle of "Uncle Carl" and take Guss out of that thing.
    So yeah, I took care of the little one for most of the sleepover; feeding him, cleaning up after him, taking him outside when he had to go while even in a massive storm *See in the upcoming TToJAE segment*, giving him an indulgent amount of attention and taking things out of his mouth that shouldn't be there *This includes T-800 action figures, soda bottles, a stray wireless Xbox controller, and quite a few miscellaneus articles of clothing* ... And I took this guy everywhere. Heck, he even went to the video store with us and he waddled around after me! He had taking a particular liking to me, and Frank's family appreciated how much I looked after the little fellow.
    So yeah, now I have a new friend I can look forward to seeing next time I can come over ^^
    TToJAE Part Three: The Epic PS3 Quest
    Remember how I mentioned we took a trip to a video store/Movie Gallery? Well, that marked the begining of the epic PS3 quest, a tale of lethal lightning storms, tragic lines being drawn, revenge via Iphone, and parachuting sequences of doom. All because of one game: Army of Two.
    Well, we're at the Movie Gallery and so far our focus has been more on the video games then the movies themselves- Frank lost all his PS2 games in a tragic housecleaning incident, his 2 360s both went screwy on him, so he was stuck with his PS3- and he himself qouted that it sucked almost as bad as the Wii. Qouthe myself "AMEN."
    Well, so we're browsing through the video games. I pick up the new Turok game. Qoute the one friend who I admit I hate with a passion "No! I don't wanna spend the night shooting dinosaurs."
    "You don't just shoot dinosaurs, dude. See those dudes on the back? The dinos-"
    "I don't care! It looks stupid!"
    "It looks stupid- besides, this looks cooler. *Holds up some Basketball game*"
    "... Sports games are far more stupid, dude. Why play vidoe games of sports when you can do the real thing?"
    "... Still, no Turok."
    "*sharp exhale*"
    So yeah, since I wasn't allowed to stuff the basketball game down his throat, I just decided to give up and look at movies. And I am telling you, behold the most hillarious knock-off movies I have EVER seen. I still can't believe I found images of them.


    Yeah, and you thought the actual AVP franchise sucked.
    Well, anyways, long story short, I convince the guys to rent Army Of Two because it looked cool. They also rented Rob Zombie's version of Friday The 13Th *I love Rob's music, but I value keeping my lunch down in my stomach* and some emo looking moving about a demonic barber. Seriously, that's just weird. So we pack up the gang and I have Guss in my lap- so we sit back and run the ultimate storm gauntlet.
    A huge tornado was brewing nearby, so we found ourselves driving through pitch black streets blasted with light that scared the snot out of stormophobic Frank, people driving like the speed limit is 5 MPH, and the occasional doe with a deathwish. So when we finally get back to the house, we find ourselves screaming almost as much as that time at The Camp as we run for the house. So we make it inside and all is good. UNTIL...
    "Uh, Frank, the PS3 is in the treehouse."
    Begin a 15 minute long argument about self-sacrifice, not being a hero, and not getting killed by lightning. For someone in such a third-person position, I was able to find the whole thing hillarious, but I myself wasn't gonna go out there. No way, it was a freaking apocakyptic storm out there.So Frank and I are just waiting there for his brother and friend to return- which they do 5 minutes later with PS3 and tv in tow. So we're all celebrating and as if on que, the biggest and loudest dang lightning bolt we had ever seen slammed the ground off in the distance- it scared the crud out of EVERYONE, and we were able to laugh about it afterwards.So in the meantime, we kinda loafed around for a bit, watching some episode of Law and Order featuring a weird little girl in the dorkiest outfit you had ever seen. Finally, we decide to hook the PS3 out and play Army of Two.
    This is long as it is, so I ain't gonna turn this into a video game review. But I will say it was a really cool game that revived the long-dead multiplayer campaign mode- I haven't played a multiplayer video game that involved the people in the same room as you in ages. So yeah, it was really cool, your armor is awesome and the mid-mission shopping was a cool element, but then the parachuting came into play. Simply put, it's gonna kill you everytime. I don't know how such a good game managed to cram in such wonky controlls for that gaming sequence. So after awhile I gave up on it with Frank and went to bed. That is because I am now too tired to write about the entire war in itself over who got to play Army of Two- that's a tale of revenge in itself.
    So yeah, I think I'm done with this little series. Stick around to see what I can come up with next time!
