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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Dorek

  1. Dorek
    | Tohunga: 6/6 |

    #1388 Huki
    #1389 Onepu
    #1390 Maku
    #1391 Jala
    #1392 Kongu
    #1393 Matoro

    | Turaga: 6/6 |

    #8540 Vakama
    #8541 Matau
    #8542 Onewa
    #8543 Nokama
    #8544 Nuju
    #8545 Whenua

    | Toa Mata: 6/6 |

    #8531 Pohatu
    #8532 Onua
    #8533 Gali
    #8534 Tahu
    #8535 Lewa
    #8536 Kopaka

    | Rahi: 4/5 |

    #8537 Nui–Rama
    #8538 Muaka & Kane–Ra
    #8548 Nui–Jaga
    #8549 Tarakava

    | Special: 0/1 |

    #8539 Manas
    #8546 Power Pack
  2. Dorek
    Went to see Motley Crue last night at Cruefest. It was pretty tight. We missed Trapt and Sixx: AM, but nobody really cared. We got there in time for Papa Roach. They were good, but they tried too hard to get people pumped. Buckcherry came on next, and they were really good. No other real way to describe it than just plain awesome. Everybody was totally into it.
    And then the Finale, Motley Crue. This was the best part of the night. In the middle of their set, Tommy Lee got out from the drums and did some crazy shenanigans, which was pretty hilarious. They played some of their best songs, and a couple off the new album, Saints of Los Angeles, which I hadn't heard yet, so that was pretty cool. For the eponymous song, they got the vocalists from the previous bands out, which was fun. As an encore, they played Home, Sweet Home, which apprently has Tommy Lee playing the piano. It was pretty amazing.
    In the interim of Papa Roach and Buckcherry, some guy from a radio station announched Seether, Shinedown, and Sevendust as coming here the 23rd, so me and my friends are gonna hit that too.
  3. Dorek
    WAS AMAZING. If it's coming to your town, seriously, go. It was soooo cool. I went with my friend and his girlfriend (who I met for the first time, and is super awesome), and we had a blast.
    There was Metal Mulisha, a motorcycle thing, but that didn't seem to be anywhere, so we didn't see it XD. There was expensive food, free swag, etc. No cool posters, but I got an awesome T-Shirt (which I'm wearing right now =D), as did my friends. There were side bands, but they weren't as good, though we did watch one or two of em from afar.
    Then, the bands. Mastadon came on first, and were entirely underwhelming. They're an average band, and they put on a mediocre performance. You could tell the crowd was just there because they had paid for it. Dragonforce, on the other hand, was great. Unfortunately, ZP Theart's mic seemed to have some sort of problem, and his voice kinda faded in and out. But the guitars were epic, and they actually put on a show, as opposed to Mastadon, who just stood there and growled.
    Disturbed came on, and everybody was pumped. I'll get the set list some time, suffice to say, they started with Perfect Insanity and they never let go of the audience. Ten Thousand Fists was the high point, the entire crowd was just infused with power and energy. They played a few songs from the new album (Perfect Insanity, Indestructible, Criminal, and Inside the Fire), which was a nice surprise. They ended with Down With the Sickness, which was probably the best way to go out.
    Slipknot was pretty good too. I'm a fan of Slipknot, but I don't know all of their songs, so it was harder to sing along, but they played some good classics (The Heretic Anthem), as well as a few new songs of their upcoming album, which was good. I'll say this, even if you don't like Slipknot's music, you can't say they don't put on a good show.
    So that was my experience. It was good, I met cool people, I had a good time, and it was just all around awesome. Seriously, if Mayhem Fest coming to you, go see it.
  4. Dorek
    So yeh, the Mayhem Festival is tomorrow. I'm psyched. Disturbed, Dragonforce, and Slipknot as the headliners, along with a slew of other great metal bands, it's gonna be amazing.
    It's supposed to last for 8 hours or so, so I won't be on until late, if it all .
  5. Dorek
    Yeh, I'm revamping my room >>.
    I cleaned it today, for the first time in a few years. Took a while. Painted the front wall too.
    I'll tackle my bookshelf one of these days. I also need a CD rack, and a stereo.
  6. Dorek
    It did. Twas very saddening. I don't feel like typing up everything I did before, so I'll condense it.
    1. Saw "Horton Hears a Who!". It was funnier than you'd expect, especially the ending.
    2. Flunked a few tests, but meh.
    3. Finished Torso for my PBZP A. Mebbe I'll post it as a WIP, but I like it. Could be entered in BBC 49, but I'd rather not.
    That was pretty much it.
  7. Dorek
    Well, it started snowing really hard again last night. We barely made it home, though other people weren't so lucky.
    In other news, I ate far too much food last night, and now have a painful stomach to deal with as consequences.
  8. Dorek
    No, it's not as scandelous as it sounds. Basically, all of the upper classmen get on a bus at seven at night, and go out on the town and do random preordained things until seven in the morning. Despite being sick, I'm going, and it's gonna be awesome.
    In other news, it's Pi day! Unfortunately, our math teacher was gone, and we had a math test to top it off. So we're going to be celebrating it on monday, St. Patricks Day. I'm making a pie.
  9. Dorek
    Division got pushed back a month and a five days >_<. Apparently there was some difficulties with the artwork, which can only mean it's going to be super awesome, so it's cool. I have it pre-ordered off Amazon, so... yeh...
    And now I play the waiting game.
  10. Dorek
    I ordered it off Amazon 8D. I'm excited.
    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Teridax? It's fine and all, but it's rather... lacking. Not in awesomeness or anything, I just always hoped it would be longer than that that. Three syllables, fine, but only a few letters, which irks me a bit.
  11. Dorek
    Haha! I revamped my blog! You all thought I'd never do it, but I did! BWAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!!
    But yeh, I like it . I may add on a few more touches here or there, but I'd say it's pretty solid. Modeled vaguely after BD's, and showcasing 10 Years, my favorite band, new album due out April 4th, so go buy it, and call your radio station to get Beautiful playing on the radio, so... yeh.
    Rock on, my BZP homdizzles.
  12. Dorek
    10 Years
    Beauty over wisdom to fit in with their styles
    Your Cinderella story's for a price
    Vanity's a business built to fleece the unique
    Silicon and stars collide, the rest will fall in line
    Just as beautiful as you are
    It's so pitiful what you are
    You should have seen this coming all along
    Visually you're stimulating to my eyes
    Your Cinderella syndrome's full of lies
    Your insecurities are concealed by your pride
    Pretty soon your ego will kill what's left inside
    Just as beautiful as you are
    Jt's so pitiful what you are
    You should have seen this coming all along
    It's so pitiful what you are
    As beautiful as you are
    You should have seen this coming all along
    You're everything that's so typical
    Maybe you're alone for a reason, you're the reason
    It's so pitiful what you are, you should have seen this coming all along
    Just as beautiful as you are
    It's so pitiful what you are
    You should have seen this coming all along
    It's so pitiful what you are
    As beautiful as you are
    You should have seen this coming all along
  13. Dorek
    For focus week this year, I get to go to Greece =D.
    Which is pretty sweet. Plus, I bunch of my friends are going too. So good times.
  14. Dorek
    Edoshi has another trade topic! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Dorek
    I'm gonna be pasted flat on my couch over Thanksgiving, due to having all four of my wisdom teeth removed a few days prior.
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