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Noda Miki

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Everything posted by Noda Miki

  1. That last one isn't even a real quote. Condition Alert? Yeah, I think this can be considered an entry.
  2. All it is, is a page that says "Project Klinkerpoop, The Official Site." BTW, I tried to eat your blog. And you lied. Its only half-grain.
  3. Noda Miki

    Ham Hciwdnas!

    Hey! I have a Spanish Test Tuesday! Which is only a few days off. There's paper on top of my scanner, too. How could there be such a coincidence?
  4. Random thought: Your blog is the 11th 9th highest rated blog. Just some random thought...
  5. ...can I bring my marshmellow gun to your house? Please? Uh... if you can somehow get to the west coast, sure Spitty has to go on a road trip from the east coast to the west coast? Yay! Hah, I actually did that this summer Nevada all the way back to Spittsburgh. @Chup: ;__; Poor kittys ;; I wanna live in Spittsburgh. Or at least have a city named after me.
  6. ...can I bring my marshmellow gun to your house? Please? Uh... if you can somehow get to the west coast, sure Spitty has to go on a road trip from the east coast to the west coast? Yay!
  7. OMG! The Suletu is not a plagarist because Kongu found that buried in the dirt. What does this have to do with Arthaka? Which sounds like Antartica, which means Arthaka is a plagarist, too.
  8. Noda Miki


    Because he's secretly ... ....*looks around some more* Spitty!
  9. Noda Miki


    No of course not, I am not reading your profile right now, reading all about you and trying to find where your posting, where would you get that idea? Yes I'm kidding, if I wasn't I would be arrested.
  10. Noda Miki


    Its so vague! I love things that are vague.
  11. But what about all those mashmellows I ate.
  12. Haha! I already have one pre-built because I'm always prepared. My Webpage My Webpage Yay, for no titles!
  13. No, I get we're you're saying, just not what you're thinking. By the way I was joking when I said that. Unless...that was a joke? Then I really am not getting what you're saying.
  14. Noda Miki


    The hiest nubah evah. Can you raed tihs? Bucase you solhud be albe to.
  15. Noda Miki

    *glances Around*

    Come on Exo, its his birthday.
  16. So you're saying Hapori Tohu hasn't posted because of your blog?
  17. Noda Miki


    You didn't even speel it funny! What's wrong with you! :angry: Enphinite. Ha!
  18. Noda Miki


    Whanhondrid. I skipped a bunch of numbers.
  19. The I.W.o.T.B. cannot be held responsible for any problems, injuries, viruses, insects, headaches, confusion, ambushes, sugar rushes, spelling mistakes, deja vu, or miscelanious diseases you might encounter while reading this blog. In the completely and believebly rare circumstance that you should face one of those previous incidents, simply close you eyes, lie down, and forget the fact that you were going to file a lawsuit against us. The government is not at all, one bit, involved in or having the knowledge that this blog exists. If you are offended, injured, in front of a virus'd computer, bitten or stung by insects, experiencing headaches, confused, ambushed, feeling hyper, feeling familiar about reading these legal terms, overpowered by smilies, burnt, infested with protodites, or miscelaniously ill, then hey, we warned ya, it's not our fault, concern. Submit your complaints into our paper shredder comment box and we'll record them as a Someone Else's Problem. Sign here please: xL e w a & P o h a t u _ _ _ _ _. I didn't take the time to read it, though. Where is the paper shredder, I mean comment box?
  20. Noda Miki

    Windows 3.1, Lol

    Get wout of the bwue fwont, mister exo! Nah, the blue font looks good.
  21. Noda Miki

    So, How's The Cow?

    Exo! Shame on you. Because you had to go and mention Cows, all the google ads are now about cows. Cows!
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