  9. Ka-Chan
    Alright, here we go- the first real blog entry chronicling my usually horrifyingly boring life, but here it's gonna go off with a bang. I don't get to go to Frank's place often, but when I do it's usually a ride on the awesometrain. However, this sleepover was different then the usual because of one critical factor: he had other friends over too. Which meant nothing was gonna go according to plan. And while many wild things happened during this sleepover, I will make it clear that it still sucked in quite a few ways. But I'll tackle this adventure, one event for one entry at a time.
    What You'll Need to Know
    Frank has been my best friend since middle/private school. He's a really nice guy and his parents own the very wealthy *PRIVATE* Farms- so you would not believe his place until you saw it with your own eyes. They have miles upon miles of land and vast fields, an awesomsauce pool, and the coolest bloody treehouse you will ever see. And up until recently Frank was a movie God- he had mountains upon mountains of DVDs and PS2 games alike. Oh, and they're dog people. As in, they have well over 13 dogs, big and small alike. Not to mention they've got an evil parrot that has been plotting to kill me for years now, along with a Boxing Turtle that might as well be a Snapping Turtle.
    Part One: The Camp
    Wow, less then 3 hours into the sleepover and I find myself swept up in a cross-country BMX bike/off-road mule trek to this place they simply called The Camp . Appearently it was this Christian campus of sorts back in the late 80's before it got destroyed in a massive fire. Now, it's a haunted place crawling with creepy stuff, at least that's what they say. Appearently they go there all the time and it's STILL creepy in the day.
    And once I get there, I see they ain't lying. Dude, it was like a rural Ravenholm, minus all the shrieking Headcrab Zombies. The place was overgrown with grasses and all sorts of prickers, and there were desecrated buildings left and right. It was a genuinley creepy place to be, and it was just high noon! Anyways, we're weaving through massive clusters of prickers and poision ivy *Why does every camp, active and long dead alike always have to have that stuff?!* and huge fragments of burnt wood until we get to what I presumed to be some sort of recreational cabin- or what was left of it, at least. It was times like these I was glad we had shoes- it we had been walking around without them, chances are we would only have bloody husks for feet afterwards. Glass, nails, fiberglass, you name it.
    This is where things start going from eerie to uncomfortabley creepy. We're walking in the crumbling remains of the upper floor, and there are burnt bibles everywhere, and I mean everywhere. There was one for about every 2 square feet. That was a little creepy as it was, but jeez...
    We go into the girls bathroom, and an entire area of the wall is torn out- IN THE SHAPE OF AN UPSIDE DOWN CROSS. I am not lying, my skin is prickling all over again as I think about it. One of the guys said it was probably...Err, what did he call them, copper-tappers? Well, he said it was probably from guys who went around the buildings from time to time harvesting all the copper wiring from within the walls for various methods of profit. Sure, that would be believable- but there was no evidence of any more of these wire-tappers anywhere. I swear, it was times like these I wish I had a cell phone. I would have SOOO taken pictures of it. Trust me, it was unnerving and I'm not even religious.
    But anyways, we're on our way out when Franks's slightly younger brother Jim *AKA Simba* says we should check out the dormitory. THAT was horrifying. The whole place was just long, long, long. It was like some sort of neverending narrow hall of burned building frames, shattered glass, and other things. Then we go into the basement, the heaven-foresaken basement. We're just slowly creeping down the stairs, hoping the increasingly cold temperatures is just a result of the pitch black basement and not something else. Jim starts telling us about how he and his friend were down here exploring once and how the whole time they were down there they could hear faint footsteps behind them and all sorts of near-unhearable clattering sounds. He takes to the spot- right in the middle of two seperate corridors, all dark as night.
    So we're standing there, sharing our enthusiasm to get the snot out of there when one of the guys says maybe we should try to talk to it, whatever it is. Everyone gives him this look that screams "NOT IT" . So yeah, he gets the honor. He very shakily starts going on about how we don't want to hurt it and whatnot, and he finally asks if we could have a sign.
    As if on que, we all take off screaming towards the stairs. So we're tripping ontop of eachother as we try to get away from that evil basement, Frank and Shean bolting down an alternate route while I fall over and get glass in my palm on the stairs above, but it doesn't stop me. We break out of that place still screaming like bats straight out of ###### *and believe me, that basement wasn't too far off from ######*. We all make for the dirt bikes... Except Simba, Gabe *I hate that kid* and myself. Why? Appearently Simba/Jim found a flashlight in the mule as we were about to take off, and we had to go back there to try and make contact again.
