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Noda Miki

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Everything posted by Noda Miki

  1. Does a newb computer talk like this; 10011100101001010!00!!)1100!)010!))100!)))10010010!)0?
  2. Well, it doesn't really stretch the page much if the content blocks are on the left side, but its your choice... Now...umm....uh..remove the signature already preremoved!
  3. They both have shades of red in them!
  4. Noda Miki

    Poor You

    Yeah, almost as bad as Lewa&Pohatu, who came up with that name!
  5. Noda Miki

    Poor You

    :o Exo's...name...is...normal!!! :o Shocking, I know! :o :o
  6. Noda Miki

    10² Comments!

    No, not again, but for the first time. I mean when has McSpit ever changed his name?
  7. Noda Miki


    Spitty! Llama's may have an evil side! What could that mean? What could that mean!? -from wikipedia But maybe not all llamas are evil? Wait... do llamas even live in Ecuador?
  8. Uhhh...what? How will discover it..if its delete...an..duhh...see what you've done!? You've made my brain go complooie! duh....
  9. Woooooo! Its what I've always wanted since the few seconds ago you offered it.
  10. Noda Miki

    Acorn Festival

    I went forward in time once...probably to forward because the town was covered in weed, some of the citizens were robots, and because I set the time to October, the whole town look half destroyed! I blame the robot/animal overlords...
  11. Noda Miki

    Poor You

    Double chocolate chip! WhAT SPAM? :angrie: :angry: Uh...mmm...cookies...now you got me hungry....
  12. of the Yay! I found it! Now what...?
  13. Noda Miki


    Ahhhh! To confusing! This is why I don't read a Series of Unfortunate Events!!!
  14. Noda Miki

    Pink Tidal Waves

    Umm, it keeps him from falling off. Looks painful... Well if it works...
  15. Noda Miki

    Pink Tidal Waves

    Why is the pole sticking through the llama's belly?
  16. Spirit Metru Spirit Koro Spirit Wahi Spirit Matoran Spirit Toran Spitup Toran Spitup T Spit T Spitty That's how. All those are connected in some way.
  17. Good thing my name is not You.
  18. Noda Miki

    Oh My Gosh!

    Haha! I'm not that gullible. I live close to Washington D.C. and get the Washington Post and saw nothing about that. This whole article is irony.
  19. 1. No idea. 2. He would become a mini him! I don't know... 3. He would create a terribly fused monster! Don't know... 4. Well techincally Vahki is just a sped up matoran language. Kind of like...Iwantsomemuffinsandspacessothisdoesn'tlooklikei'mtypingfast. 5. What's a Mask of Stealh? (You said probably done on purpose.) 6. Umm...what?
  20. Well, maybe its 24, and not 42, or maybe, just maybe... its... 4!
  21. Well, even if you did die, you would still have three lives left.
  22. Noda Miki


    I've heard this skit before. And it wasn't in Mexico!
  23. Noda Miki

    I Didn't Die

    Its been cold here to! If its going to be cold, at least snow. That way its both cold and fun! And you get out of school!
  24. Luigi? Mario? Or maybe even Wario and Waluigi? Hmm...makes me think... Wario and Waluigi's Plumber service! Plumbing for you at 2 dollars an hour! (Not held responsible if Wario an Waluigi aren't actual plumbers. ) And this is why you only hire the true plumbers; Mario and Luigi!
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