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Bio D

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Everything posted by Bio D

  1. So Jealous~ I found Sacred Stones in the back corner of a Gamestop during the Christmas break last year and played it with religious abandon untill my save file got deleted. I can't even bring myself to start the game anymore; it hurts too much. P.S. Warioland is a lot of fun. It's still platformer, but it's very much it's own beast due to Wario's. . . unique personality.
  2. gimmegimmegimmegi- . . . Sorry, lost control for a minute there. I wish I wasn't broke so I could read it. Ah well, maybe for Christmas.
  3. *cracks knukles* Allright, first up to bat is the ever splendid Atomic Robo because it's Funny, it's Smart, and because of This: http://www.atomic-ro...om/the-promise/. Every volume is stand-alone, so you can get the first one you pick up. If you're looking for a classic I'd suggest Watchmen or Miller's Batman: Year One. Aaah, past Miller. If you want something epic, look to Thor. Matt Fraction's and Kieron Gillen (who is always awesome, check out his Ares mini)'s currently running arcs are pretty great, but special mention must go to Walt Simmonson, the man by which all Thor writers are judged. His entire epic has recently been collected into a great tome. Some of the best comics money can buy right there. To round out the selection of Thors we have J. Michael Straczynski's recent run and, a personal favorite: Thor: The Mighty Avenger. It's an all ages book that will charm the pants right off of you with beautiful art and storytelling brilliant in its simplicity. You've surely heard of the Scott Pilgrim series, and with very good reason. Those books are darn funny and emotional, son. Back to DC, the old Blue Beetle series (not the current one) is a must. Look up "Blue Beetle Linkara" and the video will explain more. Daredevil has had a lot of great runs, Miller and Bendis being the standouts (and more than worthy), but Mark Waid's current run is just a boatload of fun, something often missing from the horned devil. Get The Immortal Iron Fist if you even remotely like Kung-Fu action. Just about everything Marvel's put out on the cosmic end (think Silver Surfer and Skrulls (just not the ones invading Earth)) since Annihilation has been fantastic. Guardians of the Galaxy is a personal favorite, but I recommend you get through Annihilation first. If you want Superman, look no further than All-Star Superman. Word of warning: it may ruin every other Superman story with it's goodness. Secret Six can almost be called depraved, but it's depraved in an affectionate and heartwarming way. Check out one of the trades some time; it was the best book DC published before the reboot came. The Incredible Hercules is just that. NEXTWAVE is stupid comicbook fun with plenty of laughs and pretty pictures. Justice League: The New Frontier is amazing. Checkmate (up untill issue #25) was some great superhero spy action. Most things written by Jason Aaron can be called gleefully insane, but his Ghost Rider run takes the cake. Captain Britain and MI13 is a book where Dracula attacks Britain with a fleet from the Moon. As for some more comics currently running: Aside from Derdevil, Thor, and Journey into Mystery, mentioned above we have the following: new!DC books that seem great so far: Animal Man, Batman, Aquaman, Demon Knights, JLI, All-Star Western, Frankenstein, Swamp Thing, and Ressurection Man. X-23 is a lot of fun, but it ends next year, same goes for Black Panther. Fantastic Four and it's companion book, FF, are brillaint, but I recommend starting at the beginning of the run (Jonathan Hickman). The X-Men have recently started a new status-quo, so now's a great time to get into those books. Wolverine and the X-Men (Aaron again) and Uncanny X-Force in particular are a lot of fun. Both the current and the previous Moon Knight series are great reads (maybe the one before that too, I have yet to check it out). S.H.E.I.L.D. is high concept insanity, plain and simple. The Marvel Adventures books are often a joy to read; don't let that "all-ages" be confused with "kids only". There are probably a bucnh I'm forgetting, but I'm running late now, and those seem plenty.
  4. Astonishing X-Men is a great start. Do you need recommendations, because I have recommendations.
  5. So, "Am I late?" It took me 42 hours to beat the story. That was ###### impressive. It's easier to list the things I didn't love so, here goes: POTENTIAL SORT OF SPOILERS: The fifth dungeon was dissapointing. Especially after the Sand Sea and when compared to the others. Fi could have used some actual character developement before the ending. While the final battle was epic, I think the final boss could have used some more screentime and motivation. Maybe one last mega dungeon where he would show up intermittently and subtely reveal more about him and Hylia. If you're going to give a reason for Ganon, why not for him? Aside from those flaws, I'd say it was near perfect.
  6. Without spoilers, is Revan as brilliant as we all hoped?
  7. Bio D


    If it wasn't 50 dollars and I actually had any money I might, but for now you're out of luck.
  8. Bio D


    Holy moly, that looks awesome. I will listen to that right now.
  9. Bio D

    Sue From Catering

    That was awesome but I've got you beat: The Ballad of Russell and Julie.
  10. I've gone from "New Zelda, that's pretty awesome" to "GIMMEGIMMEGIMME" these last two weeks.
  11. I'm not even a real brony and I thought it was shipping
  12. I hear Decieved is really good. I'm a sucker for a good Sith story.
  13. Remember, remember the Fifth of November, The gunpowder, treason, and plot I know of no reason why the gun powder treason should ever be forgot.
  14. He still is an excellent "host".
  15. Sandra Smith Isabel Shaw Patricia Vent Eliza Something-or-other (It could be a plot point!)
  16. That patch of hair on your chest has been waiting for this very moment to shine. Let it shine, CF, let it shine.
  17. Well, it was full of wicked sick beats, you. . . Nah, it wasn't that obvious unless the reader was already really into Homestuck. The "cool guy coloring" was the clincher.
  18. John Silverman Samuel Eisenhouwer Thomas Grant Ulysses Smith Maxwell Von Toppington. So, if you're writing a 19th century action movie, I've got you covered.
  19. Bio D


    One day I'll watch this. One day. . .
  20. Bio D


    Everything is sort of a let down after I saw the parody video in which Siri's older sister, GLaDOS, took on her responsibilities.
  21. My condolences. Have fun with Castle.
  22. Bio D

    Tea Time

    Well, everyone is bi for Hungary, so there are no surprises there. My favorite is Darjeling but I usually drink Earl Grey or Rooibos (Redbush) tea. Liqorice tea (which I had no idea was liqurice untill I looked up the english name just now) is a great way to energize you in the morning.
  23. That has to be the most awesome thing ever created with knitting.
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