    So yeah, we're back to where we were less then 5 minutes earlier, except 3 times as terrified. 20 minutes go by as we just stand there on the stairs, trying to talk to the ghost, all of us scared as heck. In the long run though, it was just our own imagination that scared us silly that time around. So we leave, half dissapointed we didn't almost get killed by some unknown entity throwing toilet bowls at us or something.
    It was only 4 hours later that we learned the loud boom noises had come from Shean coming down an alternate route. I swear, we almost killed that kid after hearing that. But still, we all left that place confident that there had to be some sort of spirit wandering those campus grounds- be it some lonely boy who didn't make it out of the fire or some councellor that felt some sort of attatcment there and was too heartbroken to leave the place after it burned down. And we all agreed that upside down cross was about the most haunting thing any of us had seen.
  10. Ka-Chan
    Yup, it tells all. For my first blog entry, besides saying what is in store for you via the drawing, I will say this; I am finally seeing one of my old private school buddies again. Like, the first time since December. So yeah, I ain't gonna be here to tinker with this bad boy until late tommorow. In the meantime, my buddeh and I are gonna spend the day doing:
    -Video games
    -Energy drinks
    -Air conditioned tree house
    - Comics
    -More video games
    -Pool. Lotsa pool.
    -Maybe some other stuff. I dunnno.
    So yeah, see y'all tommorow! *Hops into Monolith and teleports*
  11. Ka-Chan
    Call it reassuring, call it ominous, but whenever I find myself bored senseless I just take a look at my schedule of Fall college courses. Can't forget the whole "Try and find a job in this miserable economical environment that isn't indentured servitude to faceless fast food corporations" part, either.
    Suddenly, being bored to death is a luxury I'm all too happy to have while it lasts.
  12. Ka-Chan
    Well, how else would you explain why I'm back here? One minute Wyatt tells me the site's gone berserk with the signature guidelines and a month later I finally give in to curiosity and sign back on.
    I aced my art and film classes, not to mention graduated. Somehow, I figured finishing homeschooling would suddenly yield more excitement in my life, but not so much. That's up to me and I am working on it.
    Warhammer 40k is starting to bore me. I'm planning on selling both my Necrons and Chaos off to...Well, whoever I can sucker into buying them. Why do I keep the Tau? I don't know. Something about them still appeals to me. But yeah, ultimately I feel like my hobbies should be a little more productive then little green army men. Don't get me wrong, Necrons are still awesome... Just not worth actually owning.
    Video games are starting to bore me. Most. Lost Planet 2 is a blast when playing with my camaraderie, but this online stuff is a silly way to waste time away. Oh and once I evolve this Puptar thingy into that big green guy *Tyrannitar, I think* in Pokemon I can finally stop playing.
    Still waiting for the day when a plane crashes just outside my street. Don't lie to yourself; brushing shoulders with death is the best way to spice one's day up!
    I got a friggin' Art Tablet for graduation! Of course, the software that comes with it is just as, if not more, complicated then Photoshop ever was. So art may or may not ever show up on here. See boredom.
    I'm going to get a nice big electric guitar soon. I figure it was time to get into something new, and I've always wanted to make music on par with Tool, A Perfect Circle and Bad Religion.
    Does this make me an interesting person? PFFFT get out of here. If you want interesting, go visit an insane asylum or something. I'm saving all my prankster daydreams for New Years Eve: 2012. Well, maybe not the Gman's Pizza one, but still.
    Already bored of being on the computer, talk to you all in awhile or something!

  13. Ka-Chan
    Ever had one of them? You know, when you're in the middle of something and then suddenly feel the urge to go out and do a couple dozen life-changing things, but then realize you gotta finish this school assignment due tomorrow and have no time to do that?
    Yeah. I hate those moments.
  14. Ka-Chan
    Despite years of childish ranting and raving against that Gurren Lagann anime, I always thought the redhead chick with the guns was awesome. And only now do I finally accept it.
    That's just terrible, ain't it? I'm so stubborn that if you shot me it'd take several years before I admitted it.
  15. Ka-Chan
    Wow. Clone armies, psychic ghosts and mechs, oh my!
    That game well surpassed the 20 bucks I put into it two weeks back to give me something to do after extensive homework sessions. The funny part is I remember not being particularly fond of FEAR 1. Everything about the sequel kicked butt, though. The combat, the visuals, the voice acting, and the music. Even the plot actually becomes something impressive- Well, maybe not the plot, but rather the backstory behind Alma, the character that really holds the series together. Now, is it a great game that everyone needs to play? Not really. The FEAR games are a series you can overlook in the growing field of immersive FPS games, but if you're into horror or just a really well-polished shooter, you can't go wrong with giving them a spin.
