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Bio D

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Everything posted by Bio D

  1. Bio D

    Tsubasa Wo Kudasai

    When I heard it in 2.22 I had this bizzare mood wiplash. "Oh man this is awesome, Hideki Anno is playing unfitting music while the world ends, and- wait, is that the song from K-On!?".
  2. Sir Gato of BZPower, I dub thee the knight of the unfortunate blogosphere. Hail, knight of the unfortunate blogoshpere Wherever you post people will know Of the most wonderous lessons Of the knight of the unfortunate blogoshpere.
  3. Bio D


    We're just going to use random oldschool song texts until everyone else gives up in confusion? Now they say your folks are telling you To be a super star But I tell you just be satisfied To stay right where you are
  4. I watched it out of curiousity. It wasn't that bad. I mean, my god those have to be some of the worst lyrics I've ever heard, but it wasn't that bad.
  5. Bio D


    The sinners are much more fun.
  6. Bio D


    Fixed. This should be boughten no matter what console you have.
  7. Oh no! I can't believe I missed you!

    *Extra awesome brohug!*

  8. There's always bioware's forum with tech support.
  9. Bio D

    Whisper, Winter

    The trees in the foreground seem a bit off to me as well, but the rest is absolutely, mind-blowingly fantastic.
  10. Yes, you too.

    I'm hugging everyone.


  11. Bio D


    Just fine. Don't worry Veef'ika, I'll be right here for ya, mate.
  12. Bio D


    Man, you think those were tough? The Silmarillion was tough. I usually read 500 page books in two-three days, but that one took me a month the first time. Back to the topic at hand, read the darn book and watch the darn movies. Who cares what people think? You'll have experienced one of the greatest works of fantasy of the last century in both visual and typographic form!
  13. Remake of ruby sapphire? Wow, I can still play that game on the DS. Just, wow. I am actually tempted to buy Black/White with all the improvements that have been wrought. Better music, fully original pokemon that still manage to reference the original Blue/Red roster on occaision instead of SUPAULTRASPECIAL GOLDSILVER that D/P felt like sometimes, and an ACTUAL PLOT. I'm excited.
  14. Having seen the designs, hahaha, no. Some of them are much better for it, some of them... Anyway, the Otter is the perfect representation of Adorable-Cool-BA.
  15. I understand what you mean. Two of the three pieces of literature we have been given failed to entertain me (the third was A Midsummer Night's Dream), and often when I'm shopping for books a voice in my head says "Say [name redacted], you're an intelligent fellow, why don't you buy some adult literature?". Then I promptly ignore it and buy a Horus Heresy book. Hasn't failed me yet. P.S. I liked Huckleberry Finn P.P.S. You still haven't finished LotR yet?
  16. Bio D

    A Twist!

    Ah, but it goes further. For you see, the Sino Gundam (I call it that) got an upgrade. BEHOLD!
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