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Noda Miki

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Everything posted by Noda Miki

  1. Noda Miki

    O Rly

    Oh, and I suppose that he also like llamas. Now thats just nonsense.
  2. Uh....yeah. That makes perfect since. I had a Lewa&Pohatu2. He died also. It true.
  3. Noda Miki

    So, How's The Cow?

    The cows good. That would have to be Takomo. I mean he's stupid. And funny! Few people can make a stupid person continually funny.
  4. But wouldn't gettting the Time Machine back require you to go back and time and stop it from getting destroyed? And wouldn't going back to the present actually be going to the past since in the future the present is the past. Yay, for confusing!
  5. Noda Miki

    O Rly

    Why? Its not like Spitty is good at spitting, there are none such clues to lead me to believe Spitty is good at spitting.
  6. No I believe it was only a stomach ache, maybe heartburn, too. Me no have Pepto Bismal. Only Tums. So I eat you. You taste good, all depends on the color.
  7. I eat Tums when I have a stomach ache. I eat you. o_O Which reminds me of last week, which doesn't remind me of anything.
  8. Noda Miki

    The Afternoon

    I thought Spitty=Exo. I have Spanish and Biology in the morning! Well I actually have spanish in the afternoon and the morning, but thats not the point. Spanish is the brunch of my school day.
  9. Coincidently, in history yesterday...long story short... I wrote someting about the Incas, I think, and the last two words were "potato, llama". Which leads me to conclude half of the history we learn is about you, since your entry title ends with "potato, llama", too. So whenever teachers say something like "the Mongols invaded China" they really mean "the Mongols invaded Tums."
  10. Noda Miki

    I Agwee

    Why is he nodding and not shaking his head? Its one of those bad nods, you know where you telll the the doctor your symptoms and he nods while frowning. Either that or I'm to lazy to make him shake his head.
  11. Noda Miki


    Yeah! I knew it! The - was replaced with Omi and Holla Back Gal! And now the two - in my post will be edited, too. If you catch my drift that is! No, no I don't, Yeah Blog Author diting powers! Bah, how dare you supercede my powers mortal! Yay! I'm a mortal, but just not any mortal, a mortal who's name starts with a C. Yeah, that's pretty special.
  12. Wow, life is unfair. I get lots and lots of homework every day! Uh...Go Sandbox Po-Koro/Le-Koro!
  13. Noda Miki


    Yeah editing posts with Omi instead of Holla Back Gal! Which soon the Omi in my post will be replaced with Omi, too
  14. Noda Miki

    Happy Day!

    Uh, yeah, this speaks for itself.
  15. For real life; I watched a planet, but I slipped and fell on a squid.
  16. Yeah I understand that part, but the rest of your blog makes no sense. Or at least most of it doesn't make sense.
  17. Eh, what? I just gotta say your blog entry made no sense, until you threw the time machine in there. Time machines make everything make sense.
  18. Noda Miki

    I'm Bored.

    1. Pink? Or maybe green... 2. Uh... 3. Fett?
  19. Now how are you going to get a new comic up? If you wait much longer your Arr Comics will die! Oh wait, you still have 14 days before that happens. Uh... have fun in New York.
  20. Wait, if I got Exo, Spitty, and Sporky, all at the same time, doesn't that make me, Exo Spitork?
  21. I'm glad Spitty's blog is so spam free.
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