    At heart, it really is just that- a standard FPS game; it has the shootouts, the sniping segments, the parts where you temporarily become a total bad motherhubbard and blow your enemies away, all that. But dangit, it does them in a way with an awesome and distinct flavor. Granted, this is also a very adult game as well- out of many video games I have played, I will say this is one of those games I wouldn't condone kids below 17 playing. Between the heavy language, explosive levels of gore and an ending that really will make you shiver in revulsion, it truly is for mature audiences. I mean, heck, I couldn't even find any site-friendly screenshots to post.
    But hey, if your idea of a good time-killer is blasting away at heavily armored clone troopers with some of the coolest video game music playing in the background as you dodge gunshots and narrowly avoid grenades in slow-motion, 20 bucks can't be spent any better.
    I'm not really going to bother with multiplayer since I don't expect it to be anything special, and let's face it- this isn't the sort of game you buy for that. But who knows? Maybe you might get hooked- maybe you won't. So yeah, that's all I've got, folks. Is FEAR2 the next Dead Space? That's a definite no, but it's still a fun little ride that balances action and horror quite nicely.
    If you want me to get really technical, I'll just break it down like this.
    Gameplay: Running and gunning in slo-mo, delivering roundhouse kicks to peoples faces and piloting mechs. What's not to like? The button-mashing grapple moments are rather disappointing events that often water down otherwise intense moments, though. It's fun, but nothing memorable in itself8/10
    Story:Victimized experiment girl seeks revenge against an unsuspecting world. Not much here. 6/10
    Graphics: The guns look awesome, the enemies look awesome, and an eerie atmosphere that you know you shouldn't wander into but that nagging bit of curiosity ropes you in. Cutting edge? No, but still a good looking game. 8/10
    Music: Action in a first person shooter is a must- but what good is an intense moment without some epic music to heighten the mood? FEAR 2's soundtrack is easily one of the more noticeable parts of the game, delivering a really unique style that ultimately defines some of the sequences in the game. Maybe even one of my top 5 favorite soundtracks. 9/10
    Overall: 7.5/10. It's a good game, but arguably so. Nothing you haven't seen before ultimately, and that's what holds it back from me giving it a more glowing review. Regardless, it manages to keep you coming back with it's unique skin applied to an all-too-familiar game formula. Don't buy this game with any high expectations, but trust me, it's still a fun game.
    Oh, and Alma? If you're gonna start the apocalypse, you could at least have the common courtesy to wear some freakin' clothes.
  16. Ka-Chan
    For once, something ironic that I can say is fitting to the point of it almost being moving.
    I am, of course, talking about the Inauguration of Barack Obama, America's first black president and Martin Luther King Jr. Day coming hand in hand with eachother.
    One could only imagine what Martin Luther King would feel to see how far his movement has gone.
    Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day, people =p
  17. Ka-Chan
    Political bashing image removed. -Kohaku
    Hooray for Photoshop! Neener neener!

    So yeah, I'm rooting on Barack. And no, I don't have any problems with McCain- I was just using what I had avaible to maximize the comedic effect. But yes, I do think Obama is the better choice for the USA. We've been running around in circles for the past 8 years, I personally think we need a new gameplan altogether, not the same approach all over again.

    'Nuff said. Best of luck to both sides!
  18. Ka-Chan
    It's been so well known for such a long time that I hate Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. Yet I never hear the end of it in my own blog and comments section. So allow me to iron this out for you.
    It doesn't matter that I haven't seen the whole series or even any other reason- you fanboys should pay attention to the preachings of Mary Sue Kamina AND REALIZE THAT I KICKED REASON TO THE CURB A WHOLE LONG TIME AGO.
    My opinion has remained unchanged for so long now- you should all get in through your heads that I loathe this thing with a passion because it's officially become ingrained in my mind. We all have something we unconditionally hate, and mine happens to be your anime that is so over-inflated that my voice is getting squeaky from the helium a mile away.
    If I can manage to deal with the epidemic that is this festering pile of physics-defying garbage and not forever harass each of you guys just for liking it, then you can all learn to deal with the one screaming Bzp'er who hates it for no particularly good reason. I'm not stating it's terrible in fact and you're all ignorant, I'm just saying I personally hate the series and you guys need to realize that. Stop pestering me in my comments box about it. Leave me alone about it and I'll leave you guys alone as well.
    Gurren Lagann sucks in my eyes- shut up and deal with it